Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1031 Scene 362 How do you know if you don't try?

Chapter 1031 Act 362 How do you know if you don't try?
Fang Plover pushed open the door, and saw Friston inside and couldn't help but froze for a moment.He even stepped back subconsciously to see if the door was opened correctly, but yes, it was the third red door.

Inside the door is Friston, the president of the Craftsman Association. He has met him many times in Ai Yin Brock, and he doesn't necessarily admit his mistake.

What's more, alchemists like to wear a coat now, and the style is very different from 30 years ago and 30 years later. 700 years ago, alchemists were still wearing bachelor's robes at that time.

Friston laughed dumbfounded, "Why, seeing me surprised you so much?"

The moment Fang Yan retreated, he realized that he had lost someone.But what surprised him was not that the chairman was here, the other party was the tower keeper of the Winter Solstice Tower, and it was quite normal for him to appear here.

What surprised him was Helinwell and Jeldom.He passed through the first red door, and all the questions he encountered along the way were questions related to margin skills. The experience gained from the software Shana gave him was fully utilized here, and he even had the illusion that the other party was Didn't he partner with those two geniuses 700 years ago?But that's obviously unlikely.

The subsequent questions were more in-depth and gradually exceeded Shana's grasp, which made him feel a little paranoid.

His understanding of the margin technique is about between four and fifth commands—although theoretically, it is impossible for an alchemist to impose more than one pre-command on a construct, but he used a tricky way, in the key In the chapter, a virtual closed-loop device is conceived with multiple parallels, and the previous instructions are recorded through the closed-loop device to achieve the purpose of applying the following instructions.

But such a method has its limits. The alchemy formula of using multiple parallel conceived closed-loop devices is itself a kind of behavior of mimetic creation, which requires a lot of brain and heart effort. The same is true for the margin technique itself. Astronomical figures.The virtual space in the chapter of the key is not similar to the space of the high tower, there is no increase in computing power, and there is no Miss Tata there who can assist him in that space, so he cleared the first chapter of the chapter of the key Once closed, it's hard to get an inch in.

However, in the space of this tower, Jeldom and the alchemists around him showed him another new way of thinking, allowing him to see the possibility of entering a new world.After understanding that possibility, Fang Yan even faintly felt that the chapter of the key that had been bothering him could be turned over.

To put it simply, the alchemists in the past used the light circuit to imitate the sea of ​​ether, and recorded the instructions in it.This device is used as the total set of instructions, rather than being recorded in a separate closed-loop device, and the external device is only an extractor of instructions.Although this instruction set will take up more computing power, the external extractor records very little information, so the structure is relatively simpler——

Because of intensification, the more instructions it records, the lighter the burden.

After four instructions, this method completely outperformed his original clumsy method of encapsulating instructions with a closed-loop device.This is simple to say, but in fact it all relies on a series of new alchemy formulas invented by him. Just like the creation technique of the elves, alchemy cannot be established without the support of the formulas.

He even saw the prototype of the star device in that new technique, but it is not the star device that extracts the starlight like the shadow man - this is the star device that belongs to mortals and belongs to them.

He faintly saw the shadow of a genius behind the new alchemy formulas, and it must be named after him, the star device named Jeldham.

Although these formulas are still only a prototype, there are various restrictions, and they are not as good as the Shadow People's Nightmare Furnace in all aspects.But just like the precious wishes of the Numelin elves to mortals, this is also a gift from this genius to the world, and it must be able to lead to the ultimate future.

Fang Zhi had some respect in his heart, which was different from what he learned underground in Nozpitz. This was the real story left by those three geniuses.When Jeldom let himself move forward, he actually knew what was going on behind him. Unlike Helinwell, this young alchemist was full of hope for the future of alchemy.

Otherwise he would not have left an answer.

Although Fang Ploy had already known that the star device in Sir Lynn's hands and similar technologies in later generations might have come from this, but here was the first time he really understood the principle behind the star device.

This is the blessing of the Tower, and for alchemists, the legacy of technology is the best blessing.Just as he mastered the creation technique of the elves in the Xiajin Tower, here Helinwell and Jerdem told him about the past of the non-attribute magic furnace, and the other told him the remaining skills s future.

He pushed open the third door, thinking he would see Friston.But this Friston was not Friston, so he was not surprised when he saw the master craftsman.

Could it be that I made a mistake in my assumption that this chairman really has something to do with the three geniuses?Or was he Friston himself?Can someone really live 700 years?

Farif can live until now because he has been hiding in the high tower space, or in other words, he has long since abandoned his body and lived in a spiritual state, just like Miss Tata.

Mortal life is short.

Fairies are not immortal either.

He looked the chairman up and down. Although his heart was full of doubts, he couldn't help but subconsciously said: "Mr. President, you..."

"Us?" Friston was slightly startled, and took a look at himself, "Why, I have flowers growing on my body?" He smiled, his tone was very kind, and his attitude towards the plovers seemed to be very kind, "You don't have to guess, I It's not with the people from the outside association, it's just an image I left behind. But affected by the tower, it has a part of my self-awareness, so I can talk to you."

