I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1917 Preparing for the Wedding

Chapter 1917 Preparing for the Wedding

Tang Haotian looked at her with a smile, and answered Lin Xiaoru's words,

"I know."

Shui Fu's eyes widened, what do you know...

Tang Haotian grinned, and said seriously, "I don't want to."

Shui Fu, "..." She was so shy that she couldn't lift her face, why didn't she find Tang Haotian's mouth so sweet before.

cough cough...


Lin Xiaoru and Tang Yu went out, and the couple in the ward were still staring wide-eyed, and they could feel the pink magnetic field between them through the glass window on the door.

"Hey, do you think we can start preparing for the wedding of those two little ones?" Lin Xiaoru poked Tang Yu's waist with his elbow as he walked, smiling coquettishly.

"So fast?"

"Didn't you see the expression on your son's face when he said that Fufu would definitely be his wife?"

"I see." Tang Yu squinted his eyes, and said in a cold tone, "The key is that if he wants to marry immediately, he must be willing to marry immediately."

Lin Xiaoru narrowed her eyes and understood Tang Yu's meaning.

Although the two little ones have reconciled now, this is just a new beginning, to completely repair a relationship that has been severely hurt, no longer afraid, no longer uneasy, willing to give him the rest of his life without any scruples, still It still needs time to run in and the courage of the deepest love.

She had a deep understanding of this point back then.

Lin Xiaoru sighed again,

"I also want to call Xiaoxiao and ask if the wedding date of their second child has been set, otherwise we will discuss that the two of us will hold a group wedding together."

As he spoke, he glanced at Tang Yu again.

Tang Yu suddenly trembled all over his body, seeing his wife's expression of displeasure, so what... did he... say the wrong thing...


In the ward.

Tang Haotian was holding a small shredded chicken wonton in his hand, scooped one up with a spoon, and prepared to continue feeding Shui Fu for breakfast.

Shuifu reached out and snatched it,

"I eat it myself!"

Tang Haotian froze for a moment, looked at Shui Fu's flushed plain face, pursed her lips, and her ears were also red, and then realized that the little girl was still shy about biting his neck just now and being seen by her parents .

"Fufu, actually..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Shuifu had a serious and cute expression on his face, "You are not allowed to speak!"

Tang Haotian silenced his voice in an instant, lowered his eyebrows, rolled his eyes, and said "Oh" honestly.

However, Shui Fu still couldn't eat wontons with peace of mind, because the stare from the top of her head...was too fiery/hot!

"Tang Haotian!" Shui Fu couldn't help but twitched her lips, and directly grabbed the mobile phone on the table next to her and handed it to him, "Playing with your mobile phone, don't look at me!"

Tang Haotian took the opportunity to touch the little girl's hand, and smiled all over his face, looking like a little eunuch who was rewarded by the queen mother.

Who said his little girl can't act like a baby!

Can you be so provocative even when you are angry? ╭(╯^╰)╮


But after a while, Shuifu was distracted by Tang Haotian again.

According to what she just ordered him, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, his slender fingers kept tapping on the screen of the mobile phone, raised his eyebrows, and smiled like a fox stealing fish with his crooked narrow eyes. *Very streamy.

Shui Fu glanced over secretly again, wrinkled her nose, who is this guy chatting with, smiling so happily?

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  PS: You all know who Xiaoxiao Lin Xiaoru is talking about, right? Xiao Xiaoxiao, Xuan Shengbei's mommy~

  Little rabbits, do you want Xuansheng Beichi Shenshen and Tang Haotian Shuifu to hold a wedding together?



(End of this chapter)

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