Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1034 Act 361 Ultimate Question 1

Chapter 1034 The Ultimate Question in Act 361

Since passing through the third red door, the topic has changed again, and it is no longer a margin technique-a series of more complicated questions are raised behind the green door and blue door.From Fang’s point of view, those plausible questions seem to be discussing the soul—is it the school of soul?he thinks.

But not so.

Those crafts also include the parts he is familiar with, shaping the core of the dragon soul, mimicking the superego personality, those are the crafts of the dragon knight.But not all.The exploration of the soul goes in two directions, one of which has disappeared from the public, while the other has grown on the basis of the previous one.

Putting the soul of the beast into the body of the construct can make it move. Alchemists have long discovered that such a machine can understand some simple instructions and work for humans even if it only relies on instinct.

In those ancient castles, the puppets and golems of the puppet school can even work for centuries without maintenance, and they still faithfully walk and patrol in the deserted and moss-covered corridors , like a ghost in armor.

But the incomplete soul is always full of uncontrollable factors, just like the golem in the castle occasionally violently hurts people and causes disasters.This problem has never really been solved for hundreds of years, and alchemists have mostly abandoned this path by now, but there are still many wizards who are good at it.

So how to preserve the integrity of the incomplete soul?

This is one of the two ultimate questions of the Soul School. It is related to whether the running golem is stable and controllable, but the green door and the blue door are not only asking questions, but also answering them.

The above text is changing—discussing what the soul is exploring, the mages are obsessed with how to extract a more perfect soul, but the essence of the soul is actually closely related to the stars, we all come from there, and we will go there .

What exactly is our soul?Is it a signal that quietly disappears between a bunch of synapses when it comes to the end, or is it a collection of impulsive and sensual emotions under the action of endocrine glands and hormones?

But no matter what, Xinghui saves our memory in the form of a piece of information, which is the entire portrayal of our life. Our experiences, emotions and pictures of useless memories will be returned to Guanghai, where they will be re-precipitated and re-exposed. Once transformed into the essence of Xinghui.

Thus completing a cycle.

Can the new starlight be regarded as a part of the old starlight? Can the new life be regarded as the reincarnation of a person from the old age when it utters its first cry?

I think it is impossible.

What really constitutes us, is it Xinghui?But everything that makes up this world is starlight, stones, trees, elements, and the bottom layer of its core is not without exception.We are neither rocks nor plants, we are ourselves.

Therefore, what the soul is is already very clear under this proposition.

Fang Yan looked at the words on it, as if a person was elaborating the answer to himself, and the style of writing was neither like Hellingwell nor Jedham.He recalled the dispute he had seen in the phantom, and gradually understood who was talking to himself through these questions.

If he didn't meet the craftsman president at the third red door, he would probably meet the owner of this text, which is also Friston, just another Friston in history.The last of the three geniuses.

The other party turned out to be the founder of the Soul School.

He gradually understood this shocking information from that paragraph of text. The development of the Soul School has indeed a history of hundreds of years. It also flourished, but was gradually abandoned by the alchemists and became an annihilated technology. route.

After he opened the three blue doors and walked to this place, those propositions gradually pointed to the core, until now, it has pointed to the core question of the Soul School—but that question has not been resolved until today.

Otherwise, the Soul School would not end up like this.

In the above text write this paragraph:

'Under this proposition, the essence of the soul is our emotions, memories and all experiences, even instincts, but those are the same for astral, when they settle into astral, they are just astral , not us. '

’ But all that alchemy needs is actually just this kind of futility, which is our true wisdom.The way we used to extract the soul in the past is actually a wrong and inefficient method. It destroys the carrier of the information, and what we get is only a part of the information, which is the instinct of impulsive and irritable—'

'What we want to do is not to intercept Xinghui, but to record information. '

A crystal appeared in front of Fang Plover, and the azure blue was changing, just like the sky and morning stars.

Fang Plover subconsciously reached out to catch the crystal, and watched a brand-new alchemy formula emerge from it. The complex structure of the nested layers was something he had never heard of before. Alchemy formulas that have appeared in knowledge.

The text goes on to read:
'In Taka-Kokaba there is a crystal that can reflect people's emotions and record the emotions of a certain moment on it. The lizardmen call them star fragments.We have a method of processing crystals, which can record information into crystals more accurately. '

'So the topic here is to deal with this crystal and make it into a form that is easy to record soul information. '

Fang Yan looked down at the blue-purple crystal he was holding in his hands, and the shock in his heart could not be added.

He seemed to see a brand new path opened by flames among the thorny thorns. With his knowledge of alchemy, he immediately realized what this path meant, which meant that it would lead to a new world behind it.

One of the questions of the Soul School has a solution. At least in this tower, a genius has already proposed the form of answering the question.

