Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1018 Scene 349 The Moving Front

An unsettling restlessness was suppressed in the air, and the whistling of monsters descending from the sky mixed with the low hum of fluttering wings, as if putting a cover over a room to drown out all other sounds up.

The stars are rising, boldly meeting their lines.The twinkling stars are reflected in everyone's eyes, like a picture scroll of a midsummer evening, with thick sunset glow and night stars that will disappear and appear on the painting.

People looked up at the night star, just like watching a crucial moment in the story:
The cyan starlight is rising slowly, whistling across the night sky, only a bunch of comet tails can be seen from the direction away from the light,

Where flapping wings shade the sky,
And the next moment, the steel wall crashed into the jungle of flesh and blood,

The sky is like a drizzle of rain.

Rainwater is salty.

If you lick it with your tongue, you can taste some bitterness.People looked up, but it was really raining in the sky, people couldn't tell which was rain and which was blood, and the cold wind made people's fingers stiff.

The people on the observation post shouted loudly, their voices swaying in the straight line of rain:

"The first wave of attacks has arrived!"

The darkness that drowned the stars in the field of vision was enlarging, those tiny black spots broke through the line of defense, gradually revealing their muscular and powerful flapping wings, the snow-white teeth and sharp claws seemed to tear the whole world apart.

The shadow magnified the fear in people's hearts, and their fingers trembled slightly.

The next moment they instinctively pulled the trigger, the black muzzle of the magic gun vibrated, and a golden line was drawn.Some people even waved their magic wands and chanted magic, and the abilities bestowed on them by the Sea of ​​Trees space can still be used today.

But those blows were so slight that they were swallowed by the tide in an instant.The real line of defense is the silent piece of steel. The constructs are arrayed in the rain, and the water is still flowing on their steel bodies, as if knocking on a silent line of defense.

The goblin envoys are waiting for an order.

That command was a rising bright silver light, as if it had been painted on the dark night sky, rising from the sides and rear of everyone, like a rising streamer in a storm, the colorful light illuminated everyone. human face.

That beam of silver light was like a blade, piercing straight into the monster, and the dragons covering the sky and the sun melted like ice and snow.

The formation of the dragon group was chaotic, and the goblin envoys seized the opportunity.

The next moment they closed their eyes, and communicated with the heavy instrument in their hands with will, the silver ether poured into the sensitive crystal components, and the light extended on each circuit, forming a thin pulse.

The pulse silently passed through the network of the etheric world, forming a silver chain, connecting them to the goblin doll at the other end.The constructs 'opened' their eyes, the pupils revealed a hideous red light, and the machine 'woke up'.

They raised their muzzles, and the black muzzles pointed at the enemies who were rushing straight at them. The water spray flowed along the metal paint surface, forming traces, and then the muzzles shook violently, releasing countless golden sparks.

The water spray formed mist and splashed, countless fine water droplets rolled down from the vibrating gun barrel, or turned into white mist.Under the night sky, there are golden lines extending forward, and the other end of the line seems to disappear at the end of infinity.

The golden-red rain line flew against the sky, forming a steel curtain, and the lines of fate were connecting the eight floating ships with the dark army.

The dark creature hit the steel rain head-on, as if hitting an invisible wall, the spreading black tide suddenly stopped, and swooped down on the membrane wings, chest and head of the dragon beast in front. A blood flower bloomed.

Dots of blood light spread a canvas in the sky. From left to right, the dragons either broke their wings, or had bowl-sized blood holes in their ribs, or their necks were broken, and half of their heads were lost, like Falling from mid-air like raindrops.

But the audience outside the arena had no time to cheer, applaud and applaud.

The invisible tension is like the depression before a storm, grabbing everyone's mind and making a strange silence outside the arena.

Whether in front of the screen or off the screen, in the arena or outside the arena, everyone seems to be standing in the middle of the storm at this moment, experiencing the icy cold blood and rain mixed together, Pat on the face.

Seeing the endless group of dragons rushing towards him, although those are the weakest dragon beasts in the mythology, each of them is actually equivalent to a vicious monster of level [-] or [-].

