I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2179 He is like the hero in a tragedy movie, crying so sadly

Chapter 2179 He is like the hero in a tragedy movie, crying so sadly

Xiao Jintang couldn't say these four words.

Such a long passage, to Xuan Yu's ears, was like an electric current strongly disturbed by a magnetic field, buzzing with harsh busy tones, almost every word could not be coherent, but he understood it,
"Rong Rong is dying, she is dying..."

Tears just fell straight out without warning, "slapping", smashing to the cold ground.


Xiao Jintang was also very uncomfortable, pinched his throat heavily,

"Second brother, I'm sorry, Uncle Xiao hasn't found a solution yet, Xiao Rongrong is really a kind girl who makes people feel distressed, and she told me to tell you that she is fine before the injection.

I know, she is your life, you can't accept losing her at all, we are all the same, but even if this is the case, you have to face it, because it is a fact that Uncle Xiao can't cure Xiao Rongrong, you always To brace yourself and be with her... get ready. "

These words can only be said by Xiao Jintang, really, it is too cruel, even Xiao Jintang feels bitter in his heart, but he has to say it.

A large hot mist had already floated in front of Xuan Yu's eyes, hazy, blurring all vision, the muscles and veins of the tightly clenched right wrist were so painful that they were about to go numb.

Are you ready?
Do not……

Without her preparation, he will never be able to do it well, forever...

Suddenly, Xuan Yu's stiff jaw trembled, and he looked at Xiao Jintang with dull eyes, his neck turned more clumsily, his originally gorgeous voice became so hoarse, and he uttered each word with difficulty,
"Does she know too?"

Xiao Jintang's gaze was silent, and he nodded slowly. Thinking of what Xiao Rongrong said to him before he just came out of the laboratory, he felt even more ashamed of this pair of kind children, and looked at Xuan Yu even more secretly. .

At that moment, the tiny sporadic flames in Xuan Yu's eyes that were still struggling were ruthlessly annihilated with a "squeak".

He rolled his throat, licked the corners of his mouth, and the sound he made was almost inaudible, and he said with a very light wry smile,

"She knows..."

She always flaunts the fact that she is also a doctor in front of him, not to mention how sensitive and delicate she is, she is probably very clear about her physical condition.

Of course she should know, even, this week, she discovered that her own memory was fading earlier than him.

It was as if all the thick fog outside fell into his eyes, turning into a cold ocean.

Before, Xuan Yu never thought that one day, he would cry so heartbroken like the heroine in a tragedy movie...


From this day on, Rongli's physical and mental state became worse, he was only awake for three or four hours a day, and slept the rest of the time, his whole body was muddled and he had no energy.

Xiao Jintang was worried that Rongli would be addicted to drugs at any time, so he asked Xuan Feiliancheng and others to move the instruments and equipment in the laboratory to Xuan Yu's room on the second floor, as well as those special chain shackles.

Xuan Yu and Rong Li lived together, he really stayed with her every step of the way, and even carried her to the toilet.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon that day, Su Yan and Ji Yinuo flew over from City A with their twin princesses, Xiao Fan Xing and Xiao Cui Can.

Because of the arrival of this family, the two little princesses were so beautiful and smart that it was ridiculous, and the atmosphere of the castle that had been gloomy and dreary for a day finally became lively and joyful again.

(End of this chapter)

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