I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2180 Dead goblin, only you have more chapters!

Chapter 2180 Dead fairy, you talk too much!

The atmosphere of the castle, which had been gloomy and dreary for a day, finally became lively and joyful again.

"Uncle Little Fairy, where's my second uncle Yu? I miss my second uncle." Xiao Cuican was held in Xuan Fei's arms, and she jumped vigorously on her two short meaty legs.

The two little twin princesses of the Su family are almost two years old. It has to be said that genetic inheritance is definitely the most miraculous and great biological phenomenon in the world. Su Yan and Ji Yinuo are both born with beautiful appearances, and the twins even inherited their father's natural beauty. Of all the advantages of the mother, a quarter of them come from Su Yan's Italian mixed blood.

The two little princesses saw that the longer they grow, the more beautiful they become, and the longer they grow, the more juicy they are. They are even cuter than the Barbie dolls in fairy tales.

However, Xiao Fanxing and Xiao Cuichan are fraternal twins, and they don't look exactly alike. Xiao Fanxing looks a little more like Ji Yinuo, and Xiao Cuichan's facial features are almost carved out of the same mold as Su Yan, but they are both very beautiful.

So much so that every time a big cat dad shows his daughter’s photos on Weibo, thousands of sand sculpture netizens will frantically build a building and comment below, "My daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law!", or "My daughter-in-law!" An old aunt really wants to be a door-to-door son-in-law!!!" and so on... and so on.

Because of this, Su Yan has been sitting firmly on the throne of "national father-in-law", even Ji Yicheng can't shake it. After all, Boss Ji's family is twins, with only one beautiful daughter, and they can't compete in numbers.


Xuan Fei was almost dizzy from the goblin's head bouncing around by the little princess in his arms, silently thinking, Xiao Cuichan looks like Su Yan, but her temperament is not inherited at all, she is even more mischievous than Nuo Xiao Nuo when she was a child, Xiao Fanxing has a quieter personality, look, being hugged by Ye Dada is so obedient.

Su Yan has been looking towards the laboratory, obviously absent-minded, not paying attention here.

Xuan Fei pouted and kissed Xiao Fanxing's cheek,
"What's the matter, don't you like the goblin uncle the most? Why do you want the second uncle?"

Little Cuican was shaking her head from side to side, her soft and tender voice seemed to contain a piece of toffee, she was so cute, her big eyes rolled around,
"Mommy said that the second aunt is sick, and the second uncle Yu is in a bad mood. I need to hurry up to comfort him."

"How does Little Cuican plan to comfort Second Uncle?"

Xiao Cuichan tilted her head, biting her white and tender fingers as if thinking, suddenly her big eyes lit up,
"Kiss, hug and hold high!"

The whole family laughed, Xuan Fei sighed to Su Yan,

"Su Damiao, I bet that your second princess will definitely be a flirtatious young girl when she grows up. When you fall in love, you have to pretend to gossip every day and follow her ass. Raise your hand high and slap that kid to death."

Su Yan immediately rolled a globe's big eyes and came over, dead fairy, you're the only one who talks too much!
However, he really thought about what Xuanfei said...

Thinking that his little golden eggs will be bullied by other pigs in the future, a certain meow dad feels deeply sad...incomparably anxious...

[The Duke, a noble shepherd dog who protects the master here, also feels the same way: its two beautiful little masters...]


Just as Su Yan was staring at Xuan Fei, the door to the laboratory opened. As soon as Ji Yinuo and Xiao Jintang arrived at the castle, they entered the laboratory together. The two of them didn't eat dinner, and they didn't come out until now.

"Xiao Nuo." With a flash of Su Yan's figure, he ran over in a few steps.

  PS: Little bunnies, happy Lantern Festival~!Eat glutinous rice balls today!

  Good night, I want to hug and hold high~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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