Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1004 Scene 335 How to Open the Door

Chapter 1004 Chapter 330 Scene [-] How to Open the Door

Shortly after Jellosh left.

In the picture, there is a one-sided trend on the battlefield, where the nightmare furnace structure of the empire's side rushes towards the position like a tide.

It seems to be countless, but it is also endless.

The players of the Ravendur Artisan Association can hardly understand what is happening in front of them-why does the opponent use the flexible construction so much?

The strangling of the sky has long since ended, and the banshee structure covering the sky like a dark cloud has turned into nothingness, and the airship in the sky is also burning and falling with thick smoke.From time to time, a mass of flames rose up, emitting blinding, explosive flames.

Needless to say, the battles on the ground belonged to those mysterious dragoon hunters—the specialized constructs that the imperial people believed firmly occupied the shooting position, and the Nightmare Creatures couldn't even get past the first one in front of them. wave defense line.

In the line of defense there, complete constructs such as the walker K-2/K-3 can be seen at the beginning. They were put into the battle against the nightmare creatures without any loss. The imperials used their good numbers to They swarmed up and started the battle with more siege and less.

In the past, in such situations, the opponent would be at a loss, quickly lose the opportunity due to tactical deformation, and break through from the black tide-like nightmare furnace army. of.

But this time the Imperials encountered an unexpected situation.The dragon alchemist didn't seem to care about the flexible structure in his hands, and those K-2/K-3 walkers were easily given up by him as cheaply as the creatures of the nightmare furnace.

They don't seem to be the backbone of this level of constructs, but just cannon fodder.The difference is that the Imperials use the Nightmare Furnace creature as cannon fodder, while the Fang Plover uses the third-level construct, the walker K-3 whose basic level is close to level [-], as cannon fodder.

It is the same cannon fodder, but there is a difference in quality-this really makes the imperial people feel a little burst.

Normally, one K-3 can deal with three or even four Nightmare Furnace creatures.Then surrounded by those spider-like constructs, they swarmed up and were dismantled into pieces. The imperials could also accept such a loss.

Because their nightmare furnace creature is more than ten times the third-order flexible structure possessed by normal players.

Even if the battle loss ratio is exchanged, they can easily win every battle.The art of war has basically lost its meaning on such a battlefield. The breakthrough of the battlefield lies in the density of the constructs invested on one surface exceeding the exchange ratio.

Then just wait for the opponent's front to collapse.

That's what the Imperials call this tactic - the Iron Tide, or the Meat Grinder.It was a kind of verification after their technological innovation, and it was also the first public performance in front of the world.

It would have brought about an era of change.

And let the future promised by the empire slowly begin.

It's just that at this moment, this change seems to have hit an impenetrable iron wall from the very beginning - the players of the Ravendur Craftsman's Association chose to give up the good-looking battle loss ratio, and chose to use the power of industry to break through cleverness .

But they soon discovered that the opponent was not lucky at all. Behind the constantly melting walker K-3 was a continuous supply of battle lines. As many walkers fell, as many walkers came out of the forest to fill their original positions .

The ice and snow of the nightmare furnace creature melted, and the battle line remained motionless.

The long battle line is like a thin wall under the torrent, which seems to be crumbling, but remains resilient.

And looking down from above, the audience's field of vision is even more suffocating. What the Imperials see is only a corner of the battlefield, while in the forest, more than [-] Kraken structures are continuously spit out like a complete production line. troops.

Those shaped walkers K-2/K-3 were stacked aside like standard parts in a large factory, forming a huge array in the forest. They just hung their heads, row by row, row by row It was silent.


It is as silent and magnificent as the terracotta warriors.

Until a corresponding number of constructs are consumed, a corresponding number of walkers are awakened, red lights flash in the sophisticated visual device, they raise their heads and walk forward, walk out of the forest, and join in the war.

That quiet and eerie scene was in stark contrast to the fierce fighting in the valley outside. The persistence of the empire, and the hope they thought, looked like a clown in the eyes of many people watching this scene.

Many imperial nobles outside the arena looked at this scene with pale faces. They had never seen such a one-sided scene in a similar competition. There may have been, but the empire should also be on the side that has the absolute advantage.

