Pillars of Ita

Chapter 998 Scene 329 In Quantity, On Quantity II

Chapter 998 Act 329 with Quantity, to Quantity II
"Okay." The tall man was standing in the middle of the forest, inserting the last metal pole into the soil.Then he raised his head and stared into the depths of the sea of ​​trees in the distance.

Under the moonlight, the man's dark skin seemed to be coated with a layer of brilliance, his thick lips were tightly pressed, and the sides of his mouth were slightly puffed up, and his angular face had strong Latin features.

Valeria is also looking in this direction.At this moment, she is stretching out her right hand forward, and the light is shining on the slender fingertips.

It was a series of etheric connections, like a silver network, every node on the network, the goblin doll, the clockwork goblin and the last nightmare creature, each used their mechanical cold Pupils watch the world.

That world is reflected in the eyes of the former.

She was looking at the resolute face of their leader, the Falcon of the Red Sea, through the changing, complex, and different-dimensional perspectives.

"But why didn't we do it earlier," she asked suddenly, "maybe the main group of the Colin people is coming, they are nearby, and will join those ancient tower people at any time. That dragon alchemist, but even the empire People are very afraid of existence, aren't they?"

The people from the turbulent open sea are more or less wild and fierce outside of civilization. Although the recruiters are not original residents, they are also contaminated with this kind of spirit like the locals during their studies and adventures. idiosyncratic.

It also inherited the tenacity and rebellious will.

Their cooperation with the empire, in the eyes of the two, does not mean kneeling at the feet of the empire.

But at this moment, if they want to defeat the Guta, it is more or less for themselves—not a covenant or a mission.Because the proverb in the Red Sea often says, "The fight between craftsmen must be distinguished—"

To be honest, Valeria doesn't think much of Guta people.

Those mountain people who claim to be rebellious are now as docile as sheep and attached to the kingdom of the Colin people. The people outside the sea value the independent relationship between themselves and the mainstream civilization, and naturally they will cast aside those qualities that are contrary to it.

Even their callers are also full of contempt for players from those regions.

Although the Guta people had suffered a lot from Shuojinzhijian before, it was because she and Tania were not around.

Valeria's real concern is with the Corinians.

"It's just in time for them to come," Tania said with a calm gleam in her brown eyes, "Is our target really the Guta people? Preventing them from reconciling with the Koolin people will have a certain impact on the whole plan." It’s good, but it’s not necessarily impossible to let the Colin people meet with them. The significance of taking the lead is that even the poorer choice is acceptable to us. The imperial people are still moving forward, and they are here, We've already won so much."

"That's right," Valeria was still a little reluctant, "It's just that we won't be a foil for the imperial people?"

"We were originally," Tanya added, seeing the girl's complexion turned ugly, "As a group, do you think there is any comparison between the singers of Taxin and the Imperial Workshop?"

Valeria sat back, and even though she was rebellious, she had to admit the difference between the two. These words allowed her to regain some leeway—at least this was a team competition—she could still play He comforted himself so much in his heart.

But Valeria also knew in her heart that she was no match for the geniuses of the twin stars of the empire or even those below.

"The Guta people may have realized something, they have a taste of wanting to die," Tania looked at the darkness in the forest lightly and shook his head, "But even if the Colin people are aware of it, so what? Under the circumstances, even the worst result is acceptable to us.”

On the main stage, Geralds pretty much repeated the same words.

"Seriously, buddy," he was talking to his partner in a low voice, but he was actually explaining the situation to the audience in this way, "there's something wrong with the Colin people."

"I think so too," the young partner frowned and nodded. The previous game made him very optimistic about the Colin people-they have professional judgment eyes, but who doesn't like a wonderful game?

The plan of the imperial people is amazing, but the Colin people's ingenuity and ingenuity, as well as their understanding of magic skills, are actually more suitable for display in this competition.

