I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2136 Brother Yu boasted that Feng He is awesome? ? ?

Chapter 2136 Brother Yu boasted that Feng He was awesome? ? ?

"... Tell me, who did it?" Xuan Yu curled his lower lip, turned his eyes, and shot them straight like a falcon.

Feng He suddenly tightened his five fingers, his distinct knuckles were faintly white, but there was no wave in the expression between his brows, and his eyes swept over him even colder.

"I." A single-syllable word came from the corner of his blood-stained lips, so cold that there was no warmth at all.

Five years ago, on the night of his mother's death day, he returned to Rose Hall, pointed a gun at the man's heart in the living room, and killed him with his own hands.


Feng He's blue eyes gradually deepened, and a thin layer of cruel light appeared,

"A person like him should have died a long time ago. When he killed my mother 20 years ago, when he killed Xiaoli's family ten years ago, he should go to the [-]th floor of hell and never recover. lived for so many years."

Although Xuan Yu had already guessed that this was the case, it was another matter to hear it with his own ears. Feng He admitted that he had killed his father, and he was a little shocked.

"Why, the mafia godfather was also frightened by my act of killing his father?" Feng He met Xuan Yu's locked eyes without any hesitation, still with a gloomy face.

Xuan Yu raised his eyebrows, glanced lightly at Feng He's tightly clenched fists hanging on his legs, and said with a casual tone,

"Are you kidding me? I've never been intimidated by anyone. I just think you're pretty awesome."

"...Awesome?" The corners of Feng He's mouth twitched suddenly, and the way he looked at Xuan Yu felt like he was looking at a psychopath.

Xuan Yu nodded,

"Yeah, you said that you have such an inhuman father, who was poisoned and polluted by what he heard and witnessed since he was a child, but he is still not crooked, and his roots are still young, isn't it awesome?"

Feng He choked in his throat,

He suddenly didn't want to talk to this man anymore, really, can someone drag him away quickly?It's just... too much talk!!!(¬_¬)
Feng He suddenly realized that just now he had become dark because of killing Feng Kun, why suddenly... disappeared?

Xuan Yu kicked Feng He's calf,

"Can you stand up?"

"Wait a minute." Feng He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked over with heavy eyes, "You've finished asking me questions, now it's my turn to ask you."

Just as Xuan Yu was about to stand up, he heard Feng He say,

"Can you promise to help Xiaoli quit drugs completely? Her body is not as good as she looks now, if not..."

"Shut up!" Xuan Yu yelled, directly cutting off Feng He's unfinished words, with a cold look on his brows,
"Rong Rong has agreed to go back to Mexico with me, and will go back in the afternoon. My Uncle Xiao is a ghost doctor waiting for us at home. He must have a way to help Rong Rong detoxify."

Feng He's face brightened all of a sudden, then it darkened again when he thought of something, he nodded his head lightly and murmured hoarsely,
"That's good, the ghost doctor must have a way..."

Xuan Yu glanced at Feng He,
"Do you keep all the information about Rong Rong injecting drugs?"

"Of course!" Feng He immediately turned up his voice seriously, "I have organized all of Rong Rong's physical reports for the past ten years and stored them in the USB flash drive of the computer. I also have the analysis data for injections of methamphetamine. Is it useful?"

"Of course it's useful!" Xuan Yu's face lit up, "Give it to me."

"Okay! But I didn't bring the USB drive with me. It has been locked in the safe in Seattle. I will drive back later and send it to you on the computer."

The two men looked at each other and nodded heavily at the same time.


Doorbell rang.

(End of this chapter)

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