Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1003, Scene 334 The end leading to the sea of ​​trees

Chapter 1003, Act 330, The Finale to the Sea of ​​Trees
The silver shadow slammed heavily on the expanded shield, and then left with one blow.It receded as fast as a ray of light, or a pale lightning bolt rushing through the forest, only to become a tiny black speck in an instant.

The tall centaur-like constructed creature was standing behind the group of people in the Imperial Workshop, and the spear placed on its mechanical arm was pointing in that direction. The tip of the spear was red, and the lingering smoke curled up.But the golden-red light beams emitted by the spear tip were already far away by the shadow, and could only hit the air alternately.

Helium, the magic craftsman of the Imperial Workshop, looked at the blue smoke from the Imperial Ten portable shield device with some stomach ache - there were obvious burn marks on the copper pipe used as the ether circuit on it.According to the common judgment standard of alchemists, it is not too far from being scrapped.

This thing is the most exquisite type of large-scale device, not to say that it is a simplified instrument, but the ultimate representative of the miniaturization of battlefield magic tools. The Ossurians also only use them at the most critical nodes on the battlefield.

Without it.

It's expensive--

The frequency and thickness of shields excited by high-energy magic crystals are not inferior to large-scale war devices, but the magic rubies mined from the Tuze area with extremely high energy density cannot be replaced by artificial processes, making their manufacturing costs remain high.

And the production capacity is limited.

"Fortunately, it's in the sea of ​​trees, otherwise the people from the logistics department would have to kill me," Helium smacked his lips. "It can withstand two rounds of attacks at most. I can temporarily repair it, but it will take time."

He looked up in that direction, "So what exactly is that?"

"A main structure," the free man 'Hei' clasped his hands, followed the silver light spot in mid-air, and said: "The 'gift' of the Colin, but I always feel that the manipulator has not used it One-tenth of its strength."

"One-tenth? If it works harder, I won't be able to do anything."

"That's the main build after all."

Hei thought for a while and said, "But I don't think it is an immortal knight, but a category that is biased towards the supreme one."

"The Most High? Did you see the driver inside it? Unless the driver was only ten inches tall, Thumbelina?"

"You don't have to believe it," Hei pouted, "but I stick to my own judgment."

"Regardless of the possibility," plug-in craftsman Hegrim looked at the two of them, "It's extraordinary that the Colin can produce a construct that is close to the level of the pseudo-dragon knight. I have seen at least one Extraordinary flash."

"Does it mean that it manipulated the roots of the trees to attack us?"

"Extraordinary resurrection, legendary inspiration, I really want to see its design," Hegrim was full of interest in that construct, "It's either the masterpiece of the dragon alchemist, or the silver Wisland treasure big move."

"Indeed, I never thought that only the Empire was prepared for this big game. The Colin people are never simple. This is a fact we already know."

The imperial people talked a lot, but they didn't seem nervous.But the next moment, Georgieffin's words came over, interrupting the discussion between them, "That thing will be back soon, do your job well."

"What does the boss say?" Helium looked in that direction, "We can block that thing for a while, but if we stop here, will the Colin delay the time?"

"do not worry."

Georgifen came over, with one hand in his coat pocket, and he looked up at the moving light point leisurely, "You have removed the shield, and I'll meet it. Helium, I'll give you 5 minutes to fix it it."

Helium has no doubt that the opponent has this ability. Each of the opponent's three constructed life forms is a crystallization product born out of technological innovation, and comes from the phased results of the nightmare furnace research.

And in terms of ability, the double star of the empire is not comparable to him.

Compared with it, the ten-type portable stove is like the firefly to the brightness of the bright moon, otherwise Juno Pirio would not have handed over the only mechanical artifact to him.The Irishman smiled bitterly:

"It can't be repaired in 5 minutes, at least a quarter of an hour. And it's impossible to fix it. The other party has already damaged the stability of the core crystal. At most, I can only let it work for a longer period of time."

"That's enough. I don't want to listen to your whining and complaining like a jerk. That's enough. Go ahead and act according to your ideas. I don't care about the process, only the result." Georgifen replied bluntly.

Helium curled his lips, but that’s how the relationship between the Imperials is. He came from the gray field, but Georgifen is from Prometheus, and Juno and the only elf craftsman in the team, Trixis, are from the SOLID alliance—

He secretly looked in that direction.

Juno and the student of the Gray King stood together, discussing with each other, as if they were investigating the terrain in the vicinity, and they were arguing about something.Trixie stood beside the two, holding a simple model in her hand—the model looked like a nail with a coil wrapped around it.

And a proportionally reduced tower-type magic furnace.

"Luofen, you really think that the terrain is fine, the etheric veins indeed just pass through the underground here..." Juno-Pirio frowned, and he looked at the dark barrier not far away—through the Behind the mechanical high wall there is the real core area.

The three giant white towers stood like ivory in the vast forest sea in the central area. It seemed that the distance between them was very small, but in fact there was a distance of at least thirty or forty miles between each tower.

