Pillars of Ita

Chapter 997 Scene 328 In Quantity, To Quantity I

Chapter 997 Chapter 320 Scene [-] In Quantity, To Quantity I
"The White Tree Society has left."

"The Pillar of Stars Artisan Guild has also exited."

Outside the arena, whispering voices gradually filled the large arena of Abpenand.On the host stage, the commentators were also whispering to each other. Geros looked at the manuscript in his hand, lowered his tone, and stated the fact——

Until now, people seem to have tasted the unusualness of this competition.

In previous competitions, there has never been an example of an entire team leaving the field in the second stage.Although there is still a resurrection stage later, but without the support of resources on the field in the second stage, it can basically be declared out.

This moment is only the sixth day of the Spire Trial, the third day in reality.

However, the sea of ​​trees has entered a white-hot stage.

"The White Tree Society has actually obtained some resources," Geralds was silent for a while, before commenting, "After all, they have made it all the way to the D zone. Considering the past competitions as the total, such results can be regarded as quite satisfactory."

"Unless the Imperials didn't plan ahead." The young assistant frowned, stared at the picture and shook his head.

Geros also agreed with this point, "It is true that the Imperials gave up most of the spoils and divided them equally among the four teams that came up from overseas and trials. This means that the score of the White Tree Society leaving the field at this moment is not higher than Most teams, it's definitely not good news for their schedule going forward."

He stated his opinion as tactfully as possible.

But in fact, it is not too good for the White Tree Society, but too bad.Sea of ​​Trees has entered the final stage. Even if the remaining teams are on the same starting line, as long as they take a step forward, they will greatly leave the teams that left the field before that.

As for the Pillars of Stars...

No one is optimistic about the Luotao people anymore, after all, even their main group has been frustrated at this moment.

Geros had some words that he didn't fully say. In his opinion, the plans of the imperial people had begun to take shape, or at least part of the success had been achieved.The situation in the sea of ​​trees is gradually tilting towards the final victory of the imperials——

People silently estimated the participating teams.

There are still 100 teams on the field, and based on the calculation of nine people in each team, there are still at least [-] people left.At least five teams still need to be eliminated in the rest of the game.In other words, only six teams will enter the next round in the end.

The Imperials already accounted for three of them.

Everyone will fight for the remaining three seats.

At this moment, the Imperials' home team, the Imperial Workshop delegation, is currently crossing area F and heading towards the core area of ​​the dark barrier.Outside the core ring area, the towering White Tower is within easy reach.

On the other side, the troops from Hanruina, Silver Chain Island, and Ravendur Craftsmen's Guild were cleaning the battlefield, and there were only a few teams of the Hill of Giant Trees and Colinites left in front of them.

In the north, the brilliance of different colors is converging on the map, connecting them into one piece...

On the screen, the picture itself has changed.

People are watching the Northern Territory of the Sea of ​​Trees suddenly appearing in the light screen——

The atmosphere in the Wandering Horse live broadcast room was dignified.

Everyone could see the urgency of the situation, and the trap set by the Imperials was taking shape, and within that huge trap, the Guta people and the players of the Kapuka Artisan Association seemed to be unaware.

Even the team they had hoped for was passing through the barrier zone.

It seems that Jie is breaking into the encirclement net without knowing it.

A moment ago, people witnessed the destruction of the White Tree Society with their own eyes. The endless dark structures slowly submerged everything like a rising tide. The people of the Memenos Craftsmanship Association actually mobilized some backup.

However to no avail.

The feeble resistance was still engulfed by the tide of darkness.

The Imperials finally used their trump card unabashedly. The construct similar to the nightmare creature has a computing power requirement thousands of times lower than that of ordinary constructs in the tree sea space. A goblin puppet , can almost muster an army.

And those dark structures seem to be quite cheap, and all the bases behind the imperials are fully converting to produce such structures, and airships are flying over the sea of ​​trees.

And sent countless such constructs to the front lines.

The alliance of the empire, the coalition composed of seven participating delegations, has been fully activated, and the number of those dark and twisted structures is increasing every moment, as if there is no end.

People looked at the airship that covered the sky and the sun, and several armies were crossing half of the sea of ​​trees, and they were silent for a while.

Most of them, of course, still remember the square silver Valkyrie—

But can a decisive weapon really reverse the general trend that is changing in the entire sea of ​​trees?

Even if the dragon alchemist can kill several times in and out of this army with the main construct alone, even if no one can stop him, can he really protect everyone?
What's more, even if there is one person who kills the coalition army of the imperials.

But can that still be regarded as the three delegations of Colin-Ishuilian, 27 craftsmen, one representing the overall victory of the Ishuilian alchemy world?

People can't help but feel a little weird, especially for those who are familiar with the meaning of this game, the essence of the Trial of the Spire, the essence of the Continental League, is not a contest that advocates individual heroism.

Especially in this sea of ​​trees space.

Even in the competition where Loofah created a legend, the Colin people were still united, which made the imperials bow their heads and compromise.People's admiration for the late executioner came more from her dominance over the contestants of that craftsman competition.

