I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2522 On what it feels like to have a pig teammate girlfriend...

Chapter 2522 On what it feels like to have a pig teammate girlfriend...

Comrade Old Tan's complexion was visible to the naked eye... darkened, Mu Yang raised his finger and said in a calm voice,
"You said."

Shi Muyang silently wiped the beads of cold sweat on his forehead in his heart, Ah Su, are you sure this is a huge hole dug for yourself and not for me? ? ?

On what it feels like to have a pig teammate girlfriend...

It was probably just a little bit of humble goodwill that I had accumulated in front of my future father-in-law after playing chess with great difficulty, and then I heard a "crash", and it shattered to the ground again...

And it's still... shattered...

A certain boss locked the little black house online...o(╥﹏╥)o

"Ahem..." Shi Muyang's heart skipped a beat, and in the next second he felt the fear of being dominated by his father-in-law's death gaze.

Qin Xiaosu, who was deeply aware that the misfortune came from her mouth, opened her mouth cautiously, trying to explain to her boyfriend,

"That, Dad..."

But Shi Muyang suddenly held her hand under the dining table, and gently squeezed that white and delicate wrist.

Qin Su was startled, and felt the soothing warmth from his slightly rough fingertips.

"Uncle, Auntie," Shi Muyang shouted, with broad brows and a calm and serious face.

He paused again, stroked along the obvious joints of her wrist, and then continued, deliberately slowing down the speed of speaking,
"I know that for the relationship between me and Asu, not only uncles and aunts, but also other people's eyes, should not be favored.

Because I am a star, I am different from ordinary people in daily life. I need to appear on the big screen in a high-profile way, because it is more common for me to be on the set and not see anyone for three consecutive months. Last weekend was because I temporarily had To shoot the announcement, I had to rush to City F, where I worked for a whole week, and didn't come back until yesterday afternoon.

And this past Saturday, Asu had just agreed to be with me, promising to give it a try.

In fact, I have never cared much about other people's opinions. I will automatically block those voices that are not pleasant to listen to, but only Asu, I have to care.

Because in this relationship, the most disturbed person is actually Asu. "


Maybe Shi Muyang's voice is too nice, or maybe the way he lowered his eyes to look at her just now was too gentle...

Or maybe it was the "Asu" he said in the last sentence...

Tan Su felt a pang in his heart for no reason, as if being soaked by a delicate, pure, and warm trickle, he liked it very much.

So much so that I can't even remember what he just said.

When she came back to her senses, she saw Shi Muyang smiling slightly, but the slightly rippling light in her eyes dimmed, as if covered by a thin veil.

Qin Su's brows furrowed immediately.

I don't know if Comrade Lao Tan and Queen Mother Shen noticed it, but she did.

At that moment, he exuded a faint, lonely, even self-deprecating aura that shouldn't have appeared on this man.


Tan Su clasped his big palm with his backhand almost subconsciously, and lightly picked at his cool palm. The corners of her cherry-colored lips were tightly pursed, and she looked straight at him with her head up. Unabashedly nervous about him.

Seeing her like this, Shi Muyang couldn't help being happy again, even the jawline that had already been stiff as iron softened a bit.

Sure enough, it's still a girlfriend.

He slowly raised the corners of his lips and smiled, suppressing the faint restlessness in his heart, and said softly,

"So I want to spend as much time with Asu as possible during the time I can be with her, guarding her, and staying by her side in a down-to-earth manner."

  PS: Good night guys~! (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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