Many images flashed through the minds of those older nobles, including those bloody battlefields. They may have been on the enemy side of the empire for the first time in their lives. The surprise and despair in my heart at that moment.

Those aged empire veterans even cursed, tightly holding the canes in their hands, their blue veins bulging, and leaning hard on the ground.Many talents just woke up like a dream, and protested to the event organizers in their identities:
Is that redneck from Cowling cheating?
Did he grasp a loophole in some kind of rule in the sea of ​​trees?

How else could it be so?

Everyone says that magical skills create miracles.

But when the real miracle is born, there is only fear in people's hearts.

Just like those dirty workers in the lower city of Manchester centuries ago, they were looking at those roaring steel giants from the diffuse steam, and the mighty power bursting out of coal and flames would definitely change an era .

But before that era came, people first felt at a loss.

That wasn't the first time humans feared their own creations.

What was unfolded behind it was a picture scroll of their strange and unfathomable future. In the vast and majestic tide of the times, the power of individuals seemed so insignificant.

It seems that the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu echoed in everyone's heart - all the stability and established things about the past will be broken.

People can only drift helplessly in the unpredictable torrent, social change is just around the corner, and the originally fragile relationship will be broken again and again, and what the world sees is not only joy.

More anxiety and confusion.

The imperial people are in such a state of confusion.

It seemed to be the first time in 60 years that they felt the real threat and sting. The tide of the nightmare furnace that was being submerged was just like the future of the empire they saw, which seemed to be thriving.

In fact, it is falling apart.

But those fans of the high traditions, the established defenders of the interests of the empire, and the high nobles were still looking forward to the final verdict, but they were already shattered—the Silver Tower quickly sent a response.

The game goes on as usual——

Many people's faces turned blood red, they got up angrily, cursed and left, no longer watching this 'ridiculous' scene-it was a scene that was impossible to stage in reality anyway, and naturally it was just a scene in this game. a joke.

The authority of the Silver Tower is bound to be shaken by this 'joke'.

The hearts of those who left were filled with hatred.

However, there are still rational people who stayed behind, watching Fang Plover's operation carefully, trying to find loopholes in it, and guessing how long it will take for this technology to be born in the real world?
And that short period of time should be the opportunity that the empire still has.

Regardless of the mentality, the entire arena was silent.In the past, the great arena of Abpenand was often filled with the sound of mountains and tsunami, but today it is rare to hear a needle drop.

Guland also looked at this scene incredulously. He opened his mouth to ask something, but he didn't dare to disturb Fang Plover, who was sinking into his mind at the moment.

And at the center of this storm, the subject yawned—quickly feeling that he had delayed the time for too long, and the nature of such a show of skill didn't mean much to him—

Because the performance of this good show largely relied on the mighty power of several secondary mechanical artifacts in the tree sea world.

In the real world, sea monsters are subject to various constraints, and there are limits to computing power and magic power, at least compared to craftsmen.And the blessing of multiple parallelism in the tree sea world has actually greatly reduced the pressure on the calculation itself.

It's not impossible to say that he is exploiting a loophole, but this loophole is the same for everyone. Its essence is the analysis of multiple parallelisms, but he happens to have a different skill.

It happened to go deep into it again, and began to study the structure of the siren structure in Estonia.

All the efforts of the past turned into a part of this stunning experiment at this moment, but the exquisite skills of the craftsmen-

This comes from daily accumulation.

The Imperials' Nightmare Furnace construction also took advantage of this rule.Fang Plover is actually quite curious about the Nightmare Furnace creature. He doesn't know how far the Imperials have researched the star device behind it. If possible - he doesn't mind exchanging ideas with the Imperials.

But that's after the game.

Fang Plover decided to speed up the process.

After all, Xiaoyao can only delay the pace of the Imperial Workshop at most. To stop the two Imperial Twin Stars and a student of the Gray King, even with the addition of 'Valkyrie', he would be too arrogant.

What he really relied on was Guland's Potions, his trump card, but active metals were daunting, but for true geniuses, it was not an unsolvable problem, it was just a question of how much time it would take.

According to the news from Shui Wuming, the northern front has entered the final stage. The Geland Artisan Association, the Kapuka Artisan Association and the Guta people, in a three-on-three situation, they already have the upper hand.

What's more, he was behind to help.

Then the next step is the current battle.

