Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1040 Act 367 Imperial Rainfall II

Chapter 1040 Act 367 Empire Storm II
Tenaric stared at the rain curtain of the imperial capital. As a resident of the Andasok jungle, the lizardmen were no strangers to rain. The torrential rain usually lasted throughout the long summer. For the jungle, rain meant both new life and corruption .But the rains of the Empire were different. A sombre curtain of rain hung over the city for days, gathering in streams on the sloping roofs, cascading down the eaves, filling the cesspools, and flooding the streets. , making the whole city filthy.

It watched the rainwater flow down the arched arc of its leather armor, bypassing the metal studs, and the scriptures hanging on the waist of the Dragon Blood Lizard Elder beside him were all soaked, and the latter was holding a staff like a dead branch in one hand. , Stretch out your paws to catch the rain, it seems that the rain is slippery and uncomfortable.

Just like the temperament of the empire, there is gloom and decay hidden under the grandeur of the surface.

It glanced back at the box in Tenarik's hand.

"The sacred object has been taken back, and we can leave this place next," it said, "I know that the magic emperor and Tojin have reached an alliance with Tower Hess, and the night lizards may join him army."

"But the rain hunters have long foreseen the future, the Great Council has to face the traitors, and we must prepare everything in advance. The comet has come, and the blade of shadow is approaching the ancient god Andersok, and we must wake it up in advance."

"And you, prince blessed by the stars, where will the Whitehead Clan go?"

It turned its head and stared at Tenarik with its slender vertical pupils.

Tenarik watched a drowned sewer mouse pass by him with its bulging white belly, "I will go to Einbrok and meet my human brothers."

"Another person blessed by the stars, that's fine."


The Hall of the Holy King is as solemn as ever.

It has long since disappeared from the pigeon cage-like scene of No. 17-3-1 Royal Boulevard in the past. In order to commemorate the origin of the Osyrian school, the alchemists of later generations rebuilt the building on the site of a fire.

Just like everything in the empire, the hall looks grand and solemn, and the dome is as deep as a starry sky—there are indeed stars painted on it, which is the starry sky that alchemists look up at, and what they see in the sea of ​​light.

The president of the Artisans Association, the man who has gone through history is looking up at the starry sky.

Many a time ago, he had seen the same scene in a green light, where he saw the scene under the abyss, and saw the appearance of truth.

He held his cane in one hand, and tapped the end of it lightly on the marble floor.

Friston stood silent, and the hall was empty. The hall of the Holy King was sealed off a week before the start of the game. Due to the delay, the decoration has already been completed here, and we are only waiting for the day when the players move in.

The hall was thus silent, save for the soft thud of a cane hitting the ground one after another.

There was thunder coming from far outside the hall.

Summer showers are beating the city.


"Mr. President, I am here!"

The young man never thought that he would meet such a big man today, but he just happened to be on duty—not to mention that incident had something to do with him.

"Have Ed and Luo Fen arrived in Ayin Brock?"

"Their liner boat should have arrived today. I checked the time. The boat should have arrived at the port an hour ago. Even if it was a little late, it should have arrived at Einbroek. It's not just them, Ge Both the Rand delegation and the Imperial Workshop delegation should be on that ship."

Friston put away the cane in his hand, stared at the dome with flickering eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking about.

The knocking sound stopped suddenly.

The president looked at the young man not far away, "You should know the dragon alchemist from Colin-Ishurian, come with me to meet him."

"Mr. President, I'll come," Yayo was a little flattered, "but wait until I go to pack some things, before Master Atok asks me to leave, remember to put away the curtains used in the arena, it's raining so hard, he I'm afraid those curtains will get wet."

The young man hurriedly ran to the side of the hall, suddenly remembered something, and just happened to take that thing with him.

In fact, however.

Due to the weather, the Goddess liner, which was taken by the Grande delegation and the Imperial Workshop delegation, was late for nearly an hour and a half.When the two left the craftsmen's association and took a carriage to the airport, the huge passenger ship was slowly approaching the pier amidst the rain.

Everyone can be seen on the deck. The empire and the Colin are still clearly separated. They stand between the two delegations to separate them, worrying about any conflicts among the young people below—the young people are full of blood. There have always been grievances and grievances between them, which is not impossible.

