Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1037 Act 364 The Rust Foundation

Chapter 1037 Act 364 Rust Foundation

Britta followed Juno and his party into the library, and watched them walk into the corridor of the side door, through the inner garden, and into the maze of tall rose bushes.She followed quickly, and before she had walked a few steps, she heard the sound of conversation from the next door. Those people seemed to be meeting someone here. The first voice behind the flowers was a very strange voice:
"Everyone is late."

"I'm sorry, I met someone from the Star and Moon Council, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of the instructors."

"Okay, I forgive you this time, how is it going?"

"The flow of the game has been set. Guaranteed they will meet our guys. It's just that the other side missed. They are very tight on Ash Lynn's stuff."

Brita quickly covered her mouth, she was startled by the first paragraph she heard, her eyes widened involuntarily, the beautiful brown-green pupils flashed with scorching anger.

She subconsciously attributed the other party to one of the Seven Sorcerers' families. After more than 20 years, are these people still haunting Laila?What annoyed her the most was that these people actually took action against the academy competition. Didn't they flaunt fairness?Why don't you even give them a chance to prove yourself?

Are they so afraid of the Holfen School that even the ghost of a theory that has been dead for more than 20 years is afraid that it will rise from the grave?It's just something made by a group of students. There is no great mage behind it, and people have long forgotten the history of its origin. Are the imperial people so narrow-minded?

Brita clenched her fists, but stood still, not going out to question her.She just wanted to quietly hear what the conspiracy of these people was, so as to give each other a surprise when they carried out their plan.

Then the voices of both parties were suppressed, and the other party seemed to be giving some instructions.However, there is only a flower stand between the two sides, and Brita can understand it, but the other side is talking about more and more terms, such as 'Nightmare', 'Shadowman', 'Plan', 'Prototype', 'Number Two' There is also a name she has never heard of in the middle - Odette.

How many times did the other party mention that he claimed to be the Rust Foundation, another name he had never heard of before, and he was under the jurisdiction of the Seven Sorcerers family?she thought to herself.

Juno also opened his mouth to answer, mentioned Lila a few times, and her name, "the elementalist" and the "Miss Scholar". Feather and Jita.

However, the girl was a little confused. She knew most of the words in between, but she couldn't understand them together. She could only roughly tell that the other party was carrying out an attack against Laila, her, and everyone. conspiracy.

She only silently memorized the content of the other party's conversation, and only waited until she left here to pass it on to Luo Yu, Ji Ta and others. She was a smart girl, and she understood that even if she didn't understand it, someone would always understand it.

She listened for a long time, and did not move even after the two parties left, until the sound in the garden faded away, leaving only the humming of birds, the girl gradually relaxed, put down her hands, and breathed a sigh of relief.The opponent was not those of Olos. She was not sure about the strength of the opponent, so she did not dare to expose herself easily.

She has seen similar scenes in novels, and she naturally understands the reason for falling short, and she is extremely vigilant.

These people are secretly manipulating the Academy Tournament, Britta thought, this must be exposed, so that the entire wizarding world, no, it is best to let the outside world know.

She can't do it, but it doesn't mean that no one can do it. There are many mentors in the wizarding world who don't deal with the Seven Sorcerers, and some of them have backgrounds that are not afraid of the Seven Sorcerers at all.But first of all, I need to tell Luo Yu and Jita that they are not from the empire, but her most trustworthy helpers.

Brita silently sorted out her thoughts and made up her mind before turning around to leave.

However, at this moment, a voice came from behind the girl: "Miss Britta is really alert."

Brita felt like a cat that her hair was standing on end. She turned around dexterously and raised the magic wand in her hand to face the opponent, but her body subconsciously slammed into the flower stand on the other side, but she didn't expect to bump into it. A cold wall.

It was magic, her heart sank.

The person on the opposite side couldn't help applauding, "Papa papa," the man was wearing an ordinary magic robe that was often invisible, and his face could not be seen clearly as if some spell had been cast on his face. He praised, "I can't help but admire Miss Brita. It's a pity to stay in the Academy of Astrology for being so smart."

