Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1033 Chapter 364 Inside and Outside the Tower

Chapter 1033 Chapter 364
Many people have gathered outside the tower.

Some of the contestants have already left and went to Selva to wait for the next round of competition, and some of them packed up their things and returned to Ainbrock.

The remaining people gathered outside the tower, watching the gate of the tower open again, and the last batch of players came out from it.

The crowd included Cui Xisi and Zheng Yongzai. Compared with the former's preoccupied appearance, the latter seemed much calmer.The short boy looked for his companions in the crowd, and soon found other players from the Guta delegation, and he waved in that direction.

It is exactly the eighth day of the second round of the tower trial.

People are also having final discussions:

"Who else is in the tower?"

"Luofen, and the dragon alchemist."

"Not surprisingly, who is in front and who is behind?"

"I don't know, but the one in the lead is already behind the 370 door."

"What about the other one?"

"Just passed the third red door."

There was not much discussion about the rest, and the voice fell silent.

Because there is nothing to discuss, there is a big news this year, the Empire Gemini, which was favored before the game, was out of the game early, and the Sanshak delegation, the team with the most potential to win the championship in the second division, was caught in a cheating scandal and lost the competition qualifications.

The above news was printed in a newspaper and sent to Avochik, the capital of the empire, to the head of a craftsman's association.The latter was sitting on the rattan chair at the moment, reading the first few pages of the newspaper, his eyes moved across it, his expression calm.

There are several books on the side table, "History of the Northern War" and "Australian Alchemy Yearbook". The books are stacked together, and a human voice is coming from a crystal next to it:
"I heard that many people were stumped by the checkpoints you set. Only seven people passed the third red door this year. However, in chronological order, Juno and Georgiffin can still enter the finals of the Hall of the Holy King."

Without raising his eyelids, Friston still focused on the newspaper in front of him, and replied, "Young people should have their own judgments instead of blindly following them. This is also a good thing."

The crystal lit up, "What about the game itself? Are you not afraid of being laughed at by those people?"

"It's not the alchemists who need to worry about this. The attention of the competition itself has been rising. This competition has attracted more new audiences, and more and more people have begun to be interested in alchemy."

"You still stay true to your profession. The young man you are optimistic about, besides the student from FOX, I remember there is another one."

"He is still in the tower, and both of them should have passed the third checkpoint. If they can pass, it means that they can at least accept the concept of the empire. Even if they don't fully understand it, at least they have a concept of it."

Friston folded up the newspaper and put it on the table, waiting for the servant to take it away.

He watched the servant close the door before continuing: "After they arrive at Einbrok, I will find time to meet them. Those young people with insight will become the successors of this plan, just like they did back then."

"You're leaving Archie Walker?"

"No, I won't leave my seat until the dust settles."

The voice in the crystal asked: "Then what's your Majesty thinking?"

"Where are the mage families?"

"Except for the old poisonous snake, the other families have already considered it. Without the Falcon as the backbone, most of the other families are nothing but grass."

"Your Majesty's attitude is naturally the same as before," Friston said in a calm tone. "All plans are as precise as the hour hand on the dial. When the dust settles, we will see for ourselves."

"I hope so, but I'm more curious about another thing. It's rumored that you met Ash Lynn?"

"I've only heard of him," Friston shook his head, "but I've never met this person, but I met his 'daughter' not long ago. Why, you're also interested in this?"

"I'm also a member of the Seven Great Families," said the voice, "so did you push open the fourth door of the Winter Solstice Tower?"

"You mean the last door?" A gleam flashed in Friston's eyes, before he flatly refused, "I don't know."

"Oh, I understand."

The voice in the crystal faded away.

Friston turned his head sideways, and his eyes passed between the white-painted window grilles. There was a tile-red roof in the distance outside the window. Birds were flying over the clock tower, flapping their wings. The sky was blue, and the afternoon in the empire was still fine.

But there are dark clouds gathering in the sky, cirrocumulus clouds are forming mountains and walls, there are shadows among the clouds, there are already shadows of rolling thunder on the horizon, the rainy season is coming, and after that, storms will sweep the entire empire.

Even the vast sea of ​​clouds beyond the empire.

He tapped the armrest of the wicker chair rhythmically with his fingers, as if thinking about everything.

In history, only one person has ever entered that door.


A group of young people gathered in that small attic, just like many years ago, alchemists discussed the future of alchemy day and night at 17-3-1 Royal Boulevard, and later those people grew into a school.

