I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2144 He kissed her and said, "I dare not lie to you."

Chapter 2144 He kissed her and said, "I dare not lie to you."

"With me backing you up, you're still nervous."

At this moment, Rong Li heard the "thump, thud, thump" heartbeat in his chest, which was more lively and arrogant than drumming and passing flowers, and he nodded subconsciously in a daze, because the sound overflowing from his lips became sticky and sticky Waxy,
"Well... there are many people in your family..."

He couldn't help laughing out loud, it's rare to see this woman look so delicate and timid, holding her slender wrist bones and pinching her, with obvious coaxing,
"But they all like you, that's why they all gather at home."

"You said this yourself. Your parents and brothers have never seen me, and they don't know what kind of person I am. Do they just like me out of thin air?"

Rong Li finally regained consciousness, the intertwined breathing of the two people under the tip of their noses filled her pupils with a thin layer of hot mist.


Suddenly there was a "click" in the air.

Xuan Yu directly unbuttoned the safety buckle around her waist, only to feel her body lighten up, and the whole body was picked up by him, like a child, and fell into his arms in a second.

Because her center of gravity was unstable for a moment just now, she hooked the back of his neck with her reflexive hands.

So the current posture is that she is sitting sideways on his lap, with her two slender legs dangling in the air.

The kissing lips of the two separated a little, but they still kept the tips of their noses touching, and they didn't even miss each other's eyes.

Tolerate tongue knots,

"You... what are you doing?"

It's over, and her face is starting to smoke...Hands and feet are stiff...I don't know how to breathe...

Xuan Yu couldn't help but pecked her blushing face again,
"It's because my dad, mommy, and the others have never met you. If they had, they would know you better, and they would definitely like you so much that they would treat you as their own daughter."

"Am I as good as you say?"

"Don't believe my eyes?" He raised his eyebrows arrogantly.

Rong Li tucked the corner of his mouth, and rolled his eyes in silence, heh, I've never seen such a narcissistic person, is he praising her or himself.


Xuan Yu was amused again by her cute look, her chest was full and swollen.

After a while, she sighed, lowered her head and kissed her trembling eyelids, and said in a slow but firm tone,

"You probably don't know how good you really are.

Mrs. Rong of my family used to be a princess standing on the top of the castle wearing crystal shoes. A doctor in a big coat standing in front of the operating table to rescue the dying and challenge death.

There are so many people coming and going in this world, but there is only one Rongli, she came to me regardless of everything, and tendered my life, tell me, how good she is, that makes me depend on her all my life , without her. "

The light in front of her eyes was blocked by him, and in the thin shadow of the backlight, she saw his moist lacquer eyes, which only reflected her face, and there was a slight curved smile on the corner of his lips, which was not so deep. , but it is the warmth and gentleness that only belongs to this man.

With just one glance, Rongli fell into it.

At this moment, my heart was so soft that I couldn't restrain the hot tide in my eyes, biting the corner of my mouth and muttering,

"Why are you so good at coaxing people..."

Xuan Yu shook his head, clasped her thin fingers between his fingers, and clasped her ten fingers together,
"I dare not lie to you."


  ps: Oops, it's a feeling of heartbeat ()
  I saw a little rabbit leaving a message saying that I also want to make soy sauce for the ruthless Weiyang~

(End of this chapter)

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