Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1030 The choice after the red door, Act 361

"Someone has entered the first red door." People whispered.

"1 Gate," someone asked, "how much faster this year than last?"

"It's a lot faster. The best result in the last session was 310 fans, which was set by the Colin-Ishurian player named Loofah."

The staff members glanced at each other, thinking that most of this year's class is from the Colin-Ishurians again, but it doesn't mean that the third division is declining, how could it be so?Could it be that it is time for the transition of the competition area again?
More than half of the people here are actually here for the dragon alchemist. After the first round of the competition, the other party has successfully surpassed the Imperial Gemini to become the favorite to win the championship.

Many people want to see how far this young genius can go, and whether he can break the highest record in history?

And the best result in history was achieved by the pride of the first division draftee, the Gray King FOX, with four red doors.When he reached the last red door, he broke his halberd and died.

At this moment, Fang Plover was staring at a blue wooden door in front of him in a daze.

The door looked very ordinary, with a brass handle, made of oak wood, with a simple layer of blue paint on it, and the wood texture could even be seen under the paint surface, and the paint was not evenly painted. The workmanship is very rough.

He had seen this door many times in the tower of Nevad, and the only thing they had in common was that they were similarly rough.

In fact, standing in front of this door, he already knew the difference between the Tower of the Winter Solstice and the Tower of the End of Summer, or in other words, the four towers are all different. Belongs to Alchemist.

Although there are also three-color doors here, there is a blue door behind the nine green doors, and a red door behind the nine blue doors, but Ming told him - behind the red door is not a battle level, but more about the practice of alchemy. The scene used.

Or it could be an academic debate, and in that illusory scenario he has to convince everyone.

And after the blue door, it is naturally not the test of refinement, composition, and alchemy formula that he is used to, but more about the difficult problems in the history of alchemy and the underlying logic of the ether.

In comparison, the green door is the basic skill, the most basic thing in alchemy.But here, too, it's more difficult.

But none of this surprised Fang Plover.

What really surprised him was the problem itself——

Behind the first blue door, he had already seen it, it was a tower magic furnace.

The second blue door is the problem of elemental adaptability, which is also a very old alchemy subject. How can mortals adapt to the magic power of elements?That is also the basis for the birth of the magic furnace.

is a problem faced by mortal alchemists.

But this is also a bad topic of discussion. This kind of consensus has been reached by alchemists thousands of years ago. How could this appear in the level of the tower?
He had heard earlier that the level of this competition was set by President Friston. The tower-type magic furnace in the first level was not surprising, because it clearly left the imperial people's understanding of the technical route of the three geniuses. explore.

That may be closely related to the alchemy revolution of the empire. Craftsmen always hope that the younger generation of alchemists can use this method to understand their technological progress, which is understandable.

On the contrary, this faintly showed the temperament of the empire. The contestants came from many countries in different regions, but the imperial people did not hesitate to cover up their technological progress and ideas.Of course, it can also be regarded as another kind of arrogance, but no matter what the reason is, the Oshu people are at least commendable in this regard.

But as soon as he entered the third blue door, his brows immediately frowned and wrinkled—how should the wandering magic power be stored?
This is definitely not the technical route of the imperial people.

On the contrary, this is actually a rather old proposition.The wandering magic power is actually the unshaped ether—the latter is the element, and the wandering magic power is actually the largest part of the sea of ​​light.

To change the way of speaking human words, that is, non-attribute magic power.

How to store non-attributed ether is a good question.

Non-attribute crystals cannot withstand the matching magic power. Mortals have tried many methods and walked many paths, and each of those paths leads to a dead end.People who walk on this technical route undoubtedly fail, and those failures they experienced are called by later people——

The sixth technical route of the road.

But were those really failures?
Why do I have such a problem?He doubted whether others could give the answer to this question. With such a skeptical attitude, Fang Yan wrote down the alchemy formula on the table that he already knew and refined many times.

The door swung open.

The road behind seemed to welcome his arrival.

The question is real, but how should others answer it?A doubt arose in Fang Plover's mind. He put down his pen and continued to walk forward.

Curious, he decided to keep going, to see what lay behind the blue door below.After one green door after another, he finally came to this door. He stayed in front of the door for a long time before finally making up his mind to push the door open——

Problems ensued.

Do imagined, more stable crystals exist?

Seeing this, Fang Plover could not help but close his eyes, and his heart was clear. This question was so natural, as if it was one question after another asked by the alchemists who walked on this road in the past.

That technical route actually started from the alchemists' exploration of the suitability of mortal elements.

Then they encountered the first difficulty, how to extract the ground state magic power from Guanghai and store them?

