I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2459 Male god, you are too flamboyant! ! ! 1

Chapter 2459 Male god, you are too flamboyant! ! ! 1
...smiling with delicate brows and eyes,
"Da Shi, why is it you!"

Shi Muyang especially enjoys his little girlfriend's initiative to act like a baby, and even more impolitely, he puts two hands on Tan Su's slender waist, tightly wraps her in his arms, and laughs lightly. *Frivolous and wicked,

"Who do you think it's not me? Your boss?"

While talking, he rubbed her nose with the tip of his nose, very intimate.


Tan Su was startled suddenly, and fixed there as if he had been tapped on an acupuncture point.

She blinked her eyes, and only then did she realize that she was almost completely attached to Shi Muyang now...

Qin Su took a deep breath, grabbed his little heart, and roared silently:
Qin Su, please be more dignified!
Put away your se/heart!There is also a halazi that is about to flow out of the corner of the mouth!

You have to be reserved!
Calm down...

Tan Su was silently doing self-psychological construction. She was smiling with white teeth all over her mouth just a second ago, but she wanted to hold it back all at once, so the corners of her mouth were trembling, not to mention how strange that expression was. .

"What's the matter?" Shi Muyang couldn't keep up with Tan Su's brain circuit for a while, and felt that the little girl suddenly seemed to be going to the front line.

His face was wrinkled into a ball, tragic and tragic, but also inexplicably felt so cute.

Shi Muyang thought together, paused again, and said something that almost made Tan Su angry,
"Is your aunt here?"

"..." Tan Su's face turned red with a "boom", and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably,
"What are you talking about!"

"Then why do you have to laugh and then cry for a while, isn't it when girls are on their period that they are so emotionally unstable?" Shi Muyang hugged her and said seriously.

Qin Su's throat got stuck.

Could it be that she also told him, oh, male god, was I just trying to trick you? ? ?
Will be regarded as a pervert! ┭┮﹏┭┮……


Tan Su really couldn't laugh this time, and couldn't cry,


"I miss you." He suddenly stretched his eyebrows and smiled like a big boy in the old days, "Asu."

after a week

This kind of love and intimacy with Shi Muyang is obviously familiar, but it seems strange again.

In the office, it was unbelievably quiet.

As if all of a sudden, even time stood still, the breath was long, gentle and lingering.


At last.

It was only when Muyang let go that he patted her back with his big hand.

He just looked at the little girl with low eyebrows in his arms, the smile in his eyes couldn't be stopped, and his voice was so gentle that it seemed to melt water, and asked her,
"Do you miss me?"


  Big Rabbit: I miss you, my little bunnies~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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