Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1000 Act 331 by Quantity, by Quantity IV

Let's get started.

It seemed to be an insignificant word, but it was like an inconspicuous footnote in a chapter.

And at this moment in this chapter——

Both the participants and the participants unconsciously put themselves in it.Everyone thinks that they are the destined protagonists on this stage. They are standing in the center of the stage, under the thousands of spotlights, deciding to belong to themselves...

or the fate of others.

But there are a few eyes on the field, one, two, or more.Everyone is estimating the slight difference between victory and defeat, and the conclusions they draw are actually still unknown.

A solemn look appeared on Geros' face. His eyes on the screen changed with the changes of the light on the screen. The data in the background made him notice something different.

A trace of astonishment was reflected on his face.

The history of wars started by mortals with magical civilization has been watered with flames, machinery and blood for a long time. At that time, darkness and light were constantly in conflict, and the civilized world was in danger...

The Verdant Star was born, and all the past history of Atalia was burned in it.

Those glorious races chose their agents from among mortals, and made a last-ditch effort to keep the world alive.

It was on the vast plain of Einbrok, the last fortress stood firmly on the last line of defense of the mortal empire, where there were only magic cannons roaring day and night—

And beams of golden flames are passing through the sky endlessly, as if to burn the whole world.

Only dark beings rain down from the sky.

The lightleader's army traversed the field, like a thin wall on the horizon, shining with silver light in front of the tide-like offensive.The knight with a silver helmet holding a pointed spear blocked the giant's wave after wave of impact.

Then a beam of light shot through the sky.

Rivers rolled back, forests turned into charcoal, and even the clouds rose and burned.

On the impenetrable line of defense of the tide of darkness, the mortals planted a banner.

Under that waving flag.

Ended the war of an era ago.

That was the pride of mortals, and it was also the era opened up by alchemists, and the situation at that time, and even the epitome of all the magical wars in the 1000 years since then, are reappearing in this sea of ​​trees at this moment——

in people's field of vision.

The flames of the pure world descended from the sky, like the judgment of the doomsday.

The crimson steel rain crossed in two or three lines between those pitch-black structures, melting the metal and turning the forest into a sea of ​​flames.The raging flames seemed to light up the sky, reflecting the golden light on everyone's face.

But the fighting above the clouds is not inferior to that on the ground. Countless banshee-shaped structures are rising from the forest canopy, densely packed like a swarm of bees.They joined the battle one after another, intertwined with the Type I Lancers dragging their long light tails in mid-air.

From time to time, bright sparks burst out from the constructs, which turned into a ball of flames that reflected in people's hearts and scattered, or the cumbersome Lancers fell below the horizon, dragging burning flame tails and thick smoke.

The Banshee is no match for the Lancer.

But the quantity made up for the disadvantage in quality, and more airships appeared in the sky at this moment, not only from the Colins.The Einbrok Artisan Association and the Sword of Shuojin all joined the battle at this moment.

Countless pitch-black structures almost covered the sky, like a black cloud. Under the crimson clouds, this black cloud and the line formed by the Lancers bit each other, even though the Colin could gain the upper hand for a while.

But it was also difficult to push the front back to the side of the Imperials.

Not to mention threatening the airships on the side of the Imperial Alliance, as well as the front on the ground below.

The magic cannon was recharged every 15 seconds, and then it drew a fleeting light arrow under the night sky. Every time it flashed, almost one of the Colin airships was injured and retreated.The beam pierced through the lines of the Lancers, turning them into coke.

One by one, the field of vision dimmed from the eyepiece, but the artisans of Grande and Kapka were not in a hurry, because at the same time, more fields of view were being added to their shots.

Like the compound eyes of insects.

Standing on the sidelines, watching this world of renewed war.