Someone came up with the idea of ​​a stable crystal, one that wasn't constructed of elements and could therefore hold non-elemental magic.

They did find the crystal, but unsuccessfully.

At this point, Fang Plover has fully understood that since he opened the door——should have embarked on a path different from others, and this path should actually be the one between Hellingwell and those two geniuses. experienced.

With such enlightenment in his heart, he naturally became more interested. Is this the entire experience of the three geniuses in the past? Will they write down the answer at the end of this tower?
With such curiosity, he picked up the pen and wrote the answer on the table again.

The answer is actually very simple, but two words——


Without asking any more, the wooden door opened after a moment of silence.

Fang Plover was a little surprised. He thought that the question would ask him what the structure of the crystal would be, but he suddenly realized that maybe the person who asked the question didn't know what the crystal was like.

Naturally, it is impossible to judge whether his answer is correct or not.

Such thoughts arose and died, and he walked on, through door after door after that.Most of those green door questions are not simple, but to him, they are just the foundation of the foundation.

Helinwell and the alchemists behind him not only asked those profound ideas, but also made a detailed investigation of the basic skills of the alchemists who came here.

They probably hope that the successor will be a real alchemist, not a lucky or unlucky person who stumbled into this place by mistake. They defined the boundaries of the question strictly and carefully, hoping that the legacy they left would not Be let down.

But did they really leave behind a valuable legacy?
Fang Yan became more and more curious, what else can be left for him in the sixth technical route?The world regards it as a failed technical route, and although they will not mock the pioneers, most of them have a regretful attitude.

And on such a road that most people see as failure, are there any precious things that are lost?
Those basic questions didn't bother him, and Fang Yan just solved them casually. Sometimes he could even feel the eyes of the great alchemist looking at him with admiration.There are still excellent successors to the alchemy of mortals thousands of years ago.

After the green doors, there are blue doors.

And the deeper he got into it, Fang Ploy was also convinced of his conjecture, and he also experienced all the difficulties experienced by the alchemists of that era—his experience at this moment is the same as that of the holy crystal left by Hein-Fam. The process of deriving the formula from the upper inverse is completely different.

He will encounter the problems and perplexities encountered by the predecessors, and answer them one by one, combine the answers with his own knowledge, and verify the two phases, just like going through the road traveled by the sixth technical route again .

Only the only difference is.

He has the answer.

The more he advances, the clearer the future he sees, the confusion that he couldn't understand in the past, and the real reason why Hein-Fam made this choice among different technical routes are also clear at this moment .

So much so that the somewhat vague design that existed in his mind - the next stage of the Yishi crystal, the design of the delta crystal became clear little by little.

He's no longer just copying the answer to that question, either.

Instead, he builds his own vision in his heart. What exactly is the sixth technical route discussing, and what kind of work does he need to get?

He puts forward a hypothesis, obtains verification from the hypothesis, seeks an answer from the verification, and refines that answer into something that truly belongs to him.

The path he pursued in alchemy has never been so clear for a moment.

He even ignored the time, and kept getting reminders to gain experience. He jumped from his own professional level to the next level, from level 25 to level 26, and even the experience bar grew by half.

He can sometimes notice the changes in the sunlight outside the window, the sun rises and the moon sets, just like in the tower of Xia Jin.

He recalled the number of times he rested, a month passed, but that time seemed to be stagnant in the tower.

When he pushed open the next green door, a different door came into view - he had seen that door countless times in the Xiajin Tower, and one was painted brown and red. Painted doors.

Golden door handle.

As always, he gently reached out his hand and held it on the doorknob.The handle responded with a cold touch, just like in the past.

open the door.

The noise and hustle and bustle coming from behind the door seemed to be a market full of discussions, everyone was pulling their necks to bargain loudly, talking loudly, and expressing their opinions.

He saw that it was a hall, where the alchemists gathered around a huge round table, and the sunlight shot down from the patio and fell on the smooth and bright bald heads of most people, and the people didn't notice it, arguing with each other .

The sound in the hall seemed to be buzzing.

One of them eloquently said:

"Compared to Shadowman, we can only rely on our own magic technology, because we can't extract starlight and let them burn in the star device to give the construct its own will."

"But what is different now is that we finally have the idea of ​​the basic non-attribute crystal, the gratifying messenger brought it to this meeting, our colleagues succeeded, and then the burden falls on us .”

"Yes," another person stood up, "Then the next step is to use it to improve our own weapons. The bullet has been pressed into the gun chamber, and now there is only one way to fire it."