The way to deal with crystals is very simple, especially for him - that is just the old profession of crystal craftsman, he has gone far enough on this road, and after he has mastered the alchemy formula, inscribed Crystal is just a basic skill.

Fang Plover picked up the carving knife, put the crystal into the instrument, impatiently sank his consciousness into it, and unfolded the star-studded etheric web.Because he suddenly realized something, and wanted to see the answer behind it.

But in just a few tens of seconds, he put down the crystal, raised his head, and the door opened.

Push open the next door, familiar scene.

It's still the same crystal.

Just the question changed:
'Since we have recorded the soul. '

'So but can it be further molded and sublimated into a super personality? '

'A nearly perfect, mimic dragon soul. '

Fang Plover's pupils trembled.

The style of this passage is completely different from the former one, but he has not noticed it anymore, because above the fifth blue door, problems are being generated.

'The question is as follows—'

'If our soul is made up of emotion and experience, is there a way to shape it.The time of mortals is limited, but the perfect soul can be placed in eternity, and finally it is close to a god. '

'Construct such an alchemical formula that it comes close to that effect. '

Fang Plover closed his eyes and took a light breath.

Constructing an unprecedented alchemy formula is not easy, it is the domain of masters, and not every genius can do it.That is to establish a city-state on the wilderness, to shape civilization in ignorance, and to open up a road that no one has traveled before from the dense forest overgrown with thorns.

That is groundbreaking work, and it belongs only to those ancient and modern names.

It's just that he happened to know something about that ancient and brilliant name...

He closed his eyes and seemed to return to that afternoon with soft light. The sun shone through the window sills and entered the cabin, and the girl’s fragrance was lingering around the pillow, which was the fragrance of cypress wood, lily mixed with sea salt. An Ran's gaze.

Miss Tata, who was kneeling on the bed cabinet, spoke and told the story of the past in a soft tone.

'The way to build a soul is...'

'In the research of the Silver Tower thousands of years ago, only the first half was found, which can be used to preserve the integrity of the soul and recall the memory from time, but how to sublimate it to form a dragon soul... The strange thing is, I keep the second half in my memory...'

'That memory is specious, as if it was written for whom, I can't get the answer from it, and I can't see what happened after the fire in El Pachin, but I seem to be able to see the spells in it. Out of its origins...'

Fang Yan remembered that at that time, he was in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you telling me this, Miss Tata?" '

'Because this is my birth, Mr. Knight. Tata replied softly, "The memories you once wanted to know, but I couldn't get back, are now becoming clear again, although only part of them. '

'I know Mr. Knight's past, and I want Mr. Knight to know my past. '

Fang Plover was silent for a while, "So the way of the Silver Tower can also be regarded as a branch of the Soul School?" '

'No,' Miss Fairy shook her head lightly, 'that's the second technical route, the way of Fairy Dragon Knight. '

Fang Plover opened his eyes again.

His eyes had become clear, and when he looked at the question again, a possibility suddenly popped up in his heart. The bachelors of the Silver Tower didn't tell him what the third answer was, and Miss Tata couldn't know the answer.

But from the tone of his Miss Dragon Soul, he already knew that the three spells actually had a common source.

And that source, the Tower, has revealed its answer.

He remembered the spell he saw behind the last blue door, and found the node described by Miss Tata from behind the nested array of spells. occult.

Different techniques often originate from a common language.

And Xinghui will naturally tell them the answer.

The inspiration born from the sea of ​​ether finally stopped here, and the interconnected clues, together with his basic understanding of alchemy, pushed him to the final result.

Fang Plover picked up the crystal, he thought, maybe he can try it.

Carve out the magic circle, change the technique, and the crystal is annihilated in his hands.The young man raised his head, the topic was still on, the words shone like in the sea of ​​light, and another crystal appeared in his hand.

Everything happened quietly, and there was no Mr. An Luoser to encourage him here, but the words contained the wisdom of countless mentors who had stood here, and they looked at him very tolerantly——

Because the road ahead of alchemy is always based on countless failures and trials.

It was like a shadow standing in front of him, looking at him with gentle eyes, beckoning him to continue.

That was Miss Tata's gaze.

Fail, and try again and again, stepping into a dead end again and again.

Inside the tower, a month passed by in a flash.

No.15 days outside the tower.

The gate of the tower opened again, and this time only one person came out of it.

"It's Luo Fen," whispered voices from the crowd, "he stopped before the fourth red door, and he tied his mentor's score."

"Worthy of being a student of the Gray King, he proved himself. At first, the outside world compared him to the Twin Stars of the Empire, but now it seems..."

Luo Fen stood silently outside the door, deliberately not listening to those voices who were arguing.

