I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1873 Master, do you want to leave Young Madam alone in City F?

Chapter 1873 Master, do you want to leave Young Madam alone in F City?

Xiao Liu said in a low voice, "But there is no first-class cabin, and I booked business class."

"En." Tang Haotian nodded.

"Master, are you going to England?" Xiao Liu couldn't help it anymore, and asked with a frown on his face. Although the answer to the question was obvious, he couldn't figure out why the young master was going to go all of a sudden. U.K?Shouldn't it be the most important thing right now to bring the young lady back to the Tang family in City A?

Why is this...


Tang Haotian didn't speak, his thin lips were tightly pursed like a line of cold frozen by the wind and snow, fierce and pressing.

be the default.

"What about the young lady?" Xiao Liuyi was anxious, turned his head and looked straight at the beautiful woman in the kitchen, and spoke faster, "Young master, are you flying to England and leaving young lady alone in City F? "

Hearing this, Tang Haotian's face froze slightly, his chest felt a dull pain, he clenched his five fingers almost subconsciously, his distinct phalanges turned cold and white.

How could he...how could he be willing to leave her here alone, she didn't need him, she would feel sad and painful when she saw him, and the ordinary life she longed for most would be ruined by him, he couldn't be so selfish.


Xiao Liu has been with Tang Haotian since he was a child. Although he sometimes feels that his master has such a husky temperament, but that beautiful head is still very smart!

But at such a critical moment, why are you so confused and stupid!

Just because the young lady took care of her all night before the bed last night, especially when he dragged Dr. Lin out of the house together and saw the young lady secretly wiping her eyes when he turned around, he felt that the reunion was not far away.

Really, he would rather eat dog food to his full every day, than sweat and cry for these two people!

Thinking of this, Xiao Liu spit out all the words in his heart again,

"Master, I think Young Madam has you in her heart. To be precise, she still loves you. No matter how hard you coax Young Madam, Young Master, I believe Young Madam will..."

"Six." Tang Haotian said suddenly, Xiao Liu bit the corner of his mouth reflexively, and stuttered in his throat.

Suddenly, I choked.


Tang Haotian stared at the girl in front of the kitchen counter.

She was washing tomatoes with her head down, a strand of soft hair fell down from the corner of her forehead, sticking to the side of her face, making her skin as snow-like, safe and beautiful.

"Whether you love it or not, and whether you can love it again are never the same thing."

The man paused every word, slowly and calmly, but if he listened carefully, there was a trace of inaudible sadness leaking from his slightly tense voice.

When Xiao Liu and Aunt Wang left together, his mournful face almost fell to the ground. Who did he want to talk to about such a painful blow...

o (╥﹏╥) o


There are only him and her left at home, and no one bothers them.

Tang Haotian took a deep breath, squeezed his throat hard, raised his tight lips slightly, and regained the gentle smile on his face, went to the bathroom first with a cane, washed himself briefly, and cleaned himself up. went to the kitchen.

"Leave me here." He leaned his walking stick against the wall, and took the washed tomatoes from her hand, "Go to the recliner and sleep a little longer, you must have not slept well last night, I will wait until the meal is ready." Call you."

Shuifu didn't move for a moment, hung her head and didn't speak.

Tang Haotian frowned slightly, unable to grasp what Fufu was thinking, while helping her dry the water in her hands with a towel.

"Not sleepy, I'll help you here." Shui Fu said with a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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