I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2133 She was in a coma for 3 years

Chapter 2133 She Was In A Coma For Three Years
"It took an entire hour of CPR to snatch her back from death, but she didn't wake up."

Xuan Yu was startled suddenly, stood up abruptly and grabbed Feng He's shoulders, his angry low growl could not suppress a trembling sound of fear,

"What are you talking about! Isn't Rongrong doing well now! What do you mean you haven't woken up!"

Feng He's heart ached, and he closed his eyes weakly,
"She was in a bad state of mind at first, and she was in a coma after her heart was resuscitated that day. Later, she lay in a coma for three years."

Three years...

Xuan Yu suddenly shuddered all over, his pupils shrunk sharply and stared instantly, like five thunders hitting the top, his face was terrified.

She had been in a coma for three years, and he had never heard of her...

"How is it possible, how is this possible..." Xuan Yu murmured with trembling lips, his eyes were filled with pain and shattered.


"After that, I didn't dare to reduce the dose of methamphetamine injections for her... I'm afraid, I'm really afraid, I'm afraid that she will die so quietly without even opening her eyes to take another look at the world.

It didn’t take long for the small box of drugs I stole to run out, and there was no source of drugs, so I went to buy them, but the ones in the underground underworld/road drug market were different from the special crystal methamphetamine made by Rose Hall. After the injection, Xiaoli’s heart rate It dropped sharply, and all the vital signs were messed up, so I had to think of a way. "

Feng He's voice paused, his eyes slowly turned cold,
"The only and best way is for me to return to Rose Hall again as the young hall master.

Because only in this way, I can freely go in and out of that ghost cave, and I can get the special drugs. Don’t you think it’s ironic, those drugs almost killed Xiao Li, but the only way to save Xiao Li’s life is to continue injecting. "


Feng He smiled bitterly again,
"After I went back, I lied to Feng Kun that the gambling king's daughter had died from a drug addiction attack, and I couldn't live without money outside.

Fortunately, he believed what I said, and he didn't send his subordinates to monitor me all the time.

Before going back to Rose Hall, I hired an old nurse in advance to take care of Xiaoli on the small farm. I secretly went to Seattle to see her every weekend, and every time she lay there quietly. "

As he said that, the expression between Feng He's brows became even more sad, his eyes were full of dark turbulence,

"In those three years, I never had a good night's sleep, and I didn't even dare to answer the phone at night, because I was afraid of receiving a call from the old nurse telling me that Xiaoli's condition was not good.

I worry every day, worrying about what she will do if she never wakes up again, but I am also afraid that if she really wakes up, how will she face this hopeless and collapsing world, her family will be destroyed In reality, she will collapse again. "


Feng He's eyelashes trembled suddenly,
"Finally, one day after three years, I still remember that it was an autumn weekend, in the deep autumn, I drove to the small farm as usual. To the surgeon's license.

That very night, she woke up.

That year, her name was Rongli, but she was no longer the little girl in my memory who held her skirt and smiled in circles with bright eyebrows and bright eyes. "

(End of this chapter)

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