They screamed and flew towards every sailboat, and fell in the flames, but none of them were lost. The counterattack of the construct was like a stone thrown into the sea.

But people are still watching the rising stars.

People whispered and whispered, and the magnificent scene was reflected in their eyes:
"All air combat structures have been launched!"

All air combat constructs are leaving the airship.

Countless tiny black spots are leaving the ship, and they soon converge into tiny streams, these streams are gathered together under the control of an invisible hand, forming a vast torrent.

From a distance, that torrent is not much inferior to the dragons that are overwhelming the city with black clouds, and it is even better. It is better than people's support for their own side, the power flowing in the hearts of the people, and their indomitable momentum.

Invisibly, the audience put themselves in the position of the contestants.

People no longer distinguish each other, and ignore the differences between countries, whether it is the people from the Red Sea, the supporters of the Colin, the Loya elves of the Sea of ​​Silver Trees, or the people of the empire.

They no longer see the exquisite emblems of different artisan associations in their eyes. Instead of dividing them from different regions and different cultures, when facing the same doomsday, they only have the same one. idea.

Fight back!
Needle drop can be heard on the field.

There was no sound in the live broadcast room——

Air combat constructs continue to lift off.

Their numbers are still increasing.

Thousands of sights are coming into Fang Plover's gaze, which makes him have an unprecedented feeling, like watching the battlefield with the eyes of a bystander, and surveying the battle situation with the identity of a high-ranking person.

Starlight was gathering in front of him, the overflow of the construct's air elemental vents.There are also some non-luminous ones, which are countless clockwork fairies cruising on the battlefield, bringing the picture into his field of vision from every corner of the battlefield.

The fractal images constitute an ultra-dimensional image, and Tata uses huge computing power to sort out these images into understandable images. The feeling is like manipulating a battle situation from the perspective of God.

The backbone of the air combat setup is his Lancers, which form the main force of the attack.Cruising outside is the banshee construct, a massive, swarm-like construct forming a curtain outside the fleet.

Further outside are the silver bees, leaving streaks of silver glow as they shuttle through the rain, like intertwined threads of fate, their astonishing numbers form a cover on the battlefield, covering more than seven columns of clockwork fairies flying to Below the dragons.

The dull shell of the fire elves became their best cover in the storm, like a silent killer holding a dull knife in his sleeve, waiting for the best time to come.

And finally the Annihilator.

The Annihilator QV700 constituted the last line of defense outside the fleet. Because the breadth of the battlefield was so amazing, many people did not notice when these square cone-shaped constructs were distributed around the eight airships in an exquisite structure. arrive.

Only the stray horse switches the screen back and forth, zooming in and out.

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This is Kaolin, this is the Dragon Alchemist! Dragon Soul No. [-] has displayed unparalleled abilities, but what is truly outstanding is the artisan who gave it the stage behind it,"

The young partner's tone was both surprised and passionate, "That elf white ship doesn't seem to be simple. If the information given by the background is good, it should also be a dragon knight battleship."

One after another, the sound of light breathing echoed his words, and people suppressed the surprise in their hearts.

But Geros remained silent. He repeatedly drew a few lines in the picture, and the look of surprise magnified in his eyes.He stretched out his hand, interrupted his partner, and pointed to the screen with a pen:

"look here."

The configuration of the Annihilator creates a familiar impression.

It was like a wall.

A spherical network, a wall formed by a fractal structure, envelops the fleet.

That network is wide enough to cover a quarter of the battlefield, so that it is difficult for people to detect it for a while.

A complete wall of goblins, the unbelievable gaze magnified in the eyes of the young partner, he almost thought he had read it wrong, rubbed his eyes and looked again to confirm that it was not a joke.

A wall of goblins made of annihilators?

Even if Dragon Soul No. [-] really has such an ability, it's not just a matter of computing power, but——

Fairy Dance.

It is the most exquisite and incredible dance of combat artisans in terms of multi-control methods. It requires the artisans themselves to break through the limits of the three-dimensional space in which they live, and to have imagination in higher-dimensional spaces.

