Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1038 Chapter 365 Soul

Chapter 1038 Chapter 365 Soul
The stars disappeared.

The endless space has already changed another look, as if it is the scene after the end of the world, the earth is torn apart, the mountains and rivers are moving, the ocean and rivers evaporate without a trace, and the sight is full of traces of magic.

All that remained of the cracked plain was scorched earth, devastated, and the wreckage of machinery piled on top of each other.

Staring at the blood-like setting sun, Friston's face was indifferent. He turned around with a half-smile, "You failed again."

In front, the dark creatures descending from the starry sky, the Nightmare Furnace Construct, flooded the last line of defense of the Plover Construct.

But Fang Yan looked at this scene, but he didn't look depressed:
"But it actually worked."

he replied.

He guards this final line of defense alone, but he is not alone in this world, but the annihilation of one line of defense, in exchange for the mortal army launching counterattacks on many fronts at the same time.

The horn has sounded, and that is already the last offensive of the evil star.

"Indeed," Friston nodded lightly, "Personally speaking, it is almost impossible to defeat the evil star, but the legacy of Jedham and Hellingwell was not originally left to a certain person. You bring them here, and that result is doomed."

"Of course the future is not so simple. The tower cannot simulate what happens when disaster strikes, but after mastering that ability, the future of mortals will have infinite possibilities. The road to victory may still be difficult, but The future has been revealed to us, and it is at least no longer hopeless."

The genius let out a long breath, walked back slowly, sat down against a huge gray rock, and said to Plover, "Let me tell you a story."

Before Fang Yan could answer, he said, "Once upon a time, there was a young man who fell in love with a sincere, kind and beautiful girl, but as the noble princess of the empire, that girl already had another person in her heart. "

"In order to get the love of Her Royal Highness, the young man competed with his companions, but there was no winner in this competition. Her Royal Highness suffered from a strange disease after a trip."

"As a last resort, the two young geniuses had no choice but to put aside their disputes and tried every means to save Her Royal Highness's life. But everything was doomed to be in vain. When the black flames burned along every inch of the girl's skin and burned up When her life and stars shine, they can only watch her pass away, there is nothing they can do..."

"After that, the young man had doubts about the passing of his life, and he also had doubts about the origin of the black flame."

That was destined to be the beginning of the acquaintance of a genius 700 years ago with a cursed star.

Later he took another path. Since life withers like grass and trees, if a person's life is only a short moment, why don't we think of a way to keep it from the hands of death?
The young man invented an alchemy formula that could record the information of a person's soul in crystals.Then, bring the dead back to life, and bring back the dead.It was only his first experiment that he met with setbacks. Because of the immature technology, he made his sweetheart stay in the dark underground forever.

Friston recounts:

"As a last resort, he chose the second subject as himself, and because he was worried that there would be accidents in the experiment, he left two bottom-level orders in the soul information engraved in the crystal at the place of the experiment—— "

"One is the love for that princess."

"The second is to insist on this technical route."

As long as both are indelible, then the wish he left behind will extend along this path until it succeeds.

Fang Plover listened quietly, and naturally understood everything about the story——who is the young man, Her Royal Highness the Princess herself does not need to go into details.

And that young genius didn't give up the Soul School later, he just left everything behind in that experiment. Since then, every era has his shadow, and he is active in the empire. over history.

It may have taken him a long time to reshape his body, and it took a century or two after that before he returned to human society.

He got closer to the center of power a little bit, and finally stepped into that high position.

Until more than half a century ago, under the impetus of the former emperor, Friston began to lead the alchemy revolution.

Fang Plover remained silent. In that story, the black flame represented the shadow of the Shadowman. It turned out that they had appeared in the history of the empire as early as 700 years ago. Such lingering ghosts made people always disturbed.

But Friston only went on with the story, "Actually, I also expected that things would change. Before everything was done, I had already made complete preparations."

"I returned to the Winter Solstice Tower and left all the record information here. I was worried that the future would deviate from my plan, so I left an insurance here. And that's why, you will see me here reason."

