Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1041, Act 368, Imperial Rainstorm III

Chapter 1041 Act 368 Empire Rainstorm III
In a small forest to the north of the church, a few transparent human figures suddenly formed between the rain curtains passing through the gloomy forest, the rain parted from it, and seven or eight assassins came out.The leader turned around, counted the number of people and found that more than half of them were missing.

"How many people were lost?" he asked.

"Boss, there are nine people who haven't come back," someone replied immediately, "I have interrogated with the crystal, and two brothers met the patrolling cavalry battalion, and they are still behind." He paused, "...no All the people who looked for the elementalist in the past have heard nothing, and most of them have been summoned by the shadow lady."

"Then you don't have to wait for them," the leader said, "Let'Mane Rat' and Torbert separately go to the Shadow Temple to meet with us, and we will take the target to meet with the people from the Foundation," he said while looking at The person next to him asked, "What happened to the target?"

"I got it," the man patted the sack. It was obviously a person in the sack, but there was no sound at the moment.He boasted: "Fortunately, we lured the guard away in advance. I heard that the lady is a powerful person. I heard from the Viper's family that she is much more powerful than the Elemental Envoy."

Not only is it much more powerful.

In fact, the people from the Old Viper’s family told them much more than that. The opponent was the teammate of the Dragon Alchemist who became famous recently. I heard that these people had also fought during the riots in Aiyin Brock that day, and beat the patrol cavalry chief. The people in the department dropped their helmets and armor.

Of course, it's no big deal to make the patrolling cavalry lose their helmets and armor.

Aiyin Brock inspected the Cavalry Headquarters, which was full of dandies. There were few capable people, and most of them were straw bags and embroidered pillows. They could do the same.However, it was unusual for the Imperial Knights to end in that riot, and even use a few war weapons——

This matter has already been spread all over the city in Ainbrok. Not to mention that the people of the Carlyer-Draka family know about it, there has actually been rumors inside the Brotherhood of Shadows.

After the rain, the figures dispersed.

But soon, another figure reappeared on the spot, looking at the traces left by the brotherhood killers on the scene, silent.

Ms. Naturalist was wearing a long robe, holding a huge book in her hands and standing in the rain. The robe was already soaked, and the water droplets hung on the glasses lenses. Weijue put his hands on the pages of the book, silently looking at the shallow marks in the puddles.

When Yusi approached the huge book, it automatically separated invisible, as if there was a layer of mysterious protection on it.

In Altaria, names such as Brotherhood of Shadows, Brotherhood of Daggers, or Gray Daggers do not refer to a specific organization, but are another name for the local Nightingale Gathering, also known as the Thieves Guild.

In some places, nightingales are under the jurisdiction of the Adventurer’s Guild, but in most places they walk in a gray area. Thieves, pickpockets, and nightingales in the city can all be called nightingales. Of course, the profession of nightingales does not exist because of the opening of the star gate. Yes, they are themselves one of the oldest professions in the world.

And most of the nightingale profession of the summoner comes from this.

Jita listened to those people talking, heard them mention the night of the rainstorm three days later, the Eisengreen family of the golden goat, and heard them mention Karlaye-Draka, the name of the Viper, and the seven wizards He has already roughly determined the origins of these Brotherhood killers in his mind by using vocabulary such as the gathering of noble families and the big tomb.

As Luo Yu expected, those people were behind the opponent.

The family of the Seven Wizards, Eisengreen the Golden Goat, and Carlyle the Viper's Fang have made her ears callous recently.However, the Hawke family has just been hit, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the conspiracy behind it. How dare the Seven Wizards family act so arrogantly?

Miss Scholar frowned delicately.

Duke Hawke's ship was attacked, and his whereabouts are still unknown. The empire's progress in the investigation has been very slow, which is enough to arouse suspicion.

In fact, there have been various rumors outside, and some people even speculate whether the powerful Duke has lost his power?

In other words, the cunning owl of the empire was not favored by the magic emperor at all. He had been openly opposed to that emperor for a long time, and the one who was gradually entering the most youthful, most ambitious and most ambitious of his life. The monarch at the stage of age naturally has the means to eliminate dissidents.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the progress of Abpenand's investigation.

The superiors had no intention of advancing, and the subordinates naturally dealt with it.

In fact, there are all kinds of rumors on the market, and there are also rumors that His Majesty the Emperor intends to launch a war against the Great Council in the southern rainforest, and the main war faction is actually the Imperial Workshop. This is very understandable, and war can better catalyze alchemy. The achievements since the revolution, and transform them into the visible benefits of the imperial alchemists.

