I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2484 A movie star wants to lay the floor at his girlfriend’s house 3

Chapter 2484 A movie star wants to lay the floor at his girlfriend’s house 3
it means:
[Isn't this simple?If you don't sleep on the floor, sleep on the sofa. 】

The corner of Tan Su's mouth twitched, realizing Shi Muyang's subtext, and silently looked down at the single couch she bought from the IKEA shopping with An Muxi back then, with the pink sofa cover she bought overseas .

In an instant, a picture of the film emperor with long arms and legs curled up in the corner of the sofa pitifully appeared in his head...

For no reason, she suddenly trembled all over. If Shi Muyang's fans knew about it, she probably wouldn't even know how she died!
"I think..." Tan Su was about to speak when Shi Muyang stood up on his own, "Then it's decided."

Qin Su, "?????"


Until she lay down on the bed after taking a shower, when Shi Muyang came over and sat beside her bed with a cup of freshly soaked milk, Tan Su was still dazed/forced and mysterious.

Boyfriend really wants to spend the night at her house!
"Drink the cold medicine first." Shi Muyang picked up the cold medicine on the bedside table, and the sound of pinching the plastic foil was loud.


"Drink first."


"Did you swallow it?"


"Then drink the milk."

"Google, toot, toot... I drank it all!"

Under the warm orange wall lamp.

Tan Su leaned on the pillow, had just taken a shower, her fair and clean cheeks still had a layer of flush that didn't fade away.

The light passed through her thick eyelashes and cast a thin shadow on her eyes, the tip of her nose was small, and there was a trace of white milk stains on the corners of her lips.

The fine black hair was scattered on the shoulders, and a small section of white neck was faintly exposed at the neckline of the comfortable cotton pajamas.

She was looking at him nervously, her eyes flickering, tightly holding the empty milk glass in her hand, and tightening it even more unconsciously.

She really looks like an obedient and cowardly little girl next door.

People can't help but want to bully.


Shi Muyang's throat moved slightly, and he raised his gaze slightly calmly, while taking out the glass she was holding in her hand and putting it on the bedside table next to her,

"Then lie down and go to sleep quickly. You were so sleepy when you just watched TV, and your dark circles are also protesting the serious lack of sleep."

"Oh..." Tan Su lay down on the bed slowly, "What about you?"

"I'm going to sleep on the sofa." Shi Muyang carefully helped her tuck the corner of the thin blanket, and couldn't help but reach out and touch her pretty face, smiling dotingly,
"Asu, good night."

The four words of gentleness and tenderness.

In an instant, Tan Su's heart felt numb, as if a slight electric current passed through his chest, making it numb.

Just when Shi Muyang turned off the wall lamp and was about to get up and leave, Tan Su suddenly stretched out his hand from the thin blanket, and grabbed him thoughtlessly.

Shi Muyang paused, and when he looked down, he saw her tightly clutching his shirt cuff with two fingers.

Suddenly his heart beat faster, and he had to pretend to be calm and slightly bent down to ask,
"what happened?"

Before he could react, Tan Su poked his head, propped up his upper body, and quickly kissed him on the mouth,
"good night!"

Then the whole person fell back and pulled the blanket tightly over his head.

When Muyang came back to his senses, he saw some unidentified object wrapped in a thin blanket round and motionless on the bed. He subconsciously rubbed the corners of his mouth, and he had already climbed into a rippling smile of spring breeze.

"Hey, I'll make you breakfast tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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