Fang Plover raised his head, "Mr. Friston, what are you worried about?"

Friston was silent for a moment, "You're too young, kid."

Love will turn into hate, for the source of all disasters, the engraved hatred of the black flame.

Faith and persistence will turn into paranoia.

"Since you have seen Jeldham and Hellingwell, you know that what I am doing is only walking on the edge of danger," he said, "They have warned me more than once, people who walk on this boundary , will cross the line one day.”

He shook his head, "Of course I can see everything they can see. I personally presided over all this, and I know the risks. Therefore, I always guard that boundary cautiously, but hatred and paranoia will Crossing the line-"

"Do you know what the most dangerous part of this plan is?"

Fang Plover shook his head.

"My plan is to restore the dead. If people are going to die, why don't we keep them. But the result of saving souls is to lead to an unbiased future, and people will realize that this leads to an obvious path. road--"


"Alchemists know that eternity is the enemy of the world. When the starlight is permanently solidified, the bottom cycle of the world will come to an end. That is the beginning of all collapse, but it is the road that the shadow people have traveled."

He shook his head, "There is no eternal thing in this world, even if the world will perish, the stars will be silent."

Fang Plover was horrified when he heard that, he could almost imagine the possibility, who can bear the temptation of immortality?
If anyone can walk in this world forever.

Can you bear your short life?

The jealousy of the short-lived species towards the long-lived species is inherent.

He suddenly thought of the promise made by the Dragon Worshipers to the people they bewitched, and a shudder passed through his body.

Seeing him, Friston smiled slightly, as if he had relaxed a lot since he saw that future, "You and Jeldom reacted exactly the same way, they looked at me like that at the beginning, as if they were looking at a lunatic, Exactly the same."

He shook his head again, "But your personality is not strong, you are more like Hellingwell. No, you are more like the two of them together, if Jedham has half your sanity, and Helinwell has half of you 'Reckless' may be more successful than it is now."

Fang Yan coughed lightly, he was a little embarrassed to compare him with those two peerless geniuses.

"Surprised?" Friston could see his thoughts, "How many people can enter this door?"

He spoke proudly, "I don't know how many people will be able to reach the door after me, but you are the first one who can push it to see me. And there is no one who passed the test except you."

This 'Mr. President' sighed a long time: "I have watched the starry sky and the sunset here for 700 years, and I have never seen a second person. After seven centuries, I waited for a descendant to come here."

He turned around and stared at Fang Plover with a strange look, "Do you know why I told you this?"

"You think your other self has gone astray, Mr. Friston?"

"That path doesn't work at all," Friston replied, "Haven't you seen that future? He is still going on, and he will naturally become paranoid in the end. You might as well tell me, what is the other me doing? "

"From many years ago, he was promoting an alchemical revolution."

"Under the domination of the empire?"

"Under the leadership of the empire." Fang Plover nodded.

"Is it going well? Are there any objections?" Friston asked.

Fang Plover was stunned for a moment. The empire has promoted the reform of alchemy so far, and now it has achieved a lot of results.And with the blessing of the technological revolution, the Ossurian empire once regained its leading advantage from the Second World.

The process of implementing the reform was unimaginably smooth. As for the opponents, the Seven Sorcerers Family did not seem to be the real opponents of the reform. At best, they just wanted to dominate the role of sharing the cake.Looking back now, there are indeed no people and forces who are clearly opposed to the alchemy reform from top to bottom in the empire.

Even if there is, it is just some insignificant noise.

"I roughly guessed what happened, don't you find it incredible?" Friston smiled, "The empire is not the empire of a single person, there are large and small interest groups in the huge and complex organization, manor owners and urban handicraftsmen There are still irreconcilable contradictions between them, how can there be no noise at all about a change involving all aspects of productivity development?"

"Is there really a reform involving the change of core interests that will not harm the interests of any party? The reform was completed so smoothly, as if it was really like Angela's blessing. During this change, everyone People, every family is just right, everyone is happy. Young people, do you think such fairy tales exist?"