The Artisans Association is the leader of the reform and the biggest beneficiary.

Although Duke Hawke is not a dove, he has little interest in advancing the war. After all, in the eyes of the mages, regaining the dominance is the more important thing.

In other words, he is the leader of the opposition. Although the attack on the ship is a bit radical and breaks the political tacit agreement-but the empire has never had much tacit understanding, just like Colin-Ishurian, Political means are often 'diversified'.

And since the Supreme One has acquiesced, many things have been explained behind it.

Naturally, Jita will not be completely convinced of these unfounded rumors, but Miss Scholar can see clearly in private that the big arbitration they participated in, regarding the inspection of the cavalry battalion by Eyn Bullock, is actually a sign of a change in wind direction .

Someone took them as a pawn.

In fact, Sylvaide also talked to her about such things in private——

Their captain is not sensitive to politics, but their Miss Ship Officer is not.

That is to say, such speculation exists. Under such circumstances, the Seven Sorcerers family dared to commit crimes against the wind, either because they were extremely daring, or there were deeper reasons behind it.With Jita's care and prudence, she would naturally be more inclined to the latter possibility.

So what is the other reason?

Although the mages of the Seven Families wiped out the Holfen School 20 years ago, it does not mean that there is only one voice among the mages of the Empire. In fact, the opposite is true. , and even the Seven Families have distinct camps.

Carlyle the Viper, Eisengreen the Golden Goat, and the Hawk Family, the Wisdom of the Owl.

During the Einbrok incident, the golden goat Eisengreen seemed to have temporarily reached an alliance with the cunning owl, but Karl Lie continued to act alone as always. The old poisonous snakes were not concerned about the politics of the empire, but The heirs of their ownerless grimoire.

She also heard the brotherhood killers mention the gathering of the wizards of the Seven Families.

Jita knew something about this so-called gathering.

In fact, the Seven Magisters of the Oshu people have a tradition of gathering since history. They call it the Seven Sages Council. Although the Star and Moon Tower also has a council, the Star and Moon Council of the Empire controls the Australasian Council. However, the council of the Erqi family is still above them.

It was a council above the council, and the mages of the seven families used this secret council to control the puppet of the Star and Moon Tower.

That is, the traitor of the Holfen School 20 years ago, the great speaker named Warren Fuller, they had met once before.

As far as Miss Scholar knows, the gathering place of the wizards of the Seven Families is in the sewer of Einbrok - there is a public cemetery there, which is called the Great Tomb by outsiders.

This may sound unbelievable, but in fact it also comes from an ancient tradition.Because it was originally a public cemetery under the Holy Cathedral of Light, it was where priests of Ori, the God of Light, treated the wounded during the giant war, and it was also a place where corpses were temporarily parked.

The mages lived next door to the priests of Mirela at that time. The first generation of mages used the underground of Ainbulok as a base to train the mages of the Ossurians and formed the magic corps. There was even Noumea The wizards of the forest elves stop here.

Later, that place became the secret gathering point of the empire's wizards. After the rise of the seven wizards' families, this place has always been where their big council is.

As soon as Jita heard the other party mention the big tomb and the assembly, she knew that the other party was talking about the secret gathering of the Seven Wizards family. Calculating the time, it was almost this time of the year.It seems that they intend to use this secret meeting to act, but what is the purpose?

Is it just because of Lila, Brita?
Because of the resurgence of the school they defeated 20 years ago?
For the Seven Sorcerers family, is there a little fuss over a molehill?What's more, now they are like a light on their backs, and there is an association of craftsmen behind them. His Majesty the emperor is watching. Shouldn't they pay attention to their own life and death?
But Jita shook her head lightly and put aside her thoughts. Since she couldn't figure it out clearly, she didn't plan to study it further.

Didn't she come here just to know the answer?

"Three days later, the secret meeting..."

"People must be sent to the big tomb before the night of the rainstorm..."

Miss Scholar repeated it softly.

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the footprints in the puddle. Suddenly, a faint white mist rose from the rainwater and spread into the distance.

Jita chanted softly: "...the ghost that King Angeles saw in the rain, after hearing the knights' request silently, nodded to them, and floated towards the forest..."

It was a passage in "History of the Northern War". Later, wizards used that story to transform a spell to interrogate souls, and she just borrowed that method.

Although there is no soul here, the method of naturalists is to create things that do not exist from stories. This is also one of their most incredible abilities, which makes others hard to guard against.Jita was used to this, and her expression was calm.