"You are the Chosen One?" There was no hope of escaping, but Brita calmed down and muttered to herself: "How could Prometheus get mixed up with people from the Rust Foundation..."

"Hey, why—" The man was taken aback, and then he folded the emblem on his collar with his hand in some annoyance, and said angrily, "I really admire you, Miss Britta, but it's not important, You don't think you can get the message out, do you?"

Brita had already got the information she wanted, and she didn't intend to speak any more, she just looked at the surrounding environment.She had already prepared for the worst, but she still had Xinghui, which temple would be safer to resurrect in, and how would she notify other people?
But there is a worse possibility, that is, she was taken away by these people. She couldn't help but think of Arnett, could it be that the other party also fell into the hands of these people.No, she thought, she had to leave some message for the others.

Thinking of this, she held the magic wand in her hand and said, "This is the Academy of Astrology. There are magic alarms around the academy. You don't think you can take someone away out of thin air. I am a student of the academy."

"I understand what you mean, if we take you away without triggering the alarm, it means that someone in the academy is in collusion with us," the man said, "but it's not as important as you think, and you don't have to delay, Miss Brita , which makes no sense."

When Brita saw the other party raise the magic wand in his hand, her complexion changed, and she stepped back subconsciously to step on something, and then tried to cast a protective spell.But it was still a bit late, the other party's spellcasting was faster than expected, and a dark beam of light had already hit her before she could react.

The girl seemed to have been bitten by a poisonous snake, and her body stiffened and fell backwards little by little. The last thing she saw in her vision was that the other party took out a silver box from under the robe.


When Luo Yu and others arrived, the scene was already full of people.

A college student found the girl's frozen body in the garden. The frightened former informed the instructor on duty, which alarmed the entire astrology institute. Others only learned that the murder had occurred on the way to the library. .

The instructors notified the guards of the academy, and the patrolling cavalry who arrived blocked the place three layers apart, and even people from the Star and Moon Council came, and several guards guarded the council president Warren Fuller. Ask outside about what's going on.

But Luo Yu didn't know this person either.

Warren Fuller, on the other hand, looked at Lila more thoughtfully.

It's just that at this moment, Lila looks anxious. She only heard that something happened in the library, but she still doesn't know who was killed. However, judging from the news that Brita passed on to them at the end of Torhaine, it seems A great uneasiness had gripped her heart.

The girl walked towards the crowd in a daze, pushed away the people in front of her and walked forward, and the patrolling cavalry stepped up to try to stop it.But they stopped in front of Luo Yu, looking at the latter unprepared——

These days, no one in the Cavalry Department who inspects the Cavalry Department knows, and no one knows, these two influential figures of Aiyin Brock, to be exact, the people around the dragon alchemist, what happened to the former director, they are very worried Very clear.

Those patrolling cavalry didn't expect to meet Luo Yu here. They looked at the young man and Ji Ta beside him, and they didn't dare to come forward for a while.

"The people inside may be her friends," Luo Yu replied flatly, not intending to seek a sense of superiority from these aborigines.

"Of course," the patrolling cavalry leader flattered, "Mr. Luo Yu, you can go in."

Luo Yu just nodded.

The lady scholar beside her seemed even more urgent. She saw the worried expression on Laila's face, and only saw the girl walking towards the garden as if she had lost her soul.When Laila saw the pale face of her former friend, the great anxiety in her heart finally became reality.

She shook, almost fainting.Luo Yu hurriedly took a step forward and supported the girl from behind.But Lila broke away from him and rushed to take Brita's cold hand, "No, Brita, how could..."

Her behavior of destroying the scene fell into the eyes of the patrolling cavalry on the side. They looked at Luo Yu, and then at Warren Fuller on the side. see.

Luo Yu took a step back, looked at his palm, thoughtful.Then he raised his head, walked over, and put his hand on Brita's forehead. It was slightly cold at the touch, but the skin was still soft and not stiff.

A ray of light seeped from his fingertips and penetrated under the girl's pale skin. Laila looked at this scene from the side and raised her head to look at him, "Mr. Luo Yu...?" Her voice was full of sadness, Dang still harbors the last hope.

