I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2547 He said in front of everyone, "Well, my little girl is here."

Chapter 2547 He said in front of everyone, "Well, my little girl is here."

"Hiss..." Tan Su finally couldn't help taking a deep breath.

At this moment, she finally realized very deeply that the man she loved deeply was not as gentle, modest, elegant and gorgeous as he appeared on the surface.

What flows in his blood is the darkest and most domineering blood.

This is the real Shi Muyang.


"...But I really want to say something, Mu Yang, you are definitely my lucky star..."

Director Yang continued to babble with a smile on his face, when he saw Mu Yang suddenly became motionless as if frozen, only then did he realize that everyone around him was also staring in one direction, and the whole crew was filled with a dark twitch Rubbing excited gossip breath.

"Huh?" Director Yang turned his head and saw Tan Su, and immediately raised his eyebrows, deliberately smiling and teasing,

"I said why it's like losing your soul all of a sudden. It turns out that a little girl from someone's family came to visit the class."

The cramped and sweet tension in Shi Muyang's throat suddenly relaxed, and he finally found his own voice, which was light and soft when he spoke.
"Well, my little girl is here."

After finishing speaking, he left behind a group of people who were instantly shocked by the male god's gentle and watery words to a messy and frantic collective explosion, and walked quickly towards his little girl.

No, it can't be said to be walking, it should be trotting, as if the wind is blowing under the feet, it is obviously urgent.

"Wow, shit!!!" The crew was so excited that they burst into one voice and became thicker, turning into a group of barrage troops screaming and swiping the screen in a low voice:

[Did you hear what my male god said just now, 'My little girl' is simply a proper idol drama doting on the affectionate male protagonist, who can resist this...]

【At this moment, I am crying with real emotion...】

[Sister, the lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree! 】

[This is the fairy gentle boss! 】

[Speaking of which, the little girl of the boss's family is also a real beauty. 】

【I feel so too!White and thin, I just love those two thin, white legs, not to mention they look really good-looking. 】

[Me, me, me!I was the one who picked you up at the airport, and Mrs. Tian Wang has a good personality too!He has no temper at all, and his voice is nice! 】Here is the field affairs trainee guy excitedly raising his hand to speak.

Everyone sighed, and cast a look of "Hurry up and reveal more" in unison:

【and then!anything else! ! ! 】

The handsome guy in the field affairs trainee still has a look of embarrassment on his face,

[Later, Sister Su fell asleep in the car and slept all the way. 】

The corners of their mouths twitched and their eyes rolled,


You can shut up!Don't interrupt us to watch the love idol drama!

In the light rain.

Before Tan Su even recovered her senses, her eyes flickered, and the handsome and handsome man had already stood in front of her.

His shoulders were soaked in the drizzle, and there were also a few drops of rain on his forehead, which slowly slid down the corner of his forehead.

But it doesn't look embarrassed at all, but it's a little bit more sexy.

Especially those star eyes like the deep sea, full of a charming smile, seduce her so straightly.

Gentle and evil.

The beating of Tan Su's heart suddenly became more and more irregular, and the scene of the reunion of the hero and heroine written in her script kept flashing in her head.

There are crazy, wild, version, the male protagonist grabs the back of the female protagonist's head, bows his head, and directly ~~ passionate/love/deep/kiss/...

There is also a warm version, the male protagonist smiled slightly, embraced her, and placed a light kiss on the female protagonist's eyebrows...


  PS: Guess what version the best actor will be?

  Good night, little bunnies~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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