I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2523 This is a son-in-law who forgot to kiss a daughter? ? ?

Chapter 2523 This is a son-in-law who forgot to kiss a daughter? ? ?

"So I want to be with Asu as much as possible during the time I can be with her, guarding her, and staying by her side safely."

He has never been in love before, and he was tempted many years ago, but in the end he couldn't ask for it.

Now that he finally met his little girl, he just thought, he wants to bring all the best things in the world to her, and wants to see her smile, with that charming look with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

Shi Muyang took the little girl's hand and held it softly, with a nostalgic and affectionate expression.

"Emotions need to get along, but now I can't go out with her anytime, anywhere, and there are paparazzi from various entertainment reporters downstairs in the hotel where I live, so the safest place is Asu's apartment. "

When Shi Muyang looked at Comrade Lao Tan and Queen Mother Shen, his lacquer eyes were outstanding and determined, and the majestic look between his brows could not be ignored.
"Uncle, aunt, I assure you, I respect Asu, and I will protect her no matter what."

And definitely not mess around.

Even Tan Xiaosu, who has a low EQ, can hear the subtext in Shi Muyang's words, and his cheeks are hot and red in an instant, and his head is so stuffy that he is about to bury himself in a soup bowl for swimming, and his heart feels like jumping. It's hot and dry like a villain dance, let alone the old couple who came here.

Comrade Lao Tan and Empress Dowager Shen were also taken aback, and then looked at each other, and they could see the meaning of silent approval from each other's eyes.

Comrade Lao Tan restrained his expression, and the few creases at the corners of his eyes slowly relaxed. He picked up the white wine glass at hand, and raised it to Shi Muyang,

"It's almost there."

Shi Muyang was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses in the next second, and quickly raised his wine glass to touch Comrade Lao Tan, his voice was so clear,
"Thank you uncle!"

"Come on, let's all eat vegetables..." Empress Dowager Shen also agreed with a smile, "pia" slapped the back of a certain girl's stuffy head, humming softly,

"Little boy, do you know how shy you are now?"

"...Mom..." Tan Xiaosu yelled weakly with her blushing face.

"Have a meal!"



After the meal, although the whole process was frightening, fortunately the whole family was well fed, and even Comrade Lao Tan drank an extra glass of white wine.

Qin Su's original plan was to take Shi Muyang to walk around the neighborhood after lunch. A park was newly built nearby, and the environment is not bad. There are few people during the day, even if you are bumped into, you won’t secretly take pictures.

Can date!


At this moment, Tan Su rested his cheeks on both hands, propped his slender elbows on the kneecaps, and held a soft pillow in his arms, staring at the old and young sitting on both sides of the chessboard table with a look of hopelessness. two men.

That's right, Lao Tan and Xiao Xiao started playing chess again just after eating! ! !

"Old Comrade Tan, don't you take a nap every day?" Tan Su pouted.

Comrade Old Tan didn't even raise his eyelids, he just stared at the chessboard intently, and said casually,
"Why don't you take a nap while playing chess? Go help your mother clean up the kitchen if you have nothing to do. Don't interfere with me playing chess with Xiao."

Qin Su, "???"

Was she rejected by her own father? ? ?

Suddenly the corners of his mouth collapsed, and he looked at the other man with eyes full of grievances, those eyes were straight, like little hooks.

Mu Yang's heart trembled when he saw it, and he couldn't help but smile with his lips linked.

(End of this chapter)

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