On the flickering light screen, Vikki was sending him a message asking: "You...how are you doing over there?"

But then another message unfolds: "Ed, we've reached our destination." -Tig Arkansas.His gaze swept across the two messages, and he didn't answer much.

Fang Plover only flipped open one of the light screens, and then sent a picture to the latter - the picture was the location where the attack was scheduled to be launched, and it was taken by the "Fairy Wall" that constantly monitored the entire battlefield from above. The battle lines are clearly visible.

The excellent craftsmen of Tig could see what he meant at a glance.In the dispute among craftsmen, whoever occupies the sky will have an absolute advantage. He still has the power to monitor the battlefield, which is enough to explain everything...

What's more, the imperial airships emitting thick smoke in the sky are enough to guide the Lotao people.

At the same time as this news was sent, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

The Imperials of the Ravendur Artisan Association soon discovered that the tactics of Fang Plovers had changed. The batches of K-2/K-3 no longer appeared, but were replaced by an unbelievable construct.

That kind of construct is like the opponent's 'Lancer' described in the data, but it only has a propelling wind element nozzle, and half of the body—even an arm, holding a long knife.

Those incomplete constructs that fell into the tide of nightmare furnace creatures often only launched one attack, either changing one with the nightmare furnace creature, or falling apart if they missed themselves.

If Tianlan or other people on the Seven Seas Traveler were in this place, they would definitely recognize these strange structures. When Fang Ploy put the Kraken into actual combat on the Seven Seas Traveler for the first time, he made a lot of such one-off ones. Construct?

It's just that the experiments at that time were not very successful.

In fact, the empire is also happy at this moment.Could it be that their crowd tactics finally worked, and that dragon alchemy finally couldn't support his huge consumption and started using these junk?

But as soon as this thought flashed through, Rebins behind the crowd changed his expression.

Just now, he had a brainstorm and interacted to save all the imperial people, turned the situation around, and made him a hero in the team temporarily, but this hero's title didn't last long, because he suddenly found that what he did was meaningless.

Not just him.

Everyone's face changed.

Another wave with the same structure as the Nightmare Furnace appeared in the forest, a white wave that hit head-on.Almost all of the waves were disposable constructs, they struck out and were scrapped.

Then, under an invisible force, the 'dead' was resurrected.

An extremely absurd idea rose in everyone's mind - to construct the undead.

But the scene that was happening also destroyed the psychological defense of everyone present. These geniuses from the empire could overcome everything they could understand, but they couldn't understand the scene in front of them.

For the first time the dark tide wavered.

Even retreat.

No one ordered them to retreat, but they had to retreat under the frontal impact. The black and white front was melting a little bit, and the tide of construction behind it had grown to double or even triple the size of the front of the entire battlefield.

That's with one person.

Command an army.

An army that disregards losses and disregards life and death, they not only have no morale, they don't even have the concept of extinction.Fighting against such an army is for its opponents.

Purely mental torture.

But Fang Plover is actually a bit dull, because this is probably a bit of a bully, and he has fully utilized the support for multiple parallels in the sea of ​​trees to the extreme, but such an environment cannot exist in the outside world.

If the previous technology is still possible, then all this is somewhat bullying now.

At any other time, he might not be so invincible, but in fact, the battle has entered garbage time, and the imperial people have been planning for a long time, and he can't say that he can't come and go indecently.

At this time, the insertion of the Rotao people was somewhat unnecessary. When they attacked the imperials from behind, the defense line of the Ravendur Craftsman Association had actually completely collapsed.

Repins even glanced at the Lotao people with a half-smile, shook his head and raised his hands, and tore off the wires on the magic furnace by himself, turning into a stream of light and disappearing on the battlefield.Since victory and defeat are meaningless, he might as well make a decent exit.

Maybe there is a chance after that.

But he was also not sure whether the geniuses of the Imperial Workshop would make it to the end.

Tigger and Anat looked at this scene in disbelief. There was only a mess left in the forest. Most of the Plover's constructs turned into dust immediately after breaking through the empire's front, and disappeared like gravel.

The rest of the K-2/K-3 walkers are just sweeping the battlefield, but in appearance, at least they are no different from ordinary constructs.The remains of the Nightmare Furnace creatures spread throughout the valley, almost turning this place into a huge mechanical graveyard.