That is to say, the most famous school in the alchemy world, the origin of the Imperial Workshop, and the leader of the sixth technical route also came from this school.

That tiny pigeon-cage room, destroyed in a fire and rebuilt, was now a stately hall which the Imperials thought was gloomy but lived up to its name—that is, The predecessor of the Hall of the Holy King.

Brita also thinks that their tiny group may become the predecessor of a school in the future. Ether never lies, and she also firmly believes that what she pursues is the truth, as long as one day people can get rid of prejudice.

As for the young people around her, some of them came here because of her, while others had no opinion and drifted with the flow, choosing because of the choices of the people around them.Only a few, one or two, could really understand what she and Laila were saying, what they were saying.

But the girl doesn't mind either. People who walk on the same path will always leave in the end, but some will join in the middle.As long as the path itself is correct, then they will definitely go to the end, and she thinks that she will be the one who goes to the end.

People who walk on paths that are not recognized by ordinary people are always confident.

She stood aside, leaning on Laila's bookcase, watching her companions express their opinions one by one, some talked about the understanding of ether, some talked about the future of the school, and some talked about the dispute 20 years ago. .

At this time, Arnett would stand up and interrupt the topic, and redirect the topic back to the right track, "Don't discuss things that have been settled, although you may have some doubts, but that is already the rule of the magic circle. Consensus, don't openly question the ruling of the Seven Schools." She is the clerk of this small group, although she is not a position, she is still meticulous.

She looked at Laila beside her, and saw that Laila didn't have much reaction to this.

"They think that mages should dare to embrace the truth, but they can't openly question it. It's really contradictory." The young man folded his arms. If Fang Plover was here, he could still recognize that it was this person who fought against another group of people. Dispute.

Those people chose to leave at the beginning, and naturally they never came back.

If Fang Yan can still remember that incident, he should be able to remember the names of both sides—this young man is called Hein, and the leader of those who disputed with him is called Juno—of course the two Juno are not the same person, That's just a common name for the empire.

The 'Juno' claimed at the time that Hayne joined the group because he admired Britta, who did not object.Brita generally understands this matter, but she has no feelings for the people around her. She married herself to magic, and she only intends to be alone on this path for the rest of her life.

"Haine," Arnett scolded.

The young man shut his mouth and said no more.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit tense, someone suggested: "Do you still pay attention to the Continental League, that is, the Seven Seas Brigade participated in the game. I heard that Mr. Ed has locked the top two. The Astrologer said that only Leave him and Luo Fen."

"Of course I know. Heh, the twin stars of the Empire, which the Empire Workshop boasted so much, couldn't even keep the top ten." Brita also has the usual prejudice against alchemists as an empire magician. Of course—except everyone in the Seven Seas Brigade.

In fact, it was because of the Seven Seas Brigade that she paid attention to this contest. What's more, the Astrologer has recently reported numerous articles that the imperial alchemy community has suffered one after another.

It was more or less the same for the others, who regarded Lyra as their own, and she was saved by the Seven Seas Brigade, and they naturally felt the same hatred for the opponent of the Seven Seas Brigade-even if it was the Empire.

The person asked: "At present, someone has passed through 351 doors, almost equaling the record of the Gray King. Another person has just passed the third red door. Guess who will come first?"

"That's naturally the Dragon Alchemist," Hein replied, "He was the first in the first round of the Spire Trial, and he couldn't be faster than the student of the Gray King? They didn’t even make it to the top three.”


Jita, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly raised her head from the pile of books, pushed her glasses and said to everyone: "The leader is always meticulous and cautious. He may not be fast, but he can usually go far. , he also used it for a long time, but Mr. An Luoser also praised him, thinking that an alchemist should be like this."

She made up the image of a leader who didn't exist, and described it to everyone in a soft voice.If other people were here, most likely they would not agree with this description, even if Luo Yu was here, at best they would not speak out against it.

However, these young people listened very carefully. They had seen the big trial held in Einbrok, with the appearance of the gray-robed bachelor and the scroll knights, so they had naturally seen Fang Plover's limelight in that trial.

What's more, the other party is still the famous dragon alchemist, which fully meets the imagination of these young people.

"Captain Ed has always been very powerful," said the first person, "but indeed, Leila also told us that Mr. Ed is a very strict person."

Laila lowered her head and looked at her toes. She was actually embarrassed to say that she had never seen Fang Plover a few times.Every time I saw it, I frightened myself to death, and then hurriedly said hello and left.

But in her impression, the other party should be very serious... right?

