Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1032 Act 363 is not impossible

Chapter 1032 Act 363 is not impossible

Fang Plover found it very tricky as soon as he got started. Although he had already understood the true principle of the star device, he wanted to immediately build a machine comparable to Shadowman's star device one by one, and make this huge It is also roughly impossible for the construct to move.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he first disassembled the center of the nightmare furnace, then took out the gray crystal, analyzed it with craftsman's tools—a set of light sources and special eyepieces, and discovered the alchemy formula inside. ——He can barely understand the magic circle engraved on the multi-layered structure of the magic crystal, but most of them are specious.

This is the first time he has had close contact with the central device of the Nightmare Furnace. There was no such condition on the battlefield. After the war, the Elpaxin Artisan Association recovered all the wreckage and prohibited anyone from conducting related research.He didn't quite understand it at first, but now he roughly understands the craftsmen's association's approach.

Through the illumination of the star device, Fang Plover first verified the accuracy of the statement that mortal alchemy originated from shadowman alchemy. Although the underlying logic of the two is very different, and the communication of alchemy language is also different, but from some insignificant details You can still see the similarities between the two skills.

He himself is a 'half' alchemist, and he will not fail to understand the key points.

He put away his tools and silently put the star device aside.Friston's image was on his side, and he didn't speak in silence. How could the person he was optimistic about give up because of this setback?That would disappoint him.

Sure enough, Fang Plover put down his tools and walked towards the huge construct—the Nightmare Furnace.He looked up and down the structure, and then climbed up the ladder. The most important part of the nightmare furnace center has been removed, and the remaining dense pipelines are of no research value—they are used to transmit energy and informational.

Alchemist constructs are very special.The classic representative is the clockwork goblin. Although they are machines, they are quite different from the machines that people recognize in reality.

Ether magic can directly deform objects to generate elastic and contractive forces, so they don't need complicated crank linkages to convert rotational motion into reciprocating linear motion. Hinges and hairsprings can simply make the machine move, and its working principle is somewhat similar to springs or muscles.

But the clockwork leprechaun does not need to be wound up, because the magic of ether is its clockwork.

In the same way, the Nightmare Furnace of the filmmakers is actually the same. Although the underlying energy system Fang Plover is almost completely incomprehensible, and his eyes are smeared, but the mechanical part is not bad.Escapement, spring hinges, gear sets, to be honest, most of them can be understood by an antique watchmaker on the side of the star gate.

Seeing this, Fang Plover already had a rough idea in his heart.

The mechanical devices are all ready-made, and the heat dissipation system does not need to be changed much. He can directly apply them, and at most make some minor adjustments.The only trouble is the multi-star device. As mentioned above, it is impossible for him to copy a multi-star device and make this construct move.

Even if he is really that smart, he can immediately make a finished product by just looking at the principle, without having to go through repeated trial and error.But Jeldham's stellar contraption alone was not enough to do this.

This involves all kinds of problems, but in the final analysis, the technology is still not perfect, far below the level of filmmakers.This is not to blame for the lack of geniuses of the predecessors, but that the cores of the two are actually different, and the computing power of that era could not do that.

Seeing the boy standing helplessly on the ladder, Friston behind finally couldn't help but speak, but just as he opened his mouth to say something, he was surprised to see Fang Plover suddenly pick up a wrench and lean forward into the hole of the construct. in the chest.

The president opened his mouth, but Li Chengfu still made him hold back. He took back the words from his mouth, and only reminded: "The energy transmission of the shadowman's construct is very different from ours. You have to be careful not to tear it apart, there are many things we don't understand inside, and you may not be able to put it back."

It would be a bit ridiculous if this nightmare furnace was dismantled. He would have time to teach the other party the technology, but he couldn't put the nightmare furnace back. He might not be able to help the other party reassemble it himself. Taiwan nightmare furnace.

It is also thanks to the good cultivation of the chairman that he did not sweat for this action-oriented alchemist.

But Fang Plover didn't pay much attention to it, he just responded in the construct's chest, and the voice came from inside, which seemed muffled.

He just can't solve the problem simply, but it doesn't mean that he can't solve it complicatedly. There is no need to consider the star device. Even if he can make it, it won't be suitable for such a complicated structure. Smaller ones are not bad.

For example, those gadgets on the Shadowman floating ship.

But there is no easy way, but he still has a stupid way.He dismantled all those pipeline loops, and if they couldn't be dismantled, they would be directly damaged, as long as they couldn't make it work.

This is just an assessment, and it doesn't need to be so detailed.

Otherwise, wouldn't the workload be equivalent to rebuilding the internal structure of most of the Nightmare Furnaces? It would take him ten days and a half a month. Although he didn't care much about the time, considering that this was a competition, it was still a bit overwhelming. Good public morality.

Before he came out, Ms. Ming gave him thousands of warnings, telling him not to cause too much trouble.

Friston watched from the side as this guy suddenly became busy, constantly going up and down the ladder, going in and out of the construct, and running to the side shelf to get some materials from time to time.