The forest has turned into mottled flames, billowing thick smoke covers the battlefield, and more and more airships appear on the periphery of the battlefield.The rear mining area and production line personally arranged by the dragon alchemist—Fang Plover—

More than a dozen minaret control areas are continuously producing more war weapons, working overtime, and throwing them into the ultimate battle in the sea of ​​trees.All this is the charm of the tree sea world.

That represents almost an industrial city in reality, a country's production capacity, and those production capacities were quickly converted into strength and put into this wonderful competition. That was almost the most eye-catching moment of the entire competition.

All the prep-

Here, in the end, it will be turned into the strength and language of conversation, which will be sharper and more straightforward than a knife.

Every audience watching this scene, no matter their origin, age or gender, no matter whether they have followed this professional craftsman event before, no matter whether they know the magic skills or not.

They are all holding their breath for this battle at this moment, they stop with concentration, put down everything at hand, stop talking, and keep their eyes on, because the fierce battle is already writing the final footnote for this competition.

Victory will be divided.

"Even if placed in the sea of ​​trees over the years, this is a rare and wonderful battle," someone in the director group subconsciously muttered, "Multiple parallelism has greatly improved the preparation before the battle, and the use of surplus skills has increased. The scale of the battle has been reduced, so there can be such a rare scene..."

"Yeah, I almost thought I was participating in a real war. The scenes recorded in every magical war 15 years ago, 70 years ago, and 100 years ago are nothing more than this..."


"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that if every link in the craftsman competition seems to be so exciting, no one will pay attention to it. The league may promote it to the A-level league, but the competition between craftsmen..."

"I'm afraid the next league will consider upgrading the competition..."

The staff behind the scenes are also spectators. They looked up at the scenes on the field and whispered from time to time.

But on the real commentary stand, all the commentators were speechless, and Geros was looking serious—the young partner beside him was even slightly surprised, and even left his seat in a gaffe, and looked up at the arena above the huge screen.

It seemed that if he didn't do that, he wouldn't be able to confirm his extraordinary state of mind at the moment.

"what is that……?"

"Why are they silent?"

The babble of arguments surrounded the entire arena like a storm, but people were at the center of the debate, and it was difficult to detect the subtleties.They argue over the anomaly on the main stage...

But only the stray horse raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment.

And that slight eyebrow raised.

Destined to be fixed by someone with a heart, with a slight 'click', it becomes an eternal portrayal of this moment.

and handed down classics.

The contestants of Taxin Singer—the people of the Scarlet Sea may have never expected that their opponents would be so difficult, even though they have been careful a hundred times, a thousand times, even at the level of the people of the empire—to predict the test The strength of the forest master group.

But the actual situation still made their hearts sink.

Valeria looked at the burning scene in the sky almost in astonishment. The airships of Colin's people seemed to cover the sky like red clouds. Is that the strength that a delegation of craftsmen can show?

She almost thought she had run into a legion of the Empire head-on.

"Tania, do you think the Imperials can do it..." She turned around and asked.

"The Einbrok Artisan Guild will definitely not be able to do it," the tall man shook his head, "But the Empire Workshop may not be, you haven't seen the two twin stars of the Empire, they are the opponents on the same level as the Corinthians .”

"The Colin people are really so powerful?" Valeria was incredulous, "How did they do it? Didn't they suffer repeatedly in front of the imperial people before that?"

"That's the third division," Tania said in a deep voice, "You haven't experienced that era, it's not just Shui Wuming and Weiyu, those players from Ragnarok are also among the talented craftsmen of this generation The best of the best, not to mention..."

Ten years later, the Craftsman Association of Grande formed a rare dream team.

Besides, there is that young man.

"But the Imperials are on our side," he said over his shoulder. "Now do you understand why we must join forces?"

The girl nodded apprehensively.

Thanks to the Imperials, the Shujin Blade also joined the battle, and the airships on both sides lined up above the battlefield, and the two sides were not inferior to each other.

She took a light breath, and couldn't help but recall the situation when the first wave of Lancers swooped down.