Fang Plover was stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised. Hearing his tone, the chairman seemed to really not know what happened before, and he overturned his inference just now. Was the other party really together?

He even had another urge to go back and see if he had entered the wrong door.He tentatively asked: "Mr. President, what about the tower magic furnace?"

"You have also noticed it," Friston said with a smile, "This is a new technology that the empire is promoting, and we have no intention of keeping it private. The tower-type magic furnace is only the basis of this series of technologies, just like the building. The foundation. The tower magic furnace behind the first red door, and the elemental resonance device behind the second red door are our plans for the future, but there are also problems in it. I hope to disclose these to geniuses around the world technology and problems."

Fang Plover was completely stunned, what resonator?Why hasn't he seen it?But after he was stunned, he fully understood that his inference was correct, except for the tower-type magic furnace of the first red door, every door he walked through should be different from others.

Because of the token of Alphonse on his body, Helinwell set up a different test for him from the very beginning.

But why did you meet this chairman behind the third red door?He thought about it, and probably thought of that possibility. Farif said that the chairman left them a little surprise here, and that must be it.

Because he changed the way the tower operates, he met the other party here. He forced himself back on the right track, but for a while, Fang Yangan was silent—he looked at the chairman There was a moment of resentment.

Originally, he had continuously gained enlightenment and improvement from Hellingwell to Jedham. If there is no accident, this room behind the red door should belong to the third genius, Friston.

He did meet Friston here, but it was the same sentence—this was not the Friston he wanted.

For a moment, Fang Plinter was a little bit scratchy. It felt like watching a very exciting TV series, but suddenly a commercial was inserted for you, and the commercial was ignored. The broadcaster also told you that this commercial would Substitute for the best episode of it all.

Normal people have the heart to kill.

But he also couldn't beat the chairman, even if he could beat him, it was just an image and meaningless.

Friston looked at the boy he was optimistic about, with an expression on his face as if he had been stabbed in the back, and couldn't help being a little surprised for a moment, "Why, seeing me so upset?"

He was used to seeing all kinds of expressions, and this was the first time he saw such...unique, as if—seeing something unclean.But fortunately, the chairman has a good self-cultivation, and raised his eyebrows to make up for the whole process:
"You don't have to think that this is cheating. In fact, everyone is the same. This is just a little surprise left by me. Everyone can see me here, as long as they reach this level."

He smiled gratifiedly, "However, an alchemist should have some strength of character. Disdain for collusion is one of the best qualities. I am very pleased that you have seen such qualities in several different young people. "

Fang Plover was stunned, and then realized that his expression control was a little out of balance, and he finally adjusted his mentality after bitterness and hatred, and asked without tears: "Will... grow up, so this time I'm a little bit older." Is it a question set by you?"

He felt a little forced to smile.

But Friston finally nodded in satisfaction.He gave Fang Yan a meaningful look, "This is not only a topic, but also a gift. It is closely related to the future of the empire and everyone's future. You stood out from countless people and finally defeated many of the same geniuses I just came here, and more importantly, you are still young and have no preconceptions about the future, so I want you to see everything here in advance."

He continued: "When you come here, whether you choose to leave in the end or choose to go on, I hope that you can see the future first. You are the best among your peers, and you are also the hope of the alchemy world. "

Listening to Friston's serious speech, Fang Plover couldn't help looking behind him in a daze for a moment. There stood a tall construct, and its decoration style was very different from that of the Mortal Empire.

He recognized it at a glance, it was Shadowman's Nightmare Furnace structure.But that one was extraordinarily huge, something even he had never seen before.

"You know what this is." Friston looked at him and said, not asking, but stating.

Fang Plover nodded. He had fought against Shadowman in the northern border, and this could not be hidden from the craftsman president.As for the structure of the nightmare furnace, the empire is also very familiar with it.

"Then I don't need to go into details." Friston understood clearly, "You should know that these are 'combat weapons' from our great enemy. You must know their history, and the enemy will return to this place." It should be the motto of the Colin people."

He looked at the tall construct, "The ones you have seen in the northern border of Ishurian are just their tools, and this one is their real main force."

"Their... main force?"

"Yes, in the eyes of our alchemists, the main force is the backbone and the backbone. It is not a fleeting elite weapon in an army, but the most extensive cannon fodder that can be mass-produced. It can be called the main force.”

Fang Plover couldn't help being silent. Although he still didn't know the strength of this nightmare furnace, judging from its three to four meter high volume, he also knew that this thing must not be simple.

He looked up and asked, "Can I see it?"

"Of course." Friston said nothing, in fact he was quite satisfied.

Fang Plover stepped forward, he didn't dare to reveal his secrets, although he knew that the most important part of the Nightmare Furnace must be the star device in its brain, but he still checked the chest first.

There should be the core crystal, and the core crystal is inserted in the magic furnace, which is no different from what is usually seen.However, the craftsmanship of the filmmakers is very exquisite, and he can't recognize the function of some plug-ins at all.