As a fan of the craftsman competition, it is hard for him not to appreciate such a spirit, and even in his heart he would be more inclined to the wonderful performance brought by the Colin people.Just as a commentary, he must be impartial:
"Unlike us," he analyzed, "the people of Kaolin can't see the form in the sea of ​​trees, and they don't know whether the delegation of Goland craftsmen has already guessed the intention of the imperial people, but the encirclement is closing, not to mention That's not the root of the problem."

"The root of the problem lies in the progress," Gerald said sharply, "After Han Ruina succeeded in attacking the Mira Temple, the progress of the Lotao people lagged behind greatly. They were originally the team that was most likely to hold back the Imperial Workshop. "

"At this moment, thanks to the careful planning since the beginning, the imperialists have a smooth road ahead. They are attacking the wall of darkness. After passing the core area, who can prevent them from entering the three main towers? ?”

"Although I don't know whether the imperial people have a way to enter the main tower," Geros added, "but they look confident and say that they have no plan for the main tower, so are they worthy of this sophisticated plan?"

"This is how the imperialists win," he thought for a while, and felt that he could draw a conclusion. "Their tactic is actually a simple way of fighting against the upper four, and after dragging the hands and feet of the Colin and Lotao people. , won the game in one go with his absolute advantage."

The young partner sighed softly, and also felt that the Imperials had become a big deal. He glanced at the flickering light on the map representing the Colins with some pity—in fact, in his opinion, the two teams were almost the same. Not as many as people think.

But step by step, step by step, the competition in the sea of ​​trees is so realistic.

However, the plan of the imperial people is indeed worthy of praise, and even he couldn't help but praise: "But such a plan is actually based on absolute self-confidence in oneself. Not everyone can hold back the Colin people and the Luotao people For the home team, if this strategy really works so well, then we wouldn't just see it play out now."

"Yes," Jellosh also agreed with this, nodded and said: "The key is that this year's imperial delegation is strong enough, even so strong that they don't need to rely on too many foreign objects obtained from the previous area. Confident that they can win the core area. If they don't share the benefits they gained from the previous progress, Silver Chain Island, Taxin Singer and Shujin Blade will not only entangle the Colin and Lotao people, Even against the Ancient Tower people, there is no chance of winning."

"But it is precisely because they faithfully fulfilled the agreement and greatly improved the gold content of the remaining overseas teams that they were able to take the lead in this game and carry out the plan to this day." Jie Luoshi expressed his praise. , "It is also for the same reason that the teams in the outer seas will firmly make the covenant with the imperial people. Because they have really benefited from it."

"In this way," the young partner nodded lightly, "the rules make sense. This is a wonderful plan, not a malicious act of crowding out the opponent. It is basically in line with the principles of the craftsman competition."

Neither of them disputed that.

The referee's seat did not give any objection.

The buzzing discussions on the field even penetrated into Ma'er's live broadcast room, and the barrage became more intense. A small number of spectators in the third division were also discussing this rule:
"Ma'er, is what the main stage said true?"

"Eighty to nine points, but after all, it is a game held in the empire, and the referee team will more or less favor the host. But from the rules, it is true that there is nothing wrong with it, and the rest are just some subjective judgments. "

"But isn't it so unfair?"

"It's not unfair." Although the barrage discussion was very intense, there were still objective remarks. "The main stage has been analyzed very thoroughly. In the final analysis, it is still at the level of the imperial people. If you can even put the previous few The benefits of the division are completely abandoned, and in such a situation, you can still hold the other teams at the top, doesn't this in itself also show your strength?"

"That's not necessarily true," a voice questioned. "If we face each other head-on, I don't think we will necessarily lose. It's not like you haven't seen Ed's main build. Could it be that the Imperials beat it?"

"But it's meaningless to say that. The Imperials have already entered the core area. If the Gutas are abandoned to stop them, the situation will be hopeless after the other two teams leave the field, and it will even affect the next few games."