Even Arnett nodded holding the meeting minutes.

Ms. Scholar originally wanted to say something else. She has few listeners, not to mention such an excellent listener. She rarely expresses herself, but she is very harmonious among these young people. She likes this atmosphere very much.

However, Jita raised her head and found that Luo Yu was pushing the door in, so she subconsciously closed her mouth.

Luo Yu was walking in with a magic wand, looked at everyone, and didn't say anything, but the young people seemed a little reserved and respectful.

Someone even opened their mouths to greet:

"Mr. Luo Yu."

If it is said that the dragon alchemist is still a little far away from them in their eyes, but the mage mage who is with them these days can be regarded as one of the most powerful big men they have ever seen.

Although there are some mentors in the academy, they are nothing compared to elite-level saints of this age, not to mention that most of their instructors are also from the academy, and Luo Yu has really participated in the battle.

In these battles, there are also real big scenes.

In terms of theory, both Luo Yu and Jita were personally advised by Karatu. They are genuine great wizards, and they are also the most legendary ones.In addition, they were originally outstanding players from the Oak Knights youth training camp, with an extremely solid foundation and system support.

After Estonia Shahai and his party, the two are basically unmatched at the same age.

They are at most lacking in environment and conditions compared with their peers, but Miss Scholar is sitting on an unowned magic book, Luo Yu is a little lacking in this aspect, but the elemental staff in his hand is actually not What a rarity.

And the body is a small best made by Fang Plover.

Of course, the peers here are only talking about the geniuses from the Grand Council among the Holy Chosen. Among the aborigines, the experience of the two is almost legendary.

Luo Yu is here mainly to study the manuscripts left by Lin En with everyone, and to correct some small theoretical mistakes and omissions of these young people as someone who has experienced it. After all, compared with these college students, both he and Jita can be regarded as genuine Official wizard.

Mages from all over the world are not like alchemists. There is a unified organization to assess their level and rank, but there is also a rough division. Calculated by rank, both he and Jita can be regarded as high-level mages .

One step higher is the upper stage corresponding to the class.Elf envoys, or silver-cloaked bachelors, at that stage, are at the level of their dean or vice-principal—of course, the selectors generally do not participate in the comparison with the aborigines.

And in terms of combat, Luo Yu is even more of an expert among experts.

As the time spent together increased, he would occasionally mention the skills of these young people's competitions. There were also battles in the competitions of the mages, and they were often much gentler than real battles.

He only needs to mention a little bit about combat experience, and he doesn't even need to use those off-the-chart tricks, it is enough to make these young people look like heaven.After all, they live in an ivory tower, but they have never been exposed to the outside world.

Moreover, most of these people may need a chance to fight in their lifetime, and that is only the current competition.

Therefore, he and Jita quickly established prestige in the small group established by Brita. Miss Scholar is okay—I am not good at expressing, and usually act as a transparent person, and among these people The sense of presence is much higher than before.

But still not as good as Luo Yu.

Luo Yu didn't intend to do this, but he did benefit a lot from the process of discussing Lynn's manuscript with these young people and with Leila.As a Chosen One, he doesn't have Brita's firm beliefs, and he must achieve some goals, but he can also vaguely see it—at least the Holfen School is not a castle in the air.

The magic technique left by Lynn is not only real, but also has certain guiding significance for what they are studying.

I just don't know why, but in the process of practicing, you will always encounter some problems.Brita herself is a protector, and the things left by Lynn are actually more inclined to the elemental school. She doesn't feel it yet, but Luo Yu can sense it keenly.

He found that many places in Lynn's manuscript seemed plausible, and some places were even obviously contradictory, as if something important was missing in the manuscript.

Looking at it now, his original judgment was not too wrong. It was a magic technique that used magic tools to assist him in casting spells. Its real uniqueness was that it allowed the magician to cast spells other than his own school.

He and Jita even reproduced the magic device with the help of the manuscript provided by Laila—it was the original one that Laila gave Friston, and the two should at least look the same.

But when he used it to cast spells, the same problem still appeared. The magic tool could indeed allow him to cast spells from the opposite school, but when using it to simulate the spells of the second professional school, even if it was the same as the water magic Schools with similar guiding skills will definitely fail.

They searched for many reasons, but still failed to find out where the problem lies.

Fortunately, these small problems did not affect everyone to participate in the academy competition, but Luo Yu himself has been trying to find out the reason.

Because of these reasons, he can roughly guess why the magic circle of the Empire would have such a recognition of the manuscript left by Lynn. If this magic technique only behaves like this, it really cannot be said to be successful.