A figure covered those people and appeared in front of Fang Plover.The shadow stood on the dark side of the hall, as if blending into the shadows, he stood in front of Fang Plover, smiled slightly at Fang Plover:

"You can come here, it means that Helinwell made the right bet, and I didn't expect that my old friend could really come to this point." The figure stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture to him, "Since You brought this good news, so our discussion is not meaningless, come and see our discussion—”

Fang Plover recognized the other party.


"Mr. Jedham," he looked at the other party and nodded slightly.Although what stays here may only be an image in history, the identity and behavior of the other party are also worthy of his respect.

But Jeldom didn't care about his etiquette, he only turned his eyes to the direction of the round table.

Fang Plover also followed his gaze, but in fact, he had already seen the topics that the alchemists were discussing from the discussions on the round table:

"We conceived a technology where the alchemist uses his own way to manipulate the construct, but if part of the calculations are encapsulated into the machine in advance, can it achieve a behavior similar to that of the furnace?"

"We tested this approach, and the answer is that it works."

"But if this is the case, we have to face another problem, how much computing power do we need?"

Jeldom turned his head, looked at him and asked:
"So, have you heard the crux of the problem?"

Fang Plover opened his mouth and gave the answer to the question: "The margin technique." He asked, "The margin technique came from this place, who are these people?"

Jeldom nodded, "The difference from the shadow people is that they use the starlight to shape the soul of the construct, and that road will lead to the end of the endless flames that burn everything, and in the end only Silent starlight and a dead world."

"And everything we are trying to do is to avoid that ending. In fact, craftsmen can also achieve the purpose of manipulating the construct through their own calculations. If we further extract these calculations and pre-set them, this is actually It’s the margin technique.”

"You should have seen my star installation, what exactly do you think is trapping us here?"

He pointed to the hall.

Fang Plover listened in silence. He had seen many different star devices, from Nozpitz's underground mechanism to the semi-finished products left to him by Sir Lynn. Got it from the dragon people.

He didn't have time to study the difference between these star devices and those on the nightmare furnace creature, but when he heard this, he suddenly understood what this genius' path was.

Jerdem's light blue eyes remained motionless, and he said again: "So, my question is. What is the key problem that the margin technique lacks?"

That answer is actually self-evident.

He has already drawn conclusions from countless times of practice, whether it is the cumbersome closed-loop machine he designed, or the exquisite star-like device, but as long as it involves margin skills, it involves an infinite search for a class of attributes.

He replied, "Calculation."

These talented alchemists invented the star device belonging to mortals, but they were restricted by the crucial link, just like the failed sixth technical route, and stopped here.

Hearing the words, Jeldom's face was silent as if he had been hit, and then there was a look of loneliness in his eyes, but he immediately cheered up, looked at Fang Plover and said, "Helinwell always said that I can't see There was a potential connection between things, but I saw it today."

He smiled faintly, "Helinwell is right, our envoy, since you are here, you should know the answer to that question, right?"

Fang Plover nodded slightly.

So Jedham smiled again, and stretched out his hand to him, "Then please go ahead, go to the end point, there are more difficulties waiting behind, but let me believe once, this time someone can Arrived at the end."

Following his gesture, the round table in front of the two disappeared, as did the disputing alchemists, and the voice fell silent.

There is only one open door left.

But between a question and an answer, the test of the Red Gate was over.

Fang Yan didn't say much, he naturally knew why the question ended, because the answer to that question was as clear as he came here, and there was a technical route that connected all the questions together.

And the road it leads to is also called the second technical route.

Fairy Dragon Rider.

But at the moment when the non-attributed holy crystal argument exists, computing power will no longer be an obstacle, and the door to the future will be opened.

And outside the arena——

People are whispering, "How many people have reached the second red door?"

"Fifteen, and the number is still increasing."

"Strange, why is the speed of passing through the second red gate so slow this year? It shouldn't be. It stands to reason that this year's performance is much better than the previous one. Now the first person to enter the red gate has already entered halfway through. It's been an hour, half an hour outside, and a week inside."

"Will it be particularly difficult this year?"

"This possibility is not ruled out," the man replied, "but the level of each tower is similar. This year is the topic set by President Friston, and the difficulty has been evaluated by the major artisan associations. The alchemists of the Empire should be familiar with those subjects."

"Look, someone is coming out!"

"It's the people of the golden blade, 170 three gates, this score is not bad in the past. Their level of strength is as expected, even much stronger than the people who left the tower first in the previous session. "

"This also proves from the side how strong this year is."

"Now let's see if anyone in the second red door can't pass, and when they come out, we will know what's going on inside. You might as well guess, the first player to leave the second red door will From which participating delegation?"

