I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2135 Damn!Xuan Yu, do you want to be so arrogant!

Chapter 2135 Damn it!Xuan Yu, do you want to be so arrogant!

"This is the story of the 15 years between me and Xiaoli."

[With You Rongyan, we depend on each other for life. 】

These eight words became the softest and most poignant affection that Feng He buried deep in his heart and would never utter.

Until later, he participated in that romantic and moving wedding, and finally saw the girl he liked since he was 12 years old put on that pure white wedding dress.

Rose petals were falling, her cheeks were rosy, and her eyebrows were smiling, like the most beautiful princess left in the world in a fairy tale castle.

That day, he took her by the hand and gave her to another man.

In love, there is no fairness or not, let alone the order of first come, first served. She is the first ray of sunshine and warmth he saw in this closed and miserable world. Even if the world is turbulent and the night is long, he is still grateful. This one, this one is worth it.

And that man was her salvation. He pulled her out of the abyss of self-loathing and guilt that had been hidden from everyone, including him.

He couldn't do that alone.

They have never forgotten each other, and they have lived together in peace since then.

And he will still stand in the distance, watching from a distance, wishing her happiness and well-being.


Xuan Yu was speechless for a moment, his eyes locked on the man in front of him with a sad face but a gentle smile, even though he didn't like the truth, but he had to admit that Feng He's love for Rong Rong was what made him feel Feel the deep love that is shocking enough.

Feng He raised his hand and pinched his sore throat, a stiff smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,
"And then what happened this year, you should know it all, because you were by her side, and you met again.

One day when she came back she was very happy, she was always smiling when she was eating, I was very curious because she rarely showed such emotion, it should be said that she never had, so I asked her why she was smiling so happily.

She was stunned for a moment, then shook her head casually and said that she met a very funny patient in the hospital.

It was only later that I found out that the funny patient that Xiao Li mentioned was actually you. "


Feng He suddenly turned his head, his deep blue eyes shot at Xuan Yu with deep and complicated eyes,

"Xuanyu, you probably don't know how much Xiaoli loves you, even so much that I feel jealous."

"I know." Xuan Yu's lips tightened, and his face became ugly in an instant.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that his tone was too bad, knowing that Feng He had good intentions, Xuan Yu pursed his lips, nodded and sighed halfway,

"How could I not know, my elder brother had already educated me last night, and I knew it all."

Looking at Xuan Yu who was grinning perfectly, Feng He suddenly held his breath in his throat and couldn't get it out, and couldn't get it out, and finally rolled his eyelids violently.

Oh shit!
This man is so arrogant!I really want to hit someone!

"It's good to know!" Feng He sat up from the ground, and gave another fierce look, pulling at the corner of his injured and cracked eyebrows, he couldn't hold back his breath,
"I've said everything I need to say, why, do you want to continue fighting?"

Xuan Yu also sat on the ground with his arms stretched, stretched his legs,

"I have one last question."

"Ask before I have breath."

"Five years ago, Feng Kun was shot to death in his own home, and the monkeys scattered after the tree fell, and the Rose Hall was completely disbanded overnight. Tell me, who did it?" Xuan Yu curled his lower lip and turned his eyes, His gaze was as sharp as a falcon's.

  PS: Little rabbits, who did it? !

  (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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