Before the advent of an era, people once imagined that no one could achieve such a state by himself.

But then two miraculous people were born in the alchemy world, one of them was named Ash King, FOX.

Later, the Luotao Artisan Group reproduced this miracle with the means of brainstorming and teamwork.

The miracle of the wall.

But Gerald shook his head slightly.What he wants his partner to look at is actually not this, but that young man ignores the larger existence on the battlefield, and those small nodes are exactly the same as the current one.

The young partner suddenly and unexpectedly mouthed a question:
Is this cheating?

Geros shook his head. This question seems to be asking, are combat craftsmen also considered craftsmen?

Are they alchemists too?
He opened his mouth softly.


In the Wandering Horse live broadcast room.

With a 'snap', the pen in his hand fell on the table, and every line drawn on the screen silenced every barrage in the live broadcast room, and every node at the end pointed by the line pointed out— —

Outside that 'smaller' scale Annihilator's Wall.

There is also a wider 'outer wall' that almost covers the entire battlefield, composed of thousands of clockwork goblins, which is almost exactly the same as its internal structure.

Everyone only felt that their scalps were numb, and it seemed that a thin layer of electric current flowed through their bodies, making every hair stand on end.

If we say that KUN is omniscient, it is the good wishes of fans.

So the omniscience here is more like an objective fact.

An extreme field pursued by a craftsman.

"A perfect... wall of goblins?"

"Could it be that the ability provided by Dragon Soul No. [-] is endless computing power?"

But can it be done with just computing power?
And that ship, what kind of Dragon Knight?

Fang Plover cannot answer many of these questions.

He is indeed 'observing' the battlefield through every node on this 'wall', absorbing every detail into his senses, and that kind of perception ability can hardly be called 'seeing'.

It was Miss Tata who shared his senses with him.

Rather than saying that he observes the world from a higher dimension, it is better to say that human senses have no way to go beyond their own shackles, but——

Dragon Soul can.

The legendary winner of the Ten Kings Crown took a crucial step in the Fairy Dance, and he did have some accomplishments along the way, but that accomplishment itself was not out of the scope of human beings.

But the Fairy Dragon Soul itself was born for this.

Are the large number of Lancers in the rain screen divided into two attack waves, the first wave has already been put into battle by him.They dragged a long wake and crashed into the group of dragons. The rising star group that people saw earlier was exactly this wave of cavalry.

Fang Yan didn't expect this wave of Lancers to tear a hole from the dragon group head-on, his intention was only to separate the dragon group.Let the defense line of the players behind be able to distinguish the first wave of enemies who entered the defense circle.

But even more important is cover.

The air-combat formations charging at all costs have disrupted the dragons.The dark steel and the flesh and blood fought together, and the wind element nozzles dragged tails one after another in the dark night sky.

The spear pierces the body of the dragon beast, or the sharp minions tear off the cold shell of the construct, and the exposed core crystal is poured into rainwater, and the overflowing ether explodes bright fireworks at the last moment.

The shock waves generated by the fire created blank areas one after another in the rain, and the dragons flapped their wings and flew away, but some of them were affected and fell into the sea of ​​empty space.From a distance, the sky is a piece of small black spots falling.

A fire net was drawn around the sailboat.

The few dragons that passed through the Lancers' line of defense were successfully separated from the main formation by Fang Plover, and they just plunged into the fire net.The intertwined golden threads poked countless transparent holes on their bodies, causing these dark creatures to scream and roll down the clouds.

One or two dragon beasts rushed to the deck, but they were also swarmed by the walkers who had been waiting there, cutting their bodies apart with swords.Blood flowed on the deck along the rain, and the players paced through the corpses, looking up at the battlefield above the sky.

Flickering in the darkness several miles away.

And the continuous air combat structures in the vicinity are leaving the deck, dragging a long stream of light and flying in that direction, the invisible will shrouds the battlefield, like a ghost watching every corner of the battlefield.

Its gaze made every air combat structure seem to have life—Whisper and Wucun looked up, they had never seen such a scene.

Fang Plover stood at the bow of the boat.

