Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1017 Chapter 348 Constellation

Chapter 1017 348 Star Group
"Ed, have you seen those two islands?"

"We can take the coordinates between A201B335. There is a long and narrow channel between the two floating islands there, which is enough for us to slide over."

"But it might not let us pass so easily," Fang Plover looked up at the hill-like tentacles, which were slowly moving backwards. "There is not much time left for us," he silently calculated, "At most, it will only be a moment." Zhong, are you sure?"

"It's coming!" There was a sharp exclamation from the communication crystal, which sounded like the voice of Shuojinzhiblade's frizzy deputy chief communications officer.

The tentacles are waving their ends between the clouds, slowly drawing a circle in mid-air, and falling in this direction—the shadow is rapidly enlarging—in everyone's sight.

"Have to try it out." Forin dropped the sentence.


"25, twelve knots."

"Left rudder seven."

Nervous instructions came from the channel, and the players hurriedly steered the rudder, crossed the mast, and raised the wing sails.

If viewed from above, the seven boats were turning in unison, drawing seven white lines of different lengths.

The air made a low whistling sound at this moment, as if it had penetrated through a thick layer of barriers, blasting layers of burrs, which made people feel uneasy.That tentacle seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, and some people even saw its waving tips pass through a layer of air cone cloud.

It fell sideways like a golden mountain and a jade pillar, smashing up a cloud wave as high as a tsunami, and then swept across.The channel suddenly quieted down, a needle could be heard, and at most there were only a few low-pitched human voices, as if they were silently calculating something——

Those few deep voices converged into a cacophony, lingering in my ears like a magical spell.But Fang Plover had already calculated that reading, and Wei Yu on one side also raised his eyes, and read out the number with a clear look:
"32, re-match elemental balance."

Those who have remained in the competition until now are all the proud sons of heaven, but they have shown unparalleled sobriety and calmness at this moment—the operator guarding the magic cabin is listening to the voices gathered from the sound guide tube. Miscellaneous voices, no distractions - push the different levers to the bottom one by one.

The wind elemental crystal inserted into Guy's generator was pulled up or injected, making a dull sizzling sound. MTT first unscrewed the liquid injection port on the Guy's generator, turned around and said, "Reagent No. [-]."

Guland had already prepared the relevant solvents, and hurriedly connected the metal knob of the test tube to the liquid injector, screwed it tightly, and then opened the metal knob.The ship shook violently, and the young man hurriedly looked nervously at the swaying liquid level in the test tube, but fortunately, he was only descending in an orderly manner.

"The front wave arrives."

Mu Lan's distorted voice came from the sound guide tube.

A white line slowly passed under the fleet, and the eight floating ships flickered at the same time, and then overloaded the magic furnace and entered a state of acceleration. Among them, the speed of the Son of the Storm of Hanruina and Shuojinzhiblade was obviously faster.

The magic furnace of the imperial model is obviously superior to other countries in terms of overload performance, but it is difficult to last.The magic furnace of the Kingfisher Workshop is especially suitable for long-term overload operation, but it needs to use a large amount of reagents to balance the magic power difference in the core furnace.

The Hill of the Giants ship is somewhere in between.

But the flagship of the Sonshark Craftsman Guild set out ahead of all the ships and bore the brunt.At that moment, a glowing green light shot out from the Alwellan, like a wall of light advancing forward.

When it expanded to more than ten miles away and collided head-on with the propelling tentacles, a violent flash of light radiated from the wall, and the green light streaks extended from the base of the wall to the top, and then disappeared.

The World Destroyer seemed to have hit an indestructible stone, and let out a scream of pain. The sound was like an earthquake, making the entire sea of ​​clouds boil.

Everyone was staggering, Luo Wei grabbed the cable net so as not to kneel on the ground, but she still had a splitting headache.The girl raised her head, trying her best to see the World Destroyer suddenly retracted at a speed that didn't match her size, and the cloud waves that took time out suddenly rolled back.