"But if you want to protect the Guta people and the Kapuka Artisan Association, then the imperial people are destined to win this game smoothly. Is there any way to have both?"

"Unless the soldiers are divided into two groups, how is that possible? To stop the Imperials, I think at least let the 'Valkyrie' go out, but the dark constructs of the empire have also seen that the 'Valkyrie' will not stay , Can you save the Guta people?"

"Is there a possibility that the Guta people can break through by themselves?"

But even the most optimistic judgment, no one thinks that this possibility can be realized.

In fact, the Guta people are in a bitter battle, and even the stray horse couldn't help but shake his head when he saw the scene in the picture——

The killer weapon of the Guta people, besides Vikki, is the talented plug-in craftsman in their regiment, who is called 'Zheng Yongzai'.But when they selected the topic of area D, this insurance had actually been exposed.

It can't be said that this insurance didn't work in the previous fierce battle, but at the same time, it will also make other competitors compete to take precautions, but he saw that when Taxin Singer consciously retreated into D area and launched a defensive line——

The wandering horse has already realized that if the Guta people still want to rely on their talented plug-in craftsman, they are afraid that the facts will disappoint them.

His eyes were falling on the artisans of the singer of Tarsin, the tall device standing in the forest.

Magesmiths are in fact the oldest sect of alchemists.

In the oldest era, the technical route of alchemy has not been subdivided as rigorously as it is today. At that time, even the production of magic furnaces was classified under the category of magic.In other words, all skills related to magic in the early days can be included in this school. At that time, magic craftsmen were not called magic craftsmen, but generalist craftsmen.

The making of magic tools is an overall summary of the magic skills of mortals and all subsequent derivative technologies that were born out of the first magic furnace.

Flexible construction is a magical creation, so are plug-ins and crystals. Although after that, all kinds of craftsmen were subdivided into the ranks of magic craftsmen. In 20, crystal craftsmen were born. Standards for combat craftsmen have been formulated, but even today, magic craftsmen are still called the most comprehensive craftsmen.

"Although magic devices have been subdivided into such a situation today, they still include a large number of large and small magic devices, ranging from farm tools, tools, and even toys, to those in the magnificent cities of the world of Atalia. Infrastructure, factory equipment, even agricultural machinery, delivery vehicles and platforms that can be seen everywhere in the world..."

"Even the swords, armors, staffs, and even volumes in the hands of adventurers, magical objects, magic guns, and even giant cannons in fortresses, magic tools cover almost all the magic weapons that people in this world have seen. every aspect of the craft.”

Jelos also stared at the tall device, telling the origin of this ancient profession in a calm tone, as if talking from history to today, showing the dusty past in front of the audience.

"Some of today's magic craftsmen are participants in production, maintainers, and alchemists can be seen everywhere. They are the group with the largest base among alchemists."

"The other part of them is war tool craftsmen, and these two groups are the most uneven group of all craftsmen. The largest number of them are apprentices and industrial workers. Most of them stop below the tenth level, and the third level Silver Star, but for the huge alchemy production system in this world, they are the most indispensable group of people."

"And among these people, there are also geniuses, great masters, and those legendary names that are famous in ancient and modern times. The magic tools that were born through their hands are innumerable in the history of this world. So people often ask, What are magic craftsmen good at? This question is hard to answer—”

Gerald paused for a moment.

But that question is not without an answer.

From history to today, people can still say that magic craftsmen are good at making all kinds of equipment.And those equipments naturally included war facilities.

The alchemists of mortals are born in war, and that is what they do best.

And the first question in area F comes from this.

Bright and dazzling spots of light were being lit up in the forest, and a shell whizzed through the forest. It hit several towering ancient trees one after another, breaking them off, and finally, when the fuze was fired, everything around it flashed intensely. It turns into powder.

