Chapter 2458
"Stop being sad for your godly husband, the boss told you to go to his office, I need you."

Qin Su looked up for a moment,
"The boss is looking for me? What's the matter?"

"How do I know? He won't tell me what he's looking for you." Da Xiong spread his hands, shook his head, and went back to his office. Just to add, in a serious way,
"Maybe the boss sees that you have worked too hard to lead the team to work overtime and write a notebook recently, so maybe you are thinking about rewarding you."

"???" Tan Su silently looked dazed and dazed...

Award, award?
Hasn't the new team only started a week ago?There is no important progress yet, even if you want to stage a scene where the boss is sympathetic to the employees, at least you have to wait until the book is halfway completed!

Tan Su felt that what the senior bear said this time was not reliable at all!

Tan Su took the mobile phone and put it in the pocket of his jeans, got up and ran to the boss's office.

"Knock, knock." She raised her hand and tapped on the frosted glass door twice before pushing the door open.
"Boss, Big Bear said you were looking for me—uuh..."

Just as Qin Su walked in, a big hand suddenly covered her mouth tightly from behind.

Tan Su was so frightened that his limbs became stiff instantly, his scalp went numb, his toes were stretched out, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

This... what's going on!

Their boss's reputation in the industry is top-notch. Although he is essentially a beautiful male goblin who talks nonsense when he sees people, the boss's relationship between men and women is absolutely clear and extremely clean!

But what is going on now!

The boss eats her tofu?

She is about to be [industry submerged, rules]? ? ?


Tan Su shivered all over again, and suddenly a burst of anger surged from his chest.

It is said that those in the entertainment circle are all about bao/, raising and prostitution, while those in the screenwriting circle are secretly prostitution and playing bad things.

She didn't judge the first half of the sentence before, but the second half of the sentence is simply a great insult to their screenwriting circle, okay?

Dare to love is true!
"You let me go..."

Just when Tan Su was shaking with anger and his eyes were red, a voice as warm as water suddenly came from behind his fair ears——

"it's me."

There are only two words, but it seems to have traveled through such a long millennium, dating back from the most distant and ancient kingdom.

right next to her ear.

All of a sudden, Tan Su's heart trembled slightly, and his heart, which was flustered a second ago, became quiet and peaceful in an instant, but he threw another crystal stone, which caused his heart to rippling, and beautiful ripples appeared layer after layer.

It's him.


As soon as Tan Su's eyes lit up, his entire face brightened with joy. He was so excited that he jumped into his arms and turned around, bumping into the man's deep eyes with a gentle smile.

The corners of Tan Su's mouth were almost grinning to the back of his ears, and he didn't realize that he embraced him, hanging around his neck like a koala, smiling with cute eyes,
"Da Shi, why is it you!"

  PS: Little rabbits think Shida can go too far?Hahaha~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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