Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1019 Scene 35 The Road to Victory

Chapter 1019 Chapter 3 Act [-] The Road to Victory
After a brief communication, the Overland did not give any further reply. Fang Plover knew that Forin would try his best, but World Tree Heart might only be able to block one of them.

The two raised tentacles swayed one after the other like a hill.

The wind and rain were like darkness, looking forward through the dark rain line, the two islands were looming in the storm, at least there were still several chains of land, which would not be needed for a quarter of an hour in normal times, but this moment was the time they lacked.

The Destroyer is rising from under the clouds, revealing its ugly shell, like a part of a floating continent, vast and boundless, with several raised jagged chitin mountains, like some kind of alien creature the outer skin.

Several tentacles protrude from under the shell, surrounded by clouds below, and there are more in the distant sky. There are countless compound eyes hidden below, watching the fleet of these young people coldly, with fate mockery.

Shui Wuming was so frightened that he lost his voice, and the voice came out along the sound guide tube.


"Haha," Xiaoyao's voice sounded first, making the pipes buzz, "You won't be afraid."

"Shut up!" the first voice retorted in shame and anger.

This conversation dispelled some of the tension in Fang Plover's heart to some extent, and he was not completely incapable of feeling the tension. This battle made him feel as if he had returned to the battlefield of the Northern Territory War, facing the army of shadowmen at that time.

But then he remembered that this was just a trial, a competition.

The Naga's octopus spaceships have entered the inner layer of the fleet's defense circle, and began to release some smaller "screw ships" with worker bees and warriors on them, which are the bottom of the Naga social structure.

"Vikki, stop them."


Countless nightmare furnace structures rose from under the clouds, blocking the front of the attacking arrows formed by Naga. Vikki was at the forefront of that line of defense, like the tip of a spear, leading the fleet towards several times The enemy launched a desperate charge.

But the best she can do is buy everyone a little time.

Fang Plover knew that he had to make good use of this time.

He looked up at the sky, and the silver light representing the dragon knight had already flown above everyone, like a bunch of shooting stars across the sky.

His field of vision seemed to be divided into two, and the clouds in one half of his field of vision were parting. Above that high sky, it seemed that the clouds had stopped and the rain had stopped, and a few stars hung far away in the sky, sprinkling the moonlight onto the entire sea of ​​clouds.

Several dragon beasts flew up into the clouds and chased after them, one of which was even bigger, like Torragotus, the dangerous dark dragon he had seen in Fenris.The giant beast flapped its wings and approached, blowing a mouthful of shadow flames at him from afar.

The beam of fire was a thousand meters long, and the silver net in the field of vision was separated in an instant, and it came to him as if it could burn through the line of law, and it was reflected in the depths of Fang Plover's pupils.

Under the control of Miss Tata, the Dragon Knight managed to avoid it.

"Be careful, Mr. Knight," she reminded, "it's the dark dragon."

It came down with a sweat.

Fang Plover almost realized this.

He is actually not that handy in controlling the dragon knight structure. Even with the assistance of the dragon soul, he still lacks a lot of experience, especially when facing opponents of the same level.

After all, he is not a real dragon knight. Dragon knight is not just a noun, a title, a reference to a person who can control the dragon knight's structure, otherwise he also has a dragon soul and a dragon knight system, and he can already be called a dragon knight. Dragon Rider is gone.

But the dragon knight is a synonym for experienced fighters. When a person reaches that position, he must have experienced challenges that ordinary people can't imagine, and he has experienced countless tests on the edge of life and death.

Even the chosen ones can be worthy of this title.

"Mr. Knight, this is the test of the tower."

"In a normal competition, there will be no such opponents, nor will such a situation happen." Tata's calm voice sounded, as if to encourage him.

She was talking about the dark dragon.

Fang Plover nodded.He was wearing goggles, and there was only a glint of light in his eyes under the eyepiece.

He naturally understands, and understands that one day, he will face the same opponent.The ferocious expression of the dark dragon was magnified a hundred times in his eyes. After a thousand times, it turned into Toragotos for a while, and turned into the pair of Nicol Bolas and Lifgard for a while. Mesmerizing golden pupils
"Mr. Knight, it's coming!"

Miss Longhun reminded him carefully with a soft voice.

In the world made up of countless lines, the attack is rehearsed in advance, but the dark dragon is not always so simple, it seems to be also keenly aware of the calculation domain surrounding it.

It can even perform pre-judgment, pass the prediction of the silver thread and reverse the judgment of the dragon soul, and then modify its attack route.

The calculation of the attack and the arrival were often not exactly the same, which made Fang Plover a little flustered to deal with it. There were two eyes in the tower calmly observing the scene, and then Artush and the old man looked at each other in surprise.

"Mr. Knight, adjust your thinking."

Fang Yan gritted his teeth and had to manually adjust the dragon knight's evasion route. The calculation power increased almost exponentially. At that moment, he felt his brain was hot and buzzing.A sense of dizziness swept over.

"Mr. Knight!" Miss Tata's voice fluctuated for the first time.

Mr. Knight, you can no longer take over my computing power.