In her opinion, after Brita fell, Luo Yu and his party were the last people she could rely on.

"Where's Xinghui?" Luo Yu didn't answer Laila immediately, but turned around and asked the patrolling cavalry captain.

"This is the strange thing, sir," the captain replied, "The victim is still a little girl, and the starlight should be full, but she is here now, and there is no news of anyone being resurrected from the nearby temples." .”

He looked at Laila at the side, and hesitated, "Actually, this...uh, Miss Brita...the body is here..."

Lyra just hung her head, and tears trickled down like pearls on Brita's pale hand, which she clasped tightly.

"She didn't come back to life," Luo Yu announced, "but she didn't die completely, Xinghui still remained in her body."

"It's impossible, sir." The patrol cavalry captain subconsciously retorted, "This has never happened in history."

"I've already checked. You should know that I'm from Colin-Ishurian. There was a big battle there not long ago. Our opponents are cultists. With enemies from the dark world, they have a means to Extract the starlight."

Luo Yu replied lightly.

"I've heard of such a thing," the speaker of the Star and Moon Council turned out to be the one who spoke.Warren Fuller came in from the garden and said, "You mean that there are cultists behind this murder, and they have infiltrated into the astrology institute? But you said that the cultists took this little girl away Xinghui, how could Xinghui still be in her body?"

"The reason is very simple," Luo Yu said, "It is because I personally experienced that battle. I believe you still remember the big trial that happened not long ago in Einbroek. That scum of the Holy Chosen One, the real identity of the other party is a member of the Dragon Worship Cult."

The captain of the patrolling cavalry on the side twisted his body uneasily. Although the incident had little to do with him, it was still embarrassing to be mentioned in person.

But he didn't dare to refute anything, if the other party summoned the Scroll Knights again, who knows what would happen.

Luo Yu looked at the others, "We are actually looking for traces. One of the purposes of going to the empire is to find the whereabouts of the cultists who fled from El Paxin. You may not know that Princess Brianna was Also in the north, in order to deal with them, Her Royal Highness brought back some magic amulets from Avenquin."

He pulled out the necklace from under Brienne's collar. An owl-shaped pendant hung on the silver chain. The pendant seemed to have been hit by some spell, and a hole was burned in it.

Luo Yu said: "The purpose of these magic talismans is to protect the spells of the cultists, so that the other party's means of extracting starlight will fail. Miss Brita is just in a coma, and she may wake up at any time."

"Dark magic!" The instructors around were all real mages, and they recognized the true face of the spell when they saw the burnt hole in the pendant.

Warren Fuller had heard of the name of Her Highness the Princess. Colin-Ishurian was not well-known in the empire, but the heroes of the Battle of Byrne were obviously not among them.

He just seemed a little hesitant, and couldn't help asking: "You said it's true?"

"What you said is true?" Warren Fuller asked with some surprise.

"It's absolutely true," Luo Yu replied, "I'm a member of the Seven Seas Brigade, so it's naturally impossible to make fun of the reputation of the team."

The young elementalist immediately spoke to the crowd—more than half of those people knew him, otherwise they wouldn't let an outside mage check Brita's situation here, "Everyone, my suggestion is Immediately send Brita to the nearby church of Ms. Milella, and send someone to protect her."

Hearing that Luo Yu turned out to be the teammate of the famous Dragon Alchemist, Warren Fuller couldn't help but took a breath, believed the words, and then ordered the others: "There is a living room nearby. The shrine of the goddess, there is a small sanctuary there, take them to that place, and protect the safety of this lady."

He looked at the group of mage mentors in the Astrology Academy, "What do you think?"

"Although Brita's body is cold," the mentors said, "her body has not shown any signs of stiffness after such a long time."

Others were convinced of Luo Yu's words after their own inspection, "I don't quite understand what method Mr. Luo Yu used to check, but after I checked, I did find that there was a star in Brita's body, but it was a bit specious .”

After drawing these two conclusions, the general direction has been determined. Although Brita's state is a bit strange, as long as the stars still exist in Altaria, it cannot be said that a person has died.

