I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1919 Talking about love with my family Fufu is the ultimate goal of my life

Chapter 1919 Talking about love with my family Fufu is the ultimate goal of my life

Everyone understands, Shangguanyu asked again,

"Have you decided on a name for the little girl?"

Recently, he has been busy naming the little guy in his stomach for the first time. The coffee table at home and the desk in the office are full of books such as the Xinhua Dictionary of Names, and he even went to Ji Yicheng to give him to the prince. Tiantian borrowed all the reference materials he used when he named his name, and now he has written hundreds of pre-selected names in his mobile phone memo...

I have to say that naming a baby is really a test of EQ and IQ.

As far as Tang Haotian is comparable to Erha's double quotient level...

The group squinted at the same time, and cast a white eyeball in an unconventional tacit understanding. The subtext is,

"Forget it, it's too difficult, you absolutely can't count on this guy, let the little girl Mommy come."


At the same time, everyone looked at Shui Fu with a look of great anticipation and longing, smiling with a firm and trusting face of "you must have given the little girl a good name".

But Shuifu shook her head, tucked the corner of her mouth and said,

"Not yet."

Of course she had thought about it before, but the baby's name was always her surname Shui, but the situation is different now, he is by his side, guarding their mother and daughter every step of the way, of course the little girl wants to be with her father local surname.

She unconsciously raised her eyes to look at him, and met Tang Haotian's exceptionally beautiful lacquered eyes, obsidian like stars that had been shattered, their brilliance flowing, indescribably strange.

Shui Fu slightly raised her eyebrows, and pouted the corner of her mouth.

This guy is smiling so flirtatiously, what's the matter?

When she remembered the group of people in the video, she realized that everyone was staring at her and Tang Haotian with disgusted eyes of "Why are you two parents of a little girl!"

A certain father, "..."

A certain mother, "..."

This must not be well thought out! o(╯□╰)o


Everyone was buzzing again, and the theme was of course about "Sweet Couples" and "Little Milk Bun Show". In the end, Owen, Situ Yan, and Li Xize couldn't listen anymore.

Li Xize slapped his thigh, his paws pretending to cover his chest,

"Dear friends, can you hold on a little bit?

Don't forget that there are still bachelors here who are not in love, married, wives, or children, such pink and fruity hurt brothers, dare to ask your conscience, will it really not hurt? "

"Of course not!" Ji Yicheng, Shangguanyu, and Tang Haotian said in unison.

Owen, Situ Yan, and Li Xize burst into tears together.

bad guy! ┭┮﹏┭┮

Owen pointed at Tang Haotian and complained,

"Little Tyrant, have you forgotten what you said when Ji Yaoxie and Xiaocuti got married before?"

Tang Haotian suddenly felt a "thump" in his heart, secretly thought it was not good,

"Owen, give me..."

"It's too vulgar for you to talk about love and love, you want to have a carnival alone! Dare you, now that you have harvested love and returned to the family, you can stab a knife in our heart!" The little prince yelled so heart-piercingly .

Tang Haotian instantly had a strong urge to rush into the video and tear Owen's mouth into rags...

A swish of cold air floated up from his arms.

Tang Haotian's heart trembled, looking at Shui Fu's peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he stabilized his stuttering throat, glanced around, and expressed his attitude calmly,

"That's right, I'm an ordinary person, and falling in love with my family Fufu is the ultimate goal of my life."

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  PS: Little Tyrant: Send a proposition!Have you seen my full desire to survive...

  hahaha~ good night, I love Ni Meng~~~ (Recently, it's really sweet and crooked)



(End of this chapter)

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