I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2499 When the great movie king was regarded as an extra by his future mother-in-law

Chapter 2499 When the great movie king was regarded as an extra by his future mother-in-law
Then I heard the next sentence on the phone,
"I'm Shi Muyang, Asu's boyfriend."

Then, there was a long gasping sound, followed by a long period of silence...

It was so silent as if the person listening to the phone had dropped the line...

Shi Muyang swears that he has never been so weak since he was a child. Even in front of his eldest brother from the Wannian Bingshan Emperor family, he was ruthlessly crushed by his brother's cold eyes. He didn't feel like this moment ...so embarrassing...and panicked...

Auntie, please speak quickly, otherwise I don't know how to proceed...

He was wrong. Yesterday, when a group of them were booing in the group, shouting that they wanted to give him a trick to deal with his mother-in-law, he shouldn't have refused confidently and coldly...

Tell you to pretend/force again!
He dug a huge hole for himself...



"Ahem..." Shi Muyang pinched the phone next to his ear and tightened it, forced a calm cough, and was about to call "Auntie" again——

Teacher Shen suddenly snickered, as if he was... amused? ? ?

"Young man, did you just say that you are Shi Muyang? Are you Tan Su's boyfriend?"

Obviously, a certain son-in-law didn't get the subtext in the question of the future mother-in-law, so he nodded honestly and dignifiedly,

"Yes, Auntie."

This time Teacher Shen was really angry and laughed out loud.

Hearing the sound of something colliding like porcelain on the phone, Teacher Shen blurted out, suppressing his anger,

"Qin Su, are you just turning on the loudspeaker next to you and listening?

You've grown so courageous that you even hired an extra to fool your mother just to avoid going on a blind date! "

"..." Shi Muyang didn't turn on the loudspeaker...

"Young man, Tan Su asked you to pretend to be Shi Muyang!"


"That girl is so nonsense! No matter how much you like her, it's just fans chasing stars, how could it become real!"

"..." But now it has really become real...

"Is she just eavesdropping beside you now? Give Tan Su the phone and let her tell me herself!"

"..." Asu really went to the bathroom...

"Qin Xiaosu, don't play tricks with your mother, Shi Muyang is your boyfriend? I also said that Elvis is my husband (Mr. Shen's idol is Elvis)!"

Shi Muyang couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth trembling.

Realm of Conscience?
He really didn't think that Asu's careless, silly, sweet man could beat the teaching and research director's mother-in-law on the other side of the phone on Shuangshang...

Simply, is it okay to be abused into scum?

Shi Muyang silently carried out some self-psychological construction. He has already deeply realized that the future mother-in-law really doesn't believe what he said at all...

On the phone, Empress Dowager Shen was still angrily muttering,
"Qin Xiaosu, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I will personally come to your apartment and go to the cafe with you for a blind date!
You said how old you are, you are no uglier than anyone else, and you haven't dated or made a boyfriend yet, I..."

Shi Muyang felt that it was necessary for him to say something, raised his hand and pinched his throat, his eyes were slightly condensed, his eyebrows were wide, and he spoke with a serious face,
"Auntie, I'm really Shi Muyang. I'm in a relationship with Asu. I chased after her first. Asu didn't tell you because we've just started, and I didn't mean to deceive you."



  The group of movie kings shouted a certain season's big boss: "Ji evildoer, come up with a trick!"
  Ji Yicheng hehe: I told you to pretend to be forceful again, so don't talk about it.

  Shi Muyang: ...Brother!you help me! ! !

  Shi Ming: I have never been in a relationship before, and I have no experience in pleasing my mother-in-law.

  Film Emperor Shi: ...crying

(End of this chapter)

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