Pillars of Ita

Chapter 999 Scene 33 With Quantity, To Quantity III

Chapter 999 Scene 330 With Quantity, To Quantity III
"Could that be a trap?"

In an instant, a thought flashed through the wandering horse's mind.

In the picture, the moment before the battlefield, the situation at this moment has not changed because of the perception of the outside world.

In the fierce confrontation, the Guta people had actually lost the initiative on the battlefield for quite some time.

After all, the absence of such a main force as Vikki is hard to say that it is a 'not serious' influence on this team from Baozhang Coast.What's more, on the side of the singer of Taxin, there is a steady stream of dark constructs that come from nowhere.

A large number of nightmare furnace structures are pouring in from all directions. Even if one K-2 walker can deal with two or three such machines, the absolute disadvantage in numbers makes the Guta people take up almost all of them just to maintain the front. The computing power of all the fairy puppets.

What's more, in the previous battle, the Guta people lost one or two goblin dolls.

Although the soul of the fairy is immortal in the space of the sea of ​​trees, it still takes time to replenish.The goblins of the Guta people were in a hurry, and after using up the last spare goblin doll, the battle situation became more difficult.

"Where did those damned things come from?" the magician kept summoning spells with the magic wand in his hand, and used beams of rays to penetrate the gathered nightmare creatures, complaining to his colleagues around him , "Is there no upper limit to controlling them? These things look more like products in this sea of ​​trees space!"

"Stop talking nonsense and concentrate. In short, they are definitely not things that those guys in Chihai can think of. These things must have something to do with the imperial people. If it is true, have you completed it?"

The goblin shook his head vigorously, "I've tried my best, how could it be so fast."

"You'd better hurry up, every line of the goblin doll is overloaded, and the clockwork goblin can't get into the air at all. We don't know the situation of the battle, not to mention Miss Vikki is waiting to start it later—"

"Look at Yongzai," said the goblin. "Once his plug-in is activated, we will have a window period. I will fully support Sister Vikki later. We can only wait and see if it will succeed."

Everyone looked up and looked forward.

The three Ts-1s were submerged in the black tide, and the next moment an invisible shock wave rippled from the forest—it swept across the branches and leaves of the tree crown, but did not cause any ripples.Under the dark night, there seemed to be a ripple without touch, gently swaying past several people.

They all shut up.

Bright sparks of magical power lit up in the darkness, and even the instruments on the magic furnace behind them turned rapidly. The magic craftsman was startled, and hurriedly reached out to press the protective device on the magic furnace.

The magic wand in his hand dimmed.

The etheric oscillator has been activated, and there is a moment of silence in the forest.It's now - the goblin envoy realizes that the opportunity has come, the silver threads around several goblin dolls light up at the same time, and the craftsmen around him let go of a batch of goblins at the same time.

"Miss Vikki," the man yelled, "I share the vision with you—"

The Guta people knew in their hearts, from the moment they put all their eggs in one basket.

Success or failure is here.

The light curtain in front of Vikki also lit up, and the glowing blue light reflected on her face, and countless images were refracted on the projection crystal, forming screens around her.

The computing power of more than five goblin dolls supports this behemoth, and continuously feeds information back to her conscious world through the ether link. In the outside world, it is almost impossible for her to control this Stalker X- 1 fight.

But in the sea of ​​trees space, everything is possible.

She is not the most professional battle craftsman. Although she is much better than most people, she is definitely not as good as the monster in the main team—even among the battle craftsmen, that person is also the top one. Batch of the best.

But in the sea of ​​trees, craftsmen are endowed with this ability. As far as the understanding of this construct is concerned, no one here can be said to be more in-depth and comprehensive than her, even the real main construct craftsman, the supreme one.

It may not be as good as her.

After all, she is the creator of this construct.

She raised her head slightly and stretched out her hands forward. The sense of control was completely different from that of manipulating those huge construction machinery on earth, or even from her repeated exercises in the training camp.

After all, constructs are not pure machines, they are machines, but they also have biological characteristics. Magic crystals and magic skills endow them with completely different technical routes from the earth.

When Vikki stretches out her hand, it feels as if she is directing her body, and all the surrounding environment is fed back to her perception through the calculation power of the fairy doll.

She felt like a giant standing in the forest.