Fang Plover fell silent.

"We also led the same plan," he said, "but that plan was a complete failure. The magic emperor directly abandoned the second half of that plan and put everything in the dusty file. That plan Thinking about it now, it is a chaos, a few people benefit, many people suffer, and in the years of recuperation after a great war, no one is willing to lose their own interests for the disaster that will come centuries later."

"Don't say 1000 years, even after a month, there will be many people who will hesitate," Friston shook his head, "People are like this, unless there is something that is within reach and close in front of everyone's eyes. They will be united only when their unmoved interests are placed in front of them. What do you think it is?"

Fang Plover had actually guessed the answer.

"But it's all just your guesswork," he said.

"It's also your guess. You already guessed it. I want you to stop me, but you seem a little hesitant." Friston said to him with a smile.

Fang Plover was startled, how could he not hesitate?

Even if what Friston said is true, can he stop the Empire?

Announce everything you saw in the tower?Leaving aside all the unimaginable things that even he himself is skeptical about, will the nobles and families directly related to the core interests of the empire win his word?

This may even include His Majesty the Emperor.

During the half-century-long reform, I don’t know how many relevant interest classes have been formed in the empire. As Friston said, will these classes give up today’s interests because of a threat that may only be tomorrow? ?

There may be sane individuals, but classes must be blind.

Wasn't it the same drama that was staged in the Stag Principality 20 years ago?
Although he is a chosen one and not a member of the empire, the royal family of Colin has very little support for him and Sylvaide, and it is very likely that they will be abandoned at a critical moment.

As the head of the Seven Seas Brigade, shouldn't he consider the safety of every member of the team?
He is naive, but not stupid.

Will the world really come to an end after the Stargate?But that would be a hundred years later. At that time, it was unknown whether he would still exist in this world. Even if the star gate was really closed, what would it matter to the world on the other side?

Everything is just back to the past.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, Miss Tata's calm expression immediately appeared in front of his eyes, as well as the conversation between him, Farif, and Artush in the Silver Tower.

"But what should I do," Fang Yan raised his head and asked, "I'm just a person, but my opponent is an empire, and I can't give anyone eternal life. The nobles of the empire, how could your majesty Are you on my side?"

Friston looked at him and smiled, "You didn't refuse responsibility."

Fang Plover fell silent.

Rationally, he shouldn't be in this muddy water. He can't be sure that what the other party said is true, and he is not a part of the empire.But both intuition and logic told him that Friston had no reason to lie, and he had already noticed it.

Besides, people have feelings.

Friston read the meaning in his eyes and nodded slightly.

Just like this, love and family affection, friendship, it is the strongest emotions that connect people with the world and make them intelligent and emotional creatures that are different from those ignorant beasts.If it wasn't for loving someone deeply, how could he have come to this point?
"But I have never regretted it," Friston said, "because the people I love once existed in this world and lived on this land. The empire I miss and love is because of the people and things I am familiar with. In my childhood, everyone around me was born here, and human feelings can surpass everything, so I want to protect it."

He looked at Fang Plover, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Fang Plover nodded.

The people around him are not always the chosen ones, there are also many people like Sylviede and Miss Tata, they grew up here, this world is their bond to him, like a bond, which cannot be cut broken.

If possible, he would naturally not want to see this beautiful thing come to an end.

Whenever, in any way.

Only then did Friston smile and said: "There is more than one empire in this world," he said with a smile, "You already knew that you are not from the Empire, and you are not even a visitor from this world."

Fang Plover looked at each other in surprise.

"About the chosen one," Friston replied, "Although I haven't seen it, I already know it. You should have heard about the big prophecy. Astrology exists in our world. In fact, as early as Before the kingdom of mortals was established, there were visitors from other worlds who went to Atalia, and you have heard of them—”


Friston nodded.


The Numelin elves were indeed the Chosen Ones of the previous generation.

