I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2143 I'm backing you up, you're still nervous

Chapter 2143 I'm backing you up, you're still nervous

"Xuan Yu, are your parents at home?"

"They're all here." A certain man was still thinking about making a phone call with Feng He, for a moment he didn't pay attention to Rong Li's tone when he asked this question, and blurted out casually,

"In addition to the boss and the third son, there is also my younger brother-in-law. They stayed there after they went to city A to attend the wedding. Knowing that this time I finally took you home, I also flew back this morning."

A certain woman, "..." touched her nose, silently...not speaking.

"Oh, yes, there are also Nuannuan and Mofeng. They flew from Washington to Mexico in the morning. They probably have arrived home by now. Boss Liancheng is still in Italy. Recently, there have been a lot of hidden fires. He sent a message in the group saying: Get there before dinner."

Rong Li was completely speechless, staring at Xuan Yu with a pair of clear shallow eyes wide open, his usually calm and calm face showed a rare expression of "Oh my god! My baby!" Really freaked out" cute dazed expression.

And, a little... Cowardly.


After Xuan Yu finished speaking, he thought of what Rongli was worried about, suppressed the spoiled smile that could not be concealed from the corners of his lips, and deliberately pretended to be ignorant and asked back,
"Rongrong, what's wrong?"

Hearing him call her name, Rong Li was startled, swallowed hard reflexively, shook slightly dizzy,
"It means, besides your parents, are all the brothers and sisters you told me that day also at home?"

Xuan Yu grinned and nodded, serious,
"Almost, Brother Cheng and Xiao Keai are not here, but I guess this family will come over for vacation in two days, and they are the most lively."

Rong Li took another long breath, her forehead started to twitch, there were so many people... She agreed to go home with Xuan Yu last night when her head got hot, and she didn't even expect "to go home with Xuan Yu". What is the ultimate meaning of "he went home".

This is exactly... a daughter-in-law who has never been married meets her in-laws!

Rongli's ears were almost smoking, and there seemed to be thorns under his buttocks, and he began to fidget, his wandering eyes just couldn't meet Xuan Yu's smiling eyes.

It was so quiet for a while.

Xuan Yu was not in a hurry, lowered his head, put one hand on her shoulder, and focused on her, seeing all the colorful expressions on her exquisite and beautiful face that could be compared to a mime on stage , the joyful smile on his lips could not be suppressed, and his eyes were full of joy.


Rong Li couldn't stand the scorching eyes that fell from the top of his head and were about to stare a hole in her face.

"Xuan Yu, I'm a little--wow..." She just raised her head to confess, but the light in front of her eyes dimmed slightly, and the corners of her lips pressed together warmly and softly.

He kissed her lips, inch by inch, tracing them carefully, until finally they were tightly pressed together, swallowing the word "nervous" that she hadn't finished saying into his throat... …

Her eyes were still wide open due to excessive fright, and she looked at his eyes that were not closed at close range, and could even feel his long eyelashes gently brushing her sensitive upper eyelids, she couldn't help trembling, panting There was a thin itch.

She clearly saw the gentle smile in his eyes that was about to overflow, and heard him say against her lips,

"With me backing you up, you're still nervous."

(End of this chapter)

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