I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2532 The boss said that the news of the girlfriend needs to be the first time chapter

Chapter 2532 The boss said that the news of the girlfriend should be returned as soon as possible

The surrounding staff, producers, and other supporting actors...all of them pricked up their gossip ears silently.

The director asked if the best actor had a girlfriend!


Shi Muyang's eyes still stayed on the lunch photo that the little girl just sent over in the phone dialog box.

A scrambled egg with tomatoes, a fried shrimp with broccoli, and a bowl of radish soup with little water.

Don't think about it, it must be a takeaway.

At first glance, the overall appearance is not bad.

This Saturday, Tan Su didn't go to bed until almost three o'clock in the morning last night, and slept until noon without accident, rubbing his eyes and looking for his phone in a daze.

As soon as I turned on the screen, before unlocking it, I saw a series of WeChat notification messages on the screen.

The first one was at [-]:[-] this morning.

【Asu, I'm getting up. 】

[The weather in City L is not bad today. There is heavy fog in the mountains in the morning. Now that the sun comes out, the fog clears away. 】

【Asu, my breakfast. 】

Attached below is a photo of breakfast taken by a straight man without PS beautification.

A bowl of soy milk, a stack of freshly fried deep-fried dough sticks, a small pot of boiled corn dregs porridge, and two large meat buns with thin skin and thick filling.

In fact, the conditions for joining the crew this time are still a bit difficult, because the whole film is shot in the mountains, the transportation is inconvenient, and there are not even decent hotels around. The entire crew lives in the red tiles built by the local villagers. In the bungalows, the food is also made by the villagers themselves.

Of course, the film crew also gave money, so they can't live for nothing.

WeChat message further down:
【Asu, I've arrived at the set, now I'm going to put on makeup. 】

[After you get up at noon, brush your teeth and wash your face, remember to drink a cup of warm water before eating, good boy. 】

[I've finished my makeup and am ready to go to filming. 】

【By the way, Asu, I dreamed about you last night. 】


Tan Su looked at the message in the dialog box, and the sleepy eyes rubbed under his fingertips became clearer little by little, and finally, like glass, there was a bright smile shining brightly.

The milky white face without makeup looked like two little red flowers bloomed, and then plunged into the soft pillow, and the pretty laughter like a silver bell overflowed.

After Tan Su got up and washed up, he really obediently went to pour a cup of warm water to drink, while pinching the phone, his slender fingers like white onions were quite flexible to edit the message.


When Shi Muyang got off the set, he went everywhere to ask Wei En for his mobile phone, and blamed him for not being able to find anyone, because he liked to run around the set when he had nothing to do.

Wayne was wiping his hands with a tissue, blinking his eyes in confusion: ...I just went to the toilet!

Today is also a weak and innocent manager who was shown affection by his boss...


[Shi Da, I'm getting up. 】

[The weather in city A is also very good today, the sun is particularly strong. 】

[I drank a cup of warm water. 】

[I just ordered takeaway, and it showed half an hour before delivery, I'm so hungry. 】

[Ding——the takeaway brother delivered it in 15 minutes! 】

Under the shed built on the set, Shi Muyang was sitting there, staring at the last WeChat message sent by the little girl, frowning slightly with his straight eyebrows.

The finger has already quickly edited the message and sent it out.

Hearing Ming Dao next to him slyly laughing and asking questions, Shi Muyang was about to look away from his phone.

It just so happened that the little girl's message came back.

When Shi Muyang saw the content, the corners of his lips curled up, and he suddenly became proud, which is not too eye-catching!

Then I heard the big movie star snorted, and the tone of his mouth was arrogant, no matter how he heard it, he felt ostentatious,

"Yeah, you have to reply to the news of your girlfriend as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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