"The first team to retire from the Red Gate in the previous session was usually the second-tier team. I guess it was the Guta people. Their strength is much stronger than that of the overseas team, but they should not reach the edge of the first-tier team."

"I think so too," the staff member nodded, "Look, you guessed it, they came out."

The one who came out of the tower was the girl from the ancient tower.

Vikki still had an aggrieved expression on her face. She looked at the crowd and annoyed to drive away the reporters who gathered around to interview.

In the previous tower trials, players have the right not to disclose their experience in the tower. In fact, this is also the tacit understanding of most first-line players.

Therefore, those people didn't care if they didn't get useful information from her, and they just gathered around the players of the Shujin Blade. Unlike those players with serious clubs, the overseas free pickers can often reveal more thing.

The only pity is that they didn't get very far.

Sullenly, Vikki kicked the stone beside the tower. She never thought that the level would be so complicated. How many people have the skills to spare?Can anyone besides the Imperials animate those things?
She turned around and looked around, only to find that the boy named Zheng Yongzai was not among the crowd, and she was slightly relieved, at least there were still people in the ancient tower.

But at the moment, it's not just Vikki who is bothered by the challenge.

Trixes was looking at the question with a puzzled face, the dark construct in front of her, "How could it be, how could it be..." She muttered to herself with an unbelievable face, every step she came along the way Levels should prove the correctness of their techniques.

From the tower-type magic furnace, but the remaining skills, to the multi-star device, every step is obviously correct.How could she bump into a wall head-on here, at first she thought it was just a small difficulty.

But then it was discovered that the high wall was as cold as iron and indestructible.

She stretched out her hand to the structure, as if groping on the high wall, the cold shell responded with indifferent rejection, the imperial star device could not make this structure move .

All the inputs are correct, but it just freezes and doesn't move.

Tracy has even figured out the crux of the problem.

Just insufficient computing power.

But how could it be possible, they clearly calculated once in the sea of ​​trees space, and there was no problem at all in manipulating the most basic nightmare creatures.If the computing power is to be further improved, it is impossible to do.


In the hall, a voice echoed: "This is a necessary sacrifice."

"No," Juno shook his head, looking up at the dark construct.

With an undisguised disgust in his eyes, he replied word by word, "Mr. President, I never approve of the Soul School, that is my pride as an alchemist. If this is the only way now , then my choice is to rely on my own strength to find another one.”

"Maybe you will succeed, but before that, you have to leave. You are the most outstanding genius in the empire. Are you really not going to move on?"

"I will only move forward in the direction I choose." Juno shook his head without regret.


Juno took one last look at the construct, turned and walked back without hesitation.


At the same moment, Georgiefen also shook his head, "I can't accept it."

"Then can you give another answer?"

"It can't be done for the time being," the former spread his hands. "It's not one or two, but it challenges my cognition. I can't make this machine work yet, but we can always find a way."

"Then when you find it, come back here to answer this question."

Geogiffin froze for a moment, then shrugged in agreement.

He turned and walked out of the door very smartly.

The moment he opened the door, the bright sunlight from outside the tower shone in, making him squint his eyes slightly.

Only then did he realize that there was another person beside him, and he couldn't help but startled, "Juno?" He looked at the other Gemini with some surprise, the person who was faintly stronger than himself, "Why did you come out too?"

Juno glanced at him, "Aren't you the same?"

"I'm different. You know, alchemy is not the most important thing to me. Compared to that, I care more about other... empires," he shook his head, "I've always been a free-spirited person."

"I'm just the opposite of you," Juno replied. "Alchemy is too important to me."

There was a scream outside the tower, but the two seemed to have never heard it.

They all understood that the Imperial Gemini would leave the tower through the second red gate, and there would definitely be shocking waves outside, and he had already thought about the headlines on the front page tomorrow.

If more than [-] people pass through the second red door, they may become the first contestants in history to reach the top ten rankings in the first round of the Spire Trial, but cannot go to the Hall of the Holy King.

But Georgieffin had calculated that this possibility was unlikely.

They had already seen reporters—from Stargate Port and from the Empire flocking in, but both of them chose to keep silent, and the reason for their refusal was very simple.

Clubs don't allow it.

"Has Luo Finn come out yet?" Juno suddenly asked among the crowd.

Georgieffin shook his head.

"He's gone too far," replied the former, "where's the Dragon Alchemist?".

"It's the same with him." Georgifen recalled the conversation he had with the other party before entering the tower, and wondered if the other party understood what he meant.

He sighed and teased, "He may not be there yet."

But Juno didn't think the joke was funny at all.


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