Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1001 Scene 332 In Quantity, To Quantity V

There are leaves and leaves hanging quietly in the forest, juxtaposed one by one, like stars hanging from the night sky, on which are countless twinkling dewdrops.

It reflects the dewdrops of the night, and all the people and things it records are reflected in the dew.The edge of the dew is glowing red, a flame that lights up the sky.

The light of the fire passed through the canopy of the tree, and then thick smoke rose, like ink marks, hanging upside down in the night sky.

The blazing war cannot affect every silent corner in the forest. Within the reflected crystal light, there are two people.

The teenagers among them seemed very cramped. Guland was not the kind of kid who had seen the big world. Fortunately, he walked along the way, and this bizarre experience broadened his horizons.

The scene in this sea of ​​trees is certainly magnificent and magnificent, but in terms of thrills and tension, it can't compare to the battle with the withered tree man.

Guland only looked at Fang Plover in bewilderment, who was busy, and the other party was scattering some strange parts on the ground, as if he was planning to assemble a machine.

"Mr. Ed... Captain," Guland couldn't help but said, "It's just the two of us here."

Fang Plover was startled, and raised his head, but he suddenly realized something, scratched his hair and said with a sassy smile, "Gulland, what are you afraid of?"

In fact, the latter is not that old, he is just a big boy, but because of his experience as a leader, most of his childishness has already faded from his expression.

Fang Plover's expression was very calm, but he replied playfully: "I'm here, don't worry."

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, and looked out of the forest - where the mountains and forests reflected the moonlight, and seemed peaceful.


But Guland knew that it was far from peaceful there.

He had personally seen a large army passing through the valley before, and there was still a low humming sound in the sky at this moment, as there were countless airships walking in the clouds.

The strength of the entire team is poured into the northern front. The flames lit in the sky are the truest portrayal of the war, but the flickering explosions only prove the urgency and intensity of the battle.

There is no good news from the north yet.

What's more, Fang Yan also told him that Shui Wuming, MTT, and the Imperials, Taxin Singer, and Shujinzhiblade can only be in a stalemate. Even if they gain the upper hand a little bit, it will take a long time to establish victory.

But do they really have that time?

At this moment, another large army is passing through the mountains and forests in the south. They are not too far from the front line in the north, but only about twenty kilometers away, and they can reach it in one night——

And that's why they're here.

But with the two of them alone, can they really stop the coalition army composed of the Ravendur Craftsmanship Association, Silver Chain Island and Hanrui, even though Hanrui was injured in the battle with the Luotao people? , but two artisan delegations remained almost intact.

After losing the containment of the White Tree Society, they headed north all the way, and their strength was almost not inferior to the alliance of the Imperials to the north.So what are the two of them doing here?

Is it just to monitor the movements of the imperial people?

Guland didn't know Fang Plover's plan, but he always felt that his presence here was useless-others in the delegation regarded him as a killer.

But this killer weapon has never shown its edge so far.

This made him feel a little inferior.

"What are you thinking about, Gulande, you have to believe in yourself," Fang Yan seemed to see what he was thinking, and comforted him with a smile, "Everyone has elected you, Senior Sister Luo Wei called you to come with me, naturally It is recognition of your strength."

"But me."

"You will never distrust Ms. Ming, she personally selected you."

"No, I don't..." Guland was startled, but was suddenly taken aback, "Can I really help?"

Fang Plover nodded.

"Of course, you are an alchemist with a background in Potions." He looked at the other party and stopped what he was doing. "Among us, no one can match you in this school, not even Whisper."

Guland was taken aback again.

He nodded somewhat uncertainly.The boy didn't know much about alchemy, but the people from the Craftsman's Association told him that there was an unimaginable power sleeping in his body.

It was that power that gave him an unusual instinct and comprehension for alchemy and potions. He had only made up a lot of the most basic things recently, but it involved the field of potions.

Some knowledge is as if born with the same.

"That's fine," Fang Yan nodded calmly, "Have you heard of the magic solvent—He IX?"

Guland nodded again, "That is a coolant, it is mainly used to prevent the magic core from overheating. But its preparation process is very complicated, and in most cases it is actually useless, so it is only used in Very few places."