The shock wave of the explosion swept forward along the surging flames, engulfing a whole row of fortress-like walkers. The flash of magic power penetrated the crystal center of the machine, and amidst the crackling sound, the tall structure was torn apart and turned into Flying parts.

Zheng Yongzai raised his hand, and blocked several flying screws with his magic gloves, making a tinkling sound.He turned his head and looked in that direction with an unbelievable look through his thick glasses.

"Magic cannon!"

Another craftsman in the same group exclaimed.

"Concentrate on it, look ahead," Vikki wished he could push away his companion who was supporting him, and go himself up.She gritted her teeth unwillingly, suffocated her stubbornness and said angrily: "Among the Taxin singers, there is a craftsman who is good at large-scale magic devices, and that is their leader, Tania, the Scarlet Sea Falcon—— It’s not something that everyone has known for a long time, why are you so surprised?”

"You should know the level of your opponents, why are you pretending to confuse me now?" Vikki said mercilessly, "They are not from Lotao, why? Without me, you are not as good as the team from the sea ?”

"But those machines..."

The Guta people were a little at a loss as they looked at the Stove structures pouring out of the forest. It wasn't that they had no way to deal with these structures. In fact, walkers of size K-2 and above still had an advantage against the Stove structures. .

But the number of opponents is too large, which constantly involves their energy, making it difficult for them to break through.

Vikki looked at the glasses boy beside him.

"Sister Vikki, the effect of the plug-in in the F area is not as obvious as that in the D area," Zheng Yongzai replied weakly, but he glanced at the front and realized that they would hardly have a chance to break through if they were so consumed. Gritting his teeth, he said, "I'll give it a try."

"You must be successful, Zheng Yongzai, we must be successful," Vikki stared at him and said every word, she really broke away from the person who was supporting her, and staggered forward clutching the wound on her lower abdomen, "Aren't you clear about their intentions?"

The intention of the people of the Red Sea is to hold them back.

To hold them back is to hold the Colins.

The Guta people have never dealt with the Kaolin people.

But in this common arena, they are still comrades-in-arms fighting side by side.

What Vikki secretly hated was that the guy didn't listen to persuasion at all. Could it be that those stupid Colin people couldn't see the situation clearly?They turned around and gave the imperials wings, so what if they could save them?
This is not a battlefield of life and death.

This is a game.

Obviously, only by stopping the imperialists can there be a chance of victory.

But those hateful, short-sighted Colin people, did they come back to save them to show their magnanimity?The little girl gritted her teeth, she didn't need such mercy, in comparison.

All she wants is victory.

But there is only one way to win, either they break through by themselves, or they exit here, so that the Colin people wake up and immediately go back to the imperial people.Only in that case, they have a chance of winning.

Now that the decision has been made, the rest is the question of implementation.Let her be the first example of how the Guta people should leave the field.

She raised her hand.

A blue light burst out from the information crystal on her chest, and it outlined a giant in the forest like a scan—it was a towering construct with two legs standing upright, and two arms inserted like blades In the mud, it supports its upper body that looks like a triangle.

A shell passed the Guta people.

The strong wind lifted the girl's hair, but she didn't look away for a moment—the light of the magic cannon hit the temporarily opened shield of the ancient tower delegation, bursting out a dazzling flash, which was reflected in everyone's pupils among.

It was quiet for a while.

The roaring sound pierced through the eardrums, drowning out all the reverberations in the forest.

A craftsman beside Zheng Yong opened and closed his mouth, as if talking about something, but Vikki was not moved at all.

"X-1, Stalker," the stray horse whispered the name, "the main build, and also the main build...but not completely, everyone..." He just remembered what happened in his live broadcast room audience.

The wandering horse explained: "This is actually an early model of the main structure. Have you ever seen the Wind Knight of the Imperials? This one is very similar to that."

"The Stalker series is a famous product of the Kingfisher Workshop in the early years. It uses copper plating technology and a strong alloy to form its body. Its prototype was produced in Altaria in the 334th year of history. The creator is Emily Wagner."