After hearing that there was still hope for her friend, Lila also recovered. She cheered up and hugged her friend's cold 'body' out with the others.For a while, only Luo Yu and Ji Ta were left on the scene.

Jita seemed to want to say something, but Luo Yu shook his head at her, he walked forward and looked at the place where Brita's 'body' was originally.

Just now there were too many people, and Laila broke in again and disrupted the scene, so no one actually surveyed the scene carefully.

The magicians of the Astrologer Academy have no such experience at all. They just detected the dissipation of elements at the scene and confirmed that the spell used by the murderer to kill Brita was probably an ordinary spell such as petrification. The other party is just a mage.

The patrolling cavalry were even more dereliction of duty, and besides alchemy and magic, Altaria's criminal investigation methods were lackluster, and it never formed a complete set of rigorous logical system like the other side of the star gate.

After Brita was taken away, Luo Yu saw that there was a character 'D' under her left arm, which should have been drawn by her with the tail of the magic wand. a sum of money.

This text is obviously not an English character, but the text of the empire, but there are too many words starting with 'D', including earth, sword, star and even steel, things related to iron, or the initials of a certain person's name.

Miss Scholar asked softly, "Is this left by Brita?"

Luo Yu nodded, the possibility is very high.

Miss Scholar opened the magic book and searched the system carefully for a moment, but none of the possible words and names listed caused her to contact.She gently put her hand on it, and all she saw was a rusty dagger.

A rusty dagger?


She raised her head, "I saw a dagger, the pattern on it made me look familiar...it was a butterfly."

"Butterfly?" Luo Yu thought of something, "Do you still remember the group leader's handwritten notes?"

"You mean the pattern on the cover?"

Jita pondered for a moment, frowned and said, "It would be great if the leader was here, he can see farther than us."

Luo Yu shook his head, and didn't think it was a correct understanding, "The person behind the attack on Brita must also be related to Arnett's disappearance. Both of them are members of the Holfen School. There must be Seven Devils behind this incident." Guiding the shadow of the family."

He paused, "At least we can confirm one thing now, the Seven Sorcerers must have connections with the shadow people and their believers."

He didn't say these words publicly, because the relationship between all parties in the Astrology Institute is intricate, and most of the wizards have direct or indirect connections with the Seven Wizards' families, and no one knows which side those people will stand on.

Miss Scholar then remembered about the necklace, "That amulet?"

"The talisman I distributed was imitated by Mr. An Luoser," Luo Yu shook his head, "Of course it was not given by the elf princess, but the methods of the Dragon Worshipers are not without flaws, only the gods can extract them Xinghui, they naturally can't reach that level."

"Because the method was flawed, that's why the talisman intercepted a part of the starlight and anchored that part of the starlight in Brita's body. But it was also because of this reason that she couldn't be resurrected in the temple, Brita The situation is not as easy as I said, if there is no way to get her starlight back, she will always maintain that state..."

But Xinghui can survive, but the body will become weaker day by day.

He sighed slightly, "I realized that the shadow people and their believers were related to the family of the Seven Wizards, so I distributed the amulets, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late. I paid too much attention to Lila and ignore the others."

"You've done well enough," Jita didn't expect Luo Yu to do so much in private, and gently comforted her, "You said that on purpose to get those people hooked?"

Luo Yu nodded.

Miss Scholar was silent for a moment before asking: "Have you ever thought that Brita decided to go to the library temporarily by herself, maybe this was not an inevitable event in the first place."

"You mean..."

"Maybe she broke something here?"

"Can you backtrack?"

"I can't do it," Jita shook her head, "There are not many people in Xinta'an who have such abilities, and it's too late for those who have such abilities to arrive here, not to mention that those people may not make a move for a college student. "

"Then it's up to us." Luo Yu also agreed with this answer, "The other party is eager to cover up the facts, which means that they are about to reveal their whereabouts. Murdering a student in the astrology academy is not a big deal, but it is enough to cause Ai Yin The attention of Bullock's upper echelon."

He suddenly changed his face, took out the communication crystal from his chest, and said, "The leader has come out."

One and a half months later, the Winter Solstice Tower opened its gates again.


(End of this chapter)

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