I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2559 Qin Su is really jealous

Chapter 2559 Qin Su is really jealous

muttering to himself as if deliberately emphatic,

"It's not that I'm going, it's your manager who called me over to have a look."

When Tan Su arrived at the studio, even though Wei En had told her in the WeChat message, she was still shocked by the "spectacular scene" in front of her.

There are more than 100 people in the crew, three floors inside and three floors outside, each with a SLR or mobile phone. []
The people in the first row at the front were all squatting, the people in the second row moved stools and sat upright, and the people in the last row stood collectively. The lenses that had been adjusted to high-definition pixel camera mode were all in the center of the studio.

Just wait for the director to say "action——"

Shooting started!

Tan Su was still very pretentious and awkward in his heart, but when he saw a group of serious and serious crew in front of him with a sense of joy for no reason, after recovering from his senses, he couldn't help it, and turned his head with a "puchi" He smiled.

As the heavenly king's wife, what else can I say after looking at the popularity of your man!

Okay, okay.

She also wants to join the [Big Camp of Collective Transformation into Directors]!

Tan Su was tiptoeing to search for Wayne in the crowd. There were too many people, and the pair of male and female protagonists in the middle of the theater could not be seen at all.

Suddenly, the arm tightened.

Looking up, he saw Wayne holding a DSLR high up and squeezing to her side, with the other hand grabbing her, urging her excitedly,
"Ma'am, why are you here now! Hurry up, the director is about to start filming!"

"I..." I ran all the way out of the bungalow, and I guess it won't be used for 3 minutes, okay? →_→


Wayne dragged and dragged Tan Su to the front of Director Yang's plane.

Qin Su almost turned his head into a rattle,
"I'll just take a look by myself, don't take it..."

Da C position...

Unexpectedly, Director Yang turned his face casually and said something to Tan Su as if he didn't hear it.
"Come on."

Qin Su, "..."

"Just now I asked Mu Yang why you didn't come to see it with him, and he was upset."

Qin Su, "???"

Shouldn't she be upset?

I want to make a kissing scene, shouldn't it be logical that I really don't want my girlfriend to see it?
Shi Muyang, what kind of brain circuit is this?

"...It is estimated that when the filming starts later, the girls in the entire crew will cry..." Director Yang was still thinking about it.

Tan Su shrank back in front of the camera seat, and had already set his eyes on the center of the set up, as if he was afraid that he would be seen by the man standing there.

All of a sudden, his eyes froze, as if they were stuck, fixed there firmly, a pair of wet black pupils dilated slightly.

Director Yang's words drifted to his ears, so what...she wanted to cry right now...

not far away.

The shooting set has been set up.

A floor-to-ceiling bed covered with gold and silver silk and satin, surrounded by extremely delicate tassel bed pendants, and the lit red candles are coquettish, through the hanging tulle curtains, projected onto the ancient and gorgeous mahogany on the windows.

It was hazy, and the ambiguity suddenly spread.

Tan Su took a deep breath, this is... the night of love/love? ? ?
And the man standing next to the tassel bed, wearing a black and purple robe, cold and evil, romantic and arrogant, with narrow and long sword-like eyebrows raised slightly, his porcelain white complexion is indescribably stunning, against a pair of jet-black as ink. His eyes became more and more breathtaking.

Like a god's mansion, I just feel the apex of my heart tremble, it is an unstoppable heartbeat.

And the heroine standing next to the man is actually wearing a bright red dress at this moment, her black hair reaches her waist, and her delicate makeup outlines her facial features more and more radiant.

The two stand side by side, the majestic and romantic beauty of the picture can only make people feel two words, stunning!
 Happy New Years, bunnies!Chumi took a big bite (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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