Otherwise, this cannot explain that as a great wizard back then, even though Ash Lynn had many opponents, he would definitely have his own allies. If it was just slander, how could it be possible for a school to disappear without a trace.

Seeing the silence in the attic, Luo Yu said: "You don't have to be like this. There is no strict hierarchy among wizards in Colin. If you’re not used to it yet, just think of me as someone who studies with you.”

The young people looked at each other in blank dismay, but the scene eased somewhat.

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and just handed the magic wand in his hand to Laila who was beside him.

"There is nothing wrong with this magic wand, it's just that there are some element-friendly crystals in it," he said, "You said that your ability to cast spells has improved a lot recently, which may be related to this, but this should not be the decisive factor."

Lila said softly: "I have been able to cast some one-level spells recently... It seems that since I got this magic wand, the progress has been rapid. I was worried that this magic wand would be expensive..."

"It's not as valuable as you think," Luo Yu replied, "This is given to you by your mentor. It is also a good thing for him that your progress in magic has accelerated."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Whether it is elemental spells, prophecy spells or protective spells, when we cast spells, it is actually a process of communicating with the sea of ​​ether. Your recent progress may be because you are studying Sir Lynn's In theory, I have a deeper understanding of ether, so it is more smooth when constructing spells."

"I also had this idea..." Laila seemed a little surprised.

"Let's go back to everyone," Luo Yu looked at the others, "The academy competition should have started for one or two rounds, what's the result?"

"The result is not bad," Brita raised her long hair proudly, "Winning two games in a row, although it is expected, even the moves you taught us, Mr. Luo Yu, haven't been used yet."

"Since we figured out Sir Lynn's manuscript, we have all made progress," the others said enthusiastically, "At first we all thought that what Sir Lynn left behind was still far away from us, but only Brita firmly believed That magic and magic technique must be of great use, I didn't expect that she was right, but if we hadn't met Mr. Luo Yu and Miss Jita, we wouldn't have been able to master this magic technique so quickly."

"It's far from being mastered," Jita corrected. "It's just an introduction. There are still many things we haven't figured out yet. The magic technique left by Sir Lynn is closer to that of a naturalist, but of course it is far from it." to that extent."

"That's about the same," the man said excitedly, "If we can really use this magic technique to show our prowess in the competition, maybe it can be recorded in the history of the empire's magic circle."

"I hope you can make it to the end," Luo Yu nodded, "But I heard that after two rounds, the selection competition within the college will be over, and the competition between colleges will be next. Do you still lack a coach?"

The man was slightly startled, and looked at him in disbelief, "Mr. Luo Yu, do you think so?"

But Brita on the side interrupted him directly, looked at Luo Yu and said, "Mr. Luo Yu, it is perfect for you to be our coach. The college competition is said to be a competition between colleges, but in fact it is not a college player There are quite a few, and there is no rule that the Holy Chosen cannot participate."

"Can the Holy Chosen participate?" Jita blinked in disbelief after hearing this.

Although in most competitions, it is not necessary to separate the chosen ones from the aborigines, but in those academy competitions, because most of the contestants are young people, the chosen ones are generally prohibited from participating.

For competitions like the Continental League, the age limit for aborigines will be relaxed.

What is rarely known is that among the competitions hosted by the Super Sports League, there are actually competitions that only aboriginals participate in.

Brita blinked, "Theoretically, there is no rule, but historically there have been Holy Chosen who have participated, but most of them are ordinary Holy Chosen. The academy competition is not a competition of the Ultra-Sports League, so the Holy Chosen usually does not Interested in it."

Miss Scholar was stunned.Indeed, there are no rewards, and it is not a game within the league system. Naturally, no player from a professional club will pay attention to such a game.

"I don't need to participate," Luo Yu replied, "But I'm really interested in your competition, and I plan to go and see it."

"That would be great," Brita readily agreed, "Then you will be our coach in the next round of competition, Mr. Luo Yu, we formally extend an invitation to you." She looked at Miss Scholar beside her, "Yes Miss Bujita, please come together, with you two on-site coaches, the possibility of us entering the final will be greatly increased."

Miss Scholar hesitated for a moment, but she didn't refuse.

She just looked at Luo Yu, wondering why the other party suddenly became interested in this college competition.That doesn't even count as an alliance event, let alone an alliance event, what does it have to do with a free group like them?

 Convinced, I found that the serial number of the previous chapter was wrong a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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