That was the head of craftsmen, the core of that generation of young geniuses.

After she left the Rose Crusade, a small group was formed around her. Those who admired her personal charm actually left signs from that competition.

"What's more..."

Many different opinions are clashing in the live broadcast room.

"I don't think the dragon alchemist can kill the imperial coalition."

"In the final analysis, this is the second stage. Even if he wins, what about the others? The Trial of the Spire has never been a competition that advocates individualism. Losing the wings of other people, even the Rotao people, the giant tree Qiuren, how do we plan to deal with the imperial alliance in the next link?"

"Does this mean that casting the main construct was a wrong choice from the beginning?"

That's not...

Of course, people still remember the astonishment at that time, not to mention that it was not only Fang Yan's choice.

If it weren't for that Valkyrie, it would be impossible for Colin-Ishurian's main group to cross the F area all the way and reach the northern border of the Sea of ​​Trees at this moment.

But it seems that no matter how you choose, it is an inextricable knot at this moment. The empire has become a big trend, and they have successfully used the information gap - and the starting position of Colin's side can only be said to be bad luck.

People were silent and seemed to be lost in thought.

The stray horse blocked a few provocative remarks, and he rarely explained, just frowning and looking at the few remaining names on the tree sea map.

No one, including the main stage, seemed to realize that possibility.

The Imperials went into battle lightly, and have already distributed all the trophies except the ice feldspar and gestalt core, and distributed them equally to every team in the alliance.

In other words, for this alliance, its own value has been realized. If the goal of the imperial people is only the No. [-] main tower, then for other delegations, their goal in this sea of ​​trees has actually been declared complete .

That means...

The wandering horse suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility, perhaps that was the real plan of the imperial people, although they still don't know what the other party's hole cards are, but their intentions have been clearly revealed.

If it is said that for the six delegations of Ayn Bullock, Ravendur, Taxin Singer, Shuojin Blade, Hanruina and Silver Chain Island, their mission in this stage of the tree sea has come to an end .


It means that these six delegations can completely give up everything.

They only need to launch an offensive against the Colin-Ishurian team, even if the ensuing battle will be equal consumption, and even the six delegations will pay a heavier price than the other side.

But as long as they stop the Colin people from the core area for an extra second, it is worth it to them.

"Once the main tower is captured." On the main stage, Gerald's eyes flashed, and he finally realized something, "The final 24-hour countdown will enter on the field, and the Sea of ​​Trees space will end early."

In two live broadcast rooms.

He raised his head at the same time as the stray horse, and looked at the time.

Time is running out for the Colin-Ishurian delegation.

This is not just a trap, but a nearly perfect conspiracy. Now every participant on the stage inside and outside the trap is in place, the hunter is waiting for the prey, and the prey is also seeking the opportunity to get out of the net.

But the people of Great Tree Hill...

"Horse, horse, look at the main stage, the people of Giant Tree Hill are lying!"

"They haven't fully kept their promises."

"The people of the Hill of Giant Trees used some means to deceive the people of the empire..."

"Now the Ravendur Craftsmanship Association has led the team from the sea, and has passed through the sector they control and headed north..."

"The two sides did not collide at all."

Several eye-catching bullet screens suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

The stray horse immediately cut the screen to that direction. Due to the different speed of time, the live broadcast on the field is actually still delayed. What he saw at this moment was the scene at least 10 minutes ago.

The area controlled by the Sanshak Craftsman Association is calm at the moment, and several black torrents are crossing the forest, passing through the southeast sector of the sea of ​​trees, following the northward direction of Fang Plover and his party, and completing the encirclement to the north.

And on the big map at this moment, the Artisans Association of Ainbrock, the Singer of Taxin, the Blade of Gold, and the Artisans Association of Ravendur, the delegation of Hanruina Offshore, and the Artisans Association of Silver Chain Island are one by one. North, forming a giant pincer.

And the center of the clamp.

It is really the three teams of the Colin people.

"The main crystal tower," the wandering horse suddenly remembered the technology that the people of Giant Tree Hill are most proud of, "they used the teleportation technology to jump back and return to area B, which requires a lot of energy, and It will definitely take time to transport the magic storage crystal to the front line and build the transmission tower..."

"...In other words, the Sanshak Craftsman Association should have been preparing for all of this a long time ago," he was suddenly taken aback, "Forin had seen through the tactics of the imperials early on, and they were using the Colin people to seek their own opportunities... ..."

"These damned Europeans!"

There was already a barrage of curses in the live broadcast room.

But the wandering horse fell silent.

He thought, did that person really not notice?They agreed so happily to the person from the Hill of Giant Trees, but even if the dumb-looking guy didn't notice, Wei Yu and Luo Wei should be thoughtful people.

He had carefully collected the information of each contestant, especially the Colin-Ishurian delegations, those elite geniuses who were born in Godslayer and Ragnarok, would they really have no precautions?