But what is the reason for the Chosen to pass through the Stargate, and how exactly did the Stargate choose them?
Fang Yan remained silent. Of course, he was not helpless. If the imperialists were really planning some plans that would be detrimental to the entire world, there would be Colin-Ishurian and the Hill of Giant Trees who would stop the Ossurians. And Rotao.

That is the whole world.

But the premise of everything is that he wants to prove that everything is true.

He looked at each other.

Friston said: "The School of Soul was developed by me, and everything advanced in this technical field is led by me. I naturally left the means to deal with it." He seemed very confident, "First of all, in my In this era, this technical route is actually flawed—"

First, the extraction of souls can be reversed.

Second, it is not truly eternal, but will pass away with the passage of time.

Another flaw is that even if the soul is recorded, a person's life is still fixed here, and the soul cannot grow.

"With these two points," Friston said, "you have mastered the two core secrets of the Soul School, these things are unknown to those who came after, and it is possible that only you and 'him' know information. But as for how to find a way to deal with 'him' from it, that's up to you."

He looked at Fang Plover, "Of course, I won't let you deal with me empty-handed like this. I have left you a small gift during this long period of time."

"A small... gift?"

"Do you remember the soul imprint I mentioned?"

Fang Yan recalled, "You mean the two messages you left 'him'?"

Friston shook his head, "It's more complicated than that, it's a longer piece of information, like letting a person have a piece of memory and experience."

"Like the 'knowledge infusion' spell, a magic that allows people to have the corresponding knowledge in a short period of time?" Fang Yan asked.

"Not just for a short period of time, but permanently," Friston replied.

Fang Plover was shocked when he heard it, "Created out of thin air? How is that possible?"

"It's really impossible," Friston shook his head, "Xinghui records everything, we can't easily increase or decrease it, it will bring disaster to the world. But conversely, if it is created out of thin air, it is impossible , transfer knowledge?"

"Knowledge...transfer..." Fang Yan looked at this genius 700 years ago in disbelief, wondering what was going on in his mind.

"The me who left here 700 years ago is just a part of me. Another part of my independent personality stays in this tower to check everything and spend hundreds of years to test the ending. A layer of insurance," Friston replied, "what I left for myself is enough for him to carry out the rest of the plan, and I believe he won't need the extra stuff."

Fang Plover suddenly realized, and looked at the other party in disbelief, "That is to say, this is not a video, Mr. Friston?"

Friston laughed out loud, with a contented look on his face, "You finally realized it, a little faster than I thought."

"But wait a minute," Fang Yan has fully understood the cause and effect, "the so-called migration, then you are not..."

"Yes," Friston nodded, "but you don't have to worry about it. Memories and emotions are useful to me. I won't give them to you. You can also choose on your own," he replied casually. "I will give you true knowledge."

"But a person's soul is completely built on all his past experiences, memories and experiences," Fang Yan asked, "How can it be subdivided infinitely?"

"You thought about it too," Friston nodded, "You are right. I originally divided myself into two with the help of the power of the tower. But how can a person really divide himself into two? He becomes The paranoia is also due to me, now I will give everything to you, and I will naturally return to the stars."


Fang Plover has already realized what the other party is entrusting.

But Friston shook his head lightly, "I have stayed in this lonely time for too long, I have seen the end of time, the end of the world, everything after the starlight goes out, I am waiting alone A successor has come to correct my mistakes."

"Now," he said, "I have finally waited, and I have lived too long and seen too much. No one in this world can last forever."

Fang Plover was stunned when he heard that.

Friston held out his hand to him. "Mark my words, no one lives forever."


After the long darkness.

Fang Plover stretched out his hand and pressed on the heavy door.

He saw that the backs of his hands were pale, and in the samsara where there was no sunlight all year round, time seemed to be endless, and only at the last moment did he witness the bloody setting sun and everything after that.

He seemed a little silent.

With only a little force on his hand, the door slowly opened outwards. It was noon behind the door, and the strong sunlight shone in through the eaves of the arch of the tower, which made him subconsciously raise his hand to block the front.Being in darkness all the year round made him almost uncomfortable.