He just lowered his head and looked at the communication crystal that lit up in his hands. Information was isolated in the tower, and the crystal lit up so quickly, which meant that the teacher and the others were also paying attention to this game all the time.

The boy was slightly moved. He pressed his thumb on the crystal, and a very familiar voice came from inside.That was the voice of Ash King FOX: "How?"

"Same as you, teacher," Luo Fen sighed, "Elf-type dragon knights are still a dead end, the spells in the crystal are not conceived, and the Silver Tower seems to be focused on this road, but they still It didn't work out."

"Of course, if it's so easy, there won't be another way," FOX replied, "but since you can't prove its possibility, then we can only turn to the president."

"If it weren't for that, I wouldn't agree with it in the tower," Luo Fen shook his head, "Juno and Georgifen have verified the possibility of the resonance device, and the increase of the mimic dragon soul to the Dragon Knight battleship, the next step is naturally We are."

In the crystal, FOX muttered to himself: "The second technical route."

Luo Fen waited silently for a moment before asking again: "Did you see the performance of the fairy dragon knight in the sea of ​​trees space, teacher?"

FOX came to his senses and replied: "Naturally, that is actually the original idea of ​​the Silver Tower, but it's a pity that the seven dragon souls only exist inside the tower. I heard that only the seventh dragon soul existed outside the tower for a short time. Dragon Soul No. [-], which was close to success, was never even born."

"Why is it Dragon Soul No. [-] instead of No. [-]?"

"The seven dragon souls are in reverse order. The seventh dragon soul was the first to be designed, and the serial number before the third dragon soul is actually just an empty serial number."

The young man nodded silently. "Remember to be cautious in your words and deeds during the interview." FOX reminded at the end.

The light on the crystal dimmed, and Luo Fen raised his head. For the upcoming interview, he was neither looking forward to nor disgusted, or rather numb.For a guild like 'Grey Fields', for the students of FOX, that's not just routine.

But what surprised him was that the expected "battle of bullets" did not come. The crowd looked in this direction as if possessed, and even the reporters who were about to rush forward stopped halfway step.

Everyone looks at the tower.

"It turned out that he was the second person to arrive."

"But why did the records of the Red Gate disappear after that...?"

Luo Fen's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously turned around.


In the tower space, time seems to be a meaningless product.

Fang Yan has long forgotten the purpose of his coming here, and the game itself. He only followed those questions step by step, failing again and again, but the end of the failures all lead to an open door.

He pushed open one door after another, stopped again and again, thinking over and over again what Tata had told him, the answer to the riddle, he didn't get the revelation himself, but at least he was inspired by it.

He groped out the form of that spell bit by bit, and advanced it door by door. He was standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, but it was hard to say that the spell wasn't from his own ideas.That was actually a rare experience for a young alchemist like him.

Few people at this stage have the opportunity to discuss their own theories. They either do not have this opportunity or they do not have the ability.

Fang Plover has the ability, and the puzzle hidden on Tata also provides him with that opportunity.The riddle itself is sometimes a clue, it just lacks a hint, and now the tower has given that hint.

Then the rest, but rely on him to find out the answer by himself.

That process was certainly not easy.

He didn't even know how many times he had failed during this period of time, and how many times he had tried again. Crystals appeared and shattered in his hands, and the problem came up again and again, but at one point, he never Find that thread of inspiration in the dark.

He looked up.

The last blue door ahead opened in his line of sight—he felt a slight sense of accomplishment in his heart, but in fact the process of completing that spell was the most fascinating.

Finding ultimate success from failure, that overwhelming sense of satisfaction, is also one of the driving forces for alchemists to move forward.

Of course he understood that the answer he found might not necessarily be correct, and some of it did differ from Miss Tata's description, but at least here, in the tower, it was enough for him to get the answer.

Behind that blue door are the last nine green doors.

Every question after the green door is for him to further perfect the crystal in his hand, so that the crystal will end up extremely bright, just like the star dagger he once received from Miya.

That's the answer.

Fang Plover gently put down the crystal in his hand, and the last green door opened in front of him, and the color behind the door finally changed.He was startled for a moment before realizing that he had reached the finish line.

It was a red door.

It is also the last door of the Winter Solstice Tower.

The Hall of Thousand Gates claims to have a thousand gates, but it is not always the case. There are far more than a thousand gates in the Xiajin Tower, but in the Winter Solstice Tower, there are actually only four red gates known to people.

Many people have arrived at this place in history, as far as he knows, there are FOX the Ash King and Ms. Ming.

But the person who really opened this door is said to be the only one in history known to mortals. As for the identity of that alchemist is still a mystery, people only know that the other party opened the fourth door.Not too much.