"It's just to build a beacon first," the student of the Gray King still had the same plain expression, "It's not that I don't like you, that dragon alchemist is not that simple, he—or the people around him have already seen through us idea."

He raised his head and looked at the flashing light in the sky, "Guess if the Lotao people are still behind us, it means that the Colin people believe they can stop us."

"By that?"

Juno shook his head, "The dragon alchemist or Luo Wei himself may be okay, but the silver Wislan crystal craftsman is really not at that level. You tell me the actual time needed, and I will do it."

"Do you know potions?"

"What?" Juno Pirio was taken aback.

"The Kaolin people were the first to enter the sea of ​​trees," Luo Fen replied lightly, "They chose the first question, but have you encountered the Kaolin people's questions so far? If I guess right, It's Potions."

"Is there anyone in Colin who is good at Potions?"

"As far as I know," Luo Fen looked back and nodded, "Yes."

Juno turned around and looked at Trixes who was on the side. The little girl was fascinated by the argument between the two. The master configuration greatly shook her confidence—for a configuration of the level of the pseudo-dragon knight.

The test is not only the level of its creators, the flash of inspiration, but also the level of goblins. Fairy dolls do not have sophisticated logic, so it is difficult to support such a huge computing demand of a main structure.

For a moment she was distracted, wondering if she could do the same.

It wasn't until this moment that she came to her senses, "Boss, do you want me to get close to the wall of darkness?" Trixes blushed and asked a little embarrassedly.

Juno nodded, "Go, don't worry about the loss. The number of crystal towers occupied in the outer area this time is the largest in history, and the structure of the towers in the dark wall has been weakened to a level below. Not a threat."

The head of the twin stars was used to giving orders, and his tone unconsciously carried a kind of self-confidence.

This kind of self-confidence also infected Trixes, the girl tapped lightly, she knew that it was for her to analyze the environment in the Central District.

Those are jobs that the contestants are familiar with, but the central area is not easy to enter in previous years. Except for the one in Loofah, every team has basically reached the end of its strength here.

She immediately let the goblin dolls release a large batch of goblins, and the golden light spots flew through the forest towards the circular high wall not far away.The defense device on the pitch-black wall responded as expected, emitting red beams of light.

In the staggered light beams, the field of vision in Tracy's lens continued to dim, and the number of clockwork goblins decreased from dozens to more than ten, and then half disappeared in an instant, but finally a few of them stood out from the encirclement.

One of the beams of red light hit a clockwork goblin, piercing through its left wing chain. The clockwork goblin lost its balance and fell in a whirl, but still hit the top of the high wall under the action of inertia. .

It bounced high and rolled over ten meters on top of the high wall before stopping.The frozen picture appeared in Trixes' field of vision, and she hurriedly seized the opportunity to let the clockwork goblin stick out a small but sharp metal claw.

One of the many loops inserted into the high wall—

Both Juno-Pirio and Luo Fen looked at the Fairy Envoy lady in their team, but the former frowned, while the latter seemed a little more at ease. "How's it going, Tracys?" The twin stars of the empire silently estimated the time in their hearts, and then asked.

The timing of his question was just right, and Tracy opened the other eye just in time, and she smiled slightly at first, "It's connected."

But right now.

That expression was completely frozen.

"Active metal."

Before Trixis could speak, Luo Fen on the side answered.

"Active metal!" But Cui Xisi didn't care about it, as if she saw a ghost, she opened her mouth slightly, like a repeater, and repeated Luo Fen's answer just now, a little bit dumbly.

Juno subconsciously turned his head back, looked at Luo Fen aside, his brows were almost knit together, "How do you know?"

The student of the Ash King sighed slightly, "Let me try."

"Do you know potions?"

"Only half the probability."

Luo Fen replied calmly.

On the main stage, Geros and his partner had already obtained information about the Central District, but no team had reached the Wall of Darkness before that, so the two did not take the first step to reveal the answer.

After all, the staff who pass information back and forth are not professional, they are only responsible for some basic work-most of them actually don't know about the craftsman competition, or even about alchemists.

At this moment, Geros is watching the wonderful battle on the screen intently, while analyzing with due diligence: "The battle between the Colins and the Imperials has become fierce, Dragon Alchemist, no... Ed gave us A miracle unfolded..."

He clicked his tongue, "What do you think?"

"I guess it's an application of ancient alchemy. Those runes and magic circles are exactly the same as those he showed in the competition—" The young partner studied for a long time before coming to a conclusion.

"I think so too," Geros was planning to continue on this topic, although he didn't know much about the so-called alchemy of the elven lineage, which is the most popular and cutting-edge alchemy in the first world today. Topics——

As for him, he has been away from that field for too long.

But at this time, several staff members came to the two of them and handed over a few pages of information.Geros was taken aback, knowing that there was a new situation backstage, he stopped talking very professionally and signaled the other party with his eyes.

Then he reached out and took the few pages.

Seeing the title above, Geros immediately said, "It seems that there is also new progress here. The Imperials have reached the wall of darkness. Then there is only one last question left in front of them. If I remember correctly That's what the Corinites chose—"

As he spoke, he opened the pages.