The staggered golden flames almost pierced through the entire position of the people of the Scarlet Sea. Fortunately, the shield of the large magic weapon was very strong, so that the magic cannon was not damaged in that round of attack.But then the Guta people's rush to the formation made them almost give up all their previous efforts.

Thanks to the dark constructs that the Imperials handed over to them.

What do they call those queer machines?

Adaptive construction?

But in fact, in private, Valeria inadvertently saw the real code name of those dark and distorted mechanical creatures-the prototype nightmare furnace construct.She didn't know what the name represented, but she still had an idea:
Can that really be considered a flexible construction?
Flexible construction is a miracle built on crystal cores and magic furnaces. The biggest difference between them and those bulky iron puppets is that they are closely related to the calculation ability of craftsmen. The precise crystal core and design endow flexible construction with soul .

Allowing them to be manipulative tools rather than moody iron men ready to lose control.

Of course, she understands the pursuit of margin skills at the forefront of technology, but margin skills are still calculations in the final analysis, rather than encapsulating a mechanical soul that no one can understand.

Did the Imperials really figure out the margin technique?

In fact, she had tested the other party more than once, but even those imperial players had little knowledge of these mysterious constructs. The mysterious stellar instrument was like a black box placed on a machine.

For a moment.

Valeria didn't think it was alchemists, it was a manifestation of magic skills.

But in order to win, she no longer cared so much.She gritted her teeth and raised her head. The battle above the sky was entering the hottest stage. The two sides could no longer escape. They had to shed the last drop of blood on this battlefield.

"Be careful," Tania's voice came suddenly, "The Guta may be about to launch another attack. Our magic cannon position is a great threat to them. The imperials let us pay attention to protecting ourselves... "

"It doesn't need to be said by them," Valeria frowned, "I thought the imperials were so powerful, but we were dragged here by the Colins in three-on-one, and they should have been the main force in this battle. "

"It's three against three," Tania corrected her, "Don't forget the Guta people and the Kapuka Artisan Association."

Valeria snorted softly, not paying attention.The Kapuka Artisan Association and the Guta people hardly played a big role in this battle, at least compared with them, they were only five or five.

However, the main group of the Colin people suppressed the Ainbrok Craftsman Association so much that they couldn't lift their heads.

The Imperials are simply consuming no matter the cost, to delay the opponent's attack.

In Valeria's opinion, the battle was rather ugly.

"But you're right, the Koolin people must have come out in full force," she sighed softly, and said decisively: "I don't believe that they have any backs under such a large-scale attack. Do you think they might Is it more powerful than the Imperial Gemini?"

This time, even Tania shook her head.

In his opinion.

The main group of Grande is just on par with the Imperial Workshop, which means that if the two double-star geniuses were in this place, they would also be nailed to this place by them, and they would not be able to advance an inch.

But not an inch.

Just waiting to die.

But fans of the authorities, few of the players in the sea of ​​trees know—at this moment in the live broadcast room, on the entire arena, what people see is a completely different battle.

Alisa leaned against the pillar with a sweet smile, and with a swipe of her small hand, she happened to capture the moment when the stray horse raised her eyebrows lightly, the flowing look of astonishment, and the surprise flickering in her eyes——

And the surprised movement of the other party leaving the position slightly, all became eternity in that instant.

Then she raised her head, looked at the picture in the light screen, and narrowed the corners of her eyes slightly.

In the cabin on the lower floor, Tianlan opened her mouth wide with an 'ah'. She reached out to hold the cup on the coffee table, but her hand was hanging in the air, and she didn't notice it for a long time.

And that moment was also frozen.

There are also many people with the same shocking expression on their faces. What they see is not the scene of flames spreading in the forest, thick smoke filling the sky, and endless battles, nor is it the plan of the imperial people...

Or the fortitude of the Corinians.

That is the off-site data cut from the main stage. With a map, overlooking from mid-air, the battlefield is like the center of a sea of ​​trees—but on the Colin side, three light spots have long been separated from their large army .