He frowned at this scene, hesitating for a moment—what is this man doing?
To say that Fang Plover has any genius ideas, but in Friston's view, it seems that it is not necessarily the case. The materials the other party used are ordinary—even a bit too ordinary, just hinges, springs, and copper plates. .

And the resonant crystal, what is he going to make?For the first time since Friston was promoted to the president, he felt confused in the field of alchemy. What is this guy doing mysteriously? Is he going to build a clockwork goblin in that construct? ?

It's not that he insists on his identity and refuses to go over to take a look, but it's just a video, with such a setting, he can only stand here, wait for the other party to finish, and then introduce the work to himself.

This work lasted about two days, two days in the tower.

The square plover in the middle still stops, just like in the Xiajin Tower, the tower will open the door of the lounge at a specific time, and there will be steaming food and beds inside for the players to replenish energy and rest.

The image of Friston also took this opportunity to ask the other party what work he was doing. Who knew Fang Plover blushed, scratched his head and replied embarrassedly: "Mr. President, you will find out later."

After all, he didn't make a fuss about the president of the craftsman association. This guy actually played riddles with himself?

Who knows that it's not that Fang Yan can't say it, but he doesn't want to say it. It's not that he has any secrets that he can't say - just like he didn't mention his knowledge of the star device just now, it's just to protect the chairman That's all.

He hadn't forgotten that Farif had said about their experience in the high tower space, and telling outsiders too much about the secrets behind the fire in El Pachin would only bring disaster to this world.

On the other hand, in order to protect Miss Tata, Artush and Farif repeatedly urged him to protect himself as much as possible before finding out the truth about the fire.

He put on such an appearance due to various considerations, but to be honest, he is not very good at lying, but fortunately, the president did not notice his nonsense at all.

But now, he was simply too embarrassed to speak up.

He was leaning on the open chest of the Nightmare Furnace construct, looking inside the various devices that were in a mess. Even he himself felt blushing. If he had to give an evaluation, he could only say that it was usable.

In other words - active.

But because those piled up things have not considered reuse from the beginning, so it cannot be said that there is no aesthetic feeling at all, it can only be said that they look a little abstract. If those bloated and contradictory design logics make Arquette The dwarf saw it and had to kill him on the spot.

That's why he dared not let Friston take a look.

Alchemists have aesthetic genes. The beauty of machinery is essentially the beauty of simplicity in geometry. Simple machinery is the best machinery. Some fundamentalist alchemists will really fight for it.

He finished the last task with some guilt, then pulled the lid, turned around and said, "President Friston, it's done."

"All right?"


Fang Yan thought, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Friston looked at him with a frown, or rather at the huge nightmare furnace behind him, which hadn't changed in any way, and was exactly the same as before.But watching this guy go in and out of it for two days, it's hard to believe that the thing really hasn't changed a bit.

If this person really acted for him what happened in the past two days, just to win his favor, Friston looked at the dirty and stupid look on the other side's face, it was really hard to say which of the two had better acting skills.

"It..." He hesitated for the first time about what he was about to say, "...can it still move?"

Friston felt a little aggrieved when he said this. He was really worried that the other party would break the thing, especially after watching it for the past two days, this worry was further aggravated.

Is this guy really Colin, the Dragon Alchemist of Ishurian? Could it be a fake?

I remember that when I was in Ayinbulock, the other party was not like this, at least at that time, the other party was full of spirit.

He imagined all kinds of possibilities, but he didn't think about what to do if the dragon alchemist was too poor and broke the nightmare furnace. He didn't prepare a second one.

Fang Yan didn't hesitate, nodded and said: "Let me try, I should be able to move, Mr. President."

He jumped down from the ladder, picked up the magic glove from the craftsman's table full of tools and parts, and was about to put it on his hands.Friston had deliberately pretended not to hear the word "should" in the other party's mouth, but he couldn't hold back anymore after seeing this scene, and his eyebrows twitched:
"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Let that big guy move?" Fang Yan was stunned for a moment. He put on the magic gloves, pulled down the eyepiece and looked at the chairman and replied.What else can he do?He looked at the thing in his hand, and it seemed that there was nothing special - isn't it just a magic glove?
"What are you wearing?" Friston asked.

"Magic gloves," Fang Plover raised his hand and shook it, "as you can see." He was still a little strange, didn't the president know him?

For a moment, Friston didn't know how to answer this question. Didn't he know the magic gloves? Of course he did.He opened his mouth, but the self-cultivation he had cultivated over the years made him endure it, and changed to a more gentle way:
"You're going to make it move like this?"

He asked: "Don't forget that the title of this level is to use the margin skills without the help of craftsmen. And you can't just let it move, at least make it behave like a real flexible construction .”

"I understand," Fang Plover nodded, "Mr. Friston, just watch."

He raised his hand and issued a command to the construct.

His method is actually very simple, and it is not a whim genius idea. He has used that method on the Dragon Hunter long ago, and later used the same principle to transform the Lancers.