She watched the white mist drift away, and her figure naturally disappeared into the rain, like a phantom.

Even those few footprints disappeared in the rain.

It's as if everything that happened here before never existed.


Due to the torrential rain outside, the fire in the entire church was not serious. The fire only extended along a corridor on the inside to the second floor, affecting two or three rooms, and was quickly extinguished by Mireila's clergy who heard the news.

When Hai En led Luo Yu into the panicked crowd, there was no open fire in the burning side hall, only a few buildings were scorched black.Fortunately, most of the churches are stone structures, so not much damage was done.

It's just that the patrolling cavalry inspected and found no trace of Brita, nor did they find the body in the fire scene. The attacker seemed to have taken her away.

Hearing this, Hai En's expression changed, and he turned to look at Luo Yu: "Mr. Luo Yu, Brita..."

Luo Yu shook his head at him, but did not answer. He only asked the priest of the temple and the guards around to understand the situation.

The center of the fire was not located in Brita's room, but a nearby room, which was guarded by several cavalry patrols. After Luo Yu checked, he found several traces of fighting. The opponent's method was exactly the same as the attack on him.

He also found dried blood on the wall, where the heat had clotted the blood to form dark patches.Soon there was news from the Resurrection Icon, confirming the attack on the guards.

Warren, the chairman of the Star and Moon Council who came over after hearing the news, looked in disbelief, and asked the people next to him what happened one after another. "How dare they do that?" He wiped the sweat from his shiny bald brow, and asked in disbelief, "How could there be such lunatics attacking the temple, if Ms. Mirella cast a glance... "

"Ms. Milella is not here, and it is your people who are in charge of guarding this place." Hayne said angrily.

Luo Yu pulled him aside.Luo Yu could probably guess the young man's feelings for Brita, but he didn't express any opinion on it. He remained silent as usual, and only looked at the speaker silently.

Of course, he also knew the identity of this person in the past few days. The other person's identity was special, but he didn't seem to care about it. He only looked a little stuffy, and even pulled the buttons on the collar to fan the wind.

Luo Yu was worried that leaving Hai En behind, this young man would cause conflict with the other party, so he took the other party away after inspecting the scene.After leaving the side hall, he asked, "Do you know that Mr. Speaker?"

"Him?" Hein looked angry, "That guy is just a traitor. He agreed to transfer Brita here. I thought he had a conscience, but I didn't expect it to be shit. What kind of speaker is he? He's a person. We all know that he only dares to be submissive in front of the Seven Families, this matter may have something to do with him."

Luo Yu was noncommittal, and only asked, "Does he know Laila's identity?"

"I know," Hein said, "but it's limited to knowing. Many people in the astrological institute know the identity of Lila, but Sir Ash is gone, and there are not many people who are willing to pursue the past. After all, it was 20 years It’s the past, not to mention that not everyone is a mage from the Seven Families, if not, we and Brita would not be able to form this club.”

Luo Yu nodded.

Hein looked at him with some anxiety, "Mr. Luo Yu, Brita..."

Luo Yu glanced at the other party, thought for a while and still didn't tell the truth, just shook his head and said, "Don't worry."

Naturally, this answer cannot satisfy Hein, but he can't come up with a better way - after all, the most reliable people on their side at the moment may be Luo Yu and Ji Ta, who are students of the Astrology Academy, of course I also understand that wizards are not omnipotent.

He thought for a while and could only weakly mention that he could call other people to see if he could find any clues.But they are just college students of the Academy of Astrology, and these people even dared to attack Milella's church, and their insanity has long been beyond the cognition of these college students.

Hein actually didn't quite understand.

It's just an old thing from 20 years ago, is it worth it?
Although Britta kept claiming that the magic circle had blind eyes and made a mistake about Ash Lynn, most of them didn't think it was a big deal. Tutoring is nothing at all.

The new school was born, and the old school was forgotten. This is what happened all the time in the history of the empire and even Altaria. A school passed away 20 years ago, and a group of young people picked it up again 20 years later. Waking up is nothing more than normal.

Even if the council did something wrong with Ash Lynn, who wouldn't?Today, the empire has produced a large number of geniuses, and several great wizards have been born in the past 20 years. Even if Ash Lynn is reborn, so what?
In the final analysis, everything in the past is actually just the decline of the magician world of the empire, which is unable to compete with the magicians outside the empire. It is not an opportunity brought about by the rise of a certain school. Now, even if the time is turned back to 20 years ago Do it all over again.

