I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2217 He Can't Forgive Himself

Chapter 2217 He Can't Forgive Himself
"Are you sure the second one is better now and not worse?"

Xuanfei choked his throat, and suddenly widened his eyes in horror. In the past month, because the new virus in his sister's body and her own system were still mutually exclusive, she was in danger several times and three times. Ten times, Uncle Xiao didn't even dare to leave the sterile isolation room. It wasn't until last week that Sister Rong's condition gradually stabilized.

From the very beginning, Xuan Yu's collapse, pain, and helplessness...then the depression, restraint, and calmness when he heard the news of her critical illness...until the end, it became almost a kind of numb emotion...

"Indeed, it's even worse." Xuan Fei nodded his head seriously, and the two cousins ​​continued to stare at each other secretly while expressing their respective opinions.

Ji Yicheng sighed,

"Actually, I can probably understand how the second child feels now, because I have also experienced it.

Back then that kid Shi Ming came to seek revenge on me for Xiao Qi, and I was almost dying from the poison. In order to get the antidote and save me, Qing Baoer agreed to Shi Ming's request without telling me, but when I woke up, she Not with me anymore.

At that time, I couldn't even imagine how terrified she would be if she was hijacked by Shi Ming alone, but just to let me live well, she did it without hesitation.

Obviously I am the man, she is my woman, obviously I should protect her, but I became the one to be protected. "

Until now, Ji Yicheng still listens to the recording that Jing Qingge left him in his mobile phone from time to time. Every time he hears her last sentence,

"May my lover have a safe and happy life."

He still can't help but have red eyes, happy and sad, and even more distressed, it's the kind of throbbing pain, and the apex of his heart is trembling.


Ji Yicheng paused for a moment, his eyes dimmed, and then he continued,
"Now the second child is in the same situation as I was then, even more cruel than me and Qing Bao'er.

Because the one who is about to disappear is Rongli, and the one who suffers from the beginning to the end is her.

In order to make the second child's life easier, Rong Li concealed from him the fact that he was seriously ill and was about to die, asked Uncle Xiao to help her lie to him, and even tried to bring him the sweetest happiness in his last days, making him feel happy .

When the second child knew the truth of all this, he felt great pain, pity, guilt, and even resentment for Rongli in his heart, because Rongli ignored his firm wish to suffer with her and pushed him away. After she opened it, she endured all the cruelty alone and fearfully, and was destroyed alone.

These tormenting and painful emotions would become deeper every time he saw Rong Li lying there lifeless, like a heart-eating storm, crushing his psychological world.

The second child, he still can't forgive himself. "

When it came to the end, Ji Yicheng sighed more helplessly in his tone, glanced at Xuanfei inadvertently, and saw a certain goblin staring at him with adoring eyes,
"Wow! Damn it! Brother Cheng, when did you become an emotional expert? You are so sensitive and delicate, you don't look like a domineering president anymore!"

"Get out!" Ji Yicheng rolled his eyes resolutely, it was not because of love, and he squinted in disgust,
"That's why you're still heartless."

(End of this chapter)

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