But in fact, the atmosphere is good, but everyone seems a little preoccupied.

This is especially true for Fang Plover.

Due to the torrential rain, there were not many people on the trestle bridge. There were only a few sparse ones, carrying heavy suitcases, waiting for the commuter boat—they were mostly alchemists from Ainbroek, who were going to the nearby mining area to perform their duties.

Luo Yu, Jita and Laila didn't come to pick him up either. Laila was responsible for taking care of Brita, and Luo Yu and Miss Scholar had more important things to do. He had been notified of these in advance. Naturally, there will be no extra expectations in my heart.

In fact, there are only a few of them left in the big Ayin Brock. Luo Hao, the box, and the Pappalars are all outside, on their way to the imperial capital. Miss Nightingale also took Nini to leave in Appenand. up.

He assigned the task to investigate the previous experiences of the three geniuses. In the tower, Friston told him many secrets, including what happened after they parted ways in Nozpitz.

Since he had promised the other party, he had to fulfill his promise if he wanted to find out what plan the empire was carrying out.

May is also not in Eyn Bullock.

She left the city first, it should be to carry out the mission of the Knights, and then rush to join the box and the others. This reliable lady is watching Luo Hao and his party, so that he, the head of the group, can rest assured .

The Seven Seas Brigade has been scattered in this way, and the next reunion will be at least two or three months later.

Sylvaide and the others are still on the Seven Seas Traveler, and they should arrive at the port a little later, although there are still Tianlan, Baggins, and Daryl on board—the former managed to escape his brother's surveillance and returned to the ship.Although she didn't say the specific reason, Fang Plover suspected that more than half of the reason was because Halsey believed that the Seven Seas Brigade could restrain the little princess of the iris flower.

He completely let go of his serious problems, and in fact he couldn't control them. These days, Fang Yan has heard many stories about Tian Lan and his elder brother in Ai Yin Bullock, which made him feel deeply— —

The other party has been very restrained in the Seven Seas Brigade, probably thanks to the blessing of Miss Elf.

If it were him, he would rather keep Tian Lan here.

The little princess even suggested that he charge her brother.

Fang plover has one head and two big ones.

But with Miss Tata in control of the Traveler of the Seven Seas, no matter how sudden the storm came, he shouldn't need to worry about it.

He looked back, and there was only the maid lady behind him, and Siesta was carrying his luggage, which made him stand out from the crowd in the Grande delegation. To be honest, Fang Plover had a headache—but Ms. Ming really seemed to think that he There are some problems with the body.

And Sylvaide also had no objection to this with a smile, and it was not like he had protested before, but the protest was ineffective.

Siesta didn't listen to him at all, her lady gave her instructions, so he shouldn't expect to touch his luggage, luckily it was just some ordinary clothes and his alchemy gadgets .

Xiaoyao looked at him enviously, "You bastard."

The other party shook his head, everyone in the regiment didn't know that the lady ship officer was a stunning beauty, but they also didn't know how they fell in love with this wooden figure in the first place.

You must know that their dragon alchemist became famous in the past half a year.

But now, everyone thinks that the daughter of the Albert family has good eyesight.

As for whether the aborigines are not aborigines, and whether the electors are not electors, not many people care about it.If you count the history before the forerunners, the star gate has been opened for almost a century, and this was still news in the early years.

But it's nothing now.

Xiaoyao was the first to jump off the gangway, landed lightly on the trestle, then turned around and waved to them.

He didn't need to participate in the following competitions. He became a pure spectator and had nothing to do. Now he returned to this steel-built city with the mentality of a tourist.

Fang Plover did not reply to this treasure. He saw that many people were looking behind them, as if that was the direction they came from. Some people seemed to have some unfinished ideas about the Silver Tower——Shuhai and his party. The reason for the absence is that many people got pretty good results in the competition.

But Fang Plover knew that, in fact, it was the opposite. The route from Abenand to Clover Plain made a big circle, and the direction of the Silver Tower was actually not behind them, but on their side, passing through the rain curtain , thousands of miles apart.

Everything that happened in the past two months seemed to him like a long dream.

In that dream, he actually experienced everything that the three geniuses experienced 700 years ago.

He silently stared in that direction.