The turbulent airflow forms a vacuum shock wave on the cloud layer.

"The main wave has arrived!"

The white cloud wall hangs down like a waterfall, and everyone clings to what is at hand, drifting with the impact.The hull made an overwhelmed sound, as if it would be torn apart at any moment.

However, the wind element passing through the core of the Gay generator runs through the keel of the entire ship, and the concentration of the wind element after trimming firmly suppresses the turbulence in the clouds, preventing the ship from capsizing under the impact.

"No. [-] buoyancy module is pierced."

"More than 30.00% of the tail of the Giant was damaged."

When Luo Wei heard the voice from the communication crystal again, she was already dizzy for a while, and her heart was so nauseated that she almost wanted to vomit.She staggered to the side of the boat and stood up, her face pale.

Fang Plover passed a hand from the side.

The boy has long been used to the wind and waves above the empty sea, although he was shaken enough, but at least he stood firmly on the deck. Once the wind and waves passed, the scenery ahead immediately unfolded in front of him.

"How is it, Sister Luo Wei, are you okay?"

Luo Wei shook her head.

Fang Plover communicated to his Miss Dragon Soul, "Miss Tata, report the loss."

"Mr. Knight, the loss is so minimal that there is no need to report it."

Fang Plover nodded and picked up the communication crystal, "Rebalance the concentration of wind elements, Giant, Son of the Storm, the height of your ship is breaking the water level, be careful of the turbulence on the top of the ship."

He answered, "Giant, do you need support?"

"Mr. Ed, the Giant is not needed," Hanrui's Unyielding Wave inserted into the communication, Ron's voice was smooth and determined, "I will send someone to support them, and the Star Flower's responsibility is to support the flagship , they're coming."

"Got it, The Indomitable Wave."

"Star Flower, we are on your flank." Vikki's voice sounded.

"I saw you, Hana no Tsuki."

"Ed, the heart of the giant tree has a cooldown time, and I'll leave it to you. Dark creatures are coming." Finally, it was Forin's communication.

"Got it, Overland."

Fang Yan recalled the shocking scene before, that wall of light was able to block even the full blow of the World Destroyer, and I don't know how it was formed-does the mainland league have this level?
he thought.

He has Miss Tata, but the Hill of Giant Trees doesn't seem to be inferior to him at all, the light wall is even better, I don't know what will happen to the twins of the empire, except for the nightmare furnace structure, they didn't show much strength.

Fang Plover reported and ordered the ships in an orderly manner, while Luo Wei couldn't help but look at him with some admiration.

"Sister Luo Wei, come with me."

Fang Plover put down the communication crystal and walked forward.

As Ming's best student, but not a real warrior after all, Luo Wei was a little dazed about this scene.It's not that she has never experienced battles, but everything here is beyond her comprehension.

After hearing Fang Yan's words, she could only hastily put away her somewhat chaotic thoughts and chased after her.Luo Wei is not the kind of person who likes to ask questions, and just looks at the other party silently.

And Fang Plover raised his head and was looking into the distance.

After the cloud wave passed, although the World Destroyer retreated temporarily, the sky was filled with uninvited guests again.

That is the countless dark army, they are flying dragons dormant in the shadows, dragon beasts, and a strange octopus-like creature, which is actually the biomass spaceship of the Naga clan.

They rode that kind of monster across the empty sea, across the storm-ravaged Hanruina Sea, which the players on the Unyielding Wave were most familiar with, but the giant octopus in the sky was a thousand times more powerful than they had ever seen before. the size of.

Finally, there are giants fighting on a dragon, with lightning in their hands, pale complexion, and the claws of dragons and beasts spliced ​​together with one hand. It was these descendants of giants who came across the world and arrived at the Twin Sacred Trees as the vanguard of the World Destroyer. where Etholin is located.