"That's it, the materials have been prepared, and you will be responsible for preparing this magic solvent later. My request is rather special, and I ask that it can accommodate as much ether magic power as possible."

Fang Plover raised his head.

He wears a monocular goggle on his face, and a clockwork fairy is like a star in a lonely night, hanging in mid-air, continuously showing pictures one after another through the fairy doll'Owena-thumb-morning star 'transmitted into his field of vision.

In the middle of the night, there was a wind in the forest.

The breeze blew across the sea of ​​trees, forming a layer of ripples on the forest canopy. In the forest, a large army was moving silently.

From the center of those pitch-black structures, he saw the Imperials, Hanrui, and the natives of Silver Chain Island with strange patterns painted on their faces—and their players.

The two sides are already very close.

But Fang Plover didn't have too many thoughts in his heart.

"Passability?" The boy couldn't help being taken aback when he heard his words. He could understand the other party's request, but he couldn't imagine where such a magic solvent could be used.

Guland once again turned his attention to the parts in that place, "Is it used here?"

Guland has never seen such a strange construct, and every part of it seems to be beyond the records of the textbook, and it even made him recall the days when he stayed in Estonia——

That period of time was not long. He set off from Yasha and was escorted to Tansnier. He didn't meet the princess, but he hurriedly met President Erna.There he had seen the skills of Istonia's artisans, and had only glimpsed them, but they were impressed.

The Istanian people's attainments in magical constructs have also surpassed those in other regions, forming a system of their own. Their most important understanding of constructs does not lie in the mysterious engravings on the core crystal.

It is about the energy balance of the overall system. The magic power is evenly distributed among the two systems, one is used to drive the flexible structure to act as usual, and the other is like the core of a magic wand grafted on it. .

Magic craftsmen use that core to simulate magic, so that the flexible structure can exert power similar to that of a mage. Naturally, the breadth of understanding of ether and magic is far behind that of real spellcasters.

But the actual effect is not much inferior.

The machine that Guland saw at this moment was gradually taking shape in the hands of Fang Plover, which seemed to be similar to the masterpiece of the Estonians. He suddenly remembered that this famous dragon alchemist had also gone to lived in his hometown.

A sense of intimacy quietly grew in the young man's heart, and he mustered up and asked, "Mr. Ed...the leader."


"Is this a magical construct?"

Fang Plover grinned. He patted the curved shell of the strange structure with his hand, and answered the question: "Gulland, have you ever seen a night sky full of stars in your hometown?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he said in a tone as if recalling:

"I have also been to the Silver Sand Sea. In the vast sand sea of ​​Istonia, the night sky is very beautiful and the stars are twinkling. Many years ago, it was called Arroquilin, and the Numerin elves were there Overgrown with silvery old trees—"

But then war came.

The Emerald Star came into the world, and the disaster turned the forest into white ground. After Athelin sank into the deep sea, the climate of Kaolin-Ishurian changed drastically, and the once sea of ​​trees was now turned into a piece of silver-white gravel.

There was a slight melancholy in Fang Plover's tone, as if recalling the days of traveling in Estonia again.

"The Numelin elves have also seen the same magnificent night sky. Through the knowledge of the starry sky, they created their own alchemy."

"The starry sky we see in the planetarium today is exactly what the elves witnessed thousands of years ago. They passed on this skill to mortals, and mortals can continue on this road. "

"I have a teacher," he went on, "not Lady Hades, and that teacher taught me only one art, and it wasn't even perfect, but at least it gave me a glimpse of what the Numelin had seen. door."

Guland was confused.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room finally found the information they wanted.

"Why is he here?" Geros was slightly surprised, he silently watched the dark army that was approaching the two of them, and muttered to himself, "Or is it that Contestant Ed is planning to bring Contestant Grund with him?" Two people delayed the pace of the army of the Ravendur Artisan Association. This is indeed a possibility, but..."

Even he himself did not quite believe in this possibility.

What is the strength of the Colin people?
The parties in the sea of ​​trees at this moment may not be very clear, but those of them who have watched everything from the sidelines will not fail to understand that the Grand Artisan General Group has put almost all its strength into the big battle in the north.

