I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2546 Sweet!Shi Dayingdi was so excited!

Chapter 2546 Sweet!Shi Dayingdi was so excited!

The whole body is stagnant!
Before he could turn his gaze away, it seemed as if he was suddenly fixed, and he fixedly landed on the little girl who was standing a few meters away, looking at the little girl in a red dress and holding an umbrella.

I can't move my eyes anymore!
For today's class visit, Tan Su specially asked An Muxi to go shopping that day, and the last thing she bought was this grass green one-shoulder dress.

The length of the skirt was just a little above the knees, revealing two white and thin legs, with soft and smooth lines, paired with a pair of flat shoes with exposed insteps, and a circle of thin ankles and ankle bones was extremely beautiful.

The skirt is designed to pinch the waist, which makes the little girl's waist more and more slender, and the lines are attractive. Under the one-shoulder neckline, he can see her delicate butterfly collarbone clearly from a distance of several meters. The swan-like neck is more delicate and slender.

The little girl didn't tie her hair up today. Her long black and smooth hair spread out like splashes of ink, hanging gently on her shoulders and back on both sides.

A strand of long hair that was messed up from sleeping in the car accidentally fell down on the side of her ear, which made her complexion like snow even more.

In this hazy mist like a mirror in a painting.

Her brows and eyes were gentle, and those big eyes full of aura stared straight at him. She was originally thin-skinned, but because of her shyness, she was dyed with a thin layer of light pink, and her pink lips like begonias were slightly pursed. There was a bit of tranquility between his brows and eyes.

She is like a rose that blooms in the rainy season.

Delicate and lively and charming.


It was at this moment that Shi Muyang heard the helpless and extremely fulfilling voice coming from his already beating heart,

"Shi Muyang, you are completely finished."

He was almost 30 years old, but he was still like a hot-blooded young man who just fell in love. He just wanted to throw down the thermos and run over, holding the little girl tightly in his arms.

Kiss her hard.

Embrace her, lingering.

She is not allowed to go anywhere.

Shi Muyang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead almost unconsciously, and sighed deeply again, his lips that were already curled up showed a smile that could no longer be concealed, as gentle as if it was about to melt into water.

His little girl is really here.

It felt as if the mountain world in front of me, which had become hazy and dim due to the rain, had become colorful.

All the colors of the rainbow.



Qin Su was already dumbfounded.

Because, today's boyfriend is handsome to a new height ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Qin Xiaosu screams like a groundhog in his heart)

She had seen Mu Yang in an ancient costume before when she was on the set of "Neon Phoenix". He was dressed in a white long gown, luxurious and gentle, independent of the world, killing a lot of filmmakers in an instant.

But this was the first time that I saw Shi Muyang in another ancient style.

In that crowd, that person came slowly.

A head of long silver hair fluttered randomly in the wind, and a wisp of hair fell casually from the side of the ear, accidentally covering those dark eyes like midnight pearls while dancing.

He was wearing a purple-black robe, and the edge of the robe was embroidered with the most noble golden dragon with gold thread.

As he walked around, the hem of his robe fluttered, and the dragon soared, as if he could see the dragon fire flying around the sky.

There, there is a dark and chilling soul hidden deep in it, coming on the fire of hell, once he appears, the whole world cannot but surrender to him.

Domineering, majestic.

Even more terrifying.

And in this world, he is the only one left, and I am the only one who respects me.


"Hiss..." Tan Su finally couldn't help taking a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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