I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2574 The truth!The little girl was...drunk!

Chapter 2574 The truth!The little girl was...drunk!
"Shi Da, I can't help it, I want to kiss you, what should I do?"

It sounds very squeamish.

For a moment, Shi Muyang's breathing was suffocated.

The eyes that locked her were getting deeper and darker, like a drop of thick ink seeping into transparent water, and then slowly seeping away.

Fascinating, charming.

An unspeakable evil spirit.

The little girl just said that she wanted to kiss him...

In particular, that sound [Shi Da Da] has a mellow ending, with a hint of warping, playful and charming.

All of a sudden, my heart is crisp.


"Da Shi." The little girl called out again.

Shi Muyang's throat moved up and down,

Her long eyelashes blinked lightly, and they seemed to sweep across the chin that she just rubbed, tickling her heart.

For a moment, he didn't know how to respond to her.

The slender hand has been tightened unconsciously, and the hair dryer that is tightly gripped is still making a "boom boom" sound.

But at this time, he seemed to be completely deaf, only her voice calling him kept repeating, amplifying, and looping in his ears...

So, I just watched the little girl come up again.

He didn't even dare to move, the tight tension shot up from his scalp to his spine, and then spread all over his body.

Just want to pamper her more wantonly.

Even, faintly looking forward to it.


The tip of her straight and slender nose touched the bridge of his nose.

Gently, let out a breath.


It also has a mellow fragrance.

"I..." Tan Su curled up the corners of his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, Shi Muyang suddenly seemed to be greatly frightened. His lower jaw was lifted violently, and a pair of dark and thick heavy eyes suddenly enlarged. He narrowed his eyes slowly again.

Faintly, there was a layer of metallic cold light.

It's extremely dangerous.

Under the tip of the nose, the mellow hot air diffuses the aroma of white wine.

"Asu, have you been drinking?" Shi Muyang's throat was hoarse, as if it had soaked in water, it was heavy and cold, suppressing the barely audible restraint.

Tan Su blinked again in a daze, as if he didn't understand Shi Muyang's words, and repeated it,
"drink wine?"

Shi Muyang pursed his lips tightly and didn't speak any more. He directly raised his hand to pinch the tip of Tan Su's chin, and leaned close to her mouth to smell it.

Suddenly, his eyes turned cold, he had been out of his mind just now, and he actually smelled the smell of wine diluted after taking a bath on her body at this time!
Looking at the little girl in his arms who was tilting her head and grinning silly and cheerfully at him, Shi Muyang felt irritable for no reason, angry and funny.

So, the little girl was drunk and turned into a dazed little/erotic/female?
Why are you so passionate about him?
Tan Su, who was in a daze, gave an inarticulate "uh", seemed to finally understand Shi Muyang's question just now, hugged his neck and nodded, his face was still red,
"Yes! Just at dinner time.

Director Yang and the producer were drinking, saying that the sorghum wine brewed by the locals was very sweet and fragrant, so they gave me a taste. "

Shi Muyang couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, and he pinched his brows. He also drank that sorghum wine. He drank half a cup on the day of the opening ceremony of the movie, and then he was dizzy all day long. The concentration is not counted. High, but particularly powerful.

Not to mention his little girl.


Tan Su slammed his chin again, his wet puppy eyes stared at the stars to express his great approval for the local sorghum wine, and he added with a big tongue,

"You went to answer the phone at that time, so I don't know."

Shi Muyang was stunned for a moment, the phone call Tan Su mentioned was from his brother.

Still talking on the phone...

  PS: Hahaha, this is the car for kindergarten~
  Don't you want to throw the big movie king down on Miss Tan?

  My cutest little bunnies, Happy New Year's Eve!

  New Year's resolution: Joy is delayed, only peace.

  I hope that we and all the loved ones will be healthy and happy forever.

(End of this chapter)

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