I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2560 "In this life, in the next life, you are the only one."

Chapter 2560 "In this life, in the next life, you are the only one."

The two stand side by side, the majestic and romantic beauty of the picture can only make people feel two words, stunning!
It seemed that those two people were characters who came out of a fantasy novel.

The stunning beauty of the city, the dumping of three lives.

A kind of shock that makes people forget the whole world at the moment of seeing it for the first time.

Not only Qin Su, but the entire production crew, when they saw Shi Muyang in a black purple gold robe and Pan Ruo in a fiery red dress walking to the center together, they almost subconsciously held their breath. Breathe.

The audience was quiet and silent.

I'm afraid that even a very low, very low sound will destroy the grand scene in front of my eyes at this moment.


Because Tan Su was blocked in front of the director's camera, Shi Muyang didn't notice that the little girl who had said before that she would rest and catch up on the bungalow had come to the shooting scene.

The female number one has already posed under the guidance of the director.

The body leaned back slightly, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling bed covered with gold and silver threads, with the lower jaw slightly raised.

The hanging tulle hangs down, and the fringe flutters lightly, just in front of the actress's eyebrows, covering the woman's delicately made-up profile behind the tulle.

In the director's lens, only the actress's slightly trembling long eyelashes and the straight and perfect bridge of the nose can be seen.

The two diamond lips, which were daubed bright red, were half hidden and half visible in the lens, hazy and beautiful.

Shi Muyang didn't even need the director to guide his movements, he had already turned around.

He took half a step forward and walked to the actress sitting by the bed, half bent down, and the golden and black fringe tied around his waist was lightly swinging.

However, with one movement of turning around and bending over, one can already intuitively feel that this man has quietly entered the scene.

In an instant, the warm and moist air all over his body was exhausted, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura that was evil, cold, charming, dark and charming.

Tan Su's eyes were fixed on the screen in the director's seat. From this angle, she could only see Shi Muyang bent slightly, standing in front of the bed, facing the profile in a beautiful red dress.

Obscure and ambiguous/ambiguous.


In the lens.

Shi Muyang suddenly turned his head, and happened to meet Tan Su's eyes that had been staring at the camera through the screen, and his thin red lips hooked slightly.

I don't know if I was too guilty, but Tan Su was shocked.

It wasn't until the director's "action" yelled out through the loudspeaker that Tan Su regained his senses in fright.

It turned out that Mu Yang was saying hello to the director in the shot, ready to start shooting.

Qin Su pressed hard on his chest that was still throbbing wildly, and once again deeply felt what it meant to be a guilty conscience.

She actually felt that Mu Yang was smiling at her in the camera when he gave it to her just now.

Qin Xiaosu, what are you thinking!

Qin Su paused, his eyes froze slightly.

In the camera lens, the petals of artificial roses falling from the sky are scattered around the bed, and the heart of the lit red candle spreads out little by little, becoming more and more charming.

Even the music that only needs to be added in post-production is also released, which is the ancient theme song sung by the hero and heroine of this movie.

Shi Muyang bent down even more, and pressed one hand on the side of the bed next to the actress, and the long hair on the side of the ear fell down.

In the camera, the lines of his side face are exquisitely sculpted, evil and gentle, the corners of his begonia-colored thin lips are slightly lifted, and he calls the name of the actress in the play.

The actress's eyebrows and eyes moved, and the long eyes trembled slightly in the camera, and she responded to Shi Muyang's name in the play.

Shi Muyang's shoulders moved slightly, just as he was about to bend his forehead to kiss the actress, for a moment.

He suddenly laughed, and said in a soft, low voice,
"Shangqiongbi falls to Huangquan, and the two places are indistinct.

In this life and in the next life, I will only kiss you. "

Immediately, the climax of the music refrain sounded.

The charming man in the camera kissed the woman in front of him, and fell down together on the extremely romantic bed.

The picture is hazy and heart-pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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