Akos Nieman's Tongue——

It is a prestigious name in the history of this dark giant army.

The three armies of darkness were divided into three groups, forming three frontal arrows and rushing in this direction. From a distance, they covered the sky and covered the sun, like black clouds overwhelming the top, which was suffocating.Xiaoyao watched this scene from the bow, dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly aphasia.

Weiyu turned around and looked at him. "Senior Weiyu," Fang Yan said, "The Valkyries and Lancers are entrusted to you, and you and Xiaoyao are in charge of the outer defense line. The deck is entrusted to Sister Luo Wei, and the Dragon Hunter is entrusted to her to take full responsibility."

The two nodded together.

At this moment, the fleet channel is not quiet, and the voices of Forin and Vikki giving orders can be heard from time to time.

The eight airships are unfolding one by one, and the outermost ones are the Hana no Tsuki and the Storm Son. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy, but they can't talk about any sense of peace of mind.

The sky became dark, as if a disaster star was coming across the world. People had already seen the swirling cloud above their heads, and there seemed to be a green world looming in the center of the whirlpool.

Amid the intertwined lightning, countless dark creatures hovered and descended, making sharp crows. The doomsday scene was like a mourning for a dead world, ringing the death knell of the twilight era.

Thousands of years ago, the Numelin elves saw the same scene under the Two Sacred Trees.

"Do you want to play so big..." Xiaoyao muttered to himself, "I was wondering if I was implicated by you. Is this a continental league? It wasn't like this in the past... What's going on with the occultists? ?”


Forin's voice also seemed a little heavy.He didn't expect it to be so serious, and reproduced the moment when the activated continent descended one-to-one. The overwhelming dark creatures resembled the moment when the two worlds opened the channel.

Is this something their mere eight sailboats can fight against?

That's pretty much the opposite of a world.

Two tentacles are rising.

Fang Plover stared at that direction, "Remember what you said before, Forin. We still have a chance to slip into the narrow channel behind those two islands before the next attack arrives."

"The two islands can help us buy time. There must be an island strait airflow behind it. As long as we speed up and enter the land bridge, there will be a sea bridge behind."

"The heart of the tree can be activated once more."

But it must be reserved for the most critical time.

The entire fleet channel fell silent, as if listening to the conversation between the two.

"I understand," Fang Plover nodded, "You guard the monsters that break through the defense line, and leave the periphery to me to deal with."

"What are you going to do?"

"No need to slow down," Fang Yan replied, "I repeat, everyone does not need to slow down, do your best to break through, and leave everything else to me."

He raised his head and looked in that direction with burning eyes, "They are here."

Dragon beasts bear the brunt.

With a long scream, the group of dragon beasts arrived at the sky of the fleet first, waved their wings, and circled to form a torrent. They stared at the prey below with scarlet eyes, ready to attack at any time.

The first attack wave has reached several air miles away from the ships.

Forin's eyes flashed.

He suddenly put away the heart of the tree silently, cast a glance in that direction, and then walked down to the lower deck. "Boss?" The person behind him was slightly taken aback.

"You stay here, and the deck is handed over to you," he pointed to one of them, "Broky, you and I will let the magic module reset the defensive state of the core, and we are ready to speed up."

"Boss, this..."

Forin silently glanced at everyone, interrupted them, but did not speak.

In the fleet channel, the head of the Taxin singer said in a rushing voice, "Mr. Ed—"

He was in a hurry to argue, "It's not that we can't raise the air combat structure while accelerating, but controlling the wing sails also requires a fairy doll, and we don't have that much computing power."

Others did not speak.

Ron suddenly thought of what he saw in the storm-covered sea.

Vikki also didn't say a word, Zheng Yongzai stood beside her, looked at his senior sister, and then looked in the direction of Star Flower.

"Everyone, please listen to me," Fang Plover said, "Push your walking structures onto the deck and build a line of defense there. I need you to guard your line of defense."