An idea popped into his mind.

"Are you worried about me, another Miss Tata?" Fang Yan shook his head, "but I can still hold on."

"I transferred the computing power back."

"No need."

Fang Plover waved his hand, everyone is fighting hard, he must fulfill his promise.

The pressure below did not decrease, but increased. At this time, the air combat cluster must not make any mistakes.

At this moment, the dragon's screeching sound resounded through the clouds, and the Qingyue's roar could almost tear apart a corner of the cloud layer, and it spread far and even to the bottom of Kukai, making everyone look up in that direction.

Silver light shines above the sky.

Twinkling stars and a black shadow are entangled with each other, several kilometers long flames and ice ridges flash above the sky from time to time, cracking, and collapsing ice spears fall from a height of several thousand meters, sometimes even the size of an iceberg.

The dragons were rising into the air, but the falling ice made it impossible for them to dodge, and they were pressed under the clouds.

But each of the mountain-shaped tentacles swaying in the sky is like a nest of these dark creatures. The army of darkness is endless. Even if they are divided into two, the pressure on the fleet in this direction has not been reduced at all.

The Annihilator has already entered the battle.

But when the golden lines of fire began to criss-cross on the battlefield, people could see the geometric beauty of the perfect polygonal structure, and each of its edges seemed to be a part of this invisible network.

But when Fang Plover opened the box.

It was as if a dazzling light net bloomed on the battlefield, and the second group of dragons were annihilated in the light net.

People breathed a sigh of relief, but the commanders on each ship, the heads and persons in charge of the participating delegations, loudly drove their team members, "Move, move!"

The head of the grumpy Taxin singer even kicked the team member who collapsed on the ground, "Go and change the drum for the fortress walker, don't stop, there is another round of attack!"

There are three chains of land away from the island gorge.

Less than 5 minutes.

"The second round of attack will arrive soon!" The watchman lying on the stern shouted.

The number of dragons quickly recovered after a short blow, not only did not decrease, but more.The fire that blooms from time to time in the darkness is the 'Fairy Wall' that is being attacked, and it is the 'Fairy Wall' belonging to the Annihilator.

The dragons crossed that 'wall'.

For the first time, the air combat construct group was at a disadvantage. They were falling into the clouds at a much faster speed than before, and a hole soon appeared on that 'wall'.

"Hurry up!"

Ron couldn't help jumping up, and shouted, "Hurry up, everyone, please hurry up, Ed can't stand it anymore!"

The stars are going out.

Outside the arena, the audience in the arena somehow forgot the ability to speak out, except for the first batch of people who left the arena, except for the most stubborn imperial nobles.

Everyone stopped.

The pupils of different colors under their irises, hazel, blue-gray, stone green, and black, all stared at the picture motionlessly, staring at the dim sky above the picture, and there was a silver light shining on the sky .

Shine like stars.

Geros stopped explaining, and no one on the main stage found it unusual. The young partner next to him kept shaking hands, and he just tapped the pen in his hand on the table.

The stray horse's hand holding the cup was hanging in mid-air, and this state had lasted at least a quarter of an hour.

Fang Plover staggered past the giant dragon again.Black smoke condenses on each scale of that ferocious creature, making it fly like a cloud of shadows. That is where it is not similar to Tolagotos, and it is similar to the real dark dragon place.

That is the blessing that Zheng Cang Cui bestowed on her, and it is also an inexorable curse. This curse will forever linger between her muscles and bones, go deep into her bone marrow, and burn into her soul stroke by stroke like seal seals.

The burning pain will last forever.

He had seen the madness of Nicol Bolas in the dark smoke, and the fire of Venus falling into the dust.

Exactly the same.

The dragon knight staggered and stopped moving forward in inertia, but three deep scratches had already been left on the armor behind him, and every time he readjusted the dragon knight's evasive route, he had to make great efforts.

The staggered silver network has begun to become a little messy.

Three or even four overlapping shadows of the giant dragon appeared as expected. Sweat slid down his neck and merged into the rain line. The originally abundant energy had been quietly lost from the world of his thinking.

"The computing power is exhausted, Miss Tata."

"You have done a good job," Miss Longhun's words were still soft, "Do you need me to allocate more computing power?"

Fang Yan didn't say a word.

The dark dragon whistled again. It flapped its wings, and a golden-red flame flashed from under its wings. It spread from a small flame to the entire sea of ​​clouds in an instant, almost lighting up the clouds, and a sea of ​​flames several kilometers wide appeared in an instant.

Fang Plover looked up at the crimson cloud.

The sky is on fire.

That's the battle between the ranks of the Dragon Knights.

But he was exhausted.

2 minute--

"Miss Tata, no need."

"I've figured out a way."

Mr. Knight?

I'm giving it up.

Fang Plover couldn't even speak, only one thought came from his mind.

"It's coming!" Someone in the channel shouted at that time.

The majestic tentacles that were as tall as mountains shook and fell down, and the clouds and waves it dispelled were mixed with a lot of rain, falling down like mountains and seas.The Orwell once again burst into green light, blocking the tentacles.

