I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2533 "I'm almost 3, isn't it normal to have a girlfriend?"

Chapter 2533 "I'm almost thirty, isn't it normal to have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, you have to reply to the news of your girlfriend as soon as possible."


This sentence centered on Shi Muyang, and the crazy wave spread radially towards all directions of the set.

In less than 2 minutes, from the director, producer, supporting actors, martial arts, field management... the entire crew knows everything.

I'm a darling!
Mu Yang admitted for the first time in the circle that he was in love, dating, and dating when he was a popular male actor! ! !


What kind of explosive news is this!

The originally quiet studio during the intermission was instantly like a high-pressure pump that suddenly exploded. Wave after wave of exclamations came from all directions towards the only center, and the collective face changed into a crazy and shocked expression.

Ming Yan is the youngest and most talented director in the entertainment industry. His personality is unrestrained and unrestrained. He is about the same age as Shi Muyang. The two of them have collaborated in the early years, and they are good friends when they leave the film crew. .


Hearing Shi Muyang's answer, Ming Yan was taken aback, and blurted out "F**k", and unconsciously raised the volume,

"You really have a girlfriend?!"

He was just joking and talking nonsense on purpose!
Who doesn't know that Shi Muyang is a monk with a good skin!

It is absolutely impossible for a sweet and lovely creature like a girlfriend to appear in this guy's world!

But I didn't expect-

You, he, mom—

Did you really admit it? ? ?

Why did Ming Yan suddenly feel a little complicated? →_→


Shi Muyang squinted, and glanced lightly at Ming Yan from the corner of his eye, with a lighter tone,
"I'm almost thirty, isn't it normal to have a girlfriend?"

"Eh..." Ming Yan was directly opposite.

"Ahem..." There was a crowd around the studio.

This is the truth, but when the subject of this sentence becomes a film king, then the wife...is too abnormal!
Ming Yan is indeed the director who has heard the most gossip in the circle. He knows all about the private affairs of old artists and popular young models, so although the first reaction when he heard that Mu Yang had left the order was really shocking. Naturally, he was the first to react.

Ming Yan smiled faintly, then leaned towards Shi Muyang, squinting and smiling like a yuppie and cunning fox,

"Okay, you, being so low-key, I thought you were going to follow the national husband's single route for the rest of your life, but I didn't expect you to join the army of love quietly.,

Who is the girlfriend, inside or outside our circle? "

Shi Muyang replied to Qin Su's WeChat:
【In the future, if I'm not at home, when the takeaway is delivered, I'll have someone leave it at the door of my house. Don't just open the door in pajamas. 】

"Inside the circle." Shi Muyang didn't lift his eyelids.

Ming Yan was really not calm this time, he was so excited that he directly grabbed Shi Muyang's arm, both eyes were glowing green,
"In our circle? Who!
Wait, let me guess, it can't be Wushuang!The last Golden Bell Award for the best actor and best actress of you two, the CP speculation on Weibo is crazy! "

Shi Muyang frowned,

"Ah?" Ming Yan's tone was full of disappointment, "Who is that? There are so many female artists in the circle, and you haven't had any gossip with anyone, but once outside the circle."

Shi Muyang twirled his fingers, pinched the edge of the phone and rubbed it, then said seriously, and when he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously,
"Don't guess, are there only female artists in the industry? My girlfriend is not an actress.

She is a screenwriter. "

(End of this chapter)

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