Until his eyes rested on a flickering light spot on the map, he suddenly let out a light sigh.


A long whistle echoed in the forest, just like the echo of a sharp arrow passing through the forest, lingering in the dark woodland endlessly.

The hunter is hiding in the shadows, patiently waiting for the prey to fall into the trap - a pair of emerald green eyes are quietly watching the shadows in the forest, the swinging leaves, and the flickering lights of fireflies in the dark. Light.

"Valeria, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the stars," the girl said softly as she stared at the starlight, "just like we look at the starry sky, and the starry sky is also looking at us. Everything under this starlight cannot escape the mercy of fate, just as the imperial people planned it." Everything is the same, is there any effort on our part?"

"Of course." The former shook his head, "Valeria, in the final analysis, this competition is still a contest between craftsmen, and it's time for the Guta people to see our technology. Don't be so obsessed with being like an astrologer, I don't like that."

"But look," Valeria raised her hand, and the silver goblin doll floated in the air in the direction her finger pointed.

The thread of ether is pulling the black construct that reveals the weird beauty, the cylindrical body, the spider-like mechanical claws are moving forward with stiff steps, making a rustling sound.

Darkness spread across the forest like a spreading tide.

She watched this scene intently, "Have you seen this? This is the technology of the imperial people. Can you really recognize it? Some parts have completely deviated from our understanding of alchemy. Have the imperial people... gone too far?" Far……"

"Are you afraid?"

"One thing," the girl nodded, "What I'm worried about is not the technology itself, but whether we have been left too far behind. After all this, is there any meaning to the magic skills we have learned?"

"This is the Sea of ​​Trees Space," said the former, "The technology of the Imperials may not be so mysterious. They have recently promoted the transformation of magic skills, but the flexible configuration of the new series is not so bizarre."

He turned his head, "Don't underestimate yourself, Valeria, in your hometown, you are also a genius. None of us have one or two special skills, we just need a stage to show it."

As the man said, he assembled a tall device on the ground.The other party raised his head again, staring at the dark forest.

"And now, this is the stage we've always dreamed of."

"We're not begging for alms from the empire, and there's no such thing as a vassal here—"

The girl smiled, "But the people of the empire may not think so, and the outside world may also think that we are far from being the opponents of the Guta people."

"It's up to them what they think," the former replied. "We brought everyone to this place, and we also admit that what those people said is true. Compared with the average level, we are certainly not as good as those artisan associations on the main continent."

"But precisely because we are aware of this fact, we will use the rules to make ourselves go further..."

"There is nothing wrong with this, Valeria. This is also the significance of the Spire Trial and the first two rounds of the preliminaries. The competition in the Continental League is not only the individual level of the craftsmen, but also all the wisdom of mortals."

"But," the girl raised her head, "Tanya, everyone who can come here understands this."

"Indeed," the man nodded, "but not everyone can see themselves clearly."

There was another long whistle in the forest.

A flash of fire was reflected in the man's eyes, and he quietly watched that direction, not only through his own eyes, but also through the black vision crystal of the clockwork goblin in the distance——

He watched everything that was happening in the sea of ​​trees.

"The guests are here," the former said suddenly. "I heard that one of them is a very good plug-in craftsman. Judging from the sequence, the level in area D was selected by the Guta people."

Valeria also stared in that direction, and said, "I know him, his name is Zheng...what's the matter..."

"Zheng Yongzai."

Vikki was calling out the boy's name.

Zheng Yongzai took a breath and turned to look at her.He pushed his glasses, looking a little timid, as if he was afraid that he had done something wrong.

The goblin envoys of the Guta people had defeated the attack of those dark constructs once, but it was more like a temptation. Based on the feedback from the clockwork goblins from all over the forest, the constructs on the Shujin Blade side seemed to be In this forest, it is endless.

Everyone knows that those strange structures definitely do not belong to the technology of the open sea, but belong to the empire.They have also seen the new series of Imperials, so they can clearly see the similarities and differences in the techniques of those Nightmare Furnace creatures.

What's more, during the Battle of the Northern Territory, many Guta people had personally experienced the horror of those nightmare furnaces.

But Vikki has never been afraid in his heart.

Since she dared to return to this place, she naturally understood what they would encounter. At least they attracted the power of the empire, and the people in the Kapuka Artisan Association would be much more relaxed.

At least compared to them, that team still maintains a complete establishment.She believed it would all work for that guy, the equally obnoxious Dragon Alchemist, the schmuck from The Third Division.

"Zheng Yongzai," Vikki said, "go try your new plugin."

"Is it right now?" Zheng Yongzai was a little unsure, "Sister Vikki?"

"Right now."

Vikki nodded, she was almost completely disabled due to the injuries on her body, and she was dragging others down.But she didn't care too much about this, but said in a soft tone, "Zheng Yongzai, this is a craftsman's competition."

And the game of artisans.

In the end, of course, we have to return to the magic technique itself.


 After a week off, I'm back!After writing it smoothly, I will consider making up for it. At present, it seems that I owe six chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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