How long have you been in the tower?He can't remember.

The final battle seemed to last until the end of time. Although the reference frame of the last time was almost certainly different from the previous levels, Fang Plover almost doubted whether several years had passed in the outside world.

The sense of time dislocation made him feel unreal, but the warm and scorching sun brought him back to the real world. Outside was the dark green forest, and he could already see Selva St. The steeple of the church - and the corner of the airship tower in the distance.

He felt a little quiet in his heart.

700 years ago, is the scenery that the three geniuses saw the same as what I see now?

After a short period of silence, the first thing Fang Plover saw was many eyes, all kinds of eyes, looking at him with a surprised expression.The expressions on the faces of those people were varied. They were stunned for a moment, and then rushed towards this direction immediately.

Outside the tower are the voices of people.

They are unfamiliar, asking questions one by one.

"What happened in the tower, Mr. Ed?"

"Mr. Ed, have you passed the last red door?"

"Why did it take so long, Mr. Ed?"

"Mr. Ed, what did you see?"

What did he see?

He saw three people who loved this world deeply, and the pictures in the tower were like their confession to the world.

Fang Plover suddenly remembered something, just kept silent, lowered his head and walked forward apart from the crowd.

Ming told him not to talk nonsense.

Probably because he stayed in the illusory time for too long, he actually felt a little weak. He raised his head—raised his right hand, which was wearing a magic glove—in front of him, there was a natural growth on the ground of the tower. out of patterns, forming alchemical formulas, and entangled with each other.

Then the earth and rocks grew upwards, forming half of the wall. When he divided it to the left and right, the stone wall automatically separated the crowd to the left and right, forming a road.People were involuntarily pushed left and right, watching this scene in astonishment:
What kind of alchemy is this?

"Creation," someone shouted. "This is the elf creation technique. He demonstrated it in the Silver Tower. I didn't expect the same power to be displayed in the real world—"

But they had never seen Plovers perform such alchemy, almost magical and miraculous.

No need for his reminder.

The reporters from various newspapers have already raised the projection crystals in their hands and recorded this scene one after another.

But people are still talking about it: "Do you think that his state looks a little strange."

"Indeed," someone replied, "although this dragon alchemist from Colin-Ishurian is not very good at dealing with questions and answers, at least he is not like this," he asked his companion, "would he Will you pass through the fourth red door?"

"It's normal to fail. It's impossible for anyone to pass. So from the time point of view, Luo Fen should be slightly ahead of him."

"I didn't expect the empire to be superior," people commented, "but why did he stay in the tower for so long?"

Fang Plover naturally heard those discussions.

But he suddenly felt that someone was approaching him, and then that person grabbed his hand and pulled him aside.

He looked in that direction in astonishment, and saw Ms. Ming coming to him, dragging him to the outside, and said to him, "Come with me, don't pay attention to those people."

Fang Plover looked at each other in surprise.

He thought that the Queen of Constructors had left long ago, and even if those who stayed behind to wait for him were probably senior soul fingerprints.

Mingyue noticed his gaze, turned around and glared at him, "You guys will always cause me trouble, but it doesn't matter whether you have passed the fourth red door and entered the Hall of the Holy King with the No.2 score. It is already a certainty, and this is enough for the Kingdom of Kaolin."

She paused, "The same is true for the third division."

"Sister Ming," Fang Yan shook his dazed head, "I—"

"You don't have to say it," Ming said, "You are in a bad state. How did you get yourself into this state? Your miss, the ship officer, handed you over to me. How can I handle you like this?" Business trip?"

"I went through that door..."

"That door?" Ming was startled, and a look of disbelief suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, she was not stupid, so she stopped immediately, and lifted a Banshee into the sky, and the expanded silent field made the surroundings quiet down.

"The fourth way?" Ming then turned around and asked.

Fang Plover nodded.


Fang Yan smiled wryly, is this fake?

Ming immediately reacted, covered his mouth and said, "Stop it, you bastard, don't tell anyone else."