The female master craftsman who created the glorious history of Kingfisher Workshop by herself.

"It was originally born to match the early model of the Imperial Wind Knight," the wandering horse said to the information of the construct, "Later, this series developed into a series of constructs that people are familiar with. originator."

"That's the main build—"

"It can be said to be one of the only ways for craftsmen to lead to the main structure," the wandering horse couldn't help but pause slightly, thinking that there seemed to be someone who was not like this, but out of instinct, he continued to say: "Those pseudo-dragon knights who failed to become the main driver in the end, without exception, finally became the driver of the wind knight or the stalker."

"The Hunting Knights of the Colin Kingdom and the Silverwind Knights of the Imperials came from this."

"But..." he paused, "We all know that Vikki is a craftsman who is good at constructing bodies, but constructing body craftsmen can also be subdivided. This is the first time I know that she is the master constructing craftsman... This is really Coincidentally..."

The Guta people hide very deeply.

he thought.

But it's a pity that she was born at an untimely time. If it wasn't for such a battlefield, this girl would definitely be able to leave a deep impression on everyone, and she might not even be able to surprise the entire game.

But who would have thought that so many things would happen in the sea of ​​trees this year?

In the picture, Zheng Yongzai finally completed his preparations. After installing the plug-in calmly, he threw the three Lurker Ts-1s far away.This is another genius belonging to the Guta people, and it was only then that people discovered that the opponent's movements were so fast.

Just now when the Luotao people installed similar plug-ins, they did not achieve this efficiency.

The boy wearing glasses has completely calmed down. He looked at the fairy craftsman not far away. Several fairy dolls had already been flying into the air. Although one of them was attacked immediately, a beam of light penetrated the fairy craftsman. Puppet, knock it down.

But more silver threads are spawned on the battlefield.

The Ts-1s were already galloping in the direction of the Tarsin singers.

"They're coming," said Valeria, who saw the scene clearly through the clockwork goblin's vision from afar.She turned around and asked the plug-in craftsman in the team: "Can you stop him?"

The craftsman looked at this scene and shook his head.

Valeria's eyes flashed a look of sincerity, she didn't say much, she just turned her head.

Ts-1 has already rushed into the array of the Nightmare Stove, and then it sank suddenly, and an invisible ripple immediately spread in all directions, almost every Nightmare Stove passed by. Jump out bright sparks of magic.

Then paralyzed.

Large pieces of nightmare furnace structures turned into scrap iron.

Tania was yelling to her colleagues: "Get ready for the magic cannon!"

But at that very moment, Vikki gritted her teeth and boarded the X-1 Stalker, she was inside it, and then pulled back the rear hatch—the next moment, the visual device of the tall construct immediately lit up .

Red light flashed.

"Miss Vikki, can she still hold on?" The other craftsmen couldn't help but asked Zheng Yongzai next to him worriedly, but the young man wearing glasses just stared at this scene in a daze - just now, Vikki had passed through a private channel Transferred command to him.

"Now, there are people in this regiment who are more qualified for this position than you."

Vikki's voice was cold, "But in the future, no one is more competent than you. It's up to you to think about how to make decisions next."

The tall construct stood up.

A flash of light in the distance.

The light of the magic cannon pierced through, but Vikki raised his hand, and the tall construct also raised his hand, and four diamond-shaped square cones flew up from its body, and a light curtain descended from midair.

The shells of the magic cannon hit the light curtain and exploded into fragments of fireworks.

All the bullet screens in Ma'er's live broadcast room stagnated, and people couldn't help but have an incredible and bold idea at that moment-could the Guta people really turn the tide by themselves?
But only the stray horse frowned, staring at the dense black shadow on the overlooking map like the tide, the tide did not rush up, but receded.

What are they waiting for?
Could it be that they are waiting for the Guta people to go forward?


 I'm back!The update will be early tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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