It is also harmless to the current empire magician world.

He is a young man who can understand things, and he doesn't believe that the family of seven wizards will not understand.

So what are they worried about?

Hain wasn't even sure if the family of the Seven Wizards was planning everything behind this. Although the Hawke family had always been arrogant and domineering under the leadership of the imperial owl, the grand duke had disappeared long ago. what?
And this is exactly the doubt in Luo Yu's heart. What are the mages of the Seven Families trying to cover up, even at the expense of it? He has noticed a clue since before the big arbitration. The reaction of the Duke Owl Eagle seems a bit excessive .

Or, maybe it's not just the Seven Families behind it?

He thought about all this in silence, and wanted to investigate the truth behind everything, as well as about the star device left by Ash Lynn, about the sunken ship, and what the 'Pirate King' claimed about him Enemies of the Empire.

Who is that enemy?
And what has it got to do with all this?
With such thoughts in mind, the young mage walked forward silently, but he did not go in the direction of his own room, but went straight out of the church to the other side - there were several 'ice sculptures' in his room , There should be a lot of patrol cavalry there trying to take it away.

But he didn't have much hope that the other party could find anything from those people.

After all, this is a world with stars.

He walked out of the church, crossed a street, came to a house there, knocked on the door, and then opened the door.

Before he could enter, a timid voice came from inside the room: "Mr. Luo Yu..."

Luo Yu saw that Laila was in the room, and Brita, who had been declared 'missing' by the patrolling cavalry, was lying on the bed, but there was no magic light in the room, only a candle, and it was a bit dim.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was not surprised. He only looked up at the window, and nodded when he saw that the magic alarms he had set up were still intact.

Laila hurriedly explained to him: "It was too chaotic outside just now, and the cavalry patrols were going door-to-door asking. I was worried that the attackers would make a comeback, so I turned off all the lights."

Luo Yu nodded. He claimed to the outside world that Brita's starlight had not completely passed away, and there was still a possibility of waking up. This statement was half true and half false. It was really the first half, but the second half was before the starlight was recovered. Almost impossible.

His original purpose at the beginning was to attract the attention of those people. If, as Jita said, those who attacked Brita were trying to cover up something, then they will definitely make a comeback.Putting Brita in the sanctuary is just to better detect the other party's actions.

What's more, the sanctuary is located in a remote corner outside the astrological academy, which is more suitable for the opponent to attack.

To put it bluntly, this is a fishing plan. Since it is fishing, it is naturally impossible to use real bait.

Britta in the sanctuary was an illusion arranged by Miss Scholar from the very beginning, but I am afraid that it is not enough to describe the spell. It is actually the method that the naturalist is best at, and it is a described 'shape' .

Everything about it is close to the real Brita, as if the existence told in a piece of text, when someone else enters that story, everything is like reading 'truth' - everything in the story is real of.

This is also one of the most powerful abilities of the "reader", creating an immersive illusion, and the intruders could not realize that what they were carrying was actually a bag of air from the beginning to the end, they were just in that "story" 'Among the sweet dreams dreamed of everything.

That story only lasted a few hours, but it should probably be enough.

Besides, Jita should be there too.

"It's better to be more cautious," Luo Yu said, "until Jita comes back, you leave Brita here, and you take care of her yourself. During the day, I will ask the familiar to deliver meals to you." He raised his arm , let a mechanical creature stop there, looking at the two with the red vision crystal.

The one in his hand is actually a puppet. It is not uncommon for mages to use constructs as familiars in Etalia. After all, there are many mages who are good at soul studies.Luo Yu nodded the little guy's head lightly, and then said to Laila: "The captain should have returned, with the captain and Miss Ship Officer here, it should be safe for now."

"I also live next door these days, and you call my name loudly if anything happens."

He paused, "Also, about the academy competition—"

Laila glanced at her unconscious friend on the bed, and said, "Mr. Luo Yu, I want to participate instead of Brita..."

Luo Yu shook his head and said: "But I don't really suggest that you risk yourself. Judging from the fact that the other party has spent so much effort, those people should be planning some kind of conspiracy. If it's just because of the old incident 20 years ago, it should be more than Therefore, they are likely to come after you, or Sir Ash's legacy."

Lyra was silent for a moment before looking up.

"Actually, that's why I wanted to go to that game."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo Yu, I didn't tell you the truth about some things..."


 TNND, the sudden Kawenka was shattered
(End of this chapter)

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