The Silver Tower also stands under the rain.

"Pharif, Farif."

Farif looked at the learning parrot, repeating his name dryly on the shelf, and he knew someone was coming.

He put away the half-written notes, rang the bell on the table, and the door opened, and a servant sent in a letter, "Sir, your majesty's letter." The other party put the snow-white letter in front of Farif, It is the emblem of the Seal of Philosophy.

Artush has already gone to Ai Yinbulok, and he doesn't know if he has seen the president. He knows the identity of that person, what he is doing with the other party, and the answers that he may be confused about, but he already has the answers.

There were breakthroughs in the sixth and second technical routes at the same time. The young man seemed to have brought back what they were waiting for from his destiny. The future of mortals was no longer muddy, and it finally became clear gradually.

But Farif was surprised to see the seal of philosophy on the letter.

His Majesty's personal letter?

What is it this time, to mobilize the Scroll Knights again?Or a gray robe wizard?

He watched the servant leave before he laid the letter flat on the table, took out the letter opener, and opened the letter. A black light rose from the place where his fingertips touched the letter paper.

Farif looked at the contents of the letter, his eyes flickered, and Huo Di stood up from his seat, "What!"

"The black army has taken shape, His Majesty will mobilize the Scroll Knights, and the gray-robed wizards will also join the battle." Farif's silver-gray eyes flashed with shock, "The empire is going to declare war on Andersok, another rainforest war!? "

Although the empire is always at war, wars, large and small, have never ceased on the borders of the empire.

Either to deal with Hanruina's Naga clan, giants, or to mountain people, or to suppress internal riots.

But in the long history, the empire has only really fought four times with the lizardmen, either victorious or defeated. The empire is strong, but deep in the rainforest, the people of the jungle are equally strong and have ancient heritage.

Although the Great Council has declined a lot, the lizardmen had already established their own kingdom in the jungle of Andasok long before the empire was established.

Farif vaguely knew what was going on.

But now is not the time, didn't the envoys of the Grand Council just left the imperial capital, why did His Majesty the Emperor directly choose the worst possibility.

"No, no." He put his hand on the letter and shook his head.

Farif felt compelled to leave the tower.

Go meet the magic emperor and see what the other party wants to do.


The flame of the candle flickered.

Luo Yu raised his head, and it is rare to see such a lighting method now. Similar to the situation on the other side of the star gate, people use magic crystal sources for lighting. Due to the widespread popularity of alchemy, magic lighting is very cheap and safe.

But magic is forbidden in Mireira's temple, not that the goddess of life has any prejudice against alchemy, it's just a tradition, and Mireira's priests will try to use those magical products as little as possible.

Some people think they are ascetics, but they think the aether disturbs the stars.

The essence of life is starlight.

In a sense, it's not all wrong.

However, all kinds of magic devices are missing in the sanctuary, and the ether flow appears stable and pure, like listening to various sounds in a silent rainy night, but pure white noise makes people more calm; Looking at the night sky in the wilderness, the starry sky without light pollution appears shocking and clear.

As an elementalist, Luo Yu is particularly sensitive to the flow of ether, and even a needle falling in such a silent environment will attract people's attention.He was twirling the candle, then suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked out the window.

In the dark rain curtain there, there are a few strange breaths flashing.

And at that moment, several shadows split from the shadow drawn by the candlelight behind him, and the shadows took the form of human beings. Those figures were slender, wearing tight leather armor like a nightingale, and holding sharp knives. The sharp blades reflected the candlelight, and the cold light flickered .

The leader among them was holding a crossbow, and he raised his hand and shot an arrow at Luo Yu's back. The other party didn't expect to be able to deal with a high-level magician with one arrow, not to mention the information said that the other party was the teammate of the Dragon Alchemist .

He aimed at the magic furnace. Due to the model of the magic furnace, the magic shields of mages are generally thicker, but although the shield activation is only a reaction, it still takes time to generate. The weak link is the magic furnace itself.

But what he never expected was that when an arrow was shot, the arrow would freeze in mid-air, as if it had been frozen, and a piece of hoarfrost had grown on it.The hoarfrost grew along the crossbow bolts, and then spread all over the air. It turned out that a wall of water appeared between him and the target invisibly.