But after the unveiling, Geros suddenly got stuck, "Active...metal?"

He almost immediately made the same dull voice as Trixes.There was still a hint of astonishment in that voice, and then turned into a sound of inhalation. Geros really took a breath and repeated:

"Active metal?"

It is a rare treasure.

The Sinthas Snakeman once believed that it was the main substance that constituted the Philosopher's Stone. It could transform all matter, energy, and elements in this world. Like the fairy gold of the fairies, it only existed in those ancient myths. .

Of course, that question is not for the contestants to reproduce this fantasy substance in the world of the sea of ​​trees, but for them to calculate its properties.

Of course, no one in this world has ever seen an active metal, so it is almost impossible to completely verify its properties.

However, with the help of the particularity of the tree sea, it is possible to deduce some of its properties—it’s just that the activated metal does not have fixed characteristics, and a corner of it must be reproduced by using the star sea equation.

That must be as difficult as climbing the sky.

That is the most difficult field in potion science, also known as the near-impossible field. A genius who can penetrate into this field, in addition to an extremely talented and intelligent mind, even needs a certain amount of luck and inspiration.

Are the Colin people crazy? Why did they choose such a topic?
But what really stuck Geros was that he suddenly realized the rules of the game. To ask such a question, you must first prove your ability to the sea of ​​trees and towers.You have ideas for solving problems.

In order to set the topic.

Is there such a person in the Artisan Association of Grande?

Gerals immediately thought of the young face of the dragon alchemist, but what puzzled him was that he had never heard of the other party's skill in potions from any means.

Potions is one of the most special subcategories of alchemy. It was originally born out of the ancient potion secrets of the Sinthas snake people, and it was mixed into part of the alchemy skills of the Numelin elves.

It can be said that contemporary potion science is the only technology in alchemy that is not of the same origin as other skills. There are very few alchemists who are good at potion science, and even those generalist alchemists are very few at the same time. Accomplished in arts and potions.

It’s like most construct craftsmen also serve as magic craftsmen, but few of them are good at the skills of goblins. This is because there are too few intersections between the two subcategories, and people have to study in both fields at the same time. Because of the high cost.

Jelos was a bit afraid to imagine that a craftsman would be good at large-scale magic tools, flexible construction, crystal craftsman, goblin envoy and battle craftsman, and also be good at potions?Even if it's open, it's not so outrageous.

But he suddenly thought of that certain young man who had been unknown in the team of Colin people.

In fact, the outside world has been speculating from the very beginning why the aborigine named Gulander appeared in the starting lineup of the Grande Craftsman Association.Although there are a lot of discussions about the opponent in the third division.

There is even speculation that this aborigine came to gild, and behind him may be a certain royal family of Colin-Ishurian, or at least related to the desert royal family of Istonia.Especially in the previous game, when the opponent performed poorly.

This kind of statement is even more clamorous.

But Geralds has always been very clear that he has the real origins of the players from various countries. The young man named Gulander is from the unknown place of Yasha, and behind him is the relationship with Colin-Ishurian. The upper level has nothing to do with it at all.

What's more, it was clearly marked on the form that the other party was good at Potions.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

It is such a good method.

Geros almost subconsciously turned the screen back to the Colins. The fierce battle almost attracted the attention of all the audience in the past. The continuous army of plovers above the screen almost cut off the Ravendur Craftsman Association, Han All hope for the Renners and the Silverchain Isles.

Although the battle situation has not yet reached a one-sided situation, the calculation ability of the No. [-] Dragon Soul has its upper limit after all, but the way that the Dragon Alchemist almost created out of nothing in the space of the sea of ​​trees to compensate for the construct——

Let all the audience present, including Geros himself, sentence the Ravendur Craftsman Association to death early.

What is a little daunting is that the empire doesn't seem to be aware of this. The players of the Ravendur Craftsman's Association are desperately fighting back. They are mobilizing a steady stream of nightmare furnace structures to rush to the front line one after another.

They probably think that they still have a numerical advantage.

But in the eyes of Geros, the dark tide is just filling a black hole that can never be filled. It is not an exchange of quantity and skill, but a pure confrontation of quantity and quantity.

The finite against the infinite.

The result is already known.

But what Jellos really cares about is the timid boy who is standing next to Fang Plover at the moment. The two are communicating in the screen at the moment, and Jellos's mind is buzzing, and only one idea arises:
The real big move of the Colin people.

It has been hidden until this time.

It's just that when he was a little numb, his young partner's face was even more dull. He looked at a page of paper in his hand, and then looked at the situation in another picture, and repeated it several times.

Then the young man numbly nudged Geros with his elbow, "Jack...there is something wrong here."

"My side too..." Geros had never explained such a bizarre competition, and couldn't help but stammered a little, "Do you want to talk about the people of Colin, or the troubles encountered by the people of the Empire?"


The young partner said in an unbelievable tone, "It's the Sanshak Craftsman Association, you'd better come and see it."


(End of this chapter)

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