I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2558 Shooting scene: Shi Muyang's kissing scene

Chapter 2558 Shooting scene: Shi Muyang's kissing scene

"Okay." Director Yang sighed deeply again.

Shi Muyang had already finished his makeup, got up and walked towards the theater.

Director Yang seemed to have just remembered something, and said "Hey",
"By the way, why didn't your little girl come over with you to watch your filming?"

After saying this, a certain man's stunning facial features are visible to the naked eye... his expression is broken.


Right now, in the room.

A screenwriter girl who kept saying she wanted to rest and catch up on sleep, threw herself on the hard bed without the Simmons cushion, and had already rolled over and over several times wrapped in the thick velvet blanket.

Suddenly, Tan Su sat up from the bed with a squat, and tore off the blanket that was still covering his head indiscriminately.

A fluffy head was exposed, his face was already flushed, and his silky long hair was messed up.

what the hell!

She couldn't - she couldn't sleep at all!
It was like beating gongs and drums in his head, and he kept yelling:
[My movie star boyfriend went to a kissing scene with another woman! 】

It's like turning on the single cycle mode...


Tan Su leaned back against the bed, rubbed her rosy cheeks that had been wrinkled into buns, and muttered silently in her heart.

It's nothing, it's just a kiss scene.

The male god who has been a fan for so many years, the top-notch talent in the entertainment industry, isn't it because of the male god's professional acting skills and charisma?
And it's acting, and it can't be taken seriously, it's an expression of devotion to a great artistic cause.

What's more, this didn't reach the level of [Devotion]!

As the woman behind the actor, she should be more tolerant and fully support the male god's career.

And the first kiss scene of the male god is the ultimate dream of thousands of Shijia fans in this life!
How can it be double-standard just because her wife fan has become real now!


Absolutely not!

Tan Xiaosu rubbed her wrinkled nose again, but...

I still feel a little uncomfortable...

Tan Su moved her hand down, her fingertips covering the corners of her lips, and the image of her being pressed/kissed hard by Shi Muyang on the wall just after entering the room appeared in her mind.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her eyes were all about him.

Sexy thin lips.

Like the delicate lip line drawn by a paintbrush, there is a touch of sweet orange fragrance between the lips and teeth.

Slightly panting, hot breath rushed towards her face...

It's just so alluring.

She couldn't stop her heart from trembling.

and so--

Does Shi Muyang want to kiss other girls like kissing her?
Gentle and lingering, it is heart-warming.

Just now, Tan Su comforted himself for a while before finally stretching the frown between his eyebrows, and suddenly, with a violent force, he frowned tightly again.

Tan Su covered his face with his hands, weeping silently, telling you to die hard, it's obvious that you really care about it!

There was a sound of the phone being switched to vibrate mode.

It was a series of WeChat messages from Wayne.

[Miss Boss, why don't you come over? 】

【The camera position is ready, Simon and the female lead will start filming soon! 】

[The entire theater is surrounded! 】

【Come here quickly!I also specially reserved a VIP seat in the front row for you! 】

[Qin Xiaosu? ? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

[…… Confused jpg.]

Seeing another series of "???" puzzled emoticons from Wayne, Tan Su couldn't hold back his "puchi" laugh again, the corners of his mouth puckered, and he muttered to himself deliberately emphatically,

"It's not that I'm going, it's your manager who called me over to see it."

 Rabbits: 2020, Happy New Year!Big Rabbit loves you so much!
(End of this chapter)

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