I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2218 Brother Yu should already know...

Chapter 2218 Brother Yu should already know...

"That's why you're still heartless."

Xuanfei snorted,
"That's because my brother dotes on me!"

Ji Yicheng didn't roll his eyes this time, and just ruthlessly exposed it.

"Look how arrogant and arrogant you are, have you forgotten the heart-piercing crying yourself so quickly?"

Sure enough, Xuan Xiaosan's face collapsed, and the corners of his mouth trembled. Brother Cheng is too bad!

"However, to meet such an outstanding and peerless man like Ye Da, I will show off if I am allowed to go." The big boss of a certain season smiled darkly again.

In an instant, Xuan Xiaosan was consummated again, so that's a must!Ye Da is number one in the world, unrivaled!
"It's the bitter one who has become the second child." Ji Yicheng turned his head to look at the quiet man inside the glass door again, staring at him,
"But again, according to the heart knot of the second child I just analyzed, he will definitely not be able to relax for a while.

But now Rongli is still alive, this is the most important thing, even if he was kept from knowing about it before, he now knows that Rongli's dangerous situation is almost exhausted, she has survived , this should be a happy event enough to make the second brother turn his sorrow and pain into motivation, but look at your second brother. "

Saying that, Ji Yicheng poked Xuan Fei with his elbow,
"My eyes were dull, my expression was dull, and my expression was dull. I sat there for several hours, maintaining the same posture from the beginning to the end without moving.

Little goblin, don't you think the second child is like a severe grief patient who has been greatly stimulated and has become terminally ill? "

Xuan Fei looked at Xuan Yu in the isolation room, and stopped talking.

Ji Yicheng made the final decision,
"According to my analysis, the second child is so negative that it is absolutely abnormal!"

"Brother Cheng." Xuan Fei suddenly straightened his face, his brows were tightly tightened, and Ji Yicheng's heart "thumped" when he saw it.

"Actually, Sister Rong still has one thing to say..." Xuan Fei lowered his voice, and Ji Yicheng leaned over with his tacit ear.


"What!!!" Ji Yicheng's body trembled, and he was almost stimulated to jump up. Xuanfei stretched out his paws and hurriedly covered his mouth, his forehead twitched, "Hush down! Don't be fooled!" Brother Yu heard it!"

Ji Yicheng slapped him flying, Xuanyu was in the isolation room, separated by a layer of special glass, it was strange to hear it, the two of them were typical guilty consciences.

Xuan Fei pouted.


Although he really couldn't hear it, when Ji Yicheng spoke, he deliberately lowered his volume, even more cautiously than Xuan Fei,
"You mean, before Rongli asked Nuo Xiaonuo and Uncle Xiao, after she died, let them erase the second's memory of her?"

Xuanfei nodded, paused every word,
"Erase all."

Ji Yicheng took a breath of air, feeling a chill for no reason.

Xuan Fei's heartbeat also accelerated,
"On the day of the wedding, Uncle Xiao rescued Sister Rong back, and then specifically explained to me and Nuo Xiaonuo that this matter should be treated as if Sister Rong had never said anything about it, let alone mentioning it to Brother Yu, so that we will rot in our stomachs. Lian Ye didn't say much.

But after hearing what you said just now, and looking at brother Yu's current state, I was thinking, maybe the second brother already knows..."

"What do I know?" Suddenly a low, mellow and deep magnetic voice came over.

A certain pair of cousins ​​almost hugged each other tightly when they saw the man who was still in the sterile room suddenly come out, standing a meter away and looking at them with doubts.

Ji Yicheng, "..."

Xuan Xiaosan, "..."


  The mother rabbit asked: Do the cubs think Brother Yu knows?
  Good night, mua~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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