And if Fang Plovers still carries the Valkyrie structure called the Knight of Peace on his body at this moment, there may still be a chance to delay the progress of the Ravendur Craftsman Association, but the main structure is currently blocking the Imperial Works. in front of the square.

So what are these two people, the dragon alchemist, planning to do to prevent the imperial army from going to the northern battlefield to meet?
"If it's just a suspicion," the young partner asked hesitantly, "can you delay it for a while?"

"There is a possibility," Geros nodded slightly, but his tone was rarely uncertain - he is an experienced host and event commentator, and generally speaking, he rarely makes such mistakes , "After all, he is a dragon alchemist, and the people of the empire will give him a little respect. But the battle in the north is too fierce, and if he just uses tricks..."

He didn't say anything after that.

But it can also be heard that Geros is not very optimistic about this possibility.

No matter from which point of view, it is impossible for two people to stop the coalition composed of three artisan associations. Even if Hanrui's artisan association has no fighting power at the moment, it is at least two and a half.

"But Jack, have you noticed?" asked the young partner, "Dragon Soul No. [-] is with them."

"I've noticed this a long time ago," Geros nodded lightly, "The players of the Grand Craftsman Union have not used the No. [-] Dragon Soul Auwena in the previous battles, and I was also surprised by this , I didn't expect her to be here."

"But what's the use of having a dragon soul alone?" After a while, he added, "The goblin doll is just a command center, what he needs at this moment is an army. One is enough to compete with the craftsman of Ravendur An army that rivals the coalition forces of the Association."

"Seriously," Geros continued, "Actually, I think that the dragon alchemist may have a better chance of going to the central area by taking this opportunity. With the master's construction, they can actually be compared with the Imperials." Compared with the progress."

But after saying this, Geros also felt that his assumption was a bit too idealistic, not to mention whether a single main structure could open the gate of one of the three main towers in the central area.Even if it can, it will take at least a few days.

And after the Allied Forces of the Imperials eliminated the Guta people and other players from the Grande Craftsman Union, how could they give the Colin people such a chance?
While he was pondering, suddenly the young partner beside him spoke again: "What is that...?"

"what? What?"

Geros was taken aback, and couldn't help but look in that direction.On the flashing fluorescent screen, Fang Plover was standing up from the ground, and he took the box full of magic solvent from Gulande beside him.

At that moment, the tens of millions of spectators who were watching the game watched the dragon alchemist slowly put the box into the weird construct.

The movements of Fang Plover are so careful that the whole picture is filled with a sense of sacred ritual.

It wasn't until he pushed the box into the slide rails that the magic solvent inside could be connected to the grid tube inside the construct, and then he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.Assembling the construct was not complicated for him.Even if he hadn't operated it hundreds of times, there were always dozens of times.

Since Estonia and his party, he has been quite familiar with this unfamiliar yet familiar magical structure.

Fang Plover squinted his eyes and stared at his masterpiece——the strange construction completed by him actually still maintained the most classic shape since it first appeared in the sand sea, but it was slightly different.

It is like a nautilus suspended in mid-air, with silver tentacles floating in mid-air, but there are three fixed, suspended silver modules around it.

That's the biggest difference from how it was when it was first born.

But the function of those three flying modules is actually very simple, they are only used to connect with the goblin puppet 'Owena', because the siren construction is different from any type of construction on the market.

Not only is it a masterpiece born on the basis of the ideas of Istonia magic craftsmen, but also because its core encapsulates an alchemy circle that is very different from contemporary alchemy, which is a type...

A radically different design from today's flexible builds.

Before that, it had never shown its true face in front of the world.

Even in Fang Yan's view, in the real world, there is still a long way to go before the actual appearance of this construct, but in this world of the sea of ​​trees, the rules set by the occultists give It gave him a chance to try boldly.

The future he wants to see.

Since there is such an opportunity, of course he wants to verify it here.

"what is that?"

In Ma'er's live broadcast room, people whispered the same way.But this time even the most well-informed people couldn't help but lose their voices. This weird construct has gone beyond the scope of most people's cognition.