It can be said that he is already familiar with this path, and after further passing the verification of the two red doors and many blue-green doors before, he now has a deeper understanding of this technical route.

In short, he just replaced the circuit of the nightmare furnace itself with a resonant crystal that can accept the instructions of the alchemist, and then connected to those instruction terminals are all cumbersome closed-loop devices like nesting dolls.

Yes, exactly the same as his experiments on the Lancers.

It's just that after being reminded by that genius, he carried out a new round of transformation on the closed-loop device. Those devices are no longer simply used to record a single instruction as in the past.

They now show some characteristics similar to the star devices. Two or three groups are connected to each other, and different instructions can be reused. The utilization rate of a single closed-loop device has been greatly improved.

Therefore, the overall volume and weight have also been greatly reduced. In fact, since he mastered the new knowledge, he has a new round of ideas for the transformation of the Lancers in his mind-the new Lancers will be lighter, more flexible, and able to execute more instructions.

And it will take up less computing power.

Even if the empty weight becomes lower, the Lancers can realize more mounts and install more offensive and defensive modules, so as to realize the renewal of this series of constructs.

Then it is not the Lancer, but the Lancer II, and it is even possible to have a variant.

After he passed through the red door, such an idea came into his mind, and those wonderful ideas lingered in his mind, and there were more and more of them.

The reason why Fang Yan was eager to get started was actually to verify for himself whether these ideas were accurate.

And now the crucial step has arrived.

After he gave the order, he raised his head and looked nervously at the nightmare furnace construct. The huge construct tremblingly took a step forward, then a second step, then it turned around and raised right hand.

The metal shell on the arm was opened, and a sharp blade like a praying mantis knife popped out from below. The flashing sharp blade pointed at the two people, who were only two or three meters apart.

But there was no trace of panic on Fang Plover's face. On the contrary, he raised the goggles with his hands, and his eyes shone with excitement.

This process is actually not easy. As Jeldham said, it takes a lot of computing power to activate so many closed-loop devices and execute the subsequent instructions accurately.

It was actually a series of pre-designed margin skills, and he made a lot of calculations when he gave that command. It would be impossible for anyone of his age to make this big guy move.

But who is he? He does not lack computing power. Although he is not as good as Miss Tata, he is definitely at an unprecedented level among combat craftsmen of a level.

Yes, there is an element of trickery to this.But the question didn't say what means must be used to achieve it. The only requirement is to use the margin technique. You just said whether you have used the margin technique?

Fang Plover himself was actually a little embarrassed, otherwise it would be difficult to speak.But he has this advantage, why not use it?An alchemist is to know how to make good use of all the resources at hand.

Seeing that the nightmare furnace moved, although it looked drunk, at least it moved.

Fang Yan also thought in his heart, it's done—not that he passed this checkpoint, it still depends on whether the chairman approves it, but it at least shows that his design was wrong——

and so.

The Lancer II is here.

He let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, he couldn't help but deeply feel the genius-like flashes and creativity left by the predecessors, which inadvertently promoted the inspiration of future generations.

So after 1000 years, mortal alchemists can finally stand on the shoulders of giants.

Only then did he look at Friston at the side.

The president looked dumbfounded. Looking at the drunken construct, he opened his mouth—and then closed it again. No matter how good he was at this moment, he couldn't maintain the expression on his face.

That hesitant expression made Fang Plover feel guilty.

Friston was stunned for a while before he realized, "...is this your method?"

"No...doesn't it count?"

Fang Plover has already begun to calculate whether he can stop here and make it into the top [-].

But he really couldn't think of a second way to make this construct move—without the help of Miss Tata and Xinghui.But the latter is not allowed, and the former is almost cheating.

Doesn't it count?
It’s hard for Friston to say whether this counts or not, because he is just an impression left here. Some of the autonomous abilities are provided by the tower, but most of them are reserved settings.

In fact, this question does not need an answer, because the answer has already been determined. He set all the constraints, including not using the film people's devices, and only using the remaining skills.

It's not that he didn't take into account the existence of battle craftsmen among the players, but firstly, the calculation power of battle craftsmen can't reach the fourth or fifth step of the remaining skill, which is the second chapter of the key chapter.

There are only three people in Altalia who can pass Chapter 2 of the Key Chapter.

How could he have thought that there would be a monster here.

What's more, adding too many restrictions to the topic will make his purpose too obvious...


Friston—or rather, the chairman's image was a little dull, "...you are not solving the real problem."

"Real question?"

Fang Plover was taken aback.

He wasn't really an idiot either, he immediately realized what the other party was talking about, and immediately replied: "Mr. President, although this is a bit tricky, in fact, the real question already has an answer."

When he returns to the Imperial Workshop, he will tell the other party the answer.

And this is his last conversation with that video.

Because the image is not the person after all, Gaota has judged that the conditions have been met, and the image gave him a very complicated look, and gradually disappeared.

The door of the third checkpoint opened in front of him.


 Yesterday should be the third red door, Twitch made a typo

(End of this chapter)

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