I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2483 A movie star wants to lay the floor at his girlfriend’s house 2

Chapter 2483 A movie star wants to lay the floor at his girlfriend’s house 2
"I'm not going back to the hotel tonight."

When Qin Su heard what Mu Yang said, he nodded lazily and obediently and said "Oh".

Shi Muyang looked at her with a funny face, and silently counted to three in his heart. Sure enough, when he counted to "3"——

The little girl in front of her shook her head suddenly, and when she raised her head, her eyeballs suddenly became round, round and round like two ripe purple grapes, and she stared at him with a pure and terrified face holding her breath.

What did the god just say? ?

No, no...not going back to the hotel tonight! ! !

Is it what she understood by "not going back to the hotel"... is it...

In an instant, all of Tan Su's drowsiness disappeared like birds and beasts, and he was so awake that he could no longer be sober.


Shi Muyang couldn't help laughing out loud, the low and short tone was pleasant no matter what.

He curled his fingers and scratched lightly on the bridge of her straight nose, speaking solemnly,
"You are sick, I will stay and take care of you."

"...It's just a small cold, just take medicine..." At this moment, Tan Su felt that she was really cowardly, she was so cowardly!
"But I'm still not at ease."

"I'm a 25-year-old adult self-reliant and earning money to support my family..."

"..." The corners of Shi Muyang's mouth twitched silently, what should I do if my girlfriend is too straightforward? (¬_¬)
As soon as Qin Su said what she said just now, she began to regret it.

Qin Su, what is your duplicity, have you forgotten that you fell asleep holding the male god's album every night this week?

Now that everyone is sternly saying that they want to stay at home to take care of you, why don't you hurry up and hug the male god's thigh and grab it, and even flirt with some **** waste in your head!

Qin Su, you have really changed, becoming more and more evil.


Just when Tan Su was "struggling and regretting" in his heart, he finally mustered up great courage and opened the corners of his mouth just as he was about to change his words [retain] Shi Muyang——

Shi Muyang pursed his lips slightly, and the smile faded slightly, but the brows were still gentle and infinite, and there was a bit of embarrassment for the embarrassed man that Tan Su could see most directly. .

"I haven't seen you for a week. I rushed back just to spend more time with you. There is no other purpose." Shi Muyang said softly, just cutting off Tan Su's words.

Tan Su was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the handsome man with an elegant temperament in front of him, and in the next second he castigated himself fiercely in his heart.


You misunderstood me!

Fairies are fairies, how could they be the same as ordinary people!

Comrade Tan Xiao, your thoughts are really dirty!
"But, there is only one bed in my house..." Could it be that they slept together... Tan Su said the last sentence silently in her heart, and she dared not say it directly even if she was killed.

She also blushed from embarrassment, staring at him with big eyes without blinking.

When Shi Muyang understood what she meant, he rolled his eyes with a smile and blurted out,

"I'm laying the floor."

"How can that be done!" Tan Su suddenly raised his voice, soaring to the high octave, and instantly frowned to express his strong disapproval.

"You are a male god, how can a wife fan let her idol hit the floor! No! Absolutely not!"

Seeing the serious expression on the little girl's face, Shi Muyang laughed out loud this time, and patted the sofa where the two of them were sitting.

it means:
[Isn't this simple? If you don't sleep on the floor, then sleep on the sofa. 】

  PS: This is the last chapter of Liancheng Yixin's Little Theater, let's go back to the pair of actor Xiao Susu.

  There will be new characters appearing in the next chapter, but they are not new characters. They have appeared before, and you should be able to guess who they are~
  Good night, happy eleven~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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