The journey of the Seven Seas Brigade in the sea of ​​sand is like a mystery. Few people know what they experienced there, what they witnessed, and what they gained.And this is the first time this structure has been presented in front of the world.

However, someone finally stammered and pointed out its origin, "That thing looks... like a magical construct," someone said hesitantly, "It's very much like a simulated spellcasting method by the Estonians. Its purpose is to verify the feasibility of different magic circles, but the efficiency is very low..."

"Training structure?"

"Then what's the point of it appearing here?"

"I'm just saying it's similar, but it doesn't mean it's true. After all, constructs mostly come from many different series. It's not necessarily that this thing is a more advanced product of the same series."

"But what's the use of being more advanced?" A question came from the live broadcast room, "It's only one."

"No, more than one," said the first speaker hesitantly, "Look, that's..."

On the main stage, Geros and his young partner stood up from their positions at the same time.

Including the stray horse's live broadcast room, the stray horse looked at the incredible scene happening on the screen with a shocked face.At that moment, time seemed to freeze, leaving a look of shock on everyone's face.

It also stayed beside Fang Plover, on the face of the boy named Gulande.

"This is impossible!"

The voice of Geros losing his composure reached everyone's ears through the live broadcast room.

The nautilus-like structure is shining with silver light, and it stretches out a silver line, which is connected to Owena in the distance—the fairy lady suspended in mid-air, quietly watching this vast expanse. In the forest, there is also a cold silver light shining in the pupils.

She turned her head, as if possessing real intelligence, and looked at Fang Plover not far away in surprise.

Several magic circles are opening above the 'sea monster' structure, unfolding an extremely beautiful scroll——

"Is that so, Mister Alchemist?" A cool voice asked.

"That's right, Ms. Owena," Fang Plover nodded, "You just need to manipulate these magic circles to complete my instructions."

"This is……?"

"Yes, just as you thought," Fang Yan nodded again. He didn't expect that Owena could actually communicate with him—that kind of quiet feeling reminded him of Miss Tata more than once, "This is An ancient alchemy circle."

"Mr. Alchemist, I probably understand what you mean." Owena hesitated, "Do you want to?"

"In the world outside the sea of ​​trees, I can see the door," Fang Plender calmly replied, "but due to many restrictions, it is difficult for me to realize it, but in the world of the sea of ​​trees, multiple parallels are as natural as breathing." ..."

He paused for a moment.

"So when the technical threshold of this skill has almost completely disappeared," Fang Plinter said, "I want to take a look at the scenery behind the door."

His voice is no longer limited to his own spiritual world.

Instead, it seemed to be talking to Guland on the side.The voice was soft and not too loud, it just fell on everyone's ears, but it was like thunder:
"People often ask me, what is the meaning of ancient alchemy?"

"Is it just a technique for purifying materials?"

"Such a complex and clumsy alchemy, besides the meaning of abandoning tools, what other possibilities does it have?"

"Actually, I have already glimpsed the existence of that possibility," Fang Yan paused every word. "It's just that I don't quite understand how to explain all of this. The real meaning of the elf creation technique lies in..."

It will usher in a new era.

He raised his hand, and bunches of silver light extended from his magic glove, as if they existed in substance, and they were connected to the strange construct suspended in mid-air, and the fairy lady emitting fluorescent light.

When those magic circles began to flicker.

Under the shocked gazes of the people, a construct that is exactly the same as that of the Kraken, as if it was 3D printed, is gradually revealing its figure from the air.

That is the creation of alchemy.

It is replicating itself.

At first it was just a piece of metal, a core, and a frame.

But it soon became full of flesh and blood, as if muscles and blood vessels grew from the bones, from the skeleton to another magical structure that was exactly the same as the original one.


More magic circles unfolded.

Like a star shining in the darkness, as he had seen it in the sands of Istonia.

But Fang Yan didn't even look at the scene behind him. His dark eyes only reflected the starlight in the sky, and he watched the craftsmen who were destined to arrive in the future.

In the future there is all that the Numerim Elves have promised to mortals.

That's since Ed the Great Alchemist—

Another era.

And at the beginning of that era, in the calm forest, countless red lights are emerging——Ravendure's army has arrived in front of the two of them.


I just realized that the previous chapter number was wrong

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