And that wall of water is turning into solid ice at this moment.

The leader, Nightingale, yelled that something was wrong, but saw Luo Yu turning around, looking at them, they didn't seem to be too surprised, the elemental magic rod appeared in the right hand of the other party in an instant, and at the same time pointed at him. reach out.

At that moment, Luo Yu's image seemed to be magnified thousands of times in his eyes, and the palm of his hand was covering him like a huge mountain, but his vision was pulled back to reality in an instant, and he realized It's not that the other party has grown bigger.

Instead, he was dragged involuntarily.

"Power Spell!" He heard an exclamation from behind him, but his heart was filled with shock. He knew that the young mage not only cast a force field spell at that moment, but even an illusion.

Illusion is the most common spell among water spells, but force field is not so common. As for the powerful water curtain and freezing spells, it is even rarer. What's more important is that the opponent cast four spells in the instant he made a move. a spell.

He didn't even hear the mantra, nor did he make any gestures.

What the hell?

Nightingale felt that what she bumped into was not a high-level mage, but an elemental elf envoy. According to the data, they had already paid enough attention to this goal. They had mobilized a total of five people, each of whom was at level [-] or above.

This is the first world, not the second world. How can there be so many high-level professionals? High-level mages or nightingales are not just leeks on the street, just cut one by one.Their original goal was just to haunt this man, but now his heart sank.


You must know that there is also a naturalist in this temple, as well as the mages who patrol the cavalry and the astrology academy.

He subconsciously wanted to speak out to remind him, but Luo Yu seemed to have expected his reaction, and with a backhand, a range of silence completely blocked the voice behind him, leaving him staring at the force field spell.

Another spell.

Nightingale's heart was icy cold, he saw clearly this time, the other party didn't make any spell-casting movements at all.

And the next moment, he saw an even more unimaginable scene, another 'Luo Yu' appeared in the room, with a small star track-like device floating above the opponent's head, gesturing and muttering words in his hand.

Then that 'Luo Yu' pointed forward——

The four water arrows respectively attacked the four other nightingales.

The eyes of Nightingale who was persuaded by the force field hand widened, and only then did she realize that the other party was not casting spells without spells, but had been prepared for a long time, and this was the 'thing' they were looking for!
But he woke up a bit late.

The companions behind him also realized this, and they exclaimed and tried to dodge, but Luo Yu, who had not moved all this time, suddenly raised the magic wand in his hand—the ground in the room suddenly surged, and a giant rock hand fell from the floor He stretched out and grabbed a few people directly.


Didn't Nima's information say that this is a water elementalist?Even if the other party uses the air system similar to the water element spell, it can be considered that the information has been worked hard. What kind of stuff are the people in charge of intelligence?The nightingale was on the verge of swearing.

If he hadn't been silenced.

Three of them couldn't dodge in time, and were directly hit by the water arrows. The moment the water sprayed on their breastplates, they turned into ice sculptures, firmly freezing the three of them in place.

As for the remaining one, he showed a dagger to Luo Yu very tactfully—however, in his horrified gaze, the dagger directly passed through Luo Yu’s translucent shadow—then the phantom disappeared, and the elementalist The stick also fell from the opponent's hand.

But the other 'Luo Yu' reached out to catch it, and the elemental staff flew directly into his hand, and then he took off the orbiter and looked at the unlucky guy.

"You've got one thing wrong," he began. "I've been in this place all the time."

That Nightingale opened his mouth to say something, but Luo Yu stretched out his finger, and a layer of solid ice immediately sealed his mouth tightly.

It was at this time that there was an urgent knock on the door, Luo Yu glanced in that direction, and replied lightly: "Come in."

The one who opened the door was Brita's attendant, the young man named Hein, who opened the door and saw the scene inside the house and couldn't help being startled, but it was clear that Luo Yu had taken the initiative before letting go. He breathed a sigh of relief, but turned to show an anxious look on his face:

"Mr. Luo Yu, someone has attacked the church, and the area where Brita is is now on fire...Fortunately, it's raining outside, but the rescuers can't get in."

Luo Yu turned his head and glanced in that direction through the window, he had actually seen the fire there long ago.

But he only shook his head, and replied:

"Take me to see."


(End of this chapter)

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