She raised her head and looked at everything in the sea of ​​trees—the paralyzed Nightmare Furnace cluster, flashing magic arcs, and the position of the people of the Scarlet Sea in the distance was dark, and then a flash of light lit up.

Vikki raised her hand subconsciously, flipped a switch, and the four fractal Annihilator engines lifted into the air under her conscious control, and a light curtain descended from the midair.

The rushing beam of light hit the light screen and exploded into a brilliant firework. The dots of fire light slowly descended in Vikk's eyes through the light screen, and there was faint brilliance reflected in her pupils.

There was a burst of cheers behind him.

On the other side, the clockwork goblin is taking off, and the light screen in the cockpit transmitted through the goblin doll's etheric link is rapidly ascending—but they are blocked immediately.

Amid the exclamation, the screen immediately began to shake, and some of them spun and fell, or darkened in an instant, and it was pitch black.

Vikki caught sight of the assailant—the banshee construct—for the last moment.

The Taxin singers had expected that they would let the clockwork goblin fly, and they were waiting here—realizing this, Vikki frowned slightly. Was the other party prepared for any danger?

Still expected.

But there was not much time left for her to think.

"Quick, Miss Vikki!" The goblin envoy's anxious voice came from the team channel, "We can't support it for long, the banshee is also a great threat to the link, and the ether shock plug-in can't last too long!"

Vikki exhaled lightly. She looked at the gorgeous fireworks in the night sky. More and more clockwork goblins were dimming their vision—it was difficult for them to fly out of the forest canopy, and it was difficult for the rare one or two to provide any effective information. .

But no matter what, she had to move on.

Before those strange constructs wake up, they must destroy the magic cannon on the side of the singer of Taxin, otherwise the situation will be too disadvantageous for them, and they will be beaten almost out of sight.

Under her command, the Stalkers moved—the first to move were the four Annihilator engines, and they roared towards the people of the Red Sea, but soon—a strange, spear-wielding The construct similar to the nightmare furnace creature stopped it.

Another new class of constructs.

Vikki's heart sank. As expected, the singer of Taxin was funded by the imperial people. It was almost impossible for Kaikai to hide a new series of constructs.But she had heard about the alchemy reforms that the imperial people were doing.

This may be the result.

She doesn't have the corresponding ability to manipulate the main structure, but in the sea of ​​trees, these skills are natural, she strides forward, and sweeps the claw of the long blade-like mechanical arm towards those structures.

The enemy's resistance was much weaker than she had imagined.

The alloy blade almost cut the twisted construct in two. The main construct should not have appeared in such a field, even though the Stalker X-1 is far from being the main construct.

But this construct of around level 25 is definitely the top existence at that stage.

The strength of those distorted constructs is roughly between the walker K-2 and K-3, converted into levels, that is, less than the twenty-level range, it is not difficult for the stalker X-1 to deal with them.

But they exist for a purpose.

It seems that it is only entangled with the Annihilator engine of the Stalker X-1.

Vikki felt a little uneasy, "Cui Ruzhen, you must get the information on the battlefield," she ordered through the team channel through gritted teeth, her eyes were so dark it felt really bad.

Especially in the duel of craftsmen.

The plight of the Guta people can also be seen in the live broadcast room at this moment. Although the tall stalker X-1 is still advancing, it is not far from the first-line position of the people of the Red Sea, but the Taxin singer side is not in a hurry.

It seems to be planning something.

The magic cannon was recharged at this moment, and another flash of light traversed the dark forest. The four Annihilator engines suspended in mid-air were overheated, and Vikki had to raise the large shield in his hand to block the blow.

The light passed through the large shield, like a heat flow cutting metal, and the molten steel splashed like sparks. The huge impact made Vikki back heavily, and the heavy machinery plowed a deep ravine in the forest.

The girl snorted, the rehearsal in the simulated instrument was definitely not like this, and she was also one of the few people who got the highest score in the training camp at the border of the tree and sea in Abenand.

But the scorching pain from the injury on her lower abdomen greatly limited her ability to play, and the pain burned her nerves, making it difficult for her to concentrate.

In the final analysis, she is also just a craftsman, not a real combatant.

"Miss Vikki, hold on a little longer," Zheng Yongzai's voice came from the channel, "We have calculated the recharge time of the Taxin Singer's magic cannon, and it is 20 seconds, which should be enough to get you there -"

But that calm voice suddenly turned into a scream.