One of the dots.

It has already passed through Area F and is gradually approaching the core area. In everyone's surprised eyes - it is not too far from the last team of the Imperials, the light spot where the Imperial Workshop is located.

It even stopped in front of the Imperial Workshop.

"It's the Hill of Giant Trees..." Geros' young partner muttered to himself, "It was the Sanshak Craftsman Association who opened up a passage for him, and the people at the Hill of Giant Trees are even using the Refraction Tower to continuously send the test The war machines of the Linren are projected from the rear onto the battlefield ahead..."

"This is normal," Gerald said in a low voice, "It is of great benefit to the second division to let the imperials and the Colins go to war. It turns out that this is the condition that the Grand Craftsman Association negotiated with them. "

"But that condition must be more than that."

The young partner said categorically, his eyes remained almost unwaveringly on the separated light spot - it appeared alone in the central core area, blocking the advancing route of the imperials.

And there.

In the lush jungle there, a young man wearing a silver Wisland craftsman's badge was pushing aside the dense bushes in front of him. He stood on a high place and looked at the open valley below——Imperial Man The airship is slowly advancing along the transportation route there.

And not far away—

It is three towering white solitary towers.

"Here we are," the young man grinned, showing his snow-white teeth. He even turned his head and glanced at mid-air—that smug smile just caught the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room.

This guy……

The common thought in almost everyone's heart in the live broadcast room.

Xiaoyao stretched out his index finger and middle finger, made a victory gesture in mid-air, and couldn't help laughing, "Now it's my turn to show off, Ed is so funny—" he thought to himself, pressing his hand on his chest On top of the information crystal.

At that moment, a beam of blue light was projected forward.

At that place, a female construct with a graceful figure was outlined - a silver-white main construct, the Valkyrie.

Xiaoyao watched the masterpiece jointly completed by Fang Plover and Weiyu show up in front of him little by little, and then he couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. He looked forward, his eyes were shining with changing brilliance.

There is the Imperial Workshop.

There, are the twin stars of the empire.

But so what?It was not the first time that Silver Wislan had confronted the Imperials. He was already familiar with the stories that happened in the Turbid Realm, and he had dreamed countless times that he was also in those legendary stories.

and become the protagonist of the story.

But at this moment-

He finally had this chance.

"Imperial man," Xiaoyao said excitedly, and even raised his voice, "I'm coming!"



A bright silver flower.

But that Yinhua caught the eyes of the world, and more people were a little puzzled.Those who don't know much about the game may be wondering whether this is a turning point on the battlefield, and whether the Colin can break the game in one fell swoop.

But in the heart of the wandering horse whose expression was fixed on his face at this moment, he was thinking about another problem.

That question is being passed to everyone's ears by the two commentators on the main stage at this moment:

"It turns out that the Colin people planned it this way..."

"They reached an agreement with the Sanshak Craftsman Association, and Forin helped them open a passage to the core area, so that they could come to this place in advance to stop the imperials..."

"But there are still big questions."

"They used the main structure in this place, what should they do in the rear? The Sanshak Artisan Association will not help them stop the Ravendur Artisan Association, Silver Chain Island, or even Hanrui..."

Geros frowned deeply, "The Colin people have used all their strength, but they are only on par with the Ainbrok Artisan Association. Even if they have a slight upper hand, they will definitely not be able to withstand the two-sided attack."

"But..." the young partner's voice came from the side, "Jack, where's Ed?"


Geros seemed too focused, and couldn't help but startled when he heard the name suddenly.

"Ed, the dragon alchemist Ed," the young partner didn't seem to notice the other party's gaffe, and immediately reminded him, "He's not on either side."

A big question mark not only appeared in Jie Luoshi, but also appeared in the hearts of every audience who was watching the game and listening to the commentary.


What about the dragon alchemist?

A little early, but not by much.

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