I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2500 Son-in-law Comes to Claim

Chapter 2500 Son-in-law Comes to Claim

"...Asu didn't tell you because we have just started, and we didn't mean to deceive you."

"..." Mr. Shen felt that although the young man on the other side of the phone was just a temporary trick pulled by his own daughter to rescue him, he did a really good job of pretending to be a boyfriend.

Listen to the skill of this line, inside and outside the words, every sentence is expressed very sincerely, and the emotion is in place, and it is not at all a casual group performance.

Very professional!

Shi Muyang paused again, the psychological construction that collapsed in front of the future mother-in-law has been reshaped and recovered, and his face is not so embarrassed and ugly.

"Auntie, Asu and I are serious. Maybe it's rash to say that, but I hope you can agree."

A teacher Shen,

"..." The child became more and more serious.

"Asu is timid and slow in emotional matters. I am three years older than her, and I am more mature in reason and emotion. I can think of everything she can think of, and I can think of things she can't think of. Think for her."

Saying this, Shi Muyang suddenly felt tense, a little anxious, subconsciously took a deep breath, and opened his mouth again, the boy's clean and powerful voice like a mountain stream became even more resonant.

"Auntie, I want to protect her with all my love and tolerance."

"..." Hearing this, Empress Dowager Shen suddenly twitched her forehead, and finally felt that something was wrong...

Why... She really has a strong feeling that her future son-in-law confesses and asks to claim it...

This guy is too into the show...

Or she was confused by that girl Tan Su, and her comprehension went wrong for a while...


Shen's mother frowned suddenly, her face slowly congealed.

On the other end of the phone, Shi Muyang's attitude was more humble,

"I have my own studio now, but the second half of this year may still be relatively busy, because there are still two films to be filmed, both of which were picked up before the termination of the contract with the brokerage company.

Starting from next year, I will gradually reduce my workload and only take on one play a year. I will also start to slowly transform from the former front-screen actor to the back-stage, so that I can spend more time with my family. "

"Family?" The corners of Teacher Shen's mouth trembled uncomfortably.

Naturally, Shi Muyang couldn't see that the future mother-in-law suddenly hesitated to speak... The strange expression of silence and desire, and then nodded his chin heavily,
"Although I am a Chinese American, I will definitely settle in City A in the future, so you don't have to worry about Asu marrying far away."

"Marry far away..." Mr. Shen sucked in a breath of air successfully.

Shi Muyang was only thinking about how to successfully abduct someone from his mother-in-law, and he didn't pay attention to the sound of breathing on the phone, so he almost reported all his wealth and real estate to his mother-in-law.
"My eldest brother and I are the only ones in my family, so there will be no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."


Shen's mother got stuck in her throat before she brought it up, and the phrase that was too philosophical and realistic was stuck together.

Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, spear, shield? ?
Is her family's frog daughter planning to marry this young man? !

Shen's mother didn't realize that in the long conversation just now (in fact, Shi Muyang was talking alone), she had already accepted the fact that "this guy is not some extravagant actor, he is really Tan Su's boyfriend" .

Teacher Shen cleared his throat calmly again, but was immediately defeated by the instant voice raised, and asked three times in a piercing tone,
"Are you really Shi Muyang? Shi Muyang who acted and filmed? Shi Muyang who Qin Xiaosu called to marry every day?"


  A certain movie star: I'm not panicking at all, really...

  Good night, little bunnies (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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