It seems to melt into the wind and rain.

The large net formed by air combat structures finally reached a balance with the dragon group that arrived first, and they were in a stalemate on the front line several miles away from the fleet, making it impossible for the dark army to go beyond the thunder pool.

The few dark creatures that broke through were quickly submerged in the fleet's fire net.

But under the huge net, the audience can still see many constructs floating above the battlefield, not fighting.Fang Plover has been observing this scene calmly with the attitude of an outsider, his gaze fell on a corner of the battlefield.

Miss Tata's will also swept across the entire network, cruising in this big network.

Fang Plover is quietly waiting for the Naga's spaceship to arrive.

Those octopus-like biomass spaceships flew quite slowly, but the shock they caused when they crossed the battlefield and appeared in people's field of vision was incomparable. The dragon group seemed to have received an order at that time.

They suddenly launched an attack on the defense line at all costs, and for a while, the sky rained corpses, but the dark creatures seemed to not know what fear was, and charged the fleet overwhelmingly.

The audience held their breath.

Until this moment, they could understand what kind of mentality mortals had when they faced the army of darkness thousands of years ago. The battle that mortals won on the Clover Plain was the testimony of their courage in the following millennia.

But at that moment Fang Plover revealed his trump card - he didn't need to completely defeat this army of darkness like the Light Commander, Oath Keeper, and Silver Helmets thousands of years ago. Great achievements.

And he only needs to emulate the tiniest part of it.

He raised his hand lightly, and the countless dull clockwork fairies lurking in the storm got the command at the same time, they flew out of the rain curtain and rose into the air like a bunch of meteors.

Fly to the dragon group.

And the dragons are frantically attacking the vast defense line formed by the air combat formations from the front, so that they have no time to care about them. Even if a small part of the dragons are separated and fly downwards, trying to stop these tiny fire elves——

But to no avail.

Because at that moment, the silver bees covering the left and right sides of the fire dwarf also launched an attack at the same time.

The fire djinn passed through the intercepting dragon group with almost no casualties, and then flew into their main group. Each of the different fire djinn received different instructions.

Fly to the only position on the battlefield that belongs to them.

next moment--

Vikki was manipulating her stalker in mid-air, looking up in that direction, she seemed to hear a crisp finger snap, detonating——a continuous light, illuminating the entire battlefield.

The glow produced by the explosion seemed to rise several suns in an instant, and the light and heat even dispelled the storm for an instant, and evaporated the rain, even the rain became a little weaker in that instant.

People stare at you for a long time.

But Vikki didn't wait too long, and Fang Plover ordered her to lead the second wave of attacks. A dark air combat nightmare furnace structure was floating behind her, and all attacking forces were lurking outside the battlefield.

"Miss Vikki!"

Zheng Yongzai yelled in the voice channel, "Leader Aide sent an order!"

The Nightmare Stove structures around her are waking up piece by piece, forming a blood-red sea under the clouds. Vikki understands what the mission Fang Plover gave her is, and she needs to be a marker on the battlefield.

Guide the direction for this batch of nightmare furnace construction.

There is no way for the Fairy Heart to fully control these autonomous constructs.

She stretched out her hand forward and directly pressed a push rod to the bottom, and the four temporarily installed wind element vector nozzles behind the tall body of the stalker became bright at the same time, converging into four dazzling streams of light——

The girl leaned back vigorously.

A beam of cyan light rises from above the clouds.

At the same time, she turned her head, and saw the scene on the left side of the battlefield from the light screen, which was the same silver light beam rising from the other end of the battlefield - that echoed her from afar, the dragon knight of the Colin people .

She looked up.

The dragons above were too busy to take care of themselves, and at the same time, those slow and heavy Naga octopus spaceships had been completely exposed from the battlefield.And that was exactly her target.


Fang Plover opened the mouth and said.

At the same time, in the fleet channel, Forin's voice sounded at the same time:
"Ed, Vikki, the Destroyer is back."

Fang Plover and Vikki turned their heads in that direction at the same time, and saw two mountain-like tentacles rising again from the clouds in the sky, appearing behind the fleet.


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