For thousands of years, no one has really passed the test of the Tower of Winter Solstice.

But now, behind the last door of this ancient tower, a second visitor is finally ushered in.

Fang Plover gently placed his hand on the doorknob, took a breath, and then twisted it open.The door opened, but the scene inside made him slightly startled, but fortunately, he had previous experience, which made him resist the urge to go back and look at the door again.

Standing behind the door was Friston—yes, the chairman he had seen before.Behind the other party is a vast starry sky, and in the middle of the sky, there is that green star shining.His avatar is sitting slumped among a pile of wreckage made by the furnace, looking up at Fang Plover:

"There you are, young man."

This name?

Fang Yan was slightly taken aback, "Are you...?"

"I am?" A clear light flashed in Friston's eyes, "I see, you have seen 'him'."


Fang Plover was in a fog.

"I'm sure you understand who I'm talking about, that guy is just a poor man doing some futile work," Friston shook his head with a wry smile, "Why not myself, I thought I was close to Yu succeeded, but didn't expect that I was wrong—”

He raised his head and stared at the green star, "However, Helinwell and Jeldem may not be right, we all failed, everyone stopped here, have you seen this magnificent starry sky , that is the end of our world."

Fang Plover also looked at the starry sky.

He still didn't react, what happened?But at least he already understood who the Friston in front of him was, that was the Friston in history—one of the three geniuses.

But the other party looks exactly like the head of the artisan association?
what's going on?Is it me, or a descendant?

Even for later generations, is it too coincidental that they look so similar?

The thought turned in his mind, so that it diluted other thoughts.

Friston looked at him with a half-smile, "Do you feel puzzled? To put it simply, my plan was a complete failure. The path of the Soul School has come to an end here. Jedham predicted my failure. Just as I predicted his failure."

He spread his hands, "We really crossed that dangerous line. The only luck is that everything ended in a fantasy. The souls we drew turned out to be the same as the Shadowman. We defeated the enemy, but lost Gave it to myself."

He looked at the bright and charming starry sky again, but after the stars were extinguished, everything was left with empty darkness, "We burned our world, what did we get in the end? But if we don't take this step , and the end result is no different.”

"All of this is doomed, young man," Friston said lightly, "but you still have time, why not sit down with me and talk about the future of alchemy. I don't know that era you are from, maybe outside The world is on the verge of collapse, or has been destroyed, have you come here to find the answer, but the answer is that there is no answer."

"Come talk with me, before the world is destroyed," Friston said, "Look at this starry sky, it is disappearing."

Fang Yan looked at the phantom in the sky, it was the floating ship of the Shadowman, an army of countless constructs.

In comparison, what he saw in the sea of ​​trees space was just a wave on the sea.

And here is the real endless void.

"So," he asked, "the idea of ​​this tower is to meet that end, but for thousands of years, no one has ever passed this test."

Fang Yan asked: "Mr. Friston, you are the only one who opened this door in seven centuries, and you stopped here. I guess you gave up the soul school after that, or gave up Another path of the Soul School."

"I saw in the tower that a line of the School of Soul disappeared from the public and disappeared in the long river of history," he said, "but in fact, someone picked it up later and established An organization called the Tower of Silver."

"And then they went down that line," he told the story, "not quite successful, but they got some results, and then something happened that left us with a puzzle. .”

"But from that puzzle, we got the answer."

Friston looked at him with some surprise.

The other party said that it was about the history after he left the tower. He didn't have those memories, but from the soul endowed by the tower, he could also infer the origin of the story that Fang Yan said.

That was about him after all.

And he has those past memories.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"It was Jeldham and Hellingwell," replied Fang Plover, "who picked up your research and opened up another road, which later merged with the second technical road and opened up today's New world."

"Fairy dragon knight," Friston chuckled, "it is true, but it cannot exist."

Fang Plover shook his head, and he raised his hand.

A huge phantom appeared behind him, it was a giant ship, as if its shape was constructed in the starlight.That is the road that the alchemists finally searched for with the support of infinite computing power, described by two thoughts intertwined together.

and the final destination.

That, the end that Jeldom let him go.

Friston stood up suddenly, and looked at the scene in shock, "This, this is... this is impossible!?"

"But it's possible, Mr. President," Fang Yan said to him seriously, and he walked forward, passing this genius from 700 years ago.

The young man looked between the stars, stared at the enemies all over the sky, and said softly, "Please watch carefully, Mr. President, with the support of infinite computing power, what kind of alchemy can be achieved by mortals—"

Countless sea-monster structures are emerging around him like stars.

He has found that answer.

But there is still a lack of process.

Friston was on the side, and did not refute the title he said.


 Post it early today, maybe something will happen tomorrow, please take a leave in advance
(End of this chapter)

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