But what couldn't be stopped was the cloud waves as high as a tsunami, and the second impact dispersed the fleet in an instant.


"Flower Moon?"

"Where's the Ainbrok Artisan Association?"

"Where are the Rotaos?"

The two signals fell silent forever, Luo Ao shook his arm vigorously in annoyance, and tightly held the communication crystal with his hands.

He looked up in that direction, the second tentacle had already pressed over, and the huge shadow was getting bigger and bigger in everyone's field of vision.The green light did not flash again, only Zheng Yong kept loudly reminding the ships to pay attention to the voice in the channel——

There were also some nervous reports.

Those voices mingled so loudly that it was almost stinging.

The Naga army appeared on the side of the fleet at this moment, Vikii has tried its best to block those octopus-like spaceships, and the nightmare furnace structures of Ayin Bullock, Hanruina, and Silver Chain Island have been filled almost at any cost. go up.

Then they fall in pieces.

"Vikki, your profile!"

The communications officer of the Taxin singer suddenly shouted anxiously.

The girl was manipulating the stalker to turn around, and the silver spear shot from the Naga flying boat hit her left arm, knocking off a piece of the cockpit there, and the wind and rain poured in. Only the joystick can try to maintain balance.

But when she was looking in that direction, she realized that there was something hidden behind the clouds, and a huge monster was lifting the clouds and mist to reveal its figure from behind.

Vikki's eyes widened.

It was a Naga's giant flying ship, at least three or four times the size of the ones in front of her.

That is the flagship of the Naga. Neither the dragons nor the giants are creatures good at strategy, they are just instinctively cunning, but among the dark army, only the Naga have the real ability to plot and plan.

They hid the giant ship behind the clouds from the beginning.

Not only her, but even the clockwork goblins who are everywhere in Fang Plover didn't find this giant ship, but Vikki just figured out all kinds of reasons for a moment-the naga have been waiting for the confrontation above the clouds.

They actually realized that they were controlling the battlefield.

"Sister Vikki," Zheng Yongzai's voice also came from the communication crystal, "Its target is us, and it intends to cut into the channel ahead of us!"

Vikki turned his head to look in that direction, and the two islands were already very close, but there was still a chasm before this distance—the 'giant wall' was slowly entering the channel.

And behind them, the hill-like tentacles are slowly pressing down in the direction of the fleet——

Did it fall short?

The girl couldn't stop sinking down for a moment.

The Owellan is still in front of the entire fleet.

Through the porthole, Forin was also staring at the approaching shadow, which was imprinted on his face, and also on the faces of everyone in the cabin.

"If we activate the World Tree Heart again," Forin said to everyone, "then the Overland is at risk of breaking down. But if we give up the game, then we may win."

There can also be different meanings between victory and victory.

The others glanced at each other.They don't really care about how this game will be. Their goal is not the place that no one cares about in the Holy King's Hall. They came here to witness everything that should be witnessed.

And that goal has been achieved at this moment.

But continuing this game was what Forin requested, and no one knew how to respond for a while.

"To calm the storm on the sea of ​​ether, you have to face the corresponding price," Forin said, "I know that some of you value the result, but some of you want to win, so you will lose."

He stretched out his hand to the heart of the World Tree.

"But to me."

"What's more important is the process in between."

The true meaning of the tower test lies in the choice of craftsmen.

A green light was rising from behind Vikki, and out of the corner of her vision, she saw the giant octopus ship approaching their fleet bit by bit.

Seeing that the Aoweilan was slowly slowing down in that direction.

Time seems to be standing still.

At that moment, a dazzling green light was rising from the ship of the people on the Hill of Giant Trees.

It seemed to form a barrier, slowly passing through the dark storm, but after all, the barrier seemed much thinner than before, so that it only flickered slightly when it collided with the tentacles of the World Destroyer.

Then it fell apart.

Outside the arena——

Hearing a low sigh of disappointment from his young partner, Geros could not help but stop the pen in his hand. Generally speaking, the young man actually made a serious mistake.

At least the commentators should not show such a bias in a game.

It's just that no one has noticed this detail at the moment, not to mention that it is difficult to distinguish each other on the field at this moment, who is the opponent of whom, and who is allied with whom——

What people noticed were the mountain-sized tentacles in the frozen picture, and the broken green light like a mirror, dissipating little by little in the storm.

All they noticed was a dark army breaking through.

The Naga had torn apart the flanks of the fleet, and the giants also came on giant dragons, and together with the army of dragons that broke through the air combat structure cluster, they surrounded the fleet.

What they saw in their field of vision—

Except for the still silver stars in the sky.

Except for the insignificant Nightmare Furnace construction army that is still standing between the giant octopus ship and the human floating airship.

It seemed that there was no hope left on the battlefield.

It's just that among the sporadic army, the girl suddenly turned her head.

A decisive thought flashed in her mind.

No, we must not give up all our previous efforts like this!
At this moment, it has nothing to do with the result of the game, only the obsession with victory has occupied all of Vikki's beliefs, and all efforts should not be in vain——


She just wants to get to the finish line.

The girl suddenly realized that she actually had another way.


(End of this chapter)

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