But if there is any biggest difference compared with mortal alchemy, it should be that there is no resonance crystal to accept the instructions of the alchemist. He knew why, but he continued to investigate a little bit calmly.

He finally came to the head part of the construct along the ladder, lifted the visor with both hands, and saw the pipelines inside like spider webs, and the ends of all the pipelines were connected to the milky white crystal.

That kind of crystal does not exist in nature at all, it is artificially created.Just like his non-attribute crystal.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Film people call it the 'Stars Device'," Friston looked back at the scene, and replied, "The reason for its name is very simple, because its power is to burn the 'Starlight', the kind of A great substance can produce various extraordinary qualities, one of which is the mimic soul."

"Burning starlight, can starlight also burn?" Fang Yan asked knowingly.

"Why not?" Friston shook his head, "Everything in our world comes from starlight, matter and energy are the same, so of course starlight can also be used by alchemy..."

He muttered to himself, "...or rather, alchemy should be like this." The president sighed slightly.

But this sentence was not heard by Fang Plover, and Friston's voice quickly became ups and downs again, "However, unlike elements, energy and matter are different, but after elements and energy are used by us, or even after the death of living things, they will come back again." It will be transformed into starlight and recirculated under the sea of ​​light. But once the starlight is consumed, it will be dimmed forever until it is finally exhausted."

He deliberately skipped over the ending of the world after the starlight was exhausted, and turned the topic back on track, "We can't follow the path walked by the shadow people, so the topic I set for you here is, how to use the stars without using them?" In the case of Hui, let this structure move."

Fang Yan walked down the ladder, clapped his hands and looked up at the structure and asked, "Is there any special reason for this question?"

He had already guessed the reason, but still wanted to confirm it.

"You have always been very smart. I was very optimistic about you when I was in Ayin Brock. If I couldn't get away, I would definitely have a good talk with you." Friston smiled. "Of course there are reasons for this. You I have seen the Shadowmen in the northern border of Ishurian, and I know that they do not use the army of alchemists' constructs. If this army is endless, how can we defeat the enemies of the past?"

"So use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son?"

"Interesting statement," Friston nodded, "but that's exactly what it is."

"Is this why alchemists study margin techniques?" Fang Yan asked again.

Friston's eyes lit up, and he praised, "Impressive ability to react and connect things," but he shook his head immediately, "But unfortunately, that road won't go far. You also know margin skills, you Do you think you can make this construct move just by relying on margin skills?"

Fang Plover thought for a while, judging from the level of the star devices mastered by mortals, it is far from reaching it.Reaching the level of the Dragon Hunter is already the limit, but the Dragon Hunter is far inferior to the Nightmare Furnace he has seen in the northern border.

Speaking of the Dragon Hunter, he just remembered that the star devices he had seen in the Dragon Hunter were far more mature than the one he got from Sir Lynn, so much so that he couldn't start to study it. .

Where did those devices come from? Could it be said that the imperial people have already gone through this road?
He faintly felt that it was unlikely, but after a moment of daze, he honestly shook his head at Friston, "I don't know, but with the margin skills I know, I can't make this construct move." got up."

"Exactly," Friston replied.He feels that he has achieved his goal, so he can follow the guidance and let the other party try it himself to deepen his impression.

It was a solid wall that no one could cross.He didn't have to trouble the young alchemists of the empire, because those people had more or less understood this technical route, and even if the two twin stars chose to leave, Friston was not disappointed.

He just needs to let them see that future, and these young talents will naturally prepare, and that is the only way to the future, sooner or later.

"So the test of the third red door is not easy," he said along this line of thought, "You can try it first—"

"Then I'll try it."

Fang Plover never knew what difficulties were. He was the kind of practical alchemist. In short, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he had to try it out first. How could he know if he couldn’t succeed if he hadn’t even done it before?

Friston opened his mouth. He still had a lot of guidance. If the other party encountered setbacks, he would just introduce that technical route to the other party.Although Juno sneered at it before, he didn't care at all. It was just boring stubbornness. Of course, those simple and ancient schools can't describe it——

Are the alchemists who forged dragon souls also a school of souls?Of course not, it's just that he went a step further, and the technical route was even more radical, but those were only on the verge of danger, not dangerous——

As long as alchemists can grasp that boundary, he believes in mortal alchemy, and naturally he also believes in future alchemists.

The way must have been doable that day.

However, he remained silent. It would be good to let the other party hit a wall. After all, he is not from the Empire. If he has not understood the technical route, he may miss this opportunity due to cognitive confusion.

Subconsciously, Friston still hoped that the dragon alchemist he was optimistic about could accept the idea of ​​the empire.

He silently watched Fang Yan walk forward.

But in fact, Fang Yan didn't notice the wonderful expression change on the chairman's face at all. His mind was being filled with his own thoughts. The experience of the previous two red doors made his mind full of technical problems. .

Surplus skills, multiple parallelism, and those bottom-level questions, and the perceptions gained from every door that he has experienced since then, are all ready to be turned into true knowledge for Fang Plover at this moment.

He just needed something to experiment with.


(End of this chapter)

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