On the cemetery, only the winners whose eyes were shining with red light were cleaning up the mess.

The Lotao people walked across the long battlefield in disbelief, stepping on the creaking pieces of machinery under their feet. They looked up at the boy who walked out of the forest and the other boy beside him.

"What about the rest?"

Anat couldn't help asking: "There are only two of you here in the Artisans of Grande?"

Fang Plover smiled awkwardly, scratching his head for a while, not knowing how to answer this question.

"You are Ed," Tigger finally recognized him, "You are the dragon alchemist?"

Suddenly, a shocking expression appeared on his face, "You are the only one here. You alone defeated the entire Ravendur Craftsmanship Association, no...there are Silver Chain Island and Hanrui?"

"Silver Chain Island and Han Rui's people are not strong," Fang Yan thought for a while and said truthfully, "The imperial people are indeed much more difficult."

Tigger opened his mouth and wanted to say something more.

But Anat's face beside him turned pale. She stared blankly at the other party, and suddenly realized that the other party did not object to what he said.So the doomsday-like scene here was not created by the other party?

How is that possible.


There was silence in the main arena.

At this moment, it is also reflected in the live broadcast room of the wandering horse.

The fast-flowing barrage was completely silent a few minutes ago. It wasn't that people were so shocked that they forgot to express it, but that the traffic in the live broadcast room had already been maxed out a few minutes ago.

The barrage system stopped directly, which had never been seen in secondary competitions since the Stargate era.Several similar experiences almost all happened in those top competitions.

The stray horse was also silent, completely quiet.It seemed to him that he had returned to the moment long ago, when he sat in the audience at the big game in El Pakhin, and he felt almost the same emotion in his heart.

Is it with honor?

Are you excited?

Is it the excitement of witnessing the birth of a legend?

Maybe they both, or maybe they didn't, that kind of complicated feelings flowed in his heart-making him want to shout out loud, but kept silent.

The silent emotion was only brewing a storm, which made his eyes feel a little dry. He pressed the corners of his eyes lightly, and suddenly understood when people lose in the turbid domain.

Why is there such a loss in my heart.

They pin their dreams on the players who open up the future for them, and those wonderful dreams that they cannot achieve are realized one by one by those they support.

They empathize with excitement and joy, as well as regret and loss.

Is hyper-sports just a game?Perhaps for many ordinary people, it is also the refraction of their dreams that cannot be realized in reality, making them break free from the trivialities in life.

Be your own hero.

He sighed softly, and suddenly realized that he might have embarked on an incredible path.

It may just be self-moving, but being moved is a precious emotion in itself.

Just at this moment—

When nearly one tenth of the ultra-competition audience on the entire planet was immersed in that sweet dream, Jellosh followed the staff to the backstage in a hurry. He glanced at his colleagues who also looked shocked, and couldn't help blurting out road:
"What's going on?" Geros looked over everyone's faces, "Is it a problem with the Colin people?"

There was a moment of silence.

"No," someone finally stood up and shook his head. "It's the people from the Hill of Giant Trees. They have already passed the wall of darkness."

"How is it possible?" Jeros's first reaction was disbelief, "Isn't their progress slow for the Imperials? The topic is active metal. How could the people from the Hill of Giant Trees pass it so quickly?"

"See for yourself."

The man moved the screen over.

Above the screen was a ruined wall, and a huge gap was opened in the towering black wall, leaving only the remains of machinery scattered all over the place.The roots of the growing giant tree spread through the opening.

It seems that what happened before was not a war between craftsmen, but the unicorn girl from the sacred forest came here.

"Giant tree inspiration," Geros recognized that thing at a glance, "Isn't that the forbidden technique of the White Tree Temple? It hasn't appeared in the world since the age of goblins. Why...?"

"Have the goblins found an heir?" Geros was in disbelief, "A new Lightbringer has been born?"

There was a complete silence in the background.

Everyone looked up at him, and the meaning in their eyes was already clear—it could all be true.

Geros felt a 'thump' in his heart. The goblins had chosen a new light-bearer, which meant that someone must have violated the rules and participated in this competition. If this matter got out, it would be a huge scandal.

A ridiculous thought flashed through his mind:

What happened to the Sonshak Artisans Guild?


(End of this chapter)

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