I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2575 It's really... so terrible!

Chapter 2575 It's really... so terrible!

Shi Muyang was stunned for a moment, the phone call Tan Su mentioned was from his brother.

Still talking on the phone...

Shi Muyang looked deeply at the little girl who was obviously drunk in his arms, and his brows that were already tightened were further frowned, and he sighed softly.

Forget it, let's not talk to her about it yet.

"Just took a sip?" Shi Muyang frowned again with displeasure, pinched the tip of the little girl's chin between his fingers, and rubbed the slightly rough fingertips lightly back and forth.

The delicate touch made him love it even more.

As for Director Yang's dark belly and smiling face, he didn't believe that he just gave his wife a sip.

He probably knew Asu's drinking capacity, if he really only had one sip, the little girl should not be so drunk.


Tan Su shook his head again in a daze, and subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth and said "Smash it", smiling like a kitten stealing fish.

"It's actually a small cup, hehe..." She stretched out a white and tender index finger as she spoke, tickled Shi Muyang's eyes like offering a treasure, and then put it on the corner of her mouth to bite.

The milky white slender fingertips, the bright red full lips, the two set off together.

Shi Muyang's face suddenly changed, and he felt his temples throbbing even more violently.

A small cup? !
No wonder... so lawless...

It's like a drunken little monkey who secretly drank the queen mother's peach blossom wine and played hooligans!

The most important thing is that this little monkey still doesn't know what he has provoked.

It's... terrific.

Shi Muyang took another deep breath, simply turned off the hair dryer in his hand and put it aside, and couldn't help but kissed her glistening eyes before saying,
"Is it hard now?"

"It's so uncomfortable..." Tan Su plunged into Shi Muyang's shoulder and rubbed against the neckline of his pajamas, seemingly feeling really uncomfortable.

"Chest is hot... Shi Da, I want to drink water..."

Look at the collar that has faded to the shoulders.

Round and round like a fine jadeite shoulder.

Shi Muyang's forehead twitched, as if he had really done something bad, and he pulled up the neckline of her pajamas with guilt.

Even his eyes were dodging, not daring to look at the little girl's eyes that were so pure and unknowingly seductive.

"I'll get you some water, you sit down obediently." Shi Muyang pushed Tan Su away from his arms, stretched his long legs, got out of bed, and rushed out in a hurry.

Followed by an ignorant "ahah", the little girl, without the support of a man's arms, fell headfirst on the mattress, and then "woo woo woo" pretending to be coquettish and howling without a single tear,
"Da Shi, you don't want me anymore, woo woo woo..."

A certain film star boss, "..."

It's really... so terrible!


Before Shi Muyang came back to the house with a water glass, he stood outside the door and did self-hypnosis for 2 minutes. The general construction content can be summed up in one sentence:

【He can't take advantage of a little drunk, otherwise when he sobers up, he will run away completely in minutes...】

Shi Muyang carefully sat back on the side of the bed, looked at the little woman who was still lying on her stomach with her forehead buried in the bed cover, couldn't help but chuckled, then hooked her shoulders and pulled her up to sit upright.

"Open your mouth and drink water." Shi Muyang had already fed the water glass to Tan Su's mouth.

Qin Su shook his head from side to side like a rattle drum,

"Usually, in this case, the male protagonists in romantic Korean dramas feed the female protagonists water himself."

"Huh?" Shi Muyang didn't quite understand Tan Su's words for a while, isn't he just feeding her water now?

  PS: Happy New Year, bunnies!

  In the new year, I am still here, loving you even more.

  Companionship is the longest confession of love, the love words between us will never change

  Good night~ Joy and peace (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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