"I need you to open your core crystal control authority, and connect all the fairy dolls connected to the wings with me. Giant, start with you, and tell me their numbers one by one."

"I need you to push the air combat structures into the guide rails of the air combat deck and prepare them well. I need you to release the control authority of each air combat structure and release the connections of the goblin dolls."

His voice seemed to echo ethereally in the fleet channel.

"Remember, it's every one."

For a moment no one spoke.

"Hurry up," Fang Plover urged, "Everyone, move immediately, I need you to enter your combat positions immediately."

After a brief astonishment, the Giant reported the number, followed by a startled voice from the communication channel, "Ether connection?"

"The Son of the Storm is connected!"

"The Tuna was also taken over...what's going on...?"

"The Indomitable Wave has received a takeover request."

Ron looked at the core crystal that automatically entered the operating state. The etheric light path quickly transmitted the signal to the magic engine, and the Indomitable Wave automatically changed its state without being controlled by anyone.

Although it is far inferior to the dexterity of the Dragon Knight warship, the automatic control wing sail system has already responded one step ahead.

He suddenly realized something, grabbed the communication crystal and shouted: "37, 42, seven, thirteen, seventeen, all the fairy puppets are in the battle system!"

At that moment, on the main deck of the Unyielding Wave and the lower air combat deck, the contestants were shocked to see etheric lines appear out of thin air in the space, and the silver lines seemed to be connected to the infinite space.

There is no end to it.

One after another the goblin dolls automatically entered the combat state and floated up out of thin air. Then around them, an air combat structure was automatically injected with ether, and the visual device automatically lit up with red light.

The lower deck opens automatically.

The air combat structure that was originally on the slide rail made a mechanical unlocking sound, then fell onto the slide rail, opened the wind element nozzle, and automatically propelled into the sea of ​​clouds.

Ron rushed out of the magic core cabin like a madman, and watched this scene almost in disbelief - using the goblin to control the goblin - this scene that almost violated the laws of this world made him almost speechless.

But he hasn't lost his instinct yet, he waved vigorously at the players who were still in a daze, and shouted with all his strength:
"Get on deck—"

"Push all the constructs onto the deck!"

"hurry up!"

Channel after a brief aphasia.

Immediately filled with chattering voices, everyone was reporting the number of the fairy doll at almost the maximum speed, but no matter how noisy the voice was, that absolutely rational soul only connected the requests one by one to its own computing power in the network.





In the end, 54 fairy dolls were merged into the network at the same time, like a big silver net including every node, those nodes are like countless twinkling stars, at the same time in Tata——

It lit up in Fang Zhi's eyes.

What the two of them saw was a nascent universe, filled with countless information and data, which came from the clouds and the sea, and everything that the fairy puppet saw and heard.

from the construct.

The wind from above the empty sea.

The information conveyed one after another is floating on the ocean of computing power, shining brightly.

However, in the material world, time seems to be slowed down, and people are passing through different cabins, passing orders to each other.

One after another, the structures were placed on the crane, and the people pushed the combat equipment into the designated position like crazy, and the goblin envoys took their positions on the deck.

Luo Wei and Weiyu looked at each other, she raised her right hand, and the silver connection was passed forward, and the walkers raised the magic guns in their hands one by one, and in the sky——

The enemy has arrived.

On the flagship of the Hill of Giant Trees.

Forin, who passed through the artillery deck, was looking beyond the sea of ​​clouds, and the spectacle of the empty sea was inadvertently reflected in his blue eyes.The people behind him couldn't help but stop at that moment——

People watched that scene in shock, countless air combat configurations.

They are rising from each floating ship at the same time, and they form a combat formation with each other, and groups of three are put into the battle sequence.After a short flight, he immediately raised his head and flew towards the battle line above the sky.

A cyan glow.

Like the stars one sees above the stormy sea of ​​clouds.


 Changed again, a little late

(End of this chapter)

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