Fang Plover looked at the other party with some doubts.

A deep light flashed in Ming's eyes.

She lowered her voice and said, "It's fine if other people know. You are the first person in the empire to pass the test of the Winter Solstice Tower in thousands of years. Do you know what that means? An Luoser really gave us a surprise. I am now I'm a little curious about your achievements in Xiajin Tower—"

"But don't ask anything now," said Ming, "you just need to keep this secret, don't let anyone know, it's okay for those people to guess, let them confirm it by themselves. From now on, you have to Keep your own secrets."

"Sister Ming," Fang Yan said in a cloud of mist, "Why?"

"It's related to the realm of turbidity," Ming glanced at him, "You don't need to know for now, I will ask you for a favor..." She paused, "Of course, little guy, I won't treat you badly, That's good for you."

Fang Plover fell silent, and he actually understood most of it when he heard the turbid domain.

If other people were here, he would probably refuse.But Ming had taught him quick tactics and margin skills without reservation. If not for this, it would be difficult for him to pass the last level of the Tower of Winter Solstice.

So he thought for a while and didn't shirk.

Let’s talk about the turbid realm——

Isn't that exactly what he was aiming for?

"Is it okay for you to be like this?" Ming asked again, "How did you make yourself like this, isn't there room for rest in the tower?"

Fang Yan shook his head, he was actually just too tired. Although the endless bloody battles were in a space different from reality, the mental exhaustion was indeed real.

Fortunately, he experienced it once in the Silver Tower, otherwise he really couldn't hold on.

Ming looked him up and down carefully, half-believed, and asked again: "Your creation technique...?"

Fang Plover nodded, others couldn't see it, but he definitely couldn't fool Ming.

That was Friston's gift to him.

his knowledge.

And his youthful experience in alchemy, and his ability to calculate.

Those things were combined to form a huge amount of knowledge and experience, which allowed him to fully upgrade to four levels in the tower. Now that he is performing ancient alchemy, he naturally doesn't have to work as hard as before.

But those things were just the most insignificant part of the gifts Friston gave him.

Fang Plover really didn't have the strength to walk back to the Seven Seas Traveler, so he first went to the rest area near the tower with the company of Ming. There was a small hunter's cabin there for these players to rest.

But now most of the players have already left. According to Ming, the time has exceeded one and a half months as originally planned, and it is approaching midsummer, the end of June.The players who have already qualified have already gone to Ainbulok, and he is the only one left here.

And when he arrived at the fourth red gate, he was qualified to go to the Hall of the Holy King no matter what, no matter whether he went there as the first or the second. Therefore, because of his absence, the final final of the Hall of the Holy King has been delayed. until now.

until the tower opens.

Ming had to inform other people, so soon he was the only one left in the room, and Fang Plover sat quietly for a while before raising his head.

He looked at the ground not far away, and tentatively raised his right hand—the alchemy formula emerged from the ground, and the soil lifted the bricks and stones and surged upwards, forming the appearance of the earth element he imagined.

Numerous alchemy formulas built a system, and because of the huge and complex calculation power Fang Plover seemed a little weak for a while, but he gritted his teeth and persisted - looking at his own work with a pale face.

The elemental creature is just an appearance. In fact, the internal gears are fitted together, and the dense pipeline extends the ether loop to the area it should go to. The ether-driven mechanical structure and hinges make this "elemental creature" "float" from the ground.

But it's still actually a construct.

It became.

Fang Plover immediately felt that it didn't need its own instructions, but could act freely.

like a real life.

a true soul.

Fang Plover watched this scene quietly.

As if still in that tower.

'We can't keep stars, or make time stay in a certain link forever. '

'But we do keep souls—'

"It leads to another road, but it leads to the same destination as Jeldham and Hellingwell. This may be our fate, but this is also the last gift I leave you—"

That will be the final piece of the puzzle for the star installation.

It is also the most precious gift from the Soul School.

Created by alchemy - the soul.


(End of this chapter)

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