I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2134 In the days to come, we will live together with You Rongyan

Chapter 2134 In the days to come, we will live together with You Rongyan

"...But she is no longer the little girl in my memory who was holding her skirt and smiling in circles with bright eyebrows and bright eyes."

He will always remember the night she woke up.

She was lying on the small bed in the wooden house. The baby fat that was cute on her face three years ago had long since disappeared, and she had become a frighteningly pointed chin. There was no spirit at all, and the most dazzling sun's rays were forever lost in those crystal-like amber eyes.

With a pale and bluish face, thin arms and legs, and an abnormally thin body, he looked like a big-headed doll, showing a terrifying pathology of long-term drug addiction.

She looked at him expressionlessly, her eyes were empty like stagnant water, and there was no emotion that should have vivid emotions.

At that moment, his heart trembled violently, tearing apart like a knife.


"She looked at me and just asked, 'Who are you', until that day I was finally able to tell her my name, but there was no joy, I dare not say a word that I am the son of the master of Rose Hall, Just say that my name is Feng He, and I am a student of Harvard Medical School.

About the bloody and cruel family accident three years ago, she still remembers it clearly, but since she woke up, she has never seen her shed a single tear, she has never cried, she has not made a fuss, and she has never even mentioned it. It never happened.

But the more she was like this, the more sad and frightened I was, and I heard her talking to herself that she was no longer the daughter of the Adelson family. "

Feng He took a deep breath,

"Since then, Xiaoli has changed. He has become indifferent, inferior, and repulsive."

In Xuan Yu's mind, the image of her smiling and saying good night to him last night appeared, and she felt even more sad, as if she had given a big mouthful of lemon juice, and it turned over in her stomach.

He longed to see her smile, but he didn't know that she used to be unable to even cry.

"The most important thing is to be alive..." Xuan Yu's extremely slow voice came out of his chest.

Feng He froze for half a second, then nodded,
"Yeah, nothing is more important than being alive, since Xiao Li is awake, I must let her live well.

From that day until now, for seven years, I have been helping Xiaoli get rid of drugs. The process in the middle is really too painful. At the beginning, she had a drug addiction attack and even committed suicide. Fortunately, she survived. The number of addictions is getting less and less, but I still can't find a way to help her quit completely. "

"I have forgotten when exactly, probably more than a year ago.

That month, she had another drug addiction attack. She tied her hands in advance, fearing that she would hurt me and herself if she went crazy. You know, her whole body was so painful that it was purple and swollen. I injected it for her. After taking the drug, I couldn't help crying while holding her. I hated myself for being useless and not being able to give her back a healthy body.

However, she actually comforted me instead, saying that without me, she would have died long ago, thanks to me for surviving all these years, and even became a doctor who heals and saves people, she doesn’t know how long her body can last , but as long as you can live, you must earn money.

In the end, she smiled and said, "Ah, in the days to come, we will live together with You Rongyan." '"

After saying this, Feng He had already burst into tears, he choked his throat,

"This is the story of the 15 years between me and Xiaoli."

(End of this chapter)

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