Vikki looked in that direction subconsciously, only to find that the nightmare furnace creatures that should have been paralyzed by the shock plug-in stood up from the ground one after another, and soil and dead leaves fell from their pitch-black bodies.

That scene seemed to be the death of Su Sheng.

"How is this possible?" The goblin envoy screamed in the channel, "How could they wake up so early?"

And the moment was buzzing in Vikki's head - it was a trap.She finally realized this, although she didn't understand why these dark constructs could do this.

But apparently—

The people of the Red Sea are playing the trick of inviting the king into the urn.

in the forest.

Valeria also watched this scene in amazement.

"Even I find it a bit unbelievable," she couldn't help sighing as she controlled a large number of fairy dolls, "This not only subverts people's perception of flexible construction, but also subverts our understanding of magic skills. And the cognition of the core crystal."

"Not necessarily," the tall man's voice was still very calm, but in his eyes, he could more or less see some sighs for the skills of the imperial people, "Actually, when people are looking for the meaning of surplus skills, don't they just Did you expect this day?"

It's just that the Imperials went deeper.

go further.

Not to mention them, even the craftsmen of the imperial people may not be able to understand the kind of stellar instrument rooted in the creatures of the nightmare furnace.That is the deepest secret of the Imperial Workshop, and it is also one of their most important technological achievements in this alchemical revolution.

Although it is still very crude, and lacks that vital link.

But in this sea of ​​trees, its first appearance and rehearsal were perfect enough.

This will be a day that will change the history of alchemy in this world.

Unfortunately, they are just spectators—not participants.

Tania sighed slightly. The principle behind it was actually very simple. The vibration plug-in only destroyed the connection between the resonant crystal in the flexible structure and the craftsman's magic furnace.

Simply put, it is to temporarily cut off the Ethernet link.

But what if flexible construction does not require an Ethernet link, but can act autonomously?
Even just two simple orders are enough to change the situation of the battle.What's more, the real significance of the multi-stellar instrument is that it can greatly reduce the dependence of flexible construction on computing power.


The power of battle craftsmen may not be limited to the hands of a few people.

He pointed forward, and the Nightmare Furnace constructs immediately launched an attack like a tide——

"How is this possible!?" In the Wandering Horse's live broadcast room, the barrage was equally puzzled, and among the audience were many hardcore fans who really understood the artisan competition.

But whether it is a hardcore player or a newcomer, they can't explain the scene in front of them. How can the shock plug-in, which is always unfavorable, fail, and it fails so quickly?

Even the stray horse himself couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

However, with his keen observation ability, he immediately realized that all this must have something to do with the strange structures of the imperial people.He only watched for a moment before realizing that his guess just now had come true...

All of this was indeed a trap set by the singer of Taxin.

The Guta people are in danger.

I don't know if it was because the singers of Taxin were too experienced, or someone from the empire pointed out, but the opponents of the ancient towers obviously expected that the ancient towers would make a desperate move, and at the right time.

the right place.

Set up an ambush.

They were already sure of winning, but they were still so cautious. It was almost impossible for the divided Guta people at this moment—Vikki, who was driving the Stalker X-1, to turn around and rescue his teammates.

What's more, she didn't have time at all.

"Sister Vikki," a flash of inspiration flashed in Zheng Yong's mind, he shouted: "You keep moving forward, don't look back!"

He turned around and ordered the goblin in an almost decisive tone: "Let the clockwork goblin continue to rise!"

"The line of defense...?"

The goblin envoy looked at the densely packed 'tide' rushing towards him.

"Ascension!" Zheng Yongzai yelled out these words almost with a firmness he had never had before.

The other party was startled when he saw his ferocious appearance, but still subconsciously allocated more computing power to the clockwork goblin that was lifted into the air.

The walkers on the front line almost fell down one by one, but the scattered clockwork fairies finally broke through the blockade of the banshee-shaped structure, flying out of the forest canopy scatteredly, and rising to the sky.


The goblin envoy finally saw clearly the 'dark current' surrounded by the sea of ​​trees through his eyepiece.

The endless black tide is coming in this direction.

Vikki naturally also saw this scene in his eyes.

"The Guta people made the right decision at the last moment." On the main stage, Geros was giving his final evaluation to this scene, "but for them, the decision itself is actually meaningless."

"Yes," the young partner also nodded in agreement, "but the significance is that what they did is of great significance to the Colin people."

"They're going to die together."

"What do you think the result will be?" The young partner turned his head and looked at Geros, "Is the Guta people's judgment correct?"

"No." Gerald shook his head and looked aside, "In fact, there are still variables."

The tall stalker X-1 has turned back without hesitation. Its goal is no longer to win, but to rush to the position of the people of the Red Sea.

She had to at least destroy the magic cannon of Taxin Singer before the black tide engulfed her teammates, and before the goblin doll disconnected from her main structure.

Even let the other party pay a certain price.

Without the burden of the Guta people.

Maybe that guy can go further?

Vikki raised her right hand and released the Annihilator engine for the last time, the enemy's position was in front of her eyes, she could almost see the face of the elf envoy on the other side - she was a woman like herself.

But younger than myself.

And at that moment, she saw a flash of light in the muzzle of the magic cannon.

Vikki's heart sank, and the Taxin singers actually kept their hands. The recharge time of their magic cannon was not 20 seconds, but faster than that.All their clumsiness was to lure her to this place.

The result of all misjudgments on the battlefield is a crushing defeat.

Let alone this moment.

But at that moment, a bright flash of light lit up obliquely from behind her, and then directly penetrated the entire sea of ​​trees, hitting the magic shield around the magic cannon of the people of the Red Sea.

The faint blue shield lit up for an instant, and then dimmed again.

Although the attack didn't penetrate the shield, it still affected the energy storage of the magic cannon, and the flash that lit up in the cannon bore obviously dimmed.

Vikki turned her head in surprise, the first thing she saw were a few pale cyan light trails, passing low through the clouds, whizzing towards this direction.

The first to lower the height were more than seven constructs holding long guns and pulling long blue light tails behind them - Vikki had seen this kind of special-purpose plovers in many places, even in the video of the Battle of the North Construct.

It has a famous name.

Type I Lancers.

Then more Lancers appeared above the clouds, and they descended slowly in the shape of a sharp arrow, ten or twenty, appearing in people's field of vision like a swarm of bees.

The Corinthians have arrived.

"The reinforcements are here!"

The goblin was so excited that he almost jumped up, "It's a Colin!"

He had never called those 'opposite' guys with such enthusiasm in his life.

And a few kilometers away from the battlefield, it was impossible for Shui Wuming to hear all the whispers in the forest. She was just watching all the lights on the vast land through her eyes.

beside her.

Wucun, MTT, and Weiyu lined up, and behind them were many unfamiliar faces.

Among the crowd, only three figures were missing.

There was also an uproar in the live broadcast room.

The master artisan group of Grande came faster than expected, and more importantly, they did not know when they first joined up with the members of the Kapuka Artisan Association, and arrived at the battlefield just in time.

At the most critical moment for the Guta people.

above the ground at the moment.

Valeria and Tania are also raising their heads, looking up at the wonders above the sky, the countless Lancers, and the airships behind them, with golden flashes of light.

is piercing through the clouds.

It was the firelight of the drop pod.

The tide of battle has changed.

On the ground, it is impossible for the Nightmare Furnace structure to be the opponent of the Lancers, and their thin long-range weapons cannot pose any threat to these flying structures.

And in the air, the banshee-shaped construct was even more one-sided in massacring the Lancers.

Although they still have a quantitative advantage, the number of constructs on the Colin side does not seem to be much lower than theirs, and in terms of quality, the Colin side is even more dominant.

"The Collins have entered the arena." Surprisingly, Valeria didn't show much shock on her face at the moment, but turned her head and looked at the leader of their group, "This number The construct is really amazing, and it is indeed an opponent that the imperial people regard as a strong enemy."

"Tell me," she asked, "is the dragon alchemist in there?"

"They came out in full force," Tania's voice finally changed a little, "this scale...even if there are three more, we are not their opponents. But that's okay, the prey has already entered the hunting ground..."

He picked up the communication crystal and repeated the sentence again.

"The prey has entered the field. Call for the Blade of Gold, the Artisan Brock Craftsmanship Guild, the Ravendur Craftsmanship Guild, and Silver Chain Island. Everyone, let me repeat—the prey has entered the field."

Tania paused again.

He only stared at the distant darkness, and then said:
"Get started."


 Woohoo, tomorrow must be early

(End of this chapter)

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