I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2573 Shida, I want to kiss you

Chapter 2573 Shida, I want to kiss you
Why is it upside down?
Tan Su raised her eyes in doubt, and looked from her angle, just in time to see the man's lowered jaw.

The cold and clear lines are illuminated by the warm yellow light from the ceiling, as if they have been melted.

Those black eyes were shining brightly, from the tip of the eyebrows to the corners of the eyes, there was a kind of light called gentleness.

Qin Su reacted immediately.

Could it be that the big boss just sat here and read the script seriously, and he pretended to be serious, even holding the book upside down, so he didn't think about it at all.


Tan Su suddenly realized something, and his eyes lit up!

Shi Muyang fiddled with the wet and soft long hair between his fingers in front of the hair dryer, and felt Qin Su's probing gaze, because it was so direct...

He couldn't even pretend he didn't see it. →_→

"What's wrong?" Shi Muyang had no choice but to ask straightforwardly.

The current posture of the two is that he is holding Tan Su in his arms, and her beautiful and full forehead is facing his chin.It seems to have thought of something!
Looking down at this angle, he could see the collar of his pajamas she was wearing at a glance.

The shirt-like placket was too loose, even if she buttoned the first button neatly, it still couldn't cover the skin around her neck.

Creamy white milky thin neck, delicate and picturesque butterfly collarbone.

The light was reflected, and at such a close distance, even the tiny fluff could be seen clearly.


Suddenly, Shi Muyang's throat tightened, and he almost looked away quickly.

I just felt the restlessness in her chest that had been restrained since she went to the bathroom was ready to move again.

Shi Muyang kept implying that he was blow-drying the little girl's hair...to concentrate...to have no distractions, to...

Suddenly, the throat stiffened——

There was a slight tingling in the jaw.

Shi Muyang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Tan Su unexpectedly moved her mouth up to him, and took a bite on the man's jawline that was melted by the light.

Actually it doesn't hurt at all.

That feeling, how should I put it...

Sisi grinding.

It was as if there was a very beautiful and thin hook that hooked his heart at once, and it hooked the softest place at the tip of the heart.

With every light tug and pull, my heart couldn't help throbbing.

dong dong dong-

Then it became more and more irregular...


Shi Muyang's back tensed for a moment, and the movement of blowing hair in his hands became slow and mechanical.

Looking straight at the little girl in his arms, those wet black eyes, like a lit bonfire, shone with a sly and shy boldness.

At first, he thought Tan Su was a reserved and shy girl, but the little girl would do something unexpected every time.

Then he broke his original perception of her again and again.


Tan Su suddenly tilted her head at him, and before he realized it, she had already raised her two thin arms and wrapped them around his neck.

Under the warm light, those crooked, smiling eyes shone like autumn water, and their eyelashes blinked lightly, like a little fox who deliberately provoked.

"Shi Da, I can't help it, I want to kiss you, what should I do?" Her slightly raised ending voice also had a lazy nasal voice.

It sounds very squeamish.


  ps: The little rabbits coming home during the Spring Festival must pay attention to their health recently, do a good job of protection and disinfection, and remember to wear a mask when going out!Be sure to be well